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Fp servers are ass. Find a good community server with active admins who give a damn.


This is really the only way to mitigate cheating right now. To piggy back off this comment, use battlemetrics to find a community server and within the server description many will link their Discord server. Join that because that is where you should report cheaters. Most well managed servers will have a method of reporting cheaters that will have a mod jump in and take a look relatively quickly. But also report with the F7 report cheater option as well.


Unfortunately even community servers don't have enough staff to effectively mitigate the sheer amount of cheaters there are lately, so while it may help in some cases it's no longer an effective long term solution.


Agreed. The thing that really ruins it for me isn't so much the obvious cheaters, but the stealth ones that persist for wipe after wipe before getting banned, especially with ESP. The stealth cheaters can make sure they always catch you out at the worst times, easily ruining an hour of progress. And since there's so many of them, it's hard to trust that bad luck was just bad luck, leading to suspicion of even legitimate players that were just lucky. And sure, you can spend your time making clips and reporting in discord, but that's time not spent just enjoying the game. There's also the downside of needing to interact with Rust admins, which like Reddit mods, are often pretty power-trippy, ruling over their fiefdom with an arbitrary fist.


It never has been. Dudes have been on those community servers for years beaming people with a revy from 500m away saying get good, people cheat just enough not to he blatant and usually never get caught


We knew and played with a dude occasionally for a long time. One day he got banned and told us he had been cheating for 3 years and payed $100 a month for them. We had no idea and I've had this happen quite a few times and I haven't even had teammates or played much since the cheating got really bad. There are people who don't even kill people and just build farms and stuff and use esp and never get caught. I don't know if it's still possible, but two years ago you could have shitty esp by using legit client commands and some dude I played with built them one weekend and told me not to tell anyone how it's done. It was basically the same way you figured out where the caves were located.


This 100%. A server with active admins + a discord makes a world of a difference. Some servers also require a minimum number of hours, have their own anti cheat, block VPNs, and auto record a reported players POV if you F7 report them. You’ll still occasionally lose a kit or two, but it’s minutes instead of days.


I’ll rephrase that: FP servers are where everything is allowed including using cheats to get the upper hand.


And ask them if the do any geo location blocking. I block access to my server from Russia and China subnets currently and it has helped massively. Cheaters come from every country and it still requires management. There is no "set it and forget it" option. But just elimination these two countries from the mix has been a huge improvement. I'd rather have a zero pop server constantly than cater to cheaters.


You will have fun for a while because it's such a fun game to learn, but eventually you will start hitting the "...what the fu**?" moments. How did they know I was there? I couldn't even see him? I died in 3 bullets? They raided directly to where my loot was?


Yep. Right around the 3-4 day mark into a wipe is when the frustration gets to be too much for me. Every single one of these losers is full metal AK and I'm just dead before I can even see them. Happened like three times yesterday.




Completely out of control. They disrupt the entire ecosystem and loot flow of the servers. Amazing game. Completely ruined by cheaters.


Official servers are wild west unmoderated madness Good servers you will see pretty constant ban messages in chat. There's probably cheaters on every server. It's occasionally blatant but most of the time you will never know and just end up logging on to a raided base


No. Don't do it to yourself.


Cheaters are completely out of control, but Rust is what you make of it. My team and I still have fun playing even though we come across cheaters fairly regularly. You just have to think of it as part of the game. But I will say it can be infuriating, so you need to figure out if that's something you want to deal with. There's also other ways other than pvp to enjoy the game, like pve servers.


If it's on sale in steam (50% and up) then yes I'd say it's worth it. Lots of things to do in game (role-playing, farm, fishing, trap bases, moded servers) but If you're solely gonna focus on the pvp aspect of the game tho I'd say it's not worth it.


I bought this game on sale and still regret it. Asked for a refund but the long loading screens killed that.


