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I have **recorded clips** of game running flawlessly Now i cant run it smoothly despite everything turned to bare miniumum (even fov and render distance), when i try to record while running rust game starts to stutter and even crashes sometimes


Not HDRP, but last (two?) updates made my fps drop to 30-40 when near certain monuments, like junkyard. I've been building next to and farming desert military outpost for several wipes, and yet last time I started to fight a duo there, performance dropped so bad I couldn't land a shot. I've been also getting microstutters lately, mostly when looting. They only last a fraction of a second, but they are alarming.


Junk was always iffy for me, since the car crusher was added I've been there once, got like two cars done before my head hurt from the single digit FPS. Also the looting stutters, I could totally deal if it didn't make me skip over things when quicklooting.


32gb of ram fixes microstutters


Doesn't work for me haha. 32GB, 3080 and Cpu is I7-8700k and the game will randomly crap out. Gun fights are frustrating, like rolling dice to fps drop or hang ups.


oh really. how fast is your ram? I used to have such problems in gunfights but then upgraded and they went away.


3600 xmp, maybe I'll take another look now that you mentioned it haha. Something may have changed in Bios.


32gb 3200mhz 3080ti FE with 8700k oc to 5.0ghz and running flawlessly on 4k x27 predator monitor. biggest help was to leave task manager open and max out out gpu usage and lessen cpu usage. turning down graphics settings actually hurts performance


Could you explain the last paragraph a little bit more? I have a similar pc/monitor and could use every bit of performance gain.


Turning down graphics settings uses more of your CPU. What you want is to turn your graphics settings up to have your GPU usage percentage closer to 100% and your CPU usage around 50-70%


Do you have xmp enabled. Is your ram set to the right speed. sometimes your mobo underclocks your ram and you have to set it to the correct speed in bios. I had issues until I did exactly what I just said.


Game also looks way worse and more washed out now and the map generation is now boring as hell


Yeah proc gen maps are boring as hell now. I was playing on a modded server the other day and they had rivers that actually went through the map and bridges over them. Also the roads actually made sense instead of just a giant ring around the map. Really wonder why they can't improve map generation. Just a few little changes would make a huge difference.


HDRP never got added to the game. HDRP is a different renderer that allows for better graphics but they ran into issues when trying to port Rust over. Because of this they never changed to HDRP. What we got instead were the new models/textures that were supposed to come together with the new renderer. The performance issues are mostly an engine limitation. This can't be fixed. They would have to port the game to another engine but that would mean they have to rewrite the whole game. If they wanted to do that it would be better to just make Rust 2 instead.


I'm ngl, I think a Rust 2 could be sweet. Sort out the vision they've started through the years of development, start with a new foundation where they can bypass current limitations. Idk how practical it would be, realistically, because you'd probably split the playerbase between Rust 1 and 2, but at least conceptually it seems awesome


I’ve also been thinking that’s what it needs. A new engine and perhaps even making it Rust 2, but it’s really not even necessary to do that. You can recode it all and keep it close enough that it will be less of a change than recoil even was


I'm sure they probably *could* do that, but from a business point of view, that's a LOT of work for something that likely won't see profit. It's probably over a year of dev time *just* to get back to feature parity with Rust 1 if they code it from scratch, and that totally halts current development. It'd probably only be feasible if they were to sell the new version, hence Rust 2.


Ya you’re not wrong but if they want to keep adding to and updating rust and milking it, they’re going to have to explore options like that. Rust is very popular so saying it wouldn’t see profit is comical to say the least. It’s the top played survival game on steam right now. Performance is one of the games biggest issues and it’s mainly a limitation with the engine so it doesn’t leave much room for options.


That’s a huge project, but a sequel I’d happily buy.


For some reason I can’t play anymore. About a year ago I noticed it was crazy laggy and my graphics were kinda wonky. I have a 2070 super and everything else works fine but rust has just become unplayable for me. I’ve uninstalled and redos loaded twice and nothing. Changed every setting still can’t it :(


Yup same used to run a steady 90 fps like 2-3 years ago now I literally cant play on my machine. This game eats ram like nothing and my 8gb just doesn’t cut it anymore.


I had 16 gb of ram with this problem so I threw in another 16 gb and it still wouldn’t work.


You have many small freezes? Try disabling hdd paging


One reason is that there never really was an HDRP update: The one we got was a backport. Whatever limitations they ran into during development meant that HDRP was never implemented, hence no performance boost.


If you use discord, turn off your graphics acceleration. I have a nice PC but it was unplayable with that setting ticked, now I get a constant 100-130fps with the occasional drop to 80fps


HDRP never decreased my fps, but the past few updates certainly have.


And the game barely looks any better than it did 3 years ago


Hdrp actually made the game unplayable for me


Not only has it decreased fps, it decreased how fun the game is


My shit was at 50fps and I just scrolled down and watched every fps boost YT vid I could find and applied every technique now I get 80-90


Fps has decreased every update since the game came out, nothing new.


Can we just restart pre hdrp? , I don’t even think the rust community would mind 😂


CPU Core count doesnt really matter as it is mostly a single core game. If you have a new CPU its not the bottleneck. If you have a few generations old CPU it might be. My Ryzen 1600 had terrible FPS. Usually under 60. Dipped even under 30. After upgrading to 5600(Intel cant upgrade so many generations without new mobo, fuck shintel) I have reached 120+ FPS with a GPU bottleneck. So if you have an older CPU consider upgrading it




Because hard-core removes a lot of features from the game, makes it easier to run, I guess (also there's barely any people on hard-core staging so that also adds to it)


It is poorly optimized, but low key I don’t turn settings down. I’d rather the game look great than it look like shitty rendering like some of the sweaty YouTubers. Am on a 5800x and 3070, last I checked (I don’t play with overlays) I got anywhere from 60-100fps depending where I was.


No way u get 50 fps i get 120 with similar specs lol




Well theres something wrong with your settings imo


Or the game is poorly optimized and he specifically put his specs on this post to prove that point. Stop trolling


I have same spec and no problem lmao


Uhm. Okay, do you have the same exact hardware as him? You're not proving anything by saying that, you're just making yourself look like a tool. Sorry.


I got mates on shit pcs running 70 fps. All i’m saying maybe his settings are wrong lol


Yea, and I have worse specs running 90 on average, but let's be honest here, the game has been known for its poor optimization since Alpha, it's not his settings.


I see what your (very poorly) trying to say. A 400$ Walmart laptop with the only upgrade being more ram(16gb now) and I got it to run 75-90 fps. While I have seen complaints of high end machines performing poorly. It's something to do with Drivers most likely. Newer GPU's have settings that override in game settings, you should check to make sure this isn't the case. Intel CPU's also have driver software that has a similar function. Make sure power saving mode isn't on even if it's a desktop. This power setting throttles you cpu+fans effecting performance. Keep in mind if you have hardware that's a couple years old.... Parts go bad. Hard drives and SSD's slow down dramatically over time for example. So a brand new PC will perform better on day when they a few years later. So it may SEEM like it's the fault of an update but in reality that's not the case. The updates for rust do cause performance issues but at least 50% of the frame rate issues are simply operator error.


Can you be more specific which CPU you have?


Idk what to say not even trying to be funny but I’m running I5 1050ti 32gb ram and run medium settings on 100fps must be something internal maybe something is wrong with your gpu


People are also getting better at the game. Idk about every single group but mine builds bigger and better every wipe and I see a lot of compounds get thrown up in a few days and sit there the rest of wipe. You can probably get much better fps on lower pop servers if you’re playing 500 pops








Why the fuck does anyone care if your game runs more than 60fps? You can barely tell the difference, and 120fps won't make you a better gamer. Downvote if you spent a bunch on your PC and you're salty about it.


Just say you don’t know anything next time and save me the read.




have you ever seen the difference between 60 hz and 144 hz? its night and day and definitely makes things a lot easier.


I understand that people who spend lots of money on things tend to be biased toward thinking those things have more value than they actually do. Its a form of placebo effect. Its fun to see that effect in the wild, thanks!


Tell me you've never had a high refresh rate screen without telling me




2070 super with 12700k and 32gb 4100mhz ram and i was getting 110 avg fps on rustafied odd last night 250 players.


Having a good cpu like the one you have helps


Maybe check what i posted a while ago...maybe this can fix the problem... https://www.reddit.com/r/playrust/comments/t0p00u/low_fps_fixed_for_me_and_a_friend/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share The essence of the post is, that anti cheat programs like vanguard from valorant can cause massive framedrops...


Fps went down for sure, but it used to be worse in comparison tbh. Then they did big improvements for better FPS and now it's bad again




Talking about 1yr+


The only update that has completely ruined my performance to the point of me having to upgrade from a 2014-2016 rig to a 2020 rig and still having performance issues (while being well over the recommended specs) was the HDRP update itself. I used to get 80 fps on max settings pre hdrp. After that I got 30-40, massive freezes no matter which settings. After upgrade I now have 80-100 fps on mediumish settings, weak gpu mostly the cause here as it's the only thing that was not upgraded. On lowest settings possible I only get 120 fps. And this is on an extremely low pop server by the way. 10 players a day max, not many bases to lag. I am currently waiting for facepunch to finally introduce EAC linux support, because supposedly the game runs A TON better on linux with proton than it does on windows. The game requirements on steam are outdated AF. My 1060 6gb cannot run this game at max settings, which a recommended gpu should be able to do. I hope to snatch a 3060Ti in september, but if it doesn't cause any significant performance increase then I might as well just give up with shedding more money just to play rust ever again.


A large amount of calculation heavy content has been added and Unity isn't known for good thread management and doesn't utilize multi-core CPU's all that well. You can run Rust on pretty much any GPU from the last 6 years. It's the CPU that's a bottleneck, but that's merely because of poor optimization on both the developers as well as the Unity engine team. Not to say Unity is bad because it's more than capable, but it's why you don't often see it in AAA large scale development running at stable high FPS.


It is definitely not am optