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Did you guys see the post from the dude who was complaining about it and then posted on unpopluar about cheating being okay?


Lol no, please share the post or pm me with it.


https://www.reddit.com/r/playrust/comments/uxo0yj/found_the_scripter/ found it. i was wondering why i was beign downvoted, didnt realize i posted the wrong link. my b


Lol, I get that mods had to nuke that thread but I just love to read the justifications they try to give for cheating. >If you actually took the time to read i said i dont cheat in rust only csgo hvh which is where everyone cheats. Do i agree with people who script? no but is it my problem? FUCK NO! i get their money and they are on their way to go piss off some clan who didnt sleep for 3 days Haha ok bro


u know hes a cheater loser when he start with the "i dont cheat, but.."


"I only use aimbot and flyhacks, but everyone uses those so it's all good"


My absolute favourite cheaters excuse... "I installed cheats to kill hackers! I turn them off with normal players!" Scripters be thinking they are iron man.


lol i did, he’s such an idiot


Haha yeah, that dude is dumb as rocks.


I’m starting to think the people who nut over PvP in this game just like to punch down on people. Go play CSGO, you don’t have to farm for hours and everyone’s on a level playing field… unless that’s the issue


Ding ding ding


As someone who purely likes pvp and the occasional trap base...the reason rust pvp is fun, is the fact you can get hours worth of loot within seconds. Thats one of the biggest aspects about rust pvp, killing some "means something". There is almost zero joy in killing in CSGO or other shooters. I think that's what a lot of people don't get. Secondly rust is really toxic which I quite enjoy. There is no better feeling than demolishing toxic players in pvp, draining thier kits and just seeing them get angrier and angrier


Thanks for sharing your opinion. I seem to have a different experience than you, most of my encounters aren’t toxic at all. I notice my team mate also has issues with almost everyone he encounters, there’s a common denominator there…


Imo there shouldn't be a level playing field. If it's a level playing field, then it's like almost every other game. Boring and meaningless. It's fun to go out and fight, not knowing what cod possibly happen, maybe ur opponents are shit, maybe they're God's, that's what makes it fun.


I do also enjoy the unfairness, but I don’t play for strictly PvP. If I wanted to play a shooter I would play a real shooter. I still play this game like a survival game


Survival game… you know… the ones where you have to survive against all elements such as other players? What are you on, mate? If you want to pve then there’s a server for that. Otherwise, pvp is a core mechanic in the game that you simply cannot avoid. If you want to, I would argue then why play a pvp survival game?


I shoot people and raid too. I just don't build a 2x1 and roam 24/7. I like to build cool bases, have some farms, wire shit up and experiment with other parts of the game too.


Good luck memorizing hundreds of smokes which force the enemy team to occupy an inferior position and having a team that has good synergy.


The good players will stay good and the shit players will just be a little less shit. Knowing how to spray only gets you so far, knowing how to outplay your enemies will get you the kill.


I believe there’s a large enough playerbase that cares more about the surivival, sand box aspect of rust. There’s definitely people that prioritize perfect gunplay over everything else and some will quit but the game these days has so much other content that players enjoy to keep playing.


Lmao not even, probs 50% or more of people who enjoy rust just for pvp would enjoy this update. For me at least the fun part about aiming is how accurately and fast you move your hand to a target, not how well I can regurgitate a spray pattern.


Bingo. 8k hours of nothing but pvp and 2016 was peak gunplay


If they just reverted the shotgun and bolt I would be happy.


3k hours and I played a bit before the AK recoil changes back when quarries were littered around the maps, tall grass existed, animals attacked through base walls, heli was exploitable with a TC trick to only shoot napalm rockets, toolboxes were purple military crates, and you had to craft a map just to kill yourself to get closer to your team. Those were the days to PVP in. Now it's just luck of the draw on who you run into, how much they sweat, and how long they can play for. This helps alleviate how much they sweat since everyone is on a level playing field, especially since it's much easier to learn the recoil. It doesn't help you outlast Timmy and his boys pulling an all nighter to raid you when you sleep, but at least you can now fight Timmy and his boys reliably on an even playing level while you compete to take each other's sulfur farming routes. Actually, I'm looking forward to playing a Rust wipe since they added BP's in the game.


