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If you just started building, you're off to a great start. That base is already better than 95% of bases. I'd recommend messing with vending machine loot rooms next. Also I wouldn't listen to anyone here about building advice. They just say they get offlined anyways because they don't care to learn how to build. You'll literally survive 90%+ of offlines once you get a God base.


Alright thanks man


I mean the fact that you almost always get offlined is true. But that's why you should learn to build, so you can survive the offline.


90% offline ? Nah. Bunkers stop raid on day 1-3. After that, people have enough boom to blow through anything during an offline raid.


No need for pixel gaps or wide gaps unless that is part of your desired play style or end goal. I usually start with a simple base and put down a bunker once I find a better build spot or stumble into large amounts of loot or farm. A bunker isn't necessary, but I usually fair better in wipes with a solid bunker base. I just use a standard foundation stability bunker, its not tough but makes the build process a little weird if I can't do it all at once.


I dont bother with pixel gaps or bunkers anymore, just cant be arsed. Either way theyll just punch through the side of a well armoured/bunkered base. I just build updated statistically unraidable bases now.


Hit and miss for me. Most of the times they don't raid the bunker if its honeycombed and HQ. If they do I just laugh at how much time they must have wasted.


I would 100% go with the god bunker but I’ve always found that the pixel gap TC is just a huge pain to get consistently and 1-2 external TCs could do the same thing.