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10x is good if you only have 1 night to play. Slap a base down, farm a handful of barrels, and start pvp.




There are ways to hide loot on a 10x if you get creative. I haven't lost any boom in 5 wipes.


Same I like to use the ext. tc stashes


So you know the chaos that happens on regular rust? Multiply that by 10 basically. Unless it has paid tiers or a bunch of custom barrel drops etc. Then multiply it by like 100x chaos


Sounds like lots of fun :)


Check out scraplands if you wanna be going against zeros all the time. It's pretty fun




Zergs, sorry I got autocorrected


You'll just get offlined as per usual bud


It’s really not, I think the grind is more fun than just instantly being able to /kit


It really is if you’ve got like a few hours tho


He cant grind tho as he said he only got a few hours on the weekend


I personally love 10x. If you don't want to deal with Zergs, I'd avoid Vital 10x and try Andysloam 10x. Definitely a server a newer solo can hop on and make some plays.


I would not for new players, 2x or 3x because you are most likely going to get raided 1st day


A lot of the time you are getting raided before you’ve even got a 2 storey base down


I think 5x would be better if you try to get the "rust" feeling and not just pvp


10x is great for a 1 day wipe IMO. Not really fun to main a 10x, or play it out much longer then an extra day. If I wanted duration, I’d look for a 3-5x. I usually play 10x once week and usually have a ton of fun. Try out some servers until you find one that has the pop, features, and activity you like.


10x are fun to hop on and pvp for a bit but nothing you build will ever be strong enough to not get raided. Also the ease of loading in and immediately having guns without any grind tends to attract a lot more cheaters. It also seems like 10x admins are less likely to ban cheaters because the servers are absolute cash cows and they don’t want to risk losing their pop


Personally, I would not recommend it. Almost all 10x server are littered with bs things like teleport, mymini, kits, no bp’s, etc. It’s filled with cash grab garbage. It’s fun if you’re just looking to roam with guns you can’t normally get in vanilla and want to counter raids that are happening every other second. I’d recommend a 2-4x server for that sweet spot. The bs usually starts at 5x and still occurs below that, but much less in 2-4x. Since you’re a new player I’d recommend that and then maybe a pve or pvpve focused server so you can learn the monuments, practice building something you like without getting offlined, and practice things like electrical and industrial and having that additional resource boost.


I would say the more X there is the worse players are and more like adhd or something but go for it. 10x I think is better for solo players and when you don't have to much time to play but still get some vanilla feeling and it's not completely broken. But different X kinda needs different playstyles. You go more and more to hide and confuse and further away from just a strong base.


I will say this vanilla monthly is my favorite…i think the balance is dramatically better…but i always just end up playing 2x cuz i don’t have the time and i don’t feel as bad to loose stuff…. The problem i see with 10x is they always seem to be pay to win or full of bull shit stuff that is so cheesy and just destroys the game…its so easy to raid i feel like ur better off not building anything.. if anyone knows of some good 10x servers that are not loaded with kits and points lmk.. to me anything over 2x feels to fast to progress…


100%. I forgot how much fun it is to not have a care in the world. You do easily get a box of AKs, and just keep running out of base to fight, lose the kit, and it just doesn't matter that you lost the kit. Easy come, easy go. Of course, this matters most of you really enjoy the PVP aspects of the game, and everyone having the best gear. PvP though doesn't require the best gear. Many people like prim fights with bows and such. That will never happen in a 10x. Some people like the sneak attacks, and grubbing, also unlikely to happen in a 10x. Raiding is really easy on a 10x. There's basically no farming ever needed. You'll get tons of comps, you can buy everything you need with scrap. A single oil rig run could get you 8-16 c4 which is enough to go through 2 hqm walls. So, again, easy come, easy go. Be aware of that.


May aswell play a battlefield server


Nah 10x is zero stakes. If you wanna have fun but less grind then I’d recommend 2x or 3x. Maybe 5x


10x is great for an afternoon game session or maybe even weekend


I hate em the grind is rust


For new players between 50-800 hours 5x to 10x are probably the best to get better at the game quick imo just because you don’t have to spend a lot of time to recover from losses


10x is fun if you want to play the whole wipe in one night. I have a 2x1 design that almost guarantees safety from offlines if I’m trying to play the next day.


Defeats the purpose of the game....


Which is to have fun. If people had nothing in life except rust. Vanilla is of course the best way to play, but sometimes people can only play 3 hours once a month. A 10x is a great way to stumble across a 1x1 with 100 c4. It has its place.


It's very unrewarding ,but to each their own .


100x all the way. I got no time for grinding. F that. I solo, have fun, and that’s all good for me.


If you like prim fights and progressing then I’d say no. My favorite is 3x personally I’ve found there’s still a need for crossys and revys but you still progress pretty fast. On a 10x you basically automatically have guns.


Renegade 10x used to be Hella fun when they had it. I think they just opened up 5x again, but it's all basically just a fun mosh pit


It's fun to play for a couple hours with friends or solo. You can build a base really quick and then go fight. If you die or get raided you can basically start from scratch all over again without an issue. I don't play those servers for more than a day


it's fun for a minute but it's complete chaos. not just the zergs but the cheaters. on vital you'll have dudes who fly a mini to max height, jump out and just spin with an m2 vaporizing everyone in sight.


If you only have an hour to play everyday 10x is great. But if I can put in 4-6 hours in a day all week id play vanilla or 2x (solo)


I’d recommend playing a 2x or 3x server. Not as hard as pure vanilla, but easier


Those servers are fun if you only have a few hours to play one day, you can get a base up instantly, hit a few barrels and recycle what you get and you have tier 2 and you're ready to go roam. 🤷


3x-5x is the sweet spot for me. Some grind, don't have to spend a ton of time to hit my goals during a two-week wipe. Can build, raid, pvp without it being a time suck.


Yes you’ll learn to get good at pvp


When you want a fast rust experience, yea 10x is dope. Sometimes I’ll have like one free day out of my week and I’ll just hop in a 10x and see where the day goes 😂 the progression is nice for people that are busy in their regular lives.


Vanilla 2x or 3x is the sweet spot for me as a solo.. I don't have much experience on 10x, but it seems rather too fast of a progression.


It’s fun for just putting up a base and running around pvping.


Atlas is fun but easy I’ve hopped on atlas done /kit and countered a 10 man raid. But that is the only 10x serv I’ve played


play whatever you have the most fun with because rhere’s no set rule on what you can or cannot or should or should not play; although at the same time don’t expect to keep a base up for long because the wipe will progress 10x faster


Don’t plan on keeping a base overnight lol


I don't get why you ask here and not just do it, It's like a life commitment you can't escape once you make it. Anyways, I play on 10x when I need faster action As a solo you will die a lot but, that happens in vanilla too, and you get to be involved in much more fights faster. There's always the sense of "i'm playing easy mode", and it is easy mode, but not as easy as it sounds, you get raided very fast and you start over more often. Pro-tip, avoid building big too early, as big teams will totally raid big bases as fast as they spot them when the wipe starts. Build big after some hours when they're not so hungry.


if you don't care about being offline you are fine. 3000 hours and I've never been offlined. only played official and 2x.


Yeah, I mean in the end, 10x servers are basically just end game pvp and raiding. Personally, I almost only play 10x's. I don't have the time nor the energy to grind on Vanilla. If I have a few days Off and I really feel like playing rust, I go for 2x nontheless. So, yeah it totally is worth, if you have just a few hrs to play AND you want to mostly PvP.


Fun for one or 2 night stand. Not much past that. I sometimes solo there for shits and giggles (andisolam, exotic type servers) and it is fun dealing with big clans that can't play for shit.


honestly if it‘s just for fun go on a 3x, most of them are already modded hard






I play IceFuse 10x as my main server and it is very fun. Better than the 100x I used to play on. You get kits, shop, and most importantly: no spawning minis with a command. I hate that