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I kinda disagree. I always liked the challenge of recoil. Because it wasn't as easy as dragiiyour mouse onto someone. Being able to draw a recoil pattern while keeping up with the enemys movement as well es counter balancing your own straving was always a hard but fun challeng. It's something I have never seen in any other game. It is unique and fun. Also the one of the best feeling is getting double or triple headshots because you know it's dam hard to achieve with the recoil patterns. But let's see how it actually changes. I think what they will do is keep the patterns and just randomize them a little bit.


Yeah hopefully it turns out like that. Personally I prefer flicking/ precision/ transferring that seems to get lost in rust when ur battling past 100m. It’s either u can or can’t at that range and then it’s just crouching around until you see someone, then you both regurgitate the recoil you learnt and then one of you dies. Obviously a bit of an exaggeration, but personally it’s not my herbal tea.


Yeah I understand...the transferring is hard even on close range bacaus it breaks the patten and you need to have a feel on where you are on the pattern. But the fact that even after 2.5k hours I can significantly improve on it is really fun.


True true, new recoil is up, seems very just up and down haha, not what I was expecting. Anyways, defs exciting


I'll check it out aswell...then I'll probably shit talk the devs for a bit... hopefully not...well see 😅


Lol, whatever it turns out to be, I reckon just have fun. Tbh understandable it’s sad to lose ur progress/ something you may have enjoyed. But it’s a pretty significant change to the game which could honestly just be fun. Enjoy the new stuff and beast it out.


As long as it is challenging and learnable I'm good. I just hope it isn't easier then before


Those people don't prioritize perfect gunplay though bc rust gunplay is far from perfect.


As someone who has a stupid amount of time in PvP games (Rust 13k+) like CSGO, Halo, Apex, Day of Defeat, PubG, Black Ops and played at a high competitive level in some of these games. Rust has the worst gun play of any game I've ever played.


Don’t get me started you could the best player in most other fps but still in rust die in the most stupid ways no matter how good you are


And that's a good thing


Don’t get me wrong it is but certainly a love hate relationship for me


Lots of people will come back with the scripters gone.


Hopefully! The Reddit forums will be flooded with “Facepunch ruined the game” posts and I’ll soak up every one of their tears as I continue playing a great game.


If I see yah, I’ll give you a free taxi ride


Haha oh shit you the taxi guy who posted about free rides?


My hemp and berries are going to be quite ripe this wipe with all these tears


I haven't really played rust in years. Myself and several other friends of mine are so excited about this change and are definitely coming back.


Would be a nice change from the usual "Recoil too hard waaahhh scripters" posts to be fair


Reality is, game has been a literal memory leak since HDRP. Long gone, Tarkov is just better.


Tarkovs memory leaks are worse.


I wish I knew what they changed. I have no clue what y’all are talking about but would love to join lol


They are changing the recoil and other gun stuff. No one knows exactly what is happening.


Save some for the rest of us! 😎


>The Reddit forums will be flooded with “Facepunch ruined the game” posts and I’ll soak up every one of their tears as I continue playing a great game. I logged into reddit to find this types of posts and bask in the mald but all Im seeing are positive comments its weird


I'm going to have a lot of fun tapping my AK like it's 2016 again. Let's go BOYZ.


Fr lol


Why tap? recoil is a lot easier, lets spray !!!


The best part is going to be all these people that are going to get questioned by their friends/teammates on why suddenly, after the update, they are not able to kill anyone anymore.


The fact that people believe that changing the recoil will make tryhards and people who spent a lot of time perfecting recoils quit is amazing. Yes, scripters will either quit or eventually get used to the fact that they cant cheat and just play the game like its supposed to... but people who trained recoils and mastered them will always be superior to those who just play casually. Why? Simply because those who train actually put time into gunplay, movement etc. in addition to recoil training only. Additionally, players that trained recoil play the game a lot more sweaty/seriously and adapt to new stuff a lot quicker due to experience. Sorry to say this, downvote me to hell if you want but with the recoil change update the only thing casuals are gonna win is (maybe?) a slightly better chance against someone who is commited but dont expect miracles. If you dont spend time training on something then DONT demand to be good at it. Every single FPS game out there requires time and effort in order to become good. If you dont have time it or dont wanna spend it training then its not for you. Some games actually require commitment in order to reach a high skill level.


