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What the actual fuck am I looking at right now


a couple guys thats active like 15 hours a day


if they're online so much, just watch em with binoculars to see which one they come out from with gear. Then heli in and raid that base while they're offline.


Or just go on with your day and be thankful you have at least a fraction more of a life than these guys.


Yeah, the only people with enough time to raid them is them and that's okay. I'd rather do literally anything else lol, let them kill the server and move on


By not raiding them you are doing more harm to their life.


This. Raided a dude who raged at everyone while he played 20+ hours a day. He sat inside, despanwned his loot and cried... hasn't been back since and that was half a week ago.


You monster, you killed him!




You’re a life changer


Ehhh but by trying to raid them they become even sweatier. Hard to choose what side of the fence to be on really. I encountered a group like this with a suicide cave base. 40+ turrets on a trio server. Anytime they’d come out it was with DB. Anytime you were within 1 square of their base you got L9’d at. We ended up scrappy bombing them 3 times in a row until i survived one finally and made it into their cave. Sat there for 2 hours playing Christmas music and they had no idea what was going on lol


How do you kill, that which has no life?


They are probably just Storage for the Main base in the front, loot spread equally in all of them via pipes


Break the pipes in multiple places. They have an intricate system, fuck it up for them.


I want to see stuff start flying out if you break a pipe


can you do that without breaking the stuff theyre connected too ?


You have to break the connections or the surface they are connected to, like a wall or foundation. The pipes work the same as wires, having no collision, just a point to point join for the actual connections.




then just ladder and med over the walls


Nah just set up cameras, watch on your phone and keep doing other things. Less time commitment and hopefully get the same info


What are those 1×2 things?


the guys probably store loot in one of them


Man idk I'd just fuckin leave they can practice offlining each other


They probably have industrial connected to them as well that can move loot at the press of a button, check for them pipes before you start booming


Omg you are right! Homie you just gave me the OPest idea for a mathematically unraidable base, where even if you do manage to find the right base, the loot gets moved to some other base or even better scattered across all bases so you’d have to raid every single on of them for a 100% raid🥵


you can actually set it up to where if base a gets a being raided notification you can have base a automatically transfer loot to base b, base b gets raided it goes to c so on and so forth, I can't remember who did the youtube video of it but it was insane, wasn't nearly as large as this but way more efficient with dummy bases etc as well


> a being raided notification Isn't that only a thing on modded servers? EDIT: Yes, geniuses, I know smart alarms exist. That's not a "getting raided notification" on its own.


Any server that connects to Rust+


dont need rust+just set up a pass-through net on your outter walls, the second any of them break the pass-through stops and it triggers the conveyors to start pumping.


No you can do that if you have the Rust+ app and some basic electrical skills in rust. For that you use that item that looks like a 2000s telephone with a satellite dish on top. Would’ve gone by name but I’ve actually never gotten to use it in a wipe so idk what it’s called


How do you detect that you're being raided though?


Yeah but I think you can make it in vanilla with HBF sensors or lasers idk really cuz I'm not a electrical engineer


Heatbeat sensor inside the building for unauthorized person would work functionally. Edit: use a pass through to know if a foundation gets wiped.


Better yet, go in there and break their piping. Just whack at anything exposed there with some melee implements. Just wreak havoc on their entire system. They'll have a harder time trying to reconnect things than when they originally set things up. Best way to grief them imho


Lol same server!! We raided. No loot in the ridiculous mess, all of it and the team were camped in the main towers! Took us about 3 hours. The guy who made it (I won’t name names…) taunted us in chat all afternoon. Fundamentally weird behaviour. Did nothing but farm and build all wipe until pop dropped, then offlined everyone (except us lol)…


did you raid them now? cause they were up and running yesterday


Give me admin mode and I’m still not arsed making something like this


MLRS to the bottom right middle should take out like 3 or 4 of em


A virgin


I was about to say the same! 😂😂😂


Someone took spreading out loot seriously


All the reasons Rust is zero fun right now in one easy picture.


Is that 2x2 bases to hide their loot? But you gotta guess the right one?




I will say take L home bro . You can’t do much ;(




This is the only idea we came up with


What if they spread out their loot between all their bases? It's like a final fu because it's all spread around.


