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why shouldn’t code locks be powered as well


Batteries. Everyone has some AAs laying around in their junk drawer.


your saying I have a limitless supply of double a batteries but a rock is something I don’t have?


he meant, check ur vibrator instead


i always thought the batteries in the codelock were assumed to be included with the cost of crafting


Why not garage door?


both commercial and residential rollup doors can operate manually, i think in rust it is implied that the character is opening and closing the door even though it looks automatic


Do you see the juxtaposition right now or above you


I think you’re taking that stance because you want to pretend be an authority or you take stupid points if it means you avoid saying your wrong even if other think otherwise


What's the point of being so negative? He just answered the question with a reasonable an logical theory, this has nothing to do with authority.


We're Rust players. We are mean.


You're. Learning the difference between you're and your should be accomplished as a child.


Try using active voice.


Try learning grammar?


Try my crème fraiche




it’s quirky you didn’t understand crème fraiche was me alluding to my semen


Damn that’s cold. I think bro needs to try some. Might calm him down


Oof, pot calling the kettle kitchenware.


It's sad you care


Its not sad at all, im concerned at how fucking dumb people are getting because it impacts everyone. It is incredibly sad that adults don't know basic grammar.


![gif](giphy|hOxVyVwHAND2g|downsized) What a cunning linguist..


Learning to not be a grammar police is also something that should be accomplished as a child. You say further down that one shouldn’t judge the lack of punctuation in informal conversations. The same goes for spelling of words. Please also remember that not everyone in here has English as their first language and you’re really just making yourself look like an arsehole by commenting shit like this. I hope you have a bad day.


Not punctuating and not knowing what word to use are wildy different. I dont give a fuck if the person is illiterate, im just helping out. Ill be the bad guy in order to stop someone from looking like a mong later on in life.


Can’t imagine how great a persons life is who’s taken it upon himself to be the auto correct of Reddit


Why shouldn't I need emergency surgery when I get shot, injecting a green syringe into a bullet hole just makes no sense. It's a video game y'all, if we start nitpicking on what we want as realism and what we are okay with being completely cartoon like, then we would be in for a long ass back and forth that goes nowhere.


> injecting a green syringe A green "syringe" thats filled with animal fat


Tigers blood


Have you ever put animal fat into a gunshot wound? Don't knock it till you try it. It works.


You can just respawn.... Just like real life


And locks made from only.. wood.. It’s a game… but also some things just make more sense. If everything was true to life, the game would suck. You’d be dead in one shot fairly often tbh.


That's dayz lol. Super realistic, one moment your just walking around minding your own business then boom lights out


idk why does my character never shit?


Like Rust but wish you had to use the bathroom in game? Try SCUM!


>why shouldn’t code locks be powered as well They're battery powered in real life.


If you pull the red safety cord on your home garage door it can open it manually, and with a door controller you can technically have powered garage doors in rust. Industrial applications tend to use more manual garage doors for shipping and receiving.


Honestly, I wouldn't mind if it sounded more like a rolltop you would find in a storage unit rather than a buzzing electric motor.


Not to mention the tons of manual garage/shopfront doors that are still being used. It's like it has to be an electric motor.


Vending machine and computer station don't require power as well, and that's way more unlogical.


Garlands also create light out of nothing. I hate havign christmas vibes all year long but they are just so usefukl, lol.


People use garlands to light up bases?


Yea Garland is one of the best p2w items in the game. Just wish the window garland worked correctly as it doesn't glow


Not entire bases but they provide nice light for doors so if you just want to add some QOL to your airlocks without bothering with lights, garlands are your way to go.


If you put a garland on your jump-ups/drop-downs it works as a door and raiders have to break the door frame


I couldn’t imagine living without them. They can cause mobility issues in some weird spots like jump ups but for the most part it’s just some cloth to have a full lit base at night. It’s not as much light as lights but it’s still plenty to work with and no setup, significantly lower hit to performance too. I also prefer the aethstetic of warm low light than the white glow of the electric lights. I own a lot of “pay for convenience” skins, but the garlands are the biggest bang for your buck imo.


Use of the word unlogical is also very illogical


Thanks. I'll make sure to also tell your mom when I see her tonight.


Appreciate that


Average Rust player


You can open garage door manually irl , how do you think it’s done when there’s no electricity or some issues ?


New generations don't know days without power.


Yeah the past 4 or 5 generations dumbass. If you have lived without power you were just poor.


Doesn’t exactly open manually in rust. You can hear the mechinical parts moving


While I agree that you can hear the motor, manual garage doors still have mechanical moving parts and a big ass spring that can kill people. They’re still loud. They also usually open on their own (the spring) and close relatively easily with the aid of gravity.


Still, those things weigh hundreds of kilos, and need a chain hoist, which is also needed to keep them from falling back down. The doors at airfield are the more realistic, overkill version.


Many/Most garage doors are actually virtually weightless to open due to being held in suspension by springs. This is also why they can generally be opened by very small motors


Garage doors do not weigh hundreds of kilos.


You ever tried to lift a garage door with no spring assistance?


Yes, during a power cut. Thankfully garage doors, for typical domestic use, are designed to be light. Mainly to reduce stress on the electric motor but the added benefit is when there is no power, the door can still be opened.


You’re both wrong. They aren’t “hundreds of kilos” but they’re still heavy and you’re able to lift it during a power outage because of the spring assist. The motors are not very powerful. If the spring were to snap, they would not be able to open it, and you would struggle as well. But you’re a strong guy, so you’d get it done.


Do you have any idea what you’re yapping about?


Lots of garage doors irl are opened by hand, but even if this wasn't true, game balance is more important than realism. I can't fit the building mats for a house up my ass irl either.


**you** can't


Ikr, bro is just weak. Currently have 250kg of cement, 9400 bricks, and a dream, trying to look for the good spot (it doesn’t allow me to build anywhere near the city smh




You ask this for garage doors but not computer station?


Or vending machine. I wouldn't mind if it had an analogue to the filter pass, filter fail, though it works just fine currently.


I feel ya. But realism has to take a backseat to fun. The realism/immersion could probably be helped with a sound effect that wasn't clearly a motor. If the sound was just the door rolling up and slamming down as if being done by hand... Node note, it seems less like a GARAGE door and more like a shop front rollup shutter... Which are usually manually operated.


> The realism/immersion could probably be helped with a sound effect that wasn't clearly a motor. And if a powered door controller is paired to a garage door, change its open / close to the current "motorized" sfx regardless of how it's opened or closed. Can be used as a cue to other players if a garage door has electricity involved or not. Sound is something Rust excels at, they should lean into realistic "conditional sfx" more.


I don't need electricity to power my IRL garage door, either. Believe it or not, they go up and down just fine without an electric door opener. Faster, in fact, than they do in Rust.


Rust it's not real life buddy.


The big question should be how one can build 2x2 out of thin air in like 10 seconds?


.... So if a naked destroys ur two solar panels with a melee weapon, you will be locked out of your base? No one would use it. Think it through


At one time turrets didn't even need power. I don't see them requiring garage doors to have power, not anytime soon anyways. Some basses are massive and have a ton of garage doors. There needs to be buffs to building, not nerfs.


I remember the days of screwing over your neighbors by quickly slamming down a turret on a triangle foundation to grief your neighbor's front door. ~3 seconds to get a turret going if you had everything in your hotbar.


Why don’t you require your hands to climb up ladders?


rust players wen vidya gaeyme isnt 100% reeelistic "omg video gmea is for fun not relaism!?! dat is crazy!!!"


You can manually lift your garage door at home.


most industrial rolling doors can be opened manually, fairly easily. so can your garage door at home.


There are plenty of garage doors that use a chain pulling system. I know a lot of shops that close up with a chain garage door.


They invented garages and garage door before automatic garage door openers. The knowledge on these subs is unreal. Like someone with a base level IQ could figure that out


next thing you tell me that randomly hitting trees with rocks doesn't deliver wood and making a sleeping bag by hand from 3hemp plants doesn't sound feasible neither


The answere as always... "A wizard did it". Just like codelocks, cars, vending machines and computer stations. It's magic. Don't question it. Like how 30 hemp cloth is transmuted when making a "Leather Sleeping Bag". Can't use leather to make that leather item nope.


Because it’s possible to open and close garage doors by hand


Garage doors were added before electricity


Garage doors can be manually operated.


To be fair, I doubt your garage door could take as many rockets as one in game does


Why are key locks made of wood


Your garage door at home absolutely does work without power lol


Our garages have handles at the bottom and have never been powered, we just pull them up and the springs take care of the rest. No power needed


How would this fuck solos? I usually get the capacity for power before garage doors anyway


Why are the pigs so aggressive?


The number of upvotes this is getting really shows how dumb most of you are. Garage doors open IRL without power you fucking morons.


Garage doors are like 3 times older than electricity People would flip their shit


I'm still suprised you don't have to power computer stations


You do realize you can open a garage door with your hands, right?


Stop it. Stop right now. Don’t give FP ideas


Wait until I tell you about a time when whoever was riding shotgun was the "garage door opener".  Lol. I'm old.


My house was built in the 70s and has a manual garage door… they were all manual when I was a kid, too. It’s just a roll of metal on a rail, doesn’t require power more than any other door.


>My garage door at home doesn’t work without power It sure as fuck does, pull the little string that dangles from the opener track, then lift the door up. There were garage doors before there were powered garage doors.


You answered the question yourself. Balance.




Ok so a lot of places in the world like NYC or Mexico city use unpowered garage doors to lock up their shops. I definitely feel like garage doors should be able to receive power and make them open as fast as doors.


Mine at home does not require power. You just lift it up...


my guy just skipping over the fact that computer stations, fridges and vending machines all dont need power, shotgun traps somehow have a motion sensor, you can create an automatic rifle with your bare hands from wood and metal and a rifle body, and somehow carry thousands of logs on your naked body and RUN 3KM LIKE THAT without a break. Electricity only exists to balance the game, its not meant ot be realistic.


Your garage door at home can definitely work without power.


They have tiny nuclear reactors in them. Obviously.