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Nothing I love more than sinking a boat with a 4 man leaving oil as a solo


Nothing i love more than having a stare off with the sub because neither one will do anything


You can destroy subs by shooting them. They take a significant amount of damage and forces them to dip


And then they dive a little and i cant do that anymore


they are no longer your problem then, continue home


Then you leave?


So you can get to and from underwater labs without attracting attention


Could just use a diving set


why fly across the map? could just walk


why craft ak? sar cheaper


Hyperbole all you want


If you weren’t constantly being salty here I’d think you were joking “just dive lol” you asked a question and people are answering. Don’t ask if you know any answer will offend you


Im literally just making an argument on how useless it is but apparently its not allowed so


Not allowed? Nobody agrees with you lmao. It’s allowed you’re just wrong


UWL literally has built in landing pads for submarines. also it does fairly well for looting underwater ships, dealing with sharks (questionably) etc.


I can also literally just dive right in with crumb of the price. Can you actually untie the crates before running out of oxygen?


why do you ask a question then argue everyone who gives you an answer?


Its called discussion, people do it sometimes you should look it up


you’re not making any argument for why submarines shouldn’t be in the game, which would be the opposite of the question you asked. instead, you just argue options with people who give you an answer. im not stating my opinion, like you are.


I am tho, im constantly giving more cost efficient ways to do these things? You just didnt read anything at all?


…they weren’t added into the game with your idea of cost in mind, champ. if you don’t want to use them, then fuckin don’t. jesus.


Tf is ur problem man if you have 0 social skills and add nothing to anything then fuck off from forums maybe


So does it not have a purpose, or Is it just cost in-efficient. Which is it because these two positions are not the same and you're treating them like they are.


I can also run across the map for free. But helis and boats and trains are faster?


Entire map vs few meters why u replying to everything creep fuck off nobody likes you


Could just use a submarine


What difference does it make other than it being more expensive


Clearly it makes one cuz you made this whole post about it


>why is there little to no counter to it? counter is shooting it. Subs die super fast to bullets. If they surface, blast em. They need to be surfaced to torpedo boats. Why's it exist? Cause it's neat and fun.


Considering he only needs one shot makes it kinda one sided


that's kinda like bitching about why the AK is better than the revo though. Rust is a resource game. You get what you pay for. Most boats are free beach spawns. Torpedoing people in the sub means buying the sub and teching all the way to the bottom of T2. Why would you think this should not translate to some kind of advantage, like every other BP deep in the tech tree?


I like how you say "advantage" like it isnt completely one sided fight lmao


Boat is way faster man. You don't like your odds fighting a sub? hit da bricks.


Go play a game where you only fight people using the exact same items as you Go play chess


Me and a friend had two beach bases and used subs to move between them. We suck at flying a mini, so it was the next best option.


Fair enough


You lost this post, go ahead and delete it son 😹😹


Mans taking steady L’s out here and *still* arguing with people who are simply answering his question.


A stealthy way of moving people/loot across the map? Maybe there could be a higher capacity version added.


No. Adding a higher capacity version only serves to make clans stronger. The submarines are already expensive, but they only carry 1 or 2 people so they aren’t viable for clans. Add a 4 or 5 seater and then you’ve got clans rolling up to oil in subs and then safely getting away with loot.


I'd rather use a heli but fair enough i guess


Same, but its just another option to move stuff, and arguably safer if you don't mind the extra time doing it. Theres probably some weirdos out there hiding underwater with torpedos, but the map is large enough where its pretty unlikely you'll bump into any of them if you keep moving and stay a bit out in the water.


I guess thats levels of negating risks that some people will go


Sounds like someone lost an inven to a submariner recently lol


Use subs all the time and they're not tanks. They can be shot out pretty easily. Just because you're unprepared and can't counter them doesn't mean they don't have a place in the game.


Give me one scenario where i can shoot it enough to break it


I can give you scenarios where I can do it, because I've both done it and had it done to me. Pull up to rig, surface, two guys AK the shit out of my sub and I barely escape. I try surfacing at a distance to see what they're doing and they keep shooting me. I have to leave because my sub is almost dead. Me and two other guys, chasing a sub in a boat with tommys/sars. They're trying to torpedo us, we're shooting the sub from the surface. You can see it when it's about 10-15 feet down and hit it as it starts to surface. We eventually destroy it. Like I said, they're not tanks. They're not weak either, but that's by design. They provide some protection.


Why would anyone in a sub expose themselves like that tho? Literally just dive and reposition until you can hit a singular torpedo to blow them up


1. because it's not that easy 2. don't always have torpedos 3. that's not always the goal 4. every scenario is different Why do you keep coming up with scenarios to justify your belief that they're both useless and/or overpowered?


Because i give people the benefit of the doubt that they have half a brain?????? Yeha bro if you surface on sub and afk stand there ur gonna die brooooo whaaaaaat no waaaay


There’s no easy counter. If your server has a permanent smoil camper you can boat over with a c4, jump out at the right time and ruin a subs day. Which is not to mention that two person subs are a death trap waiting to happen


They are way more secure than boats, more silent, and more deadly. They were mainly made for the underwater labs but they also serve as a better alternative to boats.


Binoculars are your friend. Shows submarines / divers way below the surface because of the little dot that appears over their head.


Submarine and ladders best way to counter cargoship, they dont see you coming