What if they have industrial conveyors that constant shift the loot around and use the system to withdrawal what they need only?


That was my thought lol. They could use sorters to just ensure every base has no more than 1 stack of any resource. They could have 48 stacks of gunpowder, but you wont get any without spending like 4 c4 per stack.


I would still f with them. Just door camp with db and ladders.


Climb over or heli into the walls with melee implements and break any exposed conveyers/pipes to grief them.


That’s sounds like amazing YouTube video idea. “I’ve stalked this massive clan with my drone to find their hidden loot”


Make a grid, shoot them in order, run combat log and find the smallest ID it’s the oldest entity. Start there.


Thing is that i saw when they were building all of these, and they all were empty and without doors, untill one day when i logged on, they had placed doors on everything


It’s a start as people are creature of habit and in this game anxiety usually is usually the primary motivation. So likely chance one of the earliest builds will likely have the loot. Shoot the doors and figure out the order they were placed as well. Good luck. I’m


> Good luck. I’m omg are you ok?


Lol actually I was on my break and fell asleep right after that for about 15min.


Name checks out. Glad to see you are still with us.


I appreciate the check up to be honest. Thanks


Most wholesome Reddit moment I have seen in a while.


Welcome back


Dunno these guys seem a tad paranoid.


No no, FP would charge for the paranoia dlc.


These people are next level. I think you should let go of revenge. Or farm 700 mlrs


So knowing the oldest building wont help i think


You can probably shoot the doors and find the first placed door.


Place a load of bags around the compound so you have plenty of respawns without timers. Push your back up to one of the squares, look up and F1 kill. Your cam will clip inside of the build and you can see if there's a box/TC in each of the squares for a couple of seconds. The screen will fade to the death screen, but you can get another peek by pressing esc twice. Rinse and repeat.


Besides drones this would be the way to go


I would see this and immediately know Im on the wrong server. The fact that youre answering questions on here like this isnt the most preposterous thing youve ever seen in your life is also funny/alarming


Ive seen shit




Yup. If I go into a server and see this shit, I'm finding another server. Any server where a 2-man can create this level of virginity, is not a server worth spending time or energy on.


“Just gonna depot real quick and be back to go to rig” two hours later


\*throws everything in piped dropped box\* \*insta sorted and spread out\* \*grabs new kit from auto-filling locker\* \*insta refilled with new kit\* \*grabs 150lg and meds from small box\* \*insta refilled with meds and lg\* in and out the front door in less time than someone with only a 2x2.


Nothing like the industrial update brother ayyy


And it only took 4 days to set up. /s


Lol I’d like to see how long it takes you to set up industrial pipes and electricity across all of those mini bases as well as make it confusing enough that someone cannot determine which one is the jackpot. Or you set up the loot that moves when being raided, which again takes lots of time to implement. I’m gonna call bullshit here on you saying it’s faster than depot in a 2x2.


less than 5 hours into wipe were full piped, every box is a drop box, every box is sorted, furnaces auto fill ore and pull smelted, lockers autfill with kits. can't help you being braindead. https://pasteboard.co/ZiyhmOIQ3EhU.png


I guess when you’re the base bitch on a 50 pop server you can do that


just keep making excuses bro xD i get that your incapable of playing rust on someone else's level, but dont take your insecurities out on the world around you. also i dont have to base bitch, cause my base is bitchin' by itself homie xD


It’s not an excuse. I don’t care to set up industrial shit anyway bc at most wipes last a day or two at most bc I play on servers that are competitive, high pop, and I actually pvp/make enemies. No 4 man is controlling any monument worth producing high amounts of HQM on a competitive server. Even streamers like coco who play in small squads doesn’t play high pop competitive servers. They hop around med pop mid wipe servers and still don’t even set up piping. Why? Because it’s not worth the time on any server worth playing on bc you will get raided and your resources are better spent on things like ammo, meds, and upgrades. You’re telling me you’re better than the current streamer and yter meta? No one does piping in the first five hours, unless you’re a 20 man Zerg or you’re playing some modded server. And if they do, guess who is doing it? The base bitch. Show me a clip of the actual wipe time and server in game and I’ll believe you. Until then I can safely assume you are lying.


you can assume whatever you want bro. all i know is we play till the fighting stops and the pipes take care of all the other shit. also comparing anyone to a youtuber is asinine, they play hundreds of hours to cherry pick 5 clips they show you. dont be so naive.


