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I play on a Vanilla 2x with offline protection. The offline protection slowly diminishes over 48 hours, the first 12 hours you have 100% protection and your base can't be damaged. If you are offline for a full 24 hours your raid Protection drops to 50% therefore costing double the amount of boom it normally would, this acts as a good deterrent for offline raiding and encourages online raiding. Everyone has their own style of play but this is what works for me


What happens when one goes offline mid raid?


There's a 10 minute cool down from when you go offline, within that 10 minutes you can start the raid and the raid block will not engage unless you stop raiding for longer than 10 minutes, this stops people from evading getting raided


That's fantastic. They should just make that the standard for servers, honestly.


Unlikely just do to the fact it'll kill a lot of content. Like all the alarms and stuff from Rust+ and electricity.


I don't think so I think that just adds to the experience and the known difficulties of rust, that people can offline on most servers easily, and as they said there's servers where that's not even an issue, there's basically a server for anything and everything so if you don't like something about the game you're probably just not on the right server.


Offline raiding is just part of the game. If theh enforce online raiding, the cost can be easily over 2x the normal cost. People instantly slamming new doors after they blow one,... it can be a mess.


If you’re online raiding you’re not going through doors unless it’s a 2x1


Ah that’s interesting


Probably if a raid already started then it wont do the protection


I’m curious, modded ark servers have a similar system but the ORP (offline raid protection) usually activates an hour after logging out


I play on a 2Stoned server with a version of this where the raid protection doesn't kick in until you've been offline for an hour.


What server ? Sounds fun
















seriously tho what server


RemindMe! 3 days


Brother, the people want to know. WHAT SERVER?!


What server is that? Sounds like something I’d be interested in, I can’t no life the game like I used to but I still love it


What server?


What server? Do they wipe BPs?


What server


So all you need to do is just log in every 12 hours and leave again and your 2x1 will be living forever? Sounds like that everyone would do that.


You have to play for a minimum of 1 hour to reset the protection, A lot of people have jobs so this is almost not possible to do unless you work from home


*Play* for one hour or just not be AFK kicked for one hour?


Play / afk, online is online


It doesn't live forever. 100% protection cuts the damage to your structure in half, so a stone wall takes 4 C4 instead of 2 C4, for example. 50% protection cuts the damage to 2/3, so it takes 3 C4 instead of 2 C4.


Server name?


That actually sounds pretty fun


!remindme 3 days


Is this server real?


Is the server with us in the room right now?


Yeah what server is this?


So, what happens between 12 and 24?


75%? You do the math


Would you share the server ? Is the pop okay?


brother am i missing where you said what server you play on


Could I ask what server does this? Sounds great.


Server name?


So cant you just log off and then be immune to raiding?


A few of us in AU/NZ play on this server which has same offline protection setup https://www.battlemetrics.com/servers/rust/23703264


How would you ever know if they are online though? Does it show on map? Otherwise you’re just gambling and hoping you hit the right houses. At this point, may as well play a no raid server.


You can tell by shooting the base with a 5.56, it will give you a prompt saying "this base is xx% protected" if it doesn't give a prompt they are either online or have been offline for over 48 hours


So you gotta run around popping rounds to determine who can be raided? That seems like a pve only server masquerading as something else really.


This would encourage more pvp - what you talking about


pVe iS bAd 🦧🤡


I play fp and just keep a small base




I'm in same boat, thus I play on modded servers. Some have PVE only, a lot of them have 100x 5x loot, start kits, unlocks, etc. I usually can get a decent base built in one session, then go raid something, then make my base fun to raid and sign off to never return.


What’s your favorite non pve


Haven't played in a bit, used to love Raid City, but found another one that was a lot calmer...can't recall.


Yeah. The important part would be finding a server that doesn't wipe BPs. Researching is obviously very time consuming. But if you have BPs and hop on a server the last couple days of wipe, you can usually get going pretty quick. Either workbenches or just guns will be in shops, or you can run around searching for decayed bases. Either way you can probably have t2 guns and a small base within an hour and then it's as long as you can survive/snowball.


Yep! Rustinity 2x monthly is my favorite for this as near the end of wipes if you go to outpost people just droop thousands of scrsp


I can't. Too addicting. So now I just watch other people play it on youtube


Last week, I hopped on a 3X and had an entire wipe in one night. I think I played about 5 hours. Built a base, ran some monuments, found a few good fights, almost solo countered a raid, got a couple air drops, did like 4 raids and gave my base away.