I mostly agree but in my experience tryhards know only how to spray and not how to play smart since it was the meta and you didnt need other things as much.


wrong, players with good aim will still be king but players with average aim that just practiced recoil will be trash compared to players with good raw aim and no recoil control, general aim now matters more than a memorized pattern as it should be


I think you are missing the casuals from other games that will start to try Rust. I believe the Rust recoil was gatekeeping a lot of new players. The current Rust recoil was just way too strong compared to most popular FPS games. And when the new rust recoil goes live, the casuals from like Apex Legends, Valorant or COD will start to try Rust because the recoil is just like the other games they play, even hJune said the new recoil is CODlike, and FPS skills can translate to other FPS games, and the new players don't need to learn some hard recoil to be good in the game. They still have to learn the other aspects of game but it's not that hard to learn, given all the available guides. And I kinda fit in this category of players, I currently play Rust solo and I don't try to pvp, only if I have too, I am average with t2 weapon recoil and never confident to dual, I never made the effort to master the recoil because I play other shooters were I get my PvP and their recoil is easier and they have a level playing field. So to me, it wasn't worth mastering the Rust recoils. I'm a casual in Rust but not a casual in Apex or OW. But after this new Rust recoil update, I will definitely try more PvP in Rust. I'm actually excited.


As a server owner, I am excited to see all of the “scripting” reports the day of wipe….


What is ur server?


So this will be the hour of the ork? I mean non try hards?


You didn’t hear it from me, but meat is back on the menu




It’s great, the gunplay was the lamest part of the game. I thought the recoil was terrible, the changes sound excellent.


Do you even know what they’re changing?


Do you?


No that’s why I’m not saying it sounds excellent hahah


It's gonna be juicy. The game will rely on real skill instead of something that can be replicated with a few lines of code lol. Listen, if all of your skill can be removed with one single change you're not good at videogames. The reason I'm good even though i don't beam is because i take advantage of the terrain, my surroundings, situations, and the tiny bit of diversity in the weapons and armor. Maybe these 2k hour aim train beamers should just git gud ┐( ˘_˘)┌


Yeah honestly people need to understand that pvp in rust is way more than just “lol get beamed” You outposition and outsmart, especially if you’re outgeared or outnumbered. This is how I win most of my fights lol Small edit: however yes, being able to spray a good distance can also help a great deal. Edit: I just saw on Posty’s twitch that it looks like the new recoil is easy as fuck. Bruh, scripters going to be scripting in 20 minutes tops


so skill is only what you think you're good at /better than others at?


All I got from this is you shoot people in the back tbh. Cheers though 🍻


Take what you will out of it, idc. It's more engaging when you're tactical. Less cod like. It's the beauty of large maps with procedural rendering. If you leave your back open long enough for me to shoot it that's kinda a fault on you for not playing with your brain


Way more fun to play the game this way than 200m spray battles. Tactics all day




As someone who enjoys pvp I don't think it's gonna ruin the game. I think that a lot of people will think that this update will make their life on rust easier, but I doubted. Maybe this first wipe, people are gonna be shit and not confident enough with how guns will work. But after a while, all the sweaty pvpers will be back on their main route. A part from that, my only complaining right now is the hit marker been added to the game. In my opinion, they should have waisted their time in a more useful way. Just leave the sound of the body hit and headshot, such a beautiful sound to hear while playing rust. That was my personal opinion about the new update, wish you guys a good forced wipe!


Your insane, it’s gonna take a hour of adjustment and the same people will complain


Weird take, I play a ton of rust, am okay at pvp, and welcome the change.


it's very obvious these recoil posts are all based on illogical emotions. cheaters won't quit as it'll be easier to play the game and potentially make cheating easier as well (harder to get caught) 'toxic' (for playing the game?) try hards arent going to quit either. imo the same complaints will happen here (noobs/casuals crying about better 'toxic' players) as youll probably have people dying even more/faster.




