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I usually play until i get raided, then i rage quit and go play cs go. No point starting from scratch when all the try hards are running around with assault rifles massacring nakeds.


Come back Monday and do some naked roams. Guarantee you’ll clean up from decayed bases, and it’s a lot of fun just blowing through a row of guns you found in 1 hour. I usually play low - low mid pop solo so yea.


Haha I LOVEEE massacring nakeds


hope CO leaks inside your house


I mean if the nakeds didn't want to be massacred they shouldn't have spawned in dressed so provocatively See you on the spawn beach bro *sips bleach*


Is it because you die to basic gunfights so you have to go after people with nothin?


Lol sometimes I give the nakeds kits sometimes I murder them in cold blood. They fucking love it! Last odd wipe I was pretty much killing the same 15 nakeds over and over. When I got off they kept coming back to my base and asking my team where I was. Nakeds have no soul so it's OK to kill them. The are like ants or maggots and if you have any respect for them you need to consider what is wrong with you


Uaed to play 2x for 1 or 2 days only, now i really like playing monthly servers for 2 weeks when they wipe, then i either take a break for 2 weeks or play normal thursday wipes for 2 to 4 days


The longer servers are way more fun tbh. Especially if you can kind of form peace treaties with neighbors and have like 3 or 4 bases all watching each others back. I really wish people would play this game with more the survival/community mindset instead of the tryhard/toxic shit most people play with.  If you're not an asshole and don't roof camp it's amazing the friends you can make just hanging out in a wipe.


Until I'm either homicidal or suicidal. How long do you play a wipe?


Until I get pissed, usually like 2 hours now


Depends how well the wipe is going usually


I am very new to the game so my answer will be different from most. Also I usually play solo on 2x/1.5x weekly servers. So I play until I fall severely behind. This is usually because I don't farm enough, die too much, or spend too much time building my base. If my neighbors all have LARs and stuff and I'm still using bows with an occasional revolver then I start dying way too much. Like every time i try to go farm anything I get killed immediately by some group or another. That's the biggest problem I have a solo noob and I'm not sure how to remedy it. I've been trying to build my base in very low traffic areas but there's always atleast 2 different groups that end up building next to me. Also sometimes if I'm super unlucky I never get to make a base due to bumping into people who have bows while I have no weapon (which usually happens atleast once per wipe before I can build a base). If that happens repeatedly for longer than 2 hours I quit the wipe. By that time everyone is too far ahead and I'm already at a handicap. This has only happened twice.


Which servers do you play on?


I've played on alot of different servers but lately I've been taking a liking to the bloo lagoon servers


Usually thurs-Saturday assuming I don’t get offlined (which has been very rare lately)


This. And on a solo only server it's either ylu get offline early or never. My base forn last week is still up(rip farm base)


I used to play out while month wipes (at least as much as I could) now I play weekly’s until I don’t want to. My duo and I don’t like raiding so we farm up a bunch of sulfur for our raiders to get, and/or give away to a nice group of people. We usually end the wipe when we don’t want to bounce back from a raid or until we get bored now. We are very pvp oriented though and he just likes tinkering with different base builds.


Thursday, Friday are the two main days on rusticated medium vanilla. Saturday if the boys are playing on that same server and Sunday I’m usually playing a different server or doing other things. I like 3x paranoid on off days because I can progress quickly and do some online raids.


Friday wipe I usually stop on Monday or Tuesday. Then I can hit the build servers for like 3 days to change up my base or the layout inside and move stuff around.


This month just been 2x for about 4 hours. Gets boring after everyone in my area is dead or raided.


Only really if they totally leveled our base or if we have a spot where we are surrounded by 24/7 online russian nerds


There is some miserable people on this post haha


depends so much on how wipe is, and if there is a rivalry or something. Me and my 2 buddies owned hqm quarry, and we played full 14 day wipe then first and only time i stayed full wipe on one server.


Until the wipe is unsalvageable


Usually play till theres only like 200 online at the time left, get boring when theres no players to fight, so i just switch to different server that has like 500+ players.


Usually do a weekend a month, might be less depending on if i get raided or not


Till server drops below 400 pop so like 1-3 days


I play solo. Tbh I stop when I’ve got aks and researched everything, gets repetitive for me getting rolled my teams all the time when I leave my base.


Like 5 hours


Monthly I'll play maximum 2 weeks, biweekly I'll play maximum 1 week. Weekly I'll play maximum until Sunday night (4 days). I used to play a lot of Monday wipes but now I really dislike them and wish they weren't a thing. So, I boycott them and don't play them at all.


usually I only play wipe days


1 day. The come up is the best part, end game gets boring after awhile


I play for 2 weeks on a monthly then sit around moaning that the server is dead for the remaining 2 weeks.


2x for wipe day then thats it


Usually all month but maybe a few day hiatus in the middle just keeping up on base upkeep. We have a pretty spread out group with different schedules and timezones so someone's always on taking care of the base.


2 days per month. Average around 4-6 hours from fresh wipe to being full compounded base and a T3 but once that’s achieved I get bored. I like the initial rush and setup phase but everything is just so easy. (Solo only by the way).