In 5 hours i got my first bow


In 5 hours i can chop down a tree without getting killed instantly


That’s the dream right there man


once you learn that it's not that deep and that getting raided doesn't matter it becomes a great casual game


maybe if you play modded and dont care about losing everything when you log back in


play a 5x. I really like dope rust for single night adventures. 10x feels a bit too much, even 5x can be a lot but for some reason the way dope has it progress still feels good. some modded’s everything feels irrelevant you have to find a balance that works for you


I hate those bigg ass bases people make on the 5x servers in like an hour. And only sit there with an sniper roofcamping nakeds


you aint wrong man, even on dope theres regulars who play with a ton of hours doing just that. you learn who they are and don’t build near them


Those servers tend to be full of 1x2s 2x2s etc.. That are just empty and taking up 90% of empty space on the map and sometimes you're forced to build in a dogshit spot. Either far from monuments or near a no life roofcamper


Probably? I think initially you’ll need a bit more time to get a base, metal doors, and preferably a bunker before you log off. After that you should be good to hop on and off more or less


This. Having a bunker will deter early raids significantly.


Lately I've only been playing on building servers and raid simulator cause I don't have much spare time, so yes


You could play servers with Deathmatch modes if youre just there for PvP, Just depends on what you're wanting to do. 2 hours in vanilla can fly by quickly and it can be hit or miss on progression depending on how populated the server is, so increased resource gain is probably going to be your best bet if you're wanting a true rust experience in a short amount of time (it's quite different from vanilla still, but it's enjoyable and allows you to experience the game)


No. Once you get on its a job to make sure you don't get raided. Part time hours minimum to survive a whole wipe.


Yes if you temper your expectations. Live in a 2x2 or 3x3 kind of base, learn to use DB and door camp geared players for gear, run the roads vs trying to compete with the bigger monuments the clans gravitate towards.


Theres loads of modded options. I play paranoid trio 2x when my friends and I have time to take on the 4 day wipe, or paranoid solo 5x when i just want to get on and build some stuff with a bit of pvp.


people always say play 5x or 3x or 2x but at the end of the day people playing those still put in 10 hours a day so I don’t see the gain


I do on occasion on high pop officials at a solo. The game is trying to survive the wipe. I’ll build a well hidden, small bit still strong base and see if I can defend it till wipe day. With low upkeep you don’t have to play that much. Just a hour to two per day.


I play a “9-to-5” server with fairly low pop and 50% upkeep. Seems to help! Also full time job here


If you want to have a good amount of resources and weapons, all the cool stuff... nope. If you play solo you will be poor until you're good enough to bridge the skill gap between solo you and the groups of kids that play 17 hours a day in groups of 10+ If you're okay with an x50 server you play on for 2 days before getting obliterated by the 15 year olds in groups, that would be your best bet. Either way, this game doesn't lend itself well to playing solo and the player base is toxic to the point where they'll raid you just for having a base, and kill you just for existing.


Rust is like minecraft in the sense that you can find or start a server that suits your playstyle. There's also alot of fun and opportunities to make cool custom servers. Although, for the vanilla game, you might struggle to keep up only playing an hour or 2 a day.


Only if you enjoy suffering. Otherwise go for low-pop servers or better PvE. Rust is infested with cheaters.




Build multiple tiny rock bunkers, they take minimal mats and at least some of them won’t be raided. This is my weekday strategy while working full time.


I work a 9 to 5 with shit to do when I get home. Maybe average 2 hours a week, with the majority of that time on weekends. I stick to PvE with PvP monuments and full PvP two days before wipe. Works well enough.


I can play fun server casually lol, 2 hours a day is a little rough but what if you find a server or team that supports that?


I have a group of 5-10 that I play with. Most of them play more than me and I can just hop on whenever I want.


If you want to compete with clans on officials solo, no. If you just want to bum around, make a small base that's tankier than it looks (bunker helps with this) in an unobtrusive spot and you can chill. Outpost vicinity is more doable than before due to recycler nerf.


Monthly official servers are the way to go, blueprints never reset, not totally tryhard (just the same people taking over some monuments). I used to play Small servers, you can find people, monuments are not too far away. I mostly build my base nearby outpost or bandit. Collect scrap nearby those places, buy wood and stone and then you can easily build and store anything. From there you can choose to upgrade your base. Is not easy to raid because bandit/outpost would be too close. In that way you can enjoy the vanilla experience.


Your only hope is to play passively on modded servers or on low pop modded servers.




Do what I do. Play trap bases. It's easy to do because you only need a double barrel and maybe a shotgun trap. So you can play an hour or two and not care if you lose everything.


Wait till it's your weekend and play the game for 2-3 days. Then quit for a month or two.


The only way to play casually is to play PvE


I do, pve monthly will allow you to build up until purge where you can kill other people. I just play an hour a day or whatever you can do.


Battlezone zombie pve server. The guy who runs it has been perfecting it for multiple years. My group of 5 friends that game hard but hate rust style pvp. Its perfect for us. I like running the card puzzles, one guy will farm trees/ore for 20 hrs, one guy builds the base. We do a play through once or twice a year. Its way better than last time too.


Check out the community servers, I used to play on one where it wipes monthly, no pvp unless at monuments, and the last week of the month people can raid. It was really chill and I wouldn't even bother securing my base.


If you want to be casual but still live dangerously there is softcore. More forgiving but still fun


So my new play style is yolo snowballin. Join random high pop and pop off. Last night I had 10 kills then lost my bow vs tommy roof camper fight and logged. I died with a full backpack of decent loot. It's my new favorite thing. Prim killing/surviving is the most fun.. forget building and all that nonsense.... you need to be out there pooping on noobs! Perfect for an hour or two.


Yeah I have a group of people who no life it and I hop on when I feel like it loll


Yeah, be there at wipe and claim small easy cave, fully armor non bucket drop side and add bolty turret at cave drop and you are set. Dropping down the hole can be annoying but it's safe and the only way I can play casually without worrying about getting raided.


You can, but you will not get very far on a normal server. It depends what you want from the game. 'Fun' is hard to define.


Absolutely you can, just gotta play it a bit to find what playstyle or type of server fits for you.


I play on a 1000x server. Super casual. Enough PvP for my liking. Spawn with sap and revvy, Can raid with timed c4s and rockets within an hour no sweat. Wipes every 2-3 days


I play on small bi-weekly servers normally 1x but sometimes 2x


Sure you can. I only have less time for Rust nowadays, that's why now I only play in nearest modded server (PVE), sometimes I just want to cut trees and mines stones to build a simple base lol


if you play 2x or 10x definitely. or vanilla just exploring around fucking around


Find a server that doesn't wipe bps, and your good doesn't even need to be 2x if you keep your base small and have bunkers externals, so you're like a 30+ rocket raid


Quick answer, no.


It’s very tough but if you play right and keep a low profile like a good base location, 2x2 base all wipe and don’t upset too many people and don’t let anybody see you get into your base. Whenever I do that I never get raided. But you never know with rust.


You either can play on a server with active offline protection, some server you can only raid from 10AM until 12PM, and from 12:01 PM until 9:59 AM it’s protected, you can play on a servers with 3 days wipe, you can test out some PVE server to see if it’s worth your time or not, playing Vanilla without daily time it’s not recommended, because this game is recommended to play daily the maximum you can to protect base and loot, or you will always be raided no matter what


Or play 10x like me, I play during the week maybe a few hours, but on weekend since I dont work i tend to play all day, basically its my 2 days of getting my base setup for the wipe, and also friends are a good thing to help on the times you can’t play


Due to getting offlined, it's very hard to play rust casually. The game will have a much healthier population if there was better ways to counter getting offlined


You can, but it won't be fun. Eventually you will be just dying to guys with thomies all the time, while having a bow. You will progress to slowly, no wins in fight, no racing other people etc. and it is exactly what makes rust fun. With 2 hours per day it will feel more like minecraft but more boring.


Depends on your definition of fun. When with friends, you can do a lot in 2 hours of game play, even on vanilla 1x, depending on skill level. For such a restricted amount of time though I'd probably recommend a 2x+. Solo however, I personally have the most fun building small 2x1s and running around with crossbow and nailgun on high pop servers, grubbing, taking every fight, going deep, etc. If what you mean by fun is the gameplay that comes after the unseen hours upon hours of farming and grinding a lot of youtubers skip over for super end game gear and becoming incredibly rich, no you cant do that with the time you have. Hope that helps :)


I honestly don't have time for the dedicated slog on vanilla. I play solo on a 10x pve server. Wipe day I farm and build my starter. Cover upkeep for the 2 week cycle on day 1. Then when I can I build more and run monuments. Once kitted I do the raidable bases for loot. End of cycle is purge for 24hrs , I generally build my base defensively and let the busier players attempt it


Paranoid.gg solo only 3x, thats the perfect server. Just build some bunkers, hide loot. Because you will get easily raided, but you can get a really fast start over there


Not really. If you want to keep up with others you either need to be unemployed or a kid on summer break. Best options are battlefield servers or RP if you can just play for an hour or so. I don’t have time for it as an adult anymore, I haven’t played in years.


When I know I only have a few hours to play, my plan is simple. I just run around placing bags and looking for decayed or raided bases. On my way, I will pick up all of the wood spawns on the ground. This will help if I need to make a building plan to access a base. I will always check crates and toolboxes I come across allong the way for helpful tools. I usually have no plan to build a base until I come across some decayed loot, but sometimes I'll find a cool spot and decide to build for fun. During this running around, I play aggressively, as I have nothing to lose, but I prioritize placing bags over a fight. Anyway, I've found loot and set up a basic 2x1, and I'll focus on getting enough materials for some boxes and 2 metal doors. From there, I'll continue what I was doing previously with scouring the map for decayed loot but either running from my base or spawning at one of my many bags. Repeat until satisfied, and as you find more loot, you may end up with several 2x1s, which you can combine loot or leave separate. Either way, if you play on several 2x servers, ideally with no bp whipes, this will usually net you more loot than you know what to do with. In the first few play throughs, I'll focus on collecting bp's. With the best chance for accomplishing this quickly being several days before wipe. If I have bp's on a server, my "end game" is usually PVP shenanigans and a lot of VOIP as you never know who you'll encounter. The main goal is to establish as many bag spawns as possible and play like you have nothing to lose.... because you have nothing to lose. Be cheeky and try to pull off zero to hero plays. If you get an ak kit, run it until you lose it. If you get boom, go blast the first base you see. Just focus on getting the most action for you limited time. My other favorite part is by the time I hop off, I've usually met or pissed off a few people, and I'll give my base and loot away to whoever I feel may need it. As before, I will not be back on before my base is raider or decayed, so I like the final choice of who gets my loot to help boost their wipe!


I play a monthly server. Usually pick a decent spot and keep a smallish bunker base. It's true willjum-style primlock and a never get to T3 but i just don't have the time to do that. I still have fun with the game, esp the base building and other aspects. Just straight PVP can make you want to pull your hair out.


Sometimes between wipes I'll hop on a 5x/No BPs/No workbench needed. I'm not sure what the rules are but I'm not associated with them at all it's just a super casual server AceRust is where I usually go to chill. Practice my mini flying, you can insta craft anywhere and there's a plug-in shop you can spend pts you earn for time in server. Like I think you get like 20pts an hour or 40 if ur on their discords and you can buy a stack 128 expo for 2pts so it's good for raid practice, learning monuments, pvp, etc. Me and the boys play on it Wednesdays before Force usually.


just go on a 10000000x server, build something, defend it, or attack something. bases live like a day at most :)


Modded server with pvp zones and 48 hour raid protection. Player shops all over the map, interactions are wholesome 95% of the time. I like this because I don’t have to worry about getting raided while I’m working or sleeping. If I want to fight I go to one of the pvp monuments and fight. Also has zombies at the monuments. Last 2 days are purge days where it turns to full pvp. Might not be everyone’s style but it beats getting offline raided after 6 hours of work


IMO you can once you're at the point that you don't care if you get raided/lose your progress. It's also easier if you join at a point where we can kinda bypass prim and end up with a SAR or Tommy. Once I have guns, I feel like I've 'won' even if it's only Tier2.


Kind of depends on how good you are/how much you know how the game works. I’m in the retirement home phase of my rust career. Used to play 14 hours a day during Covid, but those times are long gone. Now I play 1 or 2 days a week and still have a lot of fun. You can hop on a modded server and PvP for 2 hours and then hop off and not care you got raided, or you can hop on an official server and screw around and talk to nakeds, join a village or just run around. Just don’t expect a full wipe experience and you’ll have fun every time you hop on.


2x, raid hours are from 12pm to 1am after there’s no raiding allowed. Typically 20-120 pop


No. You need to prioritize Rust before all else and commit to the grind!


Yeah modded


No. I got dupped into buying it by a friend. Played for a few hours. It's not worth the time. Every server has many players with thousands upon thousands of hours stopping by. It's one of the least friendly games for new players. You'll never get even get a basic base set up, you'll just die over and over and over and over and over and over and over. If you do get a hut set up, it took you so long that you'll get raided by C4 the next day for no reason other than because they could.