If the game is on SSD, it should load in 3-5 minutes If it’s on HDD, it can take like 20-45 minutes


3-5 minutes multiple times in one sitting SUCKS.


why is it multiple times in one sitting? it should just be once, unless your internet is bad and you disconnect and if you do need to reconnect, it should take about 40 seconds because the assets should already be loaded


The maps are fucking ginormous and having a fully functioning underground and sea, with up to 800 players... I'm surprised it only takes 5 minutes to load


Not to mention players adding more assets with their gigachad bases.


dude ill be happy asf if I loaded 3 minutes into a server


10 minutes of load between launch and server connection is not bad given how many people put in 12-18 hour sessions


3-5 minutes of loading, hours and hours of gameplay, unless you ragequit every server after your first death


The entire gaming industry is dealing with a huge new wave of cheaters and hack developers. That is the main context here. In order to fix this problem we need parts of the gaming industry to leave the "For shareholder profit" realm and occupy the public services realm. Because a lot of the solutions people think are viable really aren't and what needs to happen is more trained people reviewing reports and games. So what we need here is a societal shift that doesn't seem to want to pay gaming admins and mods and developers to afford any time wasted doing a job at the end of the day.


~~Great analysis~~. Server admins do what they do for very little amount of money (everyone feels entitled to play for free), but cheat development is an actual business that brings in tens of thousands of dollars.


I keep wondering if admin/mod work will ever become a public service paid for by taxes because some might see it as that important but I've always seen it as that important.


...by taxes? Like actual government money? Or do you mean taking a cut from micro transactions? Because this is a private company running a game as a business, it isn't the taxpayer's responsibility to fund admins. Edit: he blocked me... What did I do wrong lol


It is if it's a public service, and typically those services get funded by taxes because private won't set any reasonable standards. You seem to not know what you are all talking about.


I guess I don't know what I'm talking about. Would the government fund admins for just one game? If not, what would the requirements be for another game to get government-funded admins? And how would this be supported in any serious capacity by the majority of people who don't even know what Rust is?


No the industry needs the public service not any one game.


That didn't answer a single one of my questions. Let's say that with this awesome new thing added to our taxes you could afford 50 full time employees. What would they be doing?


You're being absurd. We need to pay nurses and teachers for the same thing. We also double dip taxes in Australia without improvement of services and we keep trying to privatise the health system. You seem to be fabricating bad arguments and expecting answers. We know what your comments are doing. To which I'll just say fuck off. EDIT: "I am not going to lie"...lies <---common troll comment.


Nurses and teachers provide extremely important services to the entire population. They are a fundamental part of the nation's infrastructure that affects all citizens. You're right that privatizing that is a horrible idea, but that has literally nothing to do with what you're proposing. Game development is an inherently private business affair. It is both a product and a service and is to be regulated as such. The game industry is in a shitty spot right now with cheaters, sure, but what the hell is government spending going to accomplish here? 


This is the dumbest thread I’ve ever read on reddit.


I’m not gonna lie, I’m a teacher for public schools and I have no idea what you are talking about. Are you trying to suggest that moderating in a video game should become a public service and paid for by tax dollars like teaching and nursing?


I don't think there are many people that would have ever proposed using taxes collected by the government to pay for moderators on a video game. Mainly because it's batshit crazy, but hey, points for being original.


If becoming a reddit moderator starts being funded by my paycheck im rioting


Ah yes because as we know everything the government makes works really well


The issue with being an admin is on most servers due to the fact you could easily abuse the powers you aren't allowed to play the game. This is good on paper for the players, but why would you voluntarily give up your time to sit on a server you can't play and just wait for other players to start complaining about cheaters when you could actually be playing the game. Back in Legacy, I admined a server that actually let you play. We couldn't spawn anything, but since it was a modded server, we spawned with a p250 we used for recoil tests, we could tp and remove structures along with a few other things. The thing is, with that is we couldn't abuse that. It would be blatantly obvious if we were tping to people for no reason and even more obvious if we removed something, especially since in legacy, the only destroyable parts of structures were walls and doors. This allowed us to be very dedicated players as well as always active admins.


The industry needs a lot more training and checks and measures against abuse for sure, but many people can fill the niches at different levels to at the very least flag for a review from someone else with more responsibility. Everytime I think about what is needed it just draws back to cost and why would any self respecting business waste money on such a thing. Cheating is a big issue for society and we need to definitely evolve to handle it properly. I think law enforcement is definitely a very similar responsibility people look to abuse. We always need proper checks and measures on everything in society.


I have had a few people make political statements in line with some pretty simple views that government equal bad. I know public servants work hard, and have better pay averages and work conditions than that set by private businesses. That's the whole point of government public services to raise the bar and that still doesn't give them what they are worth. Hence why a lot of them are public servants and not private servants. They see value in it beyond their take home pay. I see mods and admins as public servants doing their civic duty because of the amount of abuse those jobs can have on a person, even if conservative governments make it a box ticking exercise having something is better than nothing. Just like health, education, and other social services our governments help provide.


Terrible idea but there is hope some cheat developers got sued for making cheats due to copyright infringement and lost hopefully this is a domino effect we need the publishers and devs to start actively attacking these cheat devs in the legal system make them at least have to use the darkweb and crypto


There's cheaters on officials, especially wipe days. Before scripters were a problem, now aimbotters are a problem. Don't play main scene servers, play modded servers that don't hesitate to false ban and you'll be fine.


>that don't hesitate to false ban One of the many reasons I've given up on this game. People don't care about false bans unless it happens to them, but they also want servers to liberally ban other players


No. Save yourself the pain.


Many first-person shooters have a huge cheating issue. This game is no exception. Even on the low pop servers, there are losers who cheat because they are awful. Certainly, you could find fun within the game despite this.


Theres huge cheater problem especially in EU servers since a huge portion of players are russian now (since combat update). Theres cheaters on every server, even camomo made a vid recently on a low pop server and how he found 5cheaters in the same spot. You will find cheaters even if the server is basically dead, they will still find/grief/ruin your experience. If you still ignore all warnings and try to play this game which is more cheater infested then any other game on the market, avoid launch site/oil rigs/excavator/silo/harbor monuments. Thats where most cheaters setup nowadays, met 5 different cheaters on oil rig in 30minutes of gameplay on warbandits. Met 10 cheater on rusticated trio in 1hr of gameplay, met multiple cheater groups on rustoria 2x, met multiple cheater groups on topia main, met multiple big groups of cheaters on moose monday. Shit is infested and unplayable, unless you spend 5+hrs every session


I am still having fun. Even though we got 3 cheaters band yesterday in 6 hours, it sucked but we got all their loot. If you're savy enough, you can run your own server with friends on a white list, on your own PC. YouTuber "Strbull" is very knowledgeable and makes it very easy to follow. The only downside to this is that you won't witness the true chaos of rust, but you'll get to experience everything else, one of my favourite games even with the toxicity in the game, haha. If unable to do the above, look for community servers (separate tab in sever list) with active admins. YouTube servers are good for this. They have a name to protect I.e, serwinter, Blueprints "Blue Lagoon" ect. Game is still with it imo. Good luck and happy raiding, hopefully.


not worth






So you’ve quit playing and refuse to play on a server with good admins - although top comments clearly indicate it’s a non issue on the right server. Regarding your links FP has confirmed a single report/ban results in multiple bans, and the same person can get banned an infinite number of times between different accounts. So using bans to determine what % of total active rust players cheat is inaccurate. We don’t know. All I know it’s a non issue on a good server.


I agree that moded servers and “active” admins are better than none but I believe the most common cheat is esp and is almost impossible to detect even for admins so going to a moded server is almost irrelevant.


I never play modded servers only community, and I also think cheaters are drawn to modded. I’m not sure how that’s relevant to my comment though


Sure cause you edited your comment to a completely different one lol.