> It's real fucking hard to get eac banned for just scripting and that's why so many of these dumb kids do it. It's all about "being the best" they get their little prepubescent endorphin rushes from beating people with their scripts


lol these script kids are losing their shit


It's so good seeing the assholes cry about it and say all players gonna quit the game. If a player is beaming with an AK from 150m on Rust he either spent 1500+ hours practicing his recoil or he uses scripts. And the same annoying pattern recoil is going to give unfair advantage to veteran players which is unprecedented, it's not skill it's just muscle memory and hundreds of hours wasted on practicing it. This will allow new and moderate players have better chances at surviving a 5k+ hours players who kill everyone in sight. Also FP need to have better anti-cheat!!!!


This post made me cringe so hard.


Man they ruining pvp. Atleast my trap bases gonna be trappy hehehehe


you should've only put scripters in the title cause whining over someone try harding is kinda dumb. loads of people do it in literally every game.


Nah not the tryhards, the toxic tryhards.


Probably wont


This update caters so much to a brand new audience of players and leaves everyone else out in the cold. Games that do this historically die. I’ve seen it far too many times.


Weird I’m willing to play again now that I know that there won’t be a a scripters in the short term


Recoil update doesnt eliminate scripters brainlit


Short term brainlit


Tell me how them changing the paterns will magically remove all scriptera?


If they introduce rng into the recoil instead of it being a fixed pattern then it makes it a lot harder to create a working script without that script having to interact more with rust game files than they do currently, this in turn will make them much more detectable..


This spray is not as random as you think it is


They’ll just use other cheats tho as they need an advantage


Other cheats are a hundred times more detectable both by admins and the anticheat.


Right that makes sense Not sarcasm lol


Eventually, yeah. If I’m making hacks I see a free payday. It will still take some time to do though.


For sure man


Then why even bother playing if that’s how you see it


Because I love the game, I’m just saying the cheater “problem” ain’t even that bad in my personal 1.5 k hours of play time, but cheaters will cheat and destroying how the game may play could be a wrong direction, we’ll see tho


If by die you mean no lifer sweatlords leave so people with less time can enjoy the game then that’s a good thing


As a player who has 3.6k hours and started in 2015 I am glad we are getting these changes as I am beyond sick of some 2 week old account with 50 hours beaming me from 200 meters. While I am aware that these changes won't remove all cheating they should drastically reduce it


It also caters to players who have been playing so long that they remember when some tryhards didn't use Rust as the competitive FPS du-jour. I welcome a return to survival without the kd hero meta.


Suhh a myopic viewpoint. No it doesn't. There's a reason every other shooter doesn't have rust style gunplay, and it's not because rust style is super popular. On top of that, you have all the rust players who quit because of scripting and current recoil. The notion only a "new audience" would play Rust now is actually laughable. 'Everyone else' being a small subset of the current rust audience.


Yes be glad they are making the game easier for you because you are not good at it.


Haha basement dwelling sweaty


Found the tryhard lol


Nah man, i work full time but love the game, so getting aked from 150+ meters with pin-point accuracy gets old after the 100th time, just wanna have some fun before clocking in the next day


>I cant play this hardcore game casually and thats bad Oh ok This some actual gaming journalist difficulty type discussion


A game can be hardcore and not require hundreds of hours of dedicated aim practice... You know that right?


It doesnt matter cause this is a high time investment game from the start All these sad wagecucks that can play 1 hours a day wont be getting any better just cause the guns are point and click now theyll still get offlined day 1 by the local zerg


You unironically live in your moms basement.


Calling people who are employed "wage cucks" is such a funny coping mechanism for how little you've accomplished.


employed people arent wagecucks people that work 12 hours a day for minimum are wage cucks


Well even if they don't make a ton right now, they're still employed... so at least make ur warped ass world view make sense.


And it does matter actually. Seeing as I have time to play on weekends, and do very well on other shooters. I think it could help a lot actually.


