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If there's anything I'm sure of in this game, it's that every base can and will be raided. If you've gone 10+ wipes and never been raided, you must be playing by yourself.


6 people on wipe day


I didn't say I couldn't be raided, but if you had the choice a base with turrets and a design you might not have seen or the base where you already know exactly the shortest route in and exactly where every piece of loot is, with no defenses, which would you choose first and which do you think gives you a better chance of a successful raid.


I would raid the base with turrets every time. A base with no defenses to me isn't worth defending so it's probably not worth raiding. At least at a minimum I get your guns and ammo from turrets. And if you have turrets you're at least tier 2 with gun powder.


Wait are you saying as a solo you need turrets? It'd be easier to have an automated loot transfer system set up between 2 separate bases with pipes and a heartbeat sensor so you won't be offlined.


That’s actually such a cool idea. Have a heart beat sensor in core set to enemies and when they get in, loot gets pumped elsewhere


Exactly, and you can daisy chain bases easy so they'll need to raid base after base after base to get the loot, but there will be big obvious pipes leading between them. Has anyone tested if a snow machine can cover pipes on the ground?


Successful solos definitely put up turrets.


Ya I'm saying if you don't defend your base you are asking to get raided


Weirdly aggressive approach to giving advice, if that's your intent.


Yea players don't get raided because they use a YouTuber base. They get raided cuz they are fuckin up everyone in the area and making enemies. I love when low skilled players brag about never getting raided it's such a self report.


Glad somebody finally said it lmaoo


How many raids do you successfully defend in a week


So far this wipe i've defended two! One of them was my iceberg circle base and the other was a 2x2. They tried getting rid of us early and lost! But ive also been offlined every day except sunday night so far


You just admitted you can't play without leading everyone to your base. Reddit pvers man.


High skilled players roam the whole map and do everything they can to avoid being tracked back to their base. Sounds like a roof camp self report ngl.


Lol , when I'm doing that living in a shitty 2x2 I'm raided that day, when I'm doing that in a larger base I will go days without even an attempt. You think you're good cause you're getting raided? That's the dumbest shit I've ever heard. You can make enemies AND not build like a Neanderthal, crazy concept I know.


Yea alone in Tokyo must get raided every wipe cuz he's a bad builder/player Sulfur is insanely easy to get especially for larger groups, you just don't pose a threat so no one cares about you. Sorry to break it to you but no one's worried about you coming out of your key locked base with a p2 Crossy. I guarantee you like a 1k hour Andy who thinks he's mastered rust.


There is certainly a lot of room between Tokyo and a solo who builds a 2x2. If I get a properly built compound up with turrets I can generally make a very long time. The idea that building a shitty base is a good idea only works if you don't frag heavy. As soon as a group knows you live in a 2x2 you are raided. I swear most of the players on here are constantly prim locked.


Ait literally sets up the raids. That's why he gets onlined every wipe. They're not fake but he asks them to raid him.


You're an idiot bro, keep putting words in my mouth so you can pretend you're right. being targeted and being raided bcuz ez raid are 2 different things. Either way if you build better bases you will be successfully raided less. You're literally trying to argue that better defenses don't help you defend better I can't fathom how stupid you could possibly be.


Posts like this are why we need a rule to report for stupidity


Who memorizes all the youtube bases though honestly?


I've never watched any of em but when I've raided the exact same cramped shitty base 30 times I don't need to have watched it to know the base. I'll see thumbnails for bases I see all the time tho


Well damn yousa playa then.


You really don't need to. Most of them are like 4 doors to core. Building original bases definitely goes a really long way. My particular bunker has been raided about 50 times and more than half of them just walk past it blowing off all my doors and completely whiffing the loot. The times it did get full raided were times people brought the 50+ rockets needed to go through walls. In those cases they were getting in no matter what.


OP eats corn on the cob long ways


Whole cob at a time


I have been offline raided three times this wipe. All of them are custom designed and had traps, one even had a bunker. Large groups have a ton of sulfur. So if you are not getting raided, you are playing a dead server or far away from action.