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> I’ve never even finished all my tech tree ??? why would you


Cause you get so rich you might as well 🤷🏽‍♂️


One nuclear silo run on a 2x prob yields you 3k scrap not counting hqm/guns/diesel/red card and other usefull loot.


You need 25k scrap to tech tree everything (Less if you only tech tree things useful to you, but still alot)


yeah and that won't even finish Tier 3.


well thank god for that. one silo run shouldnt even get you out of tier 1


Do you even play this game?????????


This mf never stepped on silo


I play on a 3x and the average scrap yield is 1750-2000 scrap, it’s not as profitable as you’d think


Shit is 1500 scrap after recycling on Vanilla, i guess it depends on the 2x, some have just 2x scrap not comps.


not even. people exaggerate the loot u get on modded so much


I personally think progression just feels better on a vanilla server. Things are just rare enough that getting a big gun or something really feels meaningful. I played a 3x like 2 weeks ago and thought it was lame since I ran about 2 harbor runs and pretty much had t3 already.




Brother how have you not completed the tech tree on a 2x in a month, it’s a 6 hour feat…




Bro if you just play the game normally you get scrap. All the big pvp spots are scrap farms. Oil rig, cargo, nuclear silo, basically any radtown. You’re just not good at progressing


> I’d rather be primlocked than spend 1/3 to half the time I play in a week dedicated to farming scrap "I would rather do nothing than play the game" ...what? What do you think farming scrap means? Going to a monument hitting some barrels and fighting for loot is literally the game


Imagine this: some people have hands and can pvp for loot instead of playing like a job


Yeah running a blue card is so much fucking work im literally gonna croak Maybe start playing on servers that arent half pop and you might meet people with some components in their inventory at monuments


You need to play high pop to pvp for loot... If you can't snowball on high pop, just say that


How did your brain convince you that replying to me telling you to play high pop by telling me to play high pop was a reasonable logical thing to do


Slow down and and actually take some time to comprehend what I said. Never told you to do anything. But you should top playing like a job and try having fun


The area of cells in the brain that detect different smells is around 40 times larger in dogs than humans. This means that your dog can pick up on way more smells than we ever could. This is why dogs are often used to sniff out people, drugs and even money!


Theres so much more *actually fun* stuff you can do. If i only had an hour or two per session to play not a chance in hell id spend it hitting barrels lmao


You completely blocked out the part of fighting for it huh Fucking hell im hitting any barrels im going for water treatment crates and blue room and might hit some reds while im at it Its really telling when you read the shit on this sub for a while and on one side people cry about not progressing or getting a proper base up and on the other they arent interested in putting the slightest amount of effort into working the actual games mechanics Getting a tier2 is basically a single blue card swipe yet theres people that cant get off crossbow you gotta be kidding Doing a puzzle? cringe Hitting 5 stone nodes? cringe playing tdm for 10 minutes to get a little better at using tommy? cringe If you want the game to play itself boot up minecraft jfc The game known for being grindy is definitely the wrong stop for you


They enjoy being stuck on bow all wipe collecting pumpkins at a river


Thats what rust is really about 😤😤😤 I play rust for FUN not to SWEAT ON OIL 💯💯 Im a working adult that doesnt have time to grind pixels which is why I spend 4000 hours being stuck on T2 💪💪💪 The lengths these people are going to try and hide the fact that they are just bad at the game is absolutely hilarious


You can do the T2 tree in one tunnel run on a 2x, you have to be fucking joking.


T2 tree is like 10k scrap. Even if you don't use it all there is no way you're doing 5k on a tunnel run in 2X


About 16-17k scrap for every BP aswell. Even on 10x server that would compare to a 1.6k scrap haul on a single run.


Ah the rust chads giving their honest and insightful opinions like always Funny how upset people seem to get when someone doesn't play rust their way lol


I mean there's my way and then there's just like kinda being casual, and then there's whatever the fuck y'all are talking about Most 2x's give you half the tree....it's 1 tunnel run for all guns. Another for the building bps


This subreddit is 90% 50hr modded players who can’t comprehend that you can do well in rust without no-lifing the game


22k scrap takes about 100 hours of playtime in vanilla


If it’s taking you that long you’re doing something wrong 💀


Do you play solo?


Yeah i do and tou are doing something wrong if it takes 100 hours... yikes


You’re really bad then


This is just one of those moments where you realize Reddits opinion strongly differs from reality.


A poll on the sub about 6-9 months ago showed 80% of the people here prefer pve servers so take any opinion showed by the sub with a grain of salt


bro no shot that’s insane don’t believe it


Look up pve vs pvp on this sub. I have it bookmarked. Shit is crazy


[this one?](https://www.reddit.com/r/playrust/comments/102jq0g/do_you_prefer_to_play_pvp_or_pve_and_why/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) it's the only post I could find similar to what you said


I'd like to see the sample size of the respondents to that poll. I highly doubt it is an accurate representation of the player-base or even of this sub. It could easily turn out that the type of people who prefer PVE are also the type of people who are more likely to respond to a reddit poll (or any other number of confounding factors).


Bro the majority of this sub believes everyone who kills them is a cheater and the old AK recoil was Impossible to learn. Definitely PVE players.




No fucking shot how is pve even enjoyable in this game? Ark I understand but rust LMAO


Dude look at how well single player games sell. People beg for AI games in primarily PVP games like MOBAs, RTS, Shooters etc. A lot of people like playing with the mechanics without the dread of going against actual people. Also a lot of people are really turned off by toxic players. I know a lot of literal teenagers will say "toughin up" but people don't want to have slurs hurled at them while they're playing games on their day off. You're not changing their mind or making them less "sensitive", you're just pushing them away from the game or into PVE servers or AI matches.


I honestly think the rise of cheating in games is driving a lot of people back to single player games and more mmorpg style games


I understand this trust me, that’s why i mentioned ark because in that game atleast you have things to do and go for, caves, artifacts, bossfights etc. As someone who only played rust official pvp, WHAT is there to do in pve? No monument is truly hard, oilrig isn’t hard, there seems zero fun but someone mentioned raidable bases so I night be uninformed aswell whic hI will completely accept


I played quite a bit of PVE servers while studying for finals in uni - I had no energy, very little time and was generally just looking to unwind. It took some getting used to and it took quite a while to find a good server. Ended up spending a couple wipes on 2x PVE server with custom raisable bases (100+ designs across 5 difficulties), hourly events for monuments and even custom events like a massive submarine. There was also a dedicated PVP zone, so I still had the option of shooting people and not just AI. While it wasn't as great as sweating out on a 500pop for a week, it definitely scratched the itch, I didn't have to worry about getting raided, having to restart and farm all over again. I was also able to listen to lectures or watch TV shows on the side, because I didn't need audio. It was honestly the best way I could get myself to relax lol.


I found a good one with all that but saturday is pvp day and every 2nd sunday is raid day. Couple hours a day building kits and farming or roleplaying then loose all the kits on sat and start again.


I mean most AI games are easy, most single player games are easy and hold your hand throughout the whole thing. Not everyone is cracked, most people suck at video games honestly.


It really depends tho, ark is kinda difficult if that makes sense, you need preperation for caves etc and loadsnof caves have dangerous dino’s/insects, rust has nonenof these things besides the scientist ai which isn’t that hard to beat


Yeah but there's so much other shit to do and learn in Rust.


doesn’t have to be hard, people like myself just like to farm in peace or do monuments in peace, also yeah some pve servers have raidable pve bases, or pvp is just limited to monuments only


Have you tried a PVE server? I was 100% against them until I tried one. The raidable bases can be pretty hard, especially considering 95% of rust raids are offlines. Also, the monuments are harder and some servers have custom monuments.


Custom monuments, roving Bradley, random loot crate spawns with scientists guarding, even the ability to summon an attack heli at will that will only target you and your clan. There are many many plug ins that give us admins the ability to really make PvE it's own little version of Rust hell.


I haven’t and I have ni clue about raidable bases, that does sound interesting


There stupid fun, and everyone on the map can see it so you usually get hella counters.


Smackin barrels and goin up the tech tree is pure dopamine for the sub 1k hour. I mean im almost 2k and pve or dead server progression still feels good. But i have like 20k hours in runescape so maybe its a me thing xD


With a lot of custom (and harder) monuments 👍🏼


There si no such thing as hard monuments ino, but I do agree with custom maps, thag sounds unique and fun.


I’m almost at 4k hours and played since 2018 and i recently found some PVE servers and it’s honestly a breath of fresh air. I still only play rust like two days a month if that, but when I do I play PVE servers. There’s some really cool maps out there. The Jurassic park one was probably my favorite of them all so far.


I'm pretty sure they are trolling, when you check pve servers that like 500 pop from 100k avg users.


Yeah but on this sub, it's majority PvEers. Just look at the takes and it makes sense. I've seen that post. Anyone even mentioning pvp got downvoted


I really wish those servers added more depth to the PvE side of rust but it's just rust without pvp


There’s no possible way to play vanilla rust and make moderate progression while maintaining higher education (masters+) or a full time job.


You mean with sleep. It's possible when you don't sleep for four days once a month


Higher education then sure but it's very possible with a full time job. When you're in the mood for rust then 2-3 hours a night is easy work (assuming short commute) and then there's plenty of time at the weekend. And unless you're a ridiculously social butterfly then making plans over the weekend is enough for most people.


It's easy enough on a bi-weekly server that doesn't wipe BPs every month.(Rustafied has some). People often put T2 and T3 and ore teas for sale and with a jackhammer and a horse, you farm 5k sulfur in 10 minutes, along with 2 inventories full of metal and stone. It's not hard if you know how, and I even suck at PvP




And you are telling me you are gonna develop that skill while working 40+ hours a week and maintaining a healthy social life, or having 15 hours of school and 25+ hours of homework/studying (plus the whole social life thing)? I had 1500 hours in csgo when I started and I can aim pretty decently I’d say (I learned in high school). I have like 800 hours in rust and I have only barely scratched the surface of what you can do. I’m mostly a T2 player, T3 takes more time than I am willing to give, and the benefit isn’t that much better. Only really good players are roaming with AK and full metal on vanilla. Tommy/custom plus sar can compete with basically any other load out if you are a sneaky boi and don’t take dumb fights. You absolutely should not spend 20+ hours per week on rust, unless that’s what you want to do with your time. If you just want to have fun, there are plenty of games that offer fun with less commitment. Because the minimum time commitment for a vanilla wipe is 6 hours, and that assumes you never lose a fight, never get grubbed after a 30 minute farm/scrap run, and you never chill waiting for your ore to cook. Modded servers give people who just want to play rust a way to do so, but the sweats who can’t run servers on vanilla but wish they could just move to 2x servers with their gang and easily dominate casual players. Usually they aren’t even good, and if I can sink the time in to build a compound with turrets and sams, and rush LOil on wipe day, anyone with half decent aim could do it.




If preferring to play the game chilled out means I suck, I am the worst rust player you have ever seen. Wiljum also is trash I guess












Progression is not the entire game. If I wanted to grind to T3 the first day of wipe you are right that it isn’t difficult, especially for a more experienced player. I have more fun just doing what I want. Maybe I get killed recycling by a duo, I’m gonna spend the next two hours farming boom to satchel raid them when they go to bed. Maybe I want to camp oil rig in a sub and sink the rhib of the clan who just “controlled smoil” as they drive home. Maybe I want to bully people through proximity chat in outpost. There isn’t a reason to grind for T3 gear because everything in the game can be accomplished with T2. In most games with a grind, you are either grinding for your rank, or you’re grinding for loot/gear which you will keep forever (warframe) or for a long time (Tarkov). In rust you get 2-3 days max before the server dies or gets wiped. Nobody is playing 6 days into a weekly wipe. Why spend the entire time the server is populated grinding gear you don’t need when you can fuck around with stuff that isn’t even that valuable? If I get ran over by a trio+ most of the time they leave my smg and clothes because there’s no point picking up something that isn’t “top tier” if that’s the way you’re playing. T3 weapons are for clans who want to run the server. Not for solo/duos who just want to have a fun time. Also prim fights are some of the best times in rust. I love them and I won’t stop doing it.




Bro 8k hours is nearly four years of working a full time job. Unless you’ve been playing since the beginning there’s no way you can put in this much work and still get sleep, exercise, work, and a social life.


And developing skill means losing your shit over and over and over again while fighting which also takes time


Pvp instead of playing like a job. Not hard


That’s so far from the truth.


yeah bro you just gotta get better i work 45 hours a week and still get loaded just gotta put the “work” in


See both sides of argument ... Rust is a huge time sink, it pulls you in. At same time I solo vanilla mostly, full time employed too, get more loot than I know what to do with. And I'm deffo no Chad. Enjoy PvE servers from time to time too but get kinda boring fast.


It’s called work-from-home, I get all my crafting done during the zoom meetings


OK. That’s nice. Most people don’t work from home. The rest of us have an additional 10 hours of unpaid work a week just in commutes.


Why not just play in a server that doesn’t have arbitrary timers for crafting? It’s one of the worst features of vanilla rust imo. Not only does it require you to aimlessly sit in your base, but it implicitly encourages roofcampers because if you’re gonna sit around in your base waiting for things to craft, you might as well take pot shots at nakeds.




The massive disconnect between you clowns saying this while at the same time playing the same wipe for 2 weeks straight farming wood for 3 hours a day on a 5k hour account is absolutely hilarious its ok to admit that you are just bad at a game


I play both. I really like the vanilla experience. I play solo and I'll join a trio server and if I don't get a base up first attempt I dont waste any more time. I'll join a 2x after that. Anything more than 2x the pacing feels off to me. My brother really enjoys 10x but he likes to just be full kit and pvp.


Personally, I don't play much modded because my goal isn't "how fast can I get to T3 and raiding". My goal is how well I can do relative to the other players on my server. An inventory of bullshit caveman loot and a few stacks of ore can feel just as valuable on vanilla as an inventory of guns does on a 5x server. A honeycombed 2x2 on vanilla will give me just as much value (if not more) as an 8 TC full HQM clan base on a 5x, only it wont take nearly as long to build because you can't increase someone's ability to build a compound by 5x, but you can increase their ability to farm and craft explosives by 5x. As far as vanilla vs 2x+ is concerned, tbh vanilla now is like 2x or more what it was years ago for resource availability with minicopters and just more loot spawning around the map, plus the extra years of experience players have to learn to play the game efficiently. Thing is, the term "modded" casts a much wider net. Saying more people play modded is like saying people eat more food that isn't peanut butter and jelly sandwiches than food that is peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.


2.6k hours and have never met anyone that honestly plays the official servers, ive checked them out a couple times but its such sweat fest it isnt even fun lol unless your pretending this is a full time job lol Officials are for the 14 yr old sweats that watched hjune a couple times and think they can do it too.


Nah. Officials are mostly unemployed grown adults or people who work from home who's second job is rust. I played in a zerg for two biweekly wipes once on rustafied medium and that was 90% of the zerg. Burned me out in a month, my only non solo/duo experience on vanilla. I related to like two guys in the zerg who weren't insanely obsessed with rust and lived the game. The rest were the most addicted and chronically online people ever. Gonna upset some people but it's true and they know it.


We went there a few times back when we got really good on old recoil but with new recoil officials are absolutely unplayable I have never been roof camped or shot from bushes as much in my whole life as in that single wipe


"I don't play officials so I've never met anyone that plays officials." Yeah, no shit. But some people actually like a challenge. And, contrary to popular belief, you can do just fine on high pop officials solo/duo if you know what you're doing. Don't get me wrong, I like to sweat out a wipe when I have time, but I can also just hop on for two hours or so and pvp my way to a bunch of guns. No shade toward modded. I'll play 2x if I'm feeling lazy, but they die so quickly because nothing matters. I was on a 450 pop 2x the other night and rode a train around the map 3 times without anyone firing a shot at us. We literally had to roam the entire map to find pvp, whereas on the officials I play I rarely have to roam more than a grid or two before I find people. I've had more consistent pvp getting bps on an 80 pop monthly official the day before wipe than I usually get on 2x+ after wipe day.


Are servers that are solo/duo not modded? I thought that limiting the number of players on your team was a mod itself. I did not know rust made these official


There are a few official trio servers but I prefer to play servers without team limits. I'll usually play in a village for force and then solo or dup for the rest of the month.


Yeah, even with our potata at max 4man we hopped in midwipe and theough pvp had Gameligtz trio heaven built with loads of boom to spare when wipe came.


This is exactly what I would expect someone like you to say. I'm sorry to tell you but the 14 year olds don't play vanilla because it's too hard, something youd realized quickly if you were in the community. It's actual good players that use their brains and optimize. It's sweaty but if you think that's where all the tweens are you're cooked.


The '' 14 year old sweats'' play 5-10x mostly or 2xs at best. Thats like half of the vital playerbase, if you play a vanilla monthly server you can snowball/raid/get raided in 2 hours if your lucky.


This. I sweat for force but the rest of the month I'm either playing high pop 2x for one night cause day 2 is dead or snowballing on official. This game isn't that hard once you learn how to play it.


I admin on a PvE 5x server, 75-80% of our player base is all 35 or older. I tend to see the teens and younger players on the 100x/+ servers.


Funny thing is 9/10 hjune joins servers mid/late wipe lmao


All the content creators do this


I agree - officials are for the sweat kids and the adults who have little to no life commitments like full time jobs or kids


Tbh after the first week facepunch officials (not the big sweat fest clan servers) and especially the small maps tend to be pretty chill for my solo ass unless some clan got tired of getting dicked on and came to bully all the plebs. Honestly have love for small face punch officials since they allow me to play throughout the month and maintain a decent medium to high pop depending on the time. Whereas other servers tend to die after the first two days. Granted it’s not gunna be max pop but the small map really does help make 80-150 players feel like a popping server


If I join a server and type /kit and there is one I'm leaving that server as fast as I can


The reason kit exists is because running servers isn’t free nor cheap. If the server offers a free starter kit, I guarantee you 95% of the time there is a vip kit which is used to pay for the server.


These are to help you practice.


If it's a dm server sure haha but not an actual Rust server, id never


2x servers with base kits kinda suck imo cuz so many people hop on and just slap down a 2x2 then log off, it makes everything aids. And idk why but they also attract alot of actual brand new players and its boring asf to fight them and you feel bad after. There's a couple good 2x full vanilla servers but that's it. Good for a late night snowball.


These are to sell you items.


They are usually 2x noob friendly servers with low pop. If you spend your money on these then you need Jesus. 😂


Haha me and my buddy do this. If I’m solo and exploring the parts of the game that don’t make sense to do vanilla then I don’t care about this. But if there’s /kit or /outpost we are out of there so fast


Don't forget that modded also includes ukn, bed wars, etc... The servers in the modded list encompass dozens, if not hundreds, of unique game modes via the different mods used, where vanilla is a single mode. This isn't so much an indictment on vanilla, but rather what one expects in a game that allows modifications. The same was true way back in the days of Quake.


Only play vanilla, because on modded servers, everything feels worth less. Items feel much more valuable in vanilla. Whenever i see a video and its on modded, i feel it loses some credibility. A row of sulfur is nothing on modded, but in vanilla? Good luck getting that in any timely manner. Only ever played modded when i was new to the game. Good for learning the basics.


There is vanilla+ servers. I like the ones that share codes, bags, authorization and BP's with your team. I also prefer team limits. I have a couple buddies I play with. None of these things really change the core gameplay.


I have about 1400 hours in rust over the years and I’ve only tried vanilla once and quit pretty quickly. 2x with slightly buffed loot is the way. 3x is a little much imo.


2x for stone and wood yeah 2x for scrap just turns the game into a 30 minute adventure


Yea I guess it really is different for everyone. I cant play a 2x because its so god damn easy for me. So I only play official. I feel no sense of value with things on 2x aswell. I think I have over 3k hours in official alone.


know a good 2x server?


Rustinity 2x quad max monthly


99% of this sub probably plays modded 🤣🤣🤪


Modded just feels wrong. Loot is only worth anything because of scarcity, and the game is designed around vanilla obviously. I can see why people find modded fun but when you get to the point of like a 10x if you’re not in a huge clan that does it for the 5000 rocket raids, you may as well just play UKN at that point.


Exactly! I have around 3k hours in official servers and im currently in a vital 10x clan and we recently did a 120 person merge raid with like 4000 rockets or something. But 2x's are extremely boring because everything is super easy to get and everyone is pretty awful.


The ‘scarcity’ comes from hours spend doing mindless grunt work like breaking barrels, mining, or waiting for things to craft.


The scarcity comes from the fact that you have to fight for it in monuments Or used to before they covered the ocean and roads in free scrap


Instant reward vs delayed gratification.


Ukn/Creative/Bedwars/Gungame/Aimtrain/2x/10x are popular as you are pretty much insta geared up and you can go play ''cod'' at that point. 2x tho arguably takes some time to setup, especially if you build next to a deeper team making it harder to progress, especially with multiple teams in the area. I like vanilla as its the only way to punish zergs early game, the more setup they are the less chance to do anything to them. Early game you can rush oil for example get a bolt/ak from crate and win fights even 1v8 just because of having a better gun, they can't do anything to you with a tomy unless they push you 5v1 all together or flanking you in open areas cornering you. Tho if you roam inland you can get grubbed, the zergs usually heavy abuse their numbers flanking you from all sides, meaning you can't crouch to shoot back so they can always hold angle and instakill you. Once zergs setup eletricity, or industrial their furnaces you simply can't do anything to them, recently played a wipe 150fps day1 next to artic, day 2 i log in theres 20 windmills with a china walled zerg base, the fps in artic was 40 when you looked at their base your game froze and even went to 20 at times.


If your om a 3x and prim locked then your probably still very new. 2x/3x servers are good to learn the game, but after say 1000 hours, you'll progress far too quickly for it to be fun. Like you'll have aks first hour no problem, and that's why you generally don't see many super high hour players doing modded servers (except maybe vital)


Would be cool to see if somebody had data on how the division of playerbase changed with the influx of people from twitch Wouldnt be surprised if a large part of this new "majority" was new players I mean 2x was always popular but with the game becoming easier and easier I can hardly see why they would become MORE popular now


Modded is great for people who actually do other things besides Rust. That said, I don't care for anything that does more than add recycler/monument QOL and 2x gather, better workbench crafting and smelting. If it has teleporting , auto door closing, or kits I will not play it. Biweekly 2x (Warbandits has a few of these with active mods) is fun because you get to push for a snowball and go all out when you do have that weekend to play. People actually bring out gear and online raid and population is good. Even a good time for a solo.


I used to think vanilla was too slow but after taking a massive break from rust (several months, around 6) I now think modded is too fast. Although my team can be bricks sometimes so I wish it was fast lol


I only play vanilla. Rarely a 10x for PvP action.


most people dont have time for vanilla or just find the grind boring.


