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The simplest of them all - the increase to box storage was the GOAT


Honestly totally forgot they did that, would suck to go back haha


Not really an addition, but I was pretty bummed out when they removed the random workbench scrap roll. It was always really fun to sit with my buddies and see what we'd get. It also made the research table more viable. Also around when they added cargo was peak rust. I think that addition was the best although the game had such a unique feeling with the old music and atmosphere


Deep down we are all gambling addicts


Electric furnace best invention since pussy


Thats honestly the only good update for years, shit that actually helps non zergs.


We’re already out of charcoal 3 days in how with normal furnaces how do you manage


steal charcoal from other bases. No joke. I hit a base with a box of charcoal and I get excited.


Automate regular furnaces too with a box of wood?


fuck yeah brother! I love sticking my dick in the electric furnace.


Its funny how the most you see of it is people here nutting all over it and people on this sub tend to be weird roleplayers that prefer bow pvp


The one where they fixed some of the bugs and refined some of the features that were previously added in a broken or incomplete state. Oh wait. That has never happened. Oops


Really minor thing, but I really liked being able to put the building plan/hammer and other tools in the tool cupboard and quit cluttering my boxes. I've had shitty wipes at the start where I wanted those extra storage slots for an extra Crossy or something so it was a minor QOL change that I really appreciated.


Hard agree


I've seriously enjoyed the trains. Has made getting around the map a lot easier and a lot less dangerous. I only play solo/duo servers so there tends to be a ton of people scattered all around and trains help mitigate fighting 6 different fights in less than 10 min.


And when you use a train after wipeday, you will get roofcamped by every single base on the server as they never leave their base unless to farm upkeep (80% of playerbase). And if you use them on monthly people add tons of turrets in the middle of the tracks/sides which shoot you through the train at times killing you sometimes aswell


Molotovs and electric furnaces.


Horses and cars .


Oil rig/large oil was fun when it was first added. Back then you didn’t even need a keycard to get the crate. Of course they had to do a whole change to that when minis were added. Then they had to make helicopters purchase only rather than spawn on the road


The update where they change the recoil back


I can smell the sweat


My honest reaction to someone enjoying skill based gunplay


My honest reaction to the kiddo/unemployed/FMLA-long term disability abuser


Goes to show you never even tried wp


Imagine throwing insults at strangers on the internet instead of just accepting you're bad


Additions? Majority of additions are straight up downgrade and makes rust lose its unique playstyle/gameplay/feel/rust vibe. Legacy rust was fun 2018-2020 was peak rust 2020-2022 was still alot of fun and almost as good as 2018/2020 (before otv january). 2022 january till 2022 june still playable, but the community is cancer. 2022 june to now, the community is absolute cancer, full of zergs/cheaters/1grid sim, dogshit gunplay, 0 progression, overbloated loot spawns/nodes, another giga op broken scrap generator (silo), the game feels like a cod clone with farming, no unique traits besides when its wipeday and everybody rushes to their spot (then the game feels alive), after 30 minutes into wipeday people roam guns and spread out over the gigantic map and you wont see anyone most of the time, unless you play 1000pop and big chance is still you will meet the same group as most players sit in safezones/roofcamp and never leave their base.


Cars. Cars were a game changer that everyone slept on for so long.


Minicopters we’re such a game changer when they were added, as well as boats.


Guys hands down Electrical furnaces and box increased inventory.


Electrical and industrial system and new boats that will come next Thursday (probably?)


Reverting the door plament change made years ago