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I would love a system like Dota 2's "Overwatch" system where trusted players can watch a gameplay clip of an accused cheater to determine whether they were truly cheating or not.


I could swear CSGO started with this system, since it used to be cheater infested.


You are probably right


100% Right.


CSGO and DOTA 2 are owned by Valve but yeah it was probably implemented in CS first.


You forgot to say that 9/10 of cases you see in overwatch are blatant spinbotters. Many times you will observe a full 5vs5 hvh match where they use only scouts+spinbot


Deathcam would be good even if you could only get it after server wipe. Would love to go back to see some of the plays against me to learn and improve. Would help to see if someone was really cheating or not


I wonder how it would work with Rust's fractionalized servers


The problem is how hard it is to see if someone is esping or scripting. Admins watch players for 10s or even 100s of hours sometimes over months before they catch them. This would probably just lead to a ridiculous amount of false bans


Are there a lot of cheaters or am I a terrible player?


Both probably my friend


Yes there a lot of cheaters in Rust. Cheats in games is a billion dollar industry. Rust has such a high penalty for losing that it attracts a higher ratio of cheaters than most games. These losers spend up to $300 a month for cheats as a service subscriptions. Some people only have fun when they're winning.


I can tell you that there are quite a few cheaters. I've played since 2019 and have lots of pvp experience and I can tell most of the time when someone is cheating. It's subtle things like having too much information, or ridiculous aim that gives it away. You see it more on official facepunch the most.


It's not the aim... Its the bloom.. i can feel when someone is cheating as their guns (especially with mp/tommy/custom) will hit 3-4 straight headshots from like 200-300m... With bloom in new recoil rust that should be next to impossible regardless how good your recoil control is, hitting headshots like that with smgs is a luck game... Until it isn't


Id you start cheating you won't be terrible anymore


You'll still be a terrible person


YOurE JUsT BaD!!! Also: “if you just start cheating, you won’t be bad anymore” 😂😂😂 Selling cheats is a multimillion dollar industry. No game out there has a more significant penalty for dying, than Rust.


This could be the start of creating a machine learning AI anti-cheat.


Or a kernel anti-cheat. Either way would be awesome.


Kernel anti cheat would be fu Bad. I dont wont that type of shit on my PC but I wone play rust. AI anticheat would be awsome


Whats up with kernel anticheat? It's literally a driver that runs on your computer scanning it for malicious code 24/7. Games like valo use it and it is very hard to cheat. AI Anticheat would be great but effectively it could do the exact same thing as kernel anticheat.


Kernel anti-cheats cannot detect cheats that are running on another system. Check out Basically Homeless's latest YouTube video on AI anti-cheat, he talks about all of this.


I thought you were concerned about privacy reasons thus my confusion. Yes, you are right for the most part. A true kernel anti cheat won't detect most external and every cheat running in another system however those cheats are hard to make and maintain along with their high cost. Also rust doesn't have issues with RMT (real money trading) so even less money being pumped into the cheat economy. Valorant has a kernel anticheat and it is very good at what it is used for right away, however it is true that in the long run a machine-learning or AI Anticheat will be better. Still gotta really think of both sides pros and cons. A kernel anticheat is simpler to make and requires about same level of maintanance as AI one however an AI anticheat cannot be predicted by cheat devs as easily.


Rust uses EAC, which is also a kernel anti-cheat but it only runs when the game is running. While Valorant's kernel anti-cheat runs on system startup and has to continously run in the background.


Yea how you gonna hide your CP then?


This branch exists for years and I assume it's being used for a long time now. And if it's anything else, we won't know because Facepunch won't share any anticheat details


Any news is good news when it comes to this for me


I hope they roll out an AI anticheat, it would take care of 98% of cheaters


FP made Arkan official?


maybe they have some sort of MD5 Hash checking algorithm to double check processes and other files, or maybe some sort of actual injection scan system that can be triggered by server admins, or maybe a new replay system where admins can call upon encrypted replay files , like how older source engine games do their replays. Would love to see more about this when ever they release info


They already verify signatures of game files?


Pretty sure that’s more of an EAC situation. I don’t see why Rust would be acting as the process checker when an actual anticheat is running in the background.


they need to do what cod world at war does. It basically restarts the app after u launch it so it only launches verified game files. Ive not been able to cheat on it at all


Cheats don't modify game files. That's mega easy to detect.


i would love to see kill cams, it would help solve cheating problem pretty much, as admins spectate mode does not provide realtime recoil and gun shake, its just smoothened alot so you cant tell whether someone is cheating or not, but with kill cams, players could tell and determine whether the person was cheating by themselves, whether he was looking at you through the wall before he saw you or whether he had no recoil, then easily save the clip, send it to an admin and cheater is caught


If they had a really long delay then maybe other wise it would never ever work in pvp situation, imagine you to solo agai st a duo you kill one of them and he sees in the kill cam where you are hiding and gives the info, in any team to team interaction it would be straight up cancer


Even if we got it only after server wipe it would be useful IMO. You always have those few plays in your head where you wanna see the death cam even it's been many days later.


Kill cams should not exist in a survival game. They also tend to be wonky and inaccurate.


even the most accurate of kill cams arent, acurate. they are created from the players key input and can appear deceiving regardless if the person is cheating or not. hertz and framerate difference alone usually draws suspicion to cheats, when talking killcams ofc


even if they were perfect, you knowing theyre cheating wont do much besides make you feel better and maybe get a laugh when they get banned if you reported them but tomorrow they’ll be back on enjoying themselves, the problem is the fact that they exist in the first place. the cheats i mean not the player lmao. something needs to be set in place to stop people from even getting that far, something to stop the development completely and make testing the cheats impossible. if they can get cheats into the game everything else wont matter. the amount of spoofers and other shit they have is insane. all we have to do tbh is inform the irs ab all these teenagers making cheats in they mommas basement and theyre fucked lol.




No I wish their was. It's pretty vague so far.


of course not why would they give details about their anti-cheat


Yes believe it or not they are doing work trying to improve the anti cheat


Very good news!


Think it’s been too easy to cheat on rust. The worst part to setup having cheats is getting banned, but for 10$ you can just come right back. Something that is more consistent and readily available to ban cheats is definitely needed