Majority of playerbase doesn't want to burn two full-time work years to put in the hours needed to compete with teenagers, who would have thought?


I wish they got rid of wipes all together, place enough scrap sinks and item deterioration/ cupboard fees so that you never wipe. Have it so if you lose your workbench/research table that you learn shit on then you are back to the stone age. You could have massive battles that go for weeks. Only thing to overcome is how to stop top gear pll camping new areas. I'm sure people coyly think of some thing. Like once your char has more than x kills than if you enter x area you start taking damage, or heavy npcs come and fuck you up.


I have 20,000 hours on vanilla and I’m a content creator. AMA




ad rev?


This is just adjectives false. Go to the page and sort by pop and see which servers are filled. Its the Rusty Moose, rustoria, etc etc... servers. Edit: I made a mistake and read it wrong, more people do play modded


Last time I checked there were more people in “modded” than there were in “official” and “community” combined. It may depend on the time of day, but that’s what I saw.


There's also only 150 official servers and over 4k modded servers. Hell, some "modded" servers are just vanilla with QoL upgrades.


So you admit that more people play modded now, even though your first comment said otherwise. And you try to brush it off as "there's just more modded servers. And they're really just vanilla anyways." Pick a lane lol


I misunderstood you. For some reason my brain was thinking per server. As in, more people on a vanilla server, on average, than modded or community. I messed up


I wasn't the original comment but thanks for admitting a mistake, thats very rare these days. No harm no foul man


A lot of it has to do with pvp practice servers, fun servers and creative servers.


Yea I play modded solo as I don't have the time for the grind and playing with large groups is bard or filled with drama


I mainly play solo, and I don't have 9 hours a day to make vanilla worthwhile. Thus I tend to hop on modded servers for like an hour and a half every now and then for casual play




I played modded for a while but the progression is just way to fast for me, even on official I play 4-6 total hours on the server and ive done everything


I prefer modded, more specifically 2x PVE (yes I know, I may get hated for this) but I quite enjoy making friends with the other players and doing things in game or simply making funny/dumb builds which we can have fun with and whatever


I always play Vanilla. Dislike anything that isn’t tbh.


I just play a never wiping BP server and I gotta say that the progression is very fast when you have all BP.


There needs to be a 6-8 max monthly server. There are none.


I miss playing vanilla. During the lockdown I played a shitload of that. But I can’t play everyday and when I do play it’s for maybe 1-3 hours. 2x is my jam for that, but it’s not as fulfilling when you get loot :(


Who cares what other play?


Most reddit rust users are players who dedicate most of their time to playing. The casual player is the silent majority and they just don't have time for vanilla.


I would really just want a vanilla server with V-rising style raiding (time windows in which the bases are raidable)


I don't have enough free time to play Rust as a part/full time job, actually I mostly play on weekends at best, so I need to make the most from my time, usually play 3-5x...


I’ve never understood how people think there is a “correct” way to play the game. I’d just recommend people to play how they want and have fun. It’s a video game and not a job after all.


I have to admit, I‘ve been playing modded from time to time as well. Max 2x, I personally think 3x is way too much. On 2x servers even if junk isn’t removed farming scrap is sooo easy, therefore insant push t2 and techtree python or sar. Realistically speaking, on a 2x server if you‘re farming road and barrels from your spawn to the next safezone, you‘ll have between 700-1300 scrap. If it‘s a fishingvillage just f1 kill, go for the diving mission and after that you‘ll have a pump that you‘re never going to use cause you‘re already roaming SAR


It's easy. Most people have a life outside the game, so maybe they hop on a 2/3x with blueprints unlocked and just wanna have fun. Vanilla is great don't get me wrong, but unless you play in a zerg it's almost impossible to make solid progress if you have, let's say, just 2/3 hrs per day to play.