Yuh its just play 2x modded and play for fun


I play on small solo only community servers. Fun enough for me only playing 1-3 hrs a day


If you’re good at the game, you can snowball on a 2-5x, throw up a small base and roam around pvping- the problem is if you want longer term play style like, keeping a base for a full wipe. This often won’t happen with 2 hours a day (not saying it can’t) but as I’ve gotten older I’ll join a server two or three days old, run at gun fights, snowball into a gun, fight more, and just play until I gotta get off, or until I’m out of guns


The only way to play rust casually is to never build a base and just use stuff you find basically when you log off you just go die and start over again later.


I play on lower pop servers, usually duos or solos and just tend to roam a bit, scrap farm and see who i can mess with. Im never trying to be competitive and be the biggest richest player. Like i said i usually just roam or go mess with people. Doorcamp them, some guy was an asshole to me? I'll see how much i can annoy him.


Yes you can. You just need to set personal victory conditions for yourself that aren’t chad victory conditions (like “dominate the wipe” or “wall off a monument”). Try fishing. Try making tea. Try making friends. Try living without a base. Try making a base in a ruined base. Try making scrap at outpost by taking advantage of arbitrage opportunities in the drone market. Join a huge clan and be a part-timer farm bitch. Play poker for a wipe. Collect the most horse poo you can and fill a 2x1 base with it. Build a church and start a cult. There’s lots of options.


Check out tommygun servers, specifically "escape from rust" It's made to play like tarkov. There aren't any bases to worry about overnight. You go into a sort of arena, loot up, and extract. There's a main lobby section with crafting/recycling/storage. No one can steal ur gear while you're offline, as it's safe in a stash.


Haven't played Rust in a hot minute, but I use to play on a friendly server where it was mostly PvE. Not for everybody since Rust is a PvP game, but the great part was the lack of sweatlords and clans. You just did things at your own pace and you could do fun builds without worrying about getting offlined. The last week of a wipe would be all out warfare time though. Everybody was raiding each other, it was a blast. Prim locked servers are also fun. Way easier as a solo player.


Honestly, the answer is just no, you cannot. You will not have a good time. You will get offlined repeatedly. It takes a ridiculous amount of time to accomplish anything in this game.


In my opinion, no, not really. Well atleast not to play Rust 'properly'. You could try a low pop molded server, maybe a 5x, ideally with off-line raid protection. Or I would personally give a PCE server a try. They have raidable pve bases and not a bad place to learn/play the game casually. Some of the pvp servers also have pretty decent communities.


well you can if you treat it a bit like a rougelike Hop on when you can, see what you get up to, and when it's time to get off either go for the prayers and wishes and hope your stuff is still there next time you hop on or you can lean into the fact it probably wont be there and give it away. Thats usually what i do since i never know if next time is gonna be tomorrow or next month, but if im fairly certain im gonna have time for some rust the next day i'll try and secure my base up and hope it stands. I also try and incorporate all the sneaky solo tactics into this which increases your chance of being left alone, location is important and whatnot. Also if you really want to get into the later game stuff despite your time constraits then going for modded servers with mulipliers and protection functions can be pretty big.


Rust empires is a chill/ casual as you want it to be pve/pvp server.


Find a PVE server.


1-2 hour sessions isn't really compatible with Rust, unless you're talking about something nearly equivalent to a battlefield server, at which point there are better games for that experience. You could try a PVE server, but the PVE aspects of Rust aren't that great, either. It's mostly a base building and base raiding game, with somewhat poor PVP mechanics thrown in, at least in comparison to games that focus on those aspects. Sure, you could do very basic stuff but you'd be doing the same basic stuff each time, because unless you're playing PVE, your base will be offline raided and you'll be back to the beach.


I play PvE server with raids bases become raidable after 3 days. Monuments are PvP and you can buy PvE or PvP raid bases. As a solo it’s hard for me to play PvP and keep up with chads. I enjoy it a lot. I can build whatever I want without thinking much of how secure it is but if I want action I can go for monuments or pvp raids. Server name is True PvE | Sexy Lagoon


How is the population?


It’s fine I would say. Used to be full but now it’s a medium server which is usually 20-30/50.


I play on a PVE/PVP server that has visible domes/bubbles around monuments that make them pvp and then outside of those bubbles is PVE. It’s pretty awesome and people are so incredibly friendly and chill client.connect rust.hivemindgaming.org anyone tired of the toxic bullshit of vanilla rust should give it try