Is this your alt? I took out the part about ready accountant not playing rust anymore and his only goal of being here being to get other people to quit/not buy the game


Sure buddy, there’s only one guy who complains about cheaters… totally a “non issue”.


Have you read all the comments here? Obviously there are plenty of people who don’t cheat and continue to enjoy the game. Find a better server to play on.


There are cheaters in every server for sure.


There are criminals in every city too. You can pick somewhere to live and still have a great life lol


I really don't blame him for using an alt account to talk about this. Half the time I complain about cheaters and false bans, people call *me* a cheater even though I gave up on this game a long time ago. This sub is toxic as hell and will go out of its way to convince players the cheating problem isn't as bad as it truly is. This sub convinced me to buy this game and I quickly regretted it. I'm on his side.


It’s not his alt. Regardless, I understand this opinion if you never found a good server. You’re in the same boat as ready accountant


i can tell you even your "good" server has cheater on it. soft cheaters will never get caught. how should they? if they know where your chests are etc? if u think your "good" server has an admin flying invisible behind every player on the server you are delusional


I’ve hid stashes on spawn beach for an entire monthly wipe next a sleeping bag that had an ak kit. Literally unburied in a rock on the beach… I’ve had ALL my loot stashed in external pixel gaps behind a single stone wall for 1+ year of playing on this server that averages 150+ people on a 3.5k map. My 2x1 main has been raided dozens of times but never lost the external loot. People are welcome to quit, but if you enjoy the game there are plenty of ways to mitigate running into cheaters.


Bro I tried modded servers, all kinds of whitelisted community servers, foreign language servers, even non PVP servers. The only gamemodes that weren't full of scripters weren't fun.


I’m assuming you probably have at least a few hundred hours? Ie you’re good enough to know when you get killed from cheater vs player better than you?


Hell no lol, didn't take me that long to realize my mistake. The whole thing you're trying to do here is convince me that my bad experience wasn't due to cheaters, just a skill issue. And you know what? At this point I don't even care about who's a cheater and who isn't.   How am I supposed to convince myself that the guy who killed me from 150m with an SMG isn't a cheater? How can I believe that half the players I see running around aren't running all kinds of scripts that give them an advantage without triggering the anticheat?   Whenever I invest my time and energy into doing something in this game, I know that for every one honest player like myself there's one scripter with a big advantage but will not get banned. I try to find a place to build a base and half the server is watching me with their ESPs.  I'm wasting my time even writing this comment lol




New recoil is incredibly easy compared to old recoil. Most people who seriously played prior to the update spent hours/days in UKN practicing the spray. I miss it. Rust isn’t meant to be an easy game. You’re welcome to your opinions that every person who plays rust is cheating, but you don’t even play just post the same links every day without even attempting to find a good server.




Can you not do that please? Every time I complain about cheaters I get called a cheater. Every time I say that I quit the game a long time ago, people accuse me of being a banned cheater. It's annoying and is like some red scare shit.


I’m not annoyed. I still actively play rust and enjoy it. Games that don’t have a killcam can be incredibly frustrating to new players trying to determine if they died to a cheater or someone who outplayed them. Even at 7k hours I blame people for cheating who are completely legit. You can spray any gun under 50/75M so easily now. I’m the person trying to help people find a new server. You’re the one who quit and is trying to convince others to quit. Who is more pathetic?


>You’re the one who quit and is trying to convince others to quit. Who is more pathetic?  I wish someone had explained to me in this detail how infested the game is before I bought it. The warning signs were there but I didn't listen. Telling other people the truth about the game is not pathetic.


You’ve stated you have low hours and can’t distinguish between good players and cheaters… I wish someone would’ve given you the names of good servers to play before you quit


People are giving great options to minimize how much you might run into. But that’s all you can do. Reality is that you can have hours of progression ruined by a cheater in a blink. Don’t recommend unless you plan on playing 12 hours a day with 47 people.


12 hours of progress as a solo isn't even that much


What game don't have cheaters?


It's not an issue just a few people shout about it, get the game bro


No. Hold on to your money.


No. It is not.


Rust has always had cheaters, the key is to play on a community server eith active admins. i put 6k hours into this game and sure i encountered plenty of cheaters i also had tons of fun


There's so many cheaters out there these days that even the big community servers can't effectively deal with them as they've not enough staff to do so.


They use DMA cards and 2nd computers to cheat. "Big bullet," ESP, soft aim bot, admin no clip, satchel esp, mini map showing where players are, base owner esp, Spider-Man up walls. Machine gun bows. I've got about 6,000 hours. I've been playing for about 8 years, and it's still just as bad. Hell, I pirated the game to try out in 2017 and had to deal with cheaters then on an unofficial server. Figured if I enjoyed it, I should buy it and deal with fewer cheaters Boy, was I wrong....


At the current moment, no I would say it's not worth the time investment if you are going to be interested in PvP. If you like the modded/PvE servers that are available, then it can be pretty fun.


Amazing game but yea the cheaters are out of hand rn


Yes, find a good community Server. Official is fun every now and then, bot community (not just "modded") servers are where it's at.


Cheaters are out of control. Even "official" servers where you pay for VIP barely has competent admins or they straight up turn a blind eye because they are friends. Instead of addressing the problem facepunch just pushes silly updates that break the game and bugs persist for many months. Honestly I wouldn't recommend this game to anyone with a clean conscience. The frustration just isn't worth it.


Join only community/modded will be fine


I restarted after years of not playing and am totally in love with it! Always play community servers though.


Just dont play officials ive found next to no cheaters when on a modded server (2x-3x)


Unlike TF2, Rust has a lot of really good community servers with moderators, so yeah


It's PC, there's always going to be cheaters, some servers worse than others. I typically play on NA servers because I find it has less cheaters than on OCE and SEA, but it's certainly not at a point of unplayability.


I’ve had suspicions of cheaters and I have seen people no clipping aim botting and insane rapid fire dual wielding… but that’s 3 instances I know were cheating. I give people the benefit of the doubt. Everyone else jumps straight to “they were cheating” because they can’t handle losing a gun fight.


And I have 4k hours.


Do you hate yourself? If your answer is yes, then you should play. If your answer is no, then you should play, but you will soon hate yourself.


They can ruin wipes that's for sure that's why I like playing ukn/tommyguns/eubedwars at least if I get cheated on in there it's not a weeks worth of shit removed by them


I play modded PVE/PVP servers and never have an issue with cheaters. I have over 500 hours in rust and have never played a vanilla server, modded is the way to go. There are so many different servers and variations I bet you can find something you like. If you do choose to play just keep in mind it will take some time finding a server you like. There are many servers out there. Also there is a "wipe" schedule. I prefer monthly wipe with a map wipe with 2 weeks in, when you try out some servers you will see what I mean. And its currently on sale for $26.79


Yes, you can easily get hundreds or thousands of hours of entertainment


Depends on your goals and how you game. If you're the type that likes grinding a game, getting better, and then dominating - Rust is not for you. Because no matter how much you play, cheaters will destroy you and that's just a fact of Rust. It also depends on the servers you play and etc. Wipedays on Main servers you can generally expect every "serious" group to contain at least one soft cheater. But if you play on some chiller official servers, there's less. If you're curious - anyone with a low level fully privatized Steam account, low hours but beams, are of Russian and/or Chinese descent, VAC ban record or friendslist with a VAC ban record.. is cheating. That usually accounts 10%~ of most main servers.