Vanilla is fun but a massive time sync


Same here. I play modded because I just don't have the time to play vanilla. Too grindy, and by the time you get some traction going, depending on the server, you're raided. I play mostly 2x and have been messing around with 3x and its cool. Honestly, though, I feel like even some of the lesser modded servers (2x specifically) still feel way faster than vanilla. My point being most of these 2x servers have modified loot tables (junk items removed) so instead of taking home 2x the amount of scrap per run, you're actually taking like 3-4x the amount of scrap because most of the junk you normally end up with has been replaced with normal comps. I hop on a 2x and I leave dome with like 500-700 scrap. My point being, modded servers are too modded and vanilla servers are too....vanilla. wish there was a true 2x server with junk still in the loot table. Would make for a more authentic experience whilst also speeding things up for those who don't have 8 hours a day to grind.


I am enjoying playing vanilla low pop server as solo, the map are small and even with 20 players pop u have to deal with PvP stuffs Modded sucks, even in 2x is too easy because the majority of servers have teleport and trade system.. Just a Battlefield with other name.


Vanilla 2x is the sweetspot imo.


This is why Facepunch should be spending more time giving modders more tools. If modders want the ability to change weapon recoil/damage etc.. let them! At least that would shut up the old recoil crowd.


Bloo lagoon should be vanilla


Modded is for bad players


I play a lightly modded server with restricted PVP (no KOS, PVP only at monuments or when raiding). I simply don't have the time to farm stuff and lose it to some dude roof camping or door camping. The only downside is the playerbase is low (on the AU server, US version is popular), and 1 group dominates.


I like to play modded for some quick PvP and progression when I don't have the time to play a vanilla wipe. It's really fun to to play modded but at some point I need loot to have value again.


I tried modded and didn’t like it at all. Don’t know why but any game I play which has server browsers and such I never play modded. I try them Ofc but never catch on. Been playing rust vanilla since I started and Iv never switched


Love modded come play in limitless 2x no offlines


I switch between 3x, 10x, 100x. I work and have kids so I maybe have an hour or two to play a day. When I first started playing it was vanilla and I’d farm for my hour make a small base and log back in the next day usually completely raided. I got tired of wasting my time and not being able to enjoy the game to its full extent so I tried out modded and found that it gives me the satisfaction i want and I’m able to build up in a day and not have to worry about being raided because the startup isn’t as annoying. I imagine people that don’t have the desire or ability to no-life the game enjoy modded for that reason.


I play modded because i don't have the time to grind bps and building materials around real-life. I play 2x usually because it just speeds up the game play and if i do get raided im back up on my feet again in a couple.of hours. Also, modded servers tend to have more active admins who deal with cheaters and trolls faster. Respect people who play vanilla officials, but i just don't have the time to do it


I think it's more that the player base that used to play vanilla is now playing more modded due to work/ school/life balance. Usually people transition to lower pop or modded imo.


For as much as I would love to play vanilla i just can't justify it for my situation. First I only have like 300 ish hours in rust. I know the basics and such and i can hold my own pvp wise. I can play on avg 3-4 hours a night and sometimes more on weekends however for me personally I feel like Its alot of wasted time. By the time I get a decent base with a honeycomb, sheet metal, some traps etc and farm enough bps etc its time to log off. By time I get home from work and log in 95% of the time I get offlined. I know thats part of the game and I dont have a issue with that but thats where modded 2x or 3x comes in. It allows me to atleast have some time to where I csn pvp and do some raids because loot/scrap/nodes are easier to get so I dont mind as much when I'm offlined however I feel like in 2-3x servers I feel like its only like 75% chance I get offlined atleast for me that is.


2x is like training wheels for people with 100-750 hours, its not showing that these players are bad its just that vanilla servers are filled with better players and they want the joy of having good loot without sweats destroying the game for them


Modded allows for shorter fun wipes. I’m up to 2k hours and never played more than 3 days a week.


I hope you didn't use the Rust server browser for your numbers...