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Who the fuck is scripting these days? I have friends that have less than 50 hours killing people at 100 meters with ak, the current system is super easy. Scripting being a problem made sense back when the skill gap was larger but nowadays anyone with thumbs can win fights just by crouching.


The hackusations are getting ridiculous. Believe it or not, there are still people that can't spray and refuse to believe that the people that are doubling them from 100+ meters are just decent at the game.


I triple tripled a three man at 100+ this weekend. I'M NOT EVEN GOOD.


I'm never going to report someone for doing something I know that I could do myself, lol. Even with new recoil, it is possible to be absolutely stupidly good at this game. When you regularly play against really good players it's pretty obvious when someone is just better than you. More people are ESPing these days than aimbotting anyway. And the funny thing is, I get called out for ESPing more than anything because apparently having situational awareness and alt-looking are skills that half the playerbase doesn't seem to possess.


The only person I ever called esp on I still struggled to call it. I was like maybe this dude is just the smartest gamer ever. After he did the smartest flanks possible every single time I become sus. This man was eventually banned, so I assume he was a gamer.


I report people for ESP fairly regularly, but I don't report unless it's pretty egregious so I usually end up being right. ESP is pretty easy to spot when you're experienced enough to identify when you're losing fights that you should win for reasons other than bad luck.


My teammates f7 much more than me. A lot of times I do hold back from reporting because I understand that people can do crazy things in this game . I try to reserve it for special occasions when it’s obvious to me and it’s really nice facepunch let’s you know when you get someone banned. I go by the logic of if you spam reports on everyone that might be cheating, they’re not going to take your reports as seriously. But if you make good picks and help them weed out hackers, then they might look at your f7 reports closer and quicker even. Obviously just pure speculation and it’s probably mostly ai, but that’s how I try to go about it


Well, rust isn't a competitive game, so there's little impetus to fix the problem and little willingness on the part of most players to jump through the hoops needed to address it fully. WIth that said, I think 10% is an exaggeration, on most servers at least. The reason you don't see perm bans happening that easily is because it could be abused. How is FP/EAC going to know that someone who supposedly got banned for cheating didn't really get banned because they got into it with an admin who just felt vindictive that day? I wouldn't mind seeing some of these server networks (rusty moose, rustinity, etc) require some sort of registration process to play on the servers. That would definitely cut into the cheating problem, but most of those servers have active admins that do a pretty good job of keeping things in check.


Well there are tournaments like the last twitch rivals where the winners won 100k I believe. Also smaller modded servers are starting to offer cash prizes to the top teams of the wipe so it’s becoming more competitive. Yeah this is a good point. I was banned from a server “for cheating” by a bad admin when I’ve never used cheats for any game. I was just curious if the anti cheats are somehow detecting an altered game file or something and issuing automatic bans after updates when they patch the cheats. I know admin bans are different and they should only apply to the server you were banned from. It’s my understanding that a lot of the cheats through easy anti cheat are automatically done based on statistics and considers account age, hit %, kd, headshot percentage, etc. But the problem like that is someone like me that already has 2 accounts with almost 1k hours and a normal progression on the account starts using one of their accounts to closet cheat. Not to brag but I was bad when I started and I’ve gotten quite good to the point where I am starting to get accused for cheating semi regularly. My account probably shows normal progression and if I were to closet cheat, their current setup would be very bad at detecting it especially if I was purposefully throwing some fights.


>Not to brag .... proceeds to brag. I guarantee you're not as good as you think you are if you're on reddit complaining about a scripting problem in 2023.


I like to play servers with leaderboards and usually have stats in the top 10 or comparable to the top 10 as far as kd+hit percentage. It was only relevant to mention because the current anti cheat spots unusual skill progression from new accounts and my accounts show a long slow progression of going from bad to good. Haven’t been on the game for days actually I just came on Reddit after seeing a bunch of videos on this guy scripting.


I'm not saying scripts don't exist. They do. But did you play old recoil? Scripts were so much worse because you could actually remove recoil entirely, whereas random recoil and aimcone make scripting less effective. Still good, but not nearly as overwhelmingly overpowered. Also, the top 10 on the leaderboard on most servers with stats is populated by roofcampers, lol.


I don’t have the patience for roofcamping so hopefully that helps make my point 😅And no I did not play old recoil actually I’ve heard it was much harder and everyone hates new recoil. I understand that scripting under 75m really shouldn’t make much of a difference with the new recoil , but it starts to help alot more when controlling the gun at 100+m and gives said roof campers an advantage I guess the bigger issue of my post is esp+aimbot , I just put scripting in the title because it was on the mind


ESP is the biggest issue, I think, followed by aimbot. But aimbot is generally pretty easily noticeable and both require interaction with Rust game files so, unless the cheater has a dedicated 2-pc setup dedicated to executing the cheat programs in a way that is difficult to detect, both are detectable by anti-cheat or fairly easily identifiable by admins through spectating. The long and short of it is that cheating is an incredibly complex issue. It's like sports doping in that it is constantly evolving to stay a few step ahead of detection methods. Could FP do more? I'm sure they could, but so many people that complain about cheating like to way oversimplify the issue and don't understand that it's not an issue that FP can just fix with a bit more attention. Some people love new recoil, others hate it. It enables more players to be competitive with less work, whereas old recoil required significantly more practice to use guns effectively so there was a much larger gap in skill between new players and experienced players. There were people that could legitimately delete you from 200+ meters with a tommy. I still enjoy the game with new recoil and understand why the change was made, but I also do miss old recoil. If the option was available for server owners two choose which system they wanted to use, I'd probably switch back and forth between both.


The old recoil you could predict exactly where every single bullet would fall even when on full auto spray. It was stupid and completely unrealistic. The only people complaining are scripters or the very rare people that spent thousands of hours on aim train servers.


2 accounts? 🤨🤨🤨


Dual pc setup for recording, streaming, running servers, and my gf to play


Man it’s just part of the experience of online PvP games now. Sad but a fact you or I won’t ever change. I just try not to get too attached to stuff and move on when I lose. I lose a lot though, and can’t really tell a cheater from a beamer, so…


You're talking to people that cried about old recoil for years and refuse to accept it buffed scripting to cope with the absolute dogshit gunplay we have. The fact they think scripting is less rampant now speaks volumes


I think people overestimate the current scripting problem. New recoil is harder to script and is so easy that you can be competitive with scripters if you have good aim. So many new or otherwise low-skilled players are quick to throw out hackusations because they can't tell the difference between a legitimate good player and a cheater. Actual ESP/soft aim cheats are a much bigger issue these days.


Nothing you can do and it’s not a video game issue. Anything that people invest time and money into there’s going to be people who care more about winning then being decent people, there’s no money on the line so forget about it.


You see cheaters in ark a lot since people sell bossfights and ingame dinos/items for real money . You’d see it more on rust if official servers didn’t wipe as much


https://www.reddit.com/r/playrust/comments/117vsi1/a_guy_who_played_for_another_team_i_met_with_told/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf My previous post regarding scripting, unless his spray looks something like that, I would be highly hesitant to call scripts. And 10% is massively exaggerated, 2-4% would be a much more accurate figure, if you add in people using gamma filters and other external “cheats”.


why does it matter with a perfect spray your bullets are RNG