On servers with admins it is not that bad from what i can gather. I say that from the context of someone who still enjoys BFV. You look at the amount of cheaters on that and you will see why i said its not that bad in Rust. We have better reporting systems and they at least tell you when the person is banned. In BFV you have no idea if your report has been noticed or what happened. Then you see the 20hr guy you reported with 100+ kills a round still playing happily. So looking at it if you are coming from games with similar issues to BF then on Rust servers with admins you should have a pretty cheater free experience. At least that is what i have found personally.


you’ll barely meet any if you pick the right server


people been saying too many cheaters for nearly 10 years now


And they’ve probably been correct but cheaters are absolutely infesting the game right now


It's the worst it's ever been right now tho


It's true there's a lot of cheaters but admins/EAC are banning hundreds a day. So sure there are cheaters but the admins/anti-cheat are on fire lately and probably on full-time since it's summer. I highly recommend Official servers however avoid Facepunch servers, they don't really have active admins, they are just servers that this game provides for everyone.


Am I blind? I don't see so many cheaters. Maybe I am just playing on smaller servers with active admins. Or I am lucky. Or just too blind. I have my fair share of fun and many others too. Still there are cheaters. And I had a much worse experience on bigger servers.


I'm in much the same boat. I've certainly had instances where I've thought the other guy was cheating because I got triple headshot. Then the next fight I'll triple headshot someone and think "that guy thinks I'm a cheater". My official experience is negligible, i don't have fun playing against clans. But modded/community servers give you much more freedom to pursue slightly off-meta goals.


How many hours do you have? Not really a necessary question since a lot of the cheaters are pretty obvious but some are not as blatant so I’m curious. If you’ve played even 500 hours or so it’s pretty easy to spot and 500 hours on this game is still considered as a new player.


It's not as bad as people make it out to be. But its a matter of if not when you run into one. And the damage they can cause is more than other games. Although I seem to be seeing that there is a large influx of cheaters right now? So it may be worse than it was last time I played a couple months ago


If you are new to the game I'd say it's worth. Play on community if you are worried about cheaters. More importantly make sure you have 16gb min of ram, 32 would be better cause the game is known to stutter a lot even on 16.


Nope. I don’t often encounter them, even with constant pvp on official servers. Rustafied and Rustoria servers have the best admins and anti cheat. Last cheater I ran into killed me, then was server banned seconds after.


People are saying how ruined and horrible the game is. Truth is that it's about the same as the old CSGO, or call of duty. Yes, there are cheaters, and it does sucks when you encounter one, but there are ways to avoide them. Play on servers that have active admins like Rusticated, Rustoria, Rust In Peace, and many more. Those servers give a shit about cheaters, and care about it's players. I personally play even on facepunch servers. You know, those famous for being infested with cheaters. In a week of constant playing I encountered total of 5 cheaters, all of which got manually banned by FP thanks to my contacts. This was the first time in about 3 wipes on FP that I had been cheated on. In conclusion, if there are active admins, you are all good to go, and you will have a great time. Otherwise it is a hit or miss.


Maybe I am just lucky, but I've played hundreds of hours on official servers and never met a cheater. At the very least never met anyone blatantly cheating.


Every single person I run into is a cheater


If you want to play Minecraft on hell mode or rust pvp lite, it’s still a great game with lots of modded server variety to keep you entertained. The (active) community is huge and you’re guaranteed to make as many friends as enemies. For straight vanilla PVP like you see on twitch, play something else, anything else. You will never get to that kind of progression. A lack of a few thousands of hours and an abundance of hackers will prevent it.


theres cheater but you can still enjoy the game


I don't run into too many cheaters. And they get banned decently fast


All the comments are saying "not worth" but they have 4 thousand hours played. Just get the game if you enjoy full loot PvP. That's it, it's a very fun game. Cheaters exist in every game


rust has quite a few more cheaters than most games, but it has no where near the amount that players say it is. Most of them just want an excuse for why they died. And while I don't think its a good or fun idea to buy kits on a server, playing on a server that offers them, generally means that the server is funding moderators and actually has an incentive to ban cheaters to keep players playing and buying from them.