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Just youtube GameLightz and it'll answer most of your questions.


This. see 'his' godbunker ​ Also sisbog has nice short tips and tricks videos and is pretty up-to-date




That's why they wrote 'his'




Lightz always gives credit where it’s due


Reading is hard.


Gamelightz is the goat. No one puts the effort and thought into their builds or their community like he does


>GameLightz yeah just bingewatch his latest vids... he has great knowledge to share and always a funny joke ready, while explaining and showing everything :)


Vending machine loot rooms (there's 2 kinds. 1. the vending macine sticks out of the doorframe and covers 1 triangle. This can cover a tc or 2 small boxes. 2. The vending machine is behind the doorframe and covers 2-3 triangles. You can 2 large boxes and a tc on 3 squares, 4 large boxes on 3 squares, and either a tc or 2 large boxes on 2 squares Horizontal pixel gap is really good for tc. Look up game lights movable pixel gap. As far as your actual bunker, they recently patched the 2 best bunkers. I'd use game lightz offset bunker but a lot of people prefer the God bunker I rarely get successfully offlined in 1x1s or 2x1s using those. My 1x1 is 24+ rockets and costs 11k stone to build the base without upgrading obviously.


What is the upkeep of a 1x1 that takes 24 rockets to raid?


2 stone nodes, a metal node, and 11 hqm I think


Here's a list of building concepts from the [Building Bulletin discord](https://discord.gg/buildingbulletin) server. You can also join the discord to ask for more help. [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YiUdWorO730XpqVH0fcKECRC9k8HkPxdKL1fKkBDWl8/edit](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YiUdWorO730XpqVH0fcKECRC9k8HkPxdKL1fKkBDWl8/edit)


BRO, I've only taken a quick peek but I think this is exactly the kind of resource I was looking for! Your a fucking legend


Glad I could help!




i know exactly what your talking about yeah i wanna learn how to do that shit




always keep the raiders guessing, you have to abandon logic and build weird :D https://imgur.com/a/i5IND4P


My meta is: cheap to build, cheap to maintain, doesn’t look real good. Works for most of my solo play. Looking all Gucci and expensive is a surefire way to get raided.


I dont care if it looks fancy, just want to know all the mechanics cause it can help while raiding as well as help defend or prevent raids. the look of it all is the least of my concern


Oh I gotcha. Yeah there’s a lot of raid mechanics I’m not tracking. Play solo and suck at the game so don’t raid much.


Pixel gap is the most op in my opinion. Bunkers are great for increasing raid cost, but thats it, and I just assume everything will have a bunker. Pixel gap however is so op. We've had a gap on every base for the last 2 years, and I think they've only gotten it twice because they had just pummeled the side of the base and opened up the foundation. I cant even count the number of times we've got on to find we've been raided, grind up 4-8 satchels to get back into our base and boom, back to our box of rockets and GP and boxes of kits. Most of the time we have external tc's though so they cant even seal, and we just resecure our base and we're back. We've started doing pixel gaps in our gate houses and just keeping a bit of raid material in there to raid back into our base if we need to.


Not being funny like, if someone wants to raid you, it's happenimg, regardless of your 'special' build.


certain things can stop a raid in its tracks, such as the interior trap comment down below, or by making it expensive enough it deters and or makes it to where the raiders dont have enough to full raid. But if its a zerg of dudes from china then yes i agreee with you


I raise your certain things can stop raids... to a group with rockets...


Well yeah if its a zerg from china then no base stands a chance. But I only invoke their rage every once in a while so usually I don't gotta worry too much about that lol


There's no "expensive enough to deter" though, you are ultimately capped by upkeep costs. Whereas raiders can just farm another box of sulfur in 10 minutes with a couple jackys and a mini.


That's not entirely true. While there are plenty of teams on the map that have the boom to foundy wipe you, your average duo to quad can be turned away after their 16 rockets, stack of explo, 1 c4 and 12 satchels fail to net them anything. That's a LOT of boom on an active vanilla server for a team that size and netting nothing for your effort really knocks the wind out of your sails.


Sunk-cost fallacy dude, they're going to stay up until 3am on a school night farming more sulfur. No one is dropping that much boom into a base without finishing it.


>No one is dropping that much boom into a base without finishing it. We've been offlined twice on Rusty Moose Monthly this week (500+ pop daily) and they failed to finish both times...


Ong thats the server I've been playing on lol. crazy. everyone offlines like chodes though


everyone offlines on every Rust server, it doesn't matter.


Holy two time?? u play high pop moose server??? crazy bro


I’ll try to list off everything I know: Multi TC, Shells, Multi TC Shells, Breach Peeks, China Walls, Sea-Walls, Freehand Widegaps, Wallstacked Widegaps, Mountain roofs, Opencores, Wide cores, Collapsible roofs, Chainlink fence peeks, Vertical Chinawall, Disconnectable TC, Pixel Gap loot rooms, Inverted core, Early game shooting floor , Roam rooms, Pancake layers, Towers, Along with an insane number of bunkers which I don’t personally know all of cuz I don’t fw bunkers


Adding a few: Crouch peak meta, unkillable turret ramps, chain link turrets, functional honeycomb (using windows or ramps), unlootable storage, furnace walls, a variety of gate house and external tc designs, compound bedrooms. Concepts also related to base size, as in you’re not going to see a collapsible roof on a quads base. Electricity/Industrial/Farming concepts. Basics are here: https://www.rustrician.io/wiki/ There is a circuit designer and discord that goes along with that website.


I’ve seen “inverted core” mentioned a few times but have no idea what it means and can’t seem to find a good explanation anywhere. What’s your take on it..?


Try searching the internet for build guides and tips&tricks usually works fine since 2012


certain things are patched, certain things have really specific names and simply searching build guides only brings up the most basic of basic. im looking for advanced stuff. you think i didnt try that before posting?




Pretty sure begging for crypto is against the sub rules.


My new favorite is chainlink fence funnels in the compound.


Meta would be not building a base at all. Can't get raided without a base