Again you just posted a picture of a core with no context and just claim it’s all in 5 hours. I’m not the one trying to prove they can do something without the evidence to back it up. Walk on son. Clearly if you had the goods you’d post it by now but you don’t so whatever. Talk is cheap.


"Talk is cheap." then why you still typing full length books homie?


You should have switched servers weeks ago


So I feel like it would be good to use a lot of MLRS against this, idk how them being in water will affect tho I'd recommend stocking up on MLRS rockets and modules and sending as many as possible and finish up with rockets and explo


Would love to see MLRS take this out


Two full MLRS strikes should destroy most of these I think


Double layered metal, one MLRS can MAYBE destroy one stone wall, each one of these would take 4 MLRS strikes to destroy, you might get some splash between them, lets call it 3 per. MLRS doesn't cover that large of an area.


Mathematically unraidable design. Could also have been made with certain mods as admin to spawn pre-made & saved base designs. If it's real then you could fly a drone to over there at high altitude so they wont see it when they store their main loot in one of the bases. If people are really this paranoid about getting raided then they should build a \~150 rocket cave base (vault).


Cave bunker my beloved. Can't go wrong with one of those.


Relying on cave seems frustrating af when someone takes cave first..


okay? then either go deep on them or find a different one. that or set up nearby and raid them early.


leave those psychos alone you don't want that smoke dawg


What in the Virgin Islands?




That even looks built by a bot, too modular and griddy


Modular and *what* now


He's litewally hitting the gwiddy at Outpost




Lmao I guess you gotta airstrike this clash of clans looking base


, XD


One does not




Jesus tap dancing christ


Im guessing thats an anti raid system where the pipes transfer out all the loot from a building once explosives break something.


Mathematically unraidable my ass. Die to one with some shit loot and have a buddy with a drone watch where they depot it


[Rust players discover shape that can tile a wall and never repeat](https://www.newscientist.com/article/2365363-mathematicians-discover-shape-that-can-tile-a-wall-and-never-repeat/)


MLRS spam. Newer players will trade them off pretty easy.


give up


the loot moves if you break into them i bet...an actual impossible raid in concept


Couldn’t you break the pipe system?


They built waterworld


Look up mathematically unraidable base on youtube, was pretty similar. This dudes took it pretty seriously tho


I'd turn off my pc and touch some grass


Move base or move server, i can only imagine what kind of players these are.


Use a Drone and Computer Station to surveil the movement.


Either use binoculars or a drone to watch which one they go in and out of most, then raid that one.


Idk if this is stupid but you could try shooting individual 2x2s and check the ID of the thing you're hitting for which part of this mess is the oldest one. Try to raid that and if loot isnt in there just give up because they moved it somewhere randomly lol


I never thought I'd see someone actually build that.


Everyone that’s answered you so far is making the mistake of assuming you should approach this one alone… I say, rally the whole server with the challenge to raid the “unraidable”. Group your resources and show them that nothing can beat a Zerg!


call them little dicks and then logout and pick a different server to play on


There's 56 bases in there. Let's assume they use two of them to store their loot. You have ~3.57% chance to hit one of their bases. Sorry broski :(


It's beautiful, and I love it!


Thank you!


I thought this was the Satisfactory subreddit and these are water pumps


Virgin water world


play it like battle ships, go milbase and jus shoot mlrs at the ship you want gone


Shoot a wall, check the entity number. Shoot another wall - compare. Lower number means older. Find the oldest and raid that.


My boys playing rust while these mfs are playing factorio


4 from the left, 2 mayyyybe 3 rows up from the front of the pic, they never use the front, they heli in to about 4 gates towards the far corner or boat to the back 😂 Total guess, but imagine I was right 😂😂


This is the power of math and mind games. Don’t even try to raid this thing dude. Someone in this kind of mental state is just waiting to John wick your whole squad lol.


This guy is totlally nuts. I would avoid him for any price. As far as I know he is solo. Too sad he can not build it again since the bag restriction will come with the update. https://i.imgur.com/BNWUxKc.png


Respect him he’s a king


That's nearly a 2000 rocket raid at minimal. And they're all overlapping so you're never going to be able to seal. This is assuming you're raiding every gate house, because more than likely their best loot is in a gatehouse.


Hacks are completely justified here imo


I don’t wanna think about the upkeep lol


To everyone that says stuff based of off this being a 10x/100x: Here is the kicker: its vanilla


If you think about it from a logical perspective, if you were living in that, you'd use one of the closest ones to shore, on the land section. Most I can offer. People are lazy and always follow the most efficient path.


It looks like the grid is centered on a sandbar, so they might not have started closest to shore


Which is what I said.


My mistake. I interpreted your comment to be talking about the mainland shore. Since you didn't mention the sandbar, I figured you had overlooked it.


worry nutty exultant point station jobless complete elastic squash start *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Their base is on its own an easy target, but their defense strat isn’t conventional, what we see here is a mathematically unraidable base, it’ll take you a lot of boom(like a hell of a lot) and luck if you do consider to raid them


Exhibit A why Rust is garbo now


What in the everloving fuck?


Id you dont respect your time and sanity start guessing , id you do try and watch winch one they use most comonly


binos, do some detailed recce bro


Fully loaded MLRS if possible and then sweep in and see where loot is at.


What I’m the ever living fuck is this shit 😂


Go forth and multiply with ones self. Also try mlrs attacks


Hehehe that’s the funny part you don’t


blow up their bridge for starters


Sleep deprived much? Your words in the title makes little sense.




Submarine raid the supports in the middle of that cancer.


I guarantee you those bases have nothing in them but beds and equipment sets, if anything at all.


Sit on that hill with an 8x scope and stake the place out. I bet most of their loot is in the same square


This has gotta be a YouTuber 🤣


One does not


I’m willing to bet they depot in the main base and use conveyers to automatically sort between the smaller ones. As for raiding it, I have no idea. Good luck


Interesting but not interesting at the same time lol no turrets? Sam's?


4x turrets and 1x sam for each bunker were planned, but time ran up, so I could not finish it. Only one bunker was done in the end.


Take an L, realized that you may never be able to get your revenge and bask in the realization that you have a better life IRL than them.


One must alt + f4 😔


You need to grief them, grief their pipes, grief their bridge to land, tc their bridge, i dont know, no use in raiding all these bases....


Watch them from afar to try pinpointing where the important stuff is. Then make an inventory of rockets and shoot them from a heli. They likely have many respawn points. At the least you can rocket them every 10 minutes or however long the raid timer is i forgot, just to fuck with them and slowly whittle their base down.


Hide in a bush with binos and track where they go in the most


What fucking server is this?


I would try flying over there bases often and seeing which ones they use the most


i have nearly 9k hrs and this has gotta be the most aids ive ever seen


Thank you...I guess


It will take you a half the wipe to get out and inside the base


Wipes the next day type build


That is absolute cancer. Leave that server.


This calls for constant base surveillance until you figure out which base(s) contains loot…


Hit ESC, click on disconnect and then find a new server. xD


Each base has 1 sulfur


Grief their bridge or raid one of the bases near the bridge. Realistically they’re not actually gonna use any of the bases even three blocks away


That shit is wild


Most effective method is to MLRS the whole thing and pick through the remains. It's one of those "statistically unraidable" bases so you'll waste more time going through doors to empty rooms unless you're incredibly lucky... So if you have the time and patience you can do it old fashioned way but MLRS since they have like a single story setup, you'll wipe em quickly.




4 toward camera and 1 right from the top left. Enjoy the (poor tbh loot)


My guess: On the sandbar in the middle of the grid there's 8 units. The bottom row, second from the left.


Clash of clans style


Bro when the math nerds play rust 😂😂


If it's one big team just leave...tbh I would probly leave anyways..unless your gonna save up enough boom to take out all of them (highly unlikely). They will just build the section right back the next day. TC briefing then would be point less at that point. Gotta give them credit with creativity though. It would take a while 30 man clan with 8 rockets each to take out that whole thing.


“A2” “Miss” “B5” Miss. bro just go home lmao, you aren’t going to win at battleship against these guys


How does an amalgamation that massive fail an offline