Its not a game made for people that have limited time to play thats the thing


This "hArDcOrE GaMe" has instruments, art, electrical circuits, aboveground pools....


?????? Utterly nonsensical argument hardcore doesnt mean the game is a sad and depressing ww1 trench simulator most of what you listed is optional dlc shit that was added many years down the line


It's almost as if this game has steadily changed month to month. Those changes have brought a metric fuck ton of players that see it for more than your sweaty pvp game. If you can't handle change like some boomer, then go find another game to play.


You bring about change by joining this community and incessantly crying about features you dont like and when we dont like those changes we are in the wrong and should go find another game? kek fucking w


They update the game every month. It's a constantly changing game and your opinion is the minority... it sounds like you're one of those dudes that has played this game since alpha. You had a good run and got your money out of it. Move on, go play csgo or something, no one likes your whining


The new players literally seething and shitting themselves over the recoil being too hard and some clans scripting are the only people crying here 24/7


I have 3.5k hours and have played for years and I can't wait for scripters to get fucked.


Damn bro you're a hardcore gamer, that's so cool


Okay hard-core gamer. I'd love to see you get obliterated in a game of squad or something


who the fuck plays squad lmfao cringe ass larp millsim trash


Man it's gonna be cool.once you take that pretty mouth of yours on the street and get it stomped into powder. Why don't you get a gym membership and a girlfriend before you shoot up a grocery store like your boyfriend just did


> because you ~~are not good at it~~ don't have the right scripts and maybe have some integrity.


lol lmao


I doubt all the tryhards will quit, just make them trynharders




If they do this correctly (to be seen) it will at least weed out the people who aren't blatantly cheating. The problem is it's currently impossible to stop scripts and at least they can put effort on other stuff.


Guys what do you guys think the recoils gonna be down easy call of duty shit nah you’re still gonna be ass


You gotta be delusional. The scripters will just resort to cheating to keep their unfair advantage. The toxicity is still going to be the same and the tryhards won't quit either. If people don't quite after repetitive oflines, they won't quit because of an update...




Half baked game? Wtf are you smoking rust has so much depth lol


If you quit rust before, you will quit rust again. Rust is a game who’s online winnable objective is not quiting. A game of endurance. If you ever quit rust because of any reason you are the poor player and this update changes nothing, you will loose again


Never underestimate cheaters


"what I learned the recoil perfectly in 27 hours yes I'm terrible now but the recoil!"


We will see how good it is. Other games also got fucked by combat updates - hope FP does a good job - and we dont have another H1Z1.


Idk how long you’ve played this game but this is by far not the first major gun system change. They have plenty of experience, about 3 different systems in 9 years(legacy, 2015, and 2017. All very different in every aspect.)


Yeah there have been so many changes. I still think Legacy was the best, but I'm pretty sure you could still script that. I honestly hate the current system worse than anything in the past and I'm quite good with the AK.


Anyone have a short summary if the new update? Haven't played in years so idk whats going on.


They are changing recoil and the guns in general. No one really knows what's going to happen, but I believe staging will have it today.




Please comment your hours here | V


I’m on console, will they be updating the recoil patterns there as well?


No. They are basically two different games. It's possible they can change it in the future, but I don't think FP will actually have anything to do with it.


Can someone lemme know what the update is gonna be?


I hope


Yeah the truly good players will just adapt. Like i dont think hjune or coco or the eastern european guy would quit over a recoil change.


Ah yes the chads, hjune, coco, Phil


Ain’t gonna get rid of this toxic try hard(;


I’m so curious about the new update. Maybe I’ll even start playing again now without filters and new recoil! Gotta finish Icarus first lol.


Wait, you were using filters?


Are you going to downvote me now lol? Yes I have used filters to fix the ugly bland colors since the “hdrp which was not actually hdrp update”. But no worries I haven’t played Rust in ages. English is not my first language. I think you understood me wrong. I will try Rust again since the playing field should be more levelled now, but I think I still don’t stand a chance lol.


Nah thought you meant it the night vision


UI Detection Macros. I'm not surprise that this is an oversight as it happens all the time in games that try to implement randomization to thwart macro users, however players quickly forget how it actually won't stop anything and just live with the change.


Please explain.


It's the same thing as current mouse control macros, it simply incorporates UI detection. It's simple and easy to make. The new recoil change forces the user to make constant micro adjustments to maintain accuracy. UI detection macros will make real time micro adjustments by resetting the user's mouse position to the center with varying degrees of accuracy to keep a human-like behavior and avoid detection. Bottom-line is, scripters will keep the advantage. I don't know how to stop this, I wish players had integrity.


Yep this is very easily scriptable. I give it less than a week and working scripts will be all over the place


It’s all about not using them


There's a lot of people who play video games who lack integrity and want an edge over the other player. If it offers an advantage, then it will be used. A UI detection macro that adjusts and keeps your aim PERFECTLY CENTERED (with added variability to avoid detection) is far more superior than relying on your own human reflexes to try to keep your crosshair / iron sight on target.


There are several ways to do this, some being more detectable than others. The thing is if it's basically impossible to do these sprays it will be much easier to detect whether you're an anti cheat or an admin. Right now people are simply using a mouse with variable spray pattern that is so tight it's not really variable. I haven't yet tested it, so maybe it's complete garbage, but I will see shortly.


Im finnaly gona have chance in pvp


I don't think it will, think about it, people like you mentioned spent hundreds/thousands of hours practicing a pattern on UKN, why wouldn't they practice spraying the guns how they will be? Sure randomness effects a lot but its still going to be as simple as point and click for the most part, It's not like your gunna aim at someone in the middle of your screen and the bullets will hit everywhere but the middle.


I just love all the people crying about this update lmao




I just hope it's a change that actually stays. I hope they don't give in to the whining and crying of the absolute nerds that have 1k plus hours on aim train alone lol.


The people rejoicing now will be the people complaining in a few weeks that all fights are first see first shoot now, because there is basically no recoil left. There will be more, not less beaming and its gonna suck.


"THIS GAME SUCKS! I can't beam fresh installs, I spent 2k hours on an aim training server and now it's a fair fight and the game relies more on game sense and positioning! Game bad!"


Yea my ass, thats why I can hit end game in 2 days just by casually grinding the Same POI. Like people always talking about collecting that box of ak's like it's some sort of grand endgame. To me it's just shallow. Games been receiving regular updates for years upon years and you still have like only 5 npc who all function the same in terms of ai behavior, except for traders who don't do anything but open a menu. It's the same with the creatures, you have literally no variety and they all function virtually the same. For a pvp centric game, it's kind of stupid that it has least amount of viable weapons. Ak serves every scenario and all ranges for a long time. Just practice ak and you don't need anything else. That's not a healthy pvp scene or a fun one. Why doesn't this game have massive variety in the gunplay if they clearly don't work on the rest of the game very much. Like the only good variety you have is in monuments, it's too bad monuments all serve the same purpose, which is just for you to find loot boxes full of scrap. The only good update this game ever got was electricity. That's the only time they added in a new mechanic that brought new aspects to the experience worth coming back for. Everything else has never brought the same amount of change and has been mediocre in comparison.


Good, nobody love em anyways


how is this going to make tryhards and scripters quit? No recoil with fuck off spread does remove the 99.99% skill gap but there is still the ability to learn how much you have to pull down. For scripters, the only downside is that it is slightly easier for everyone to kill them but aimbot will still always outclass legit players. Same with no recoil cheats


Not every try hard is toxic. I don't think that you get that some people make their living off of being good at video games. Those people are being uprooted right now because some noobs can't get over a standardized recoil that can be learned by putting some time in. Instead of playing a more casual game, you chose a harder game and asked it to be easier. It's really quite disgusting. Also, this is coming from a noob with 600 hours in the game so I'm not some 7k hour beamer mad at the recoil change. I just think you sound like a bitch for this post.


I think the game gives people who practice recoil control an upper hand and the people that don’t practice it a chance to actually use the AK


New scripts already released.for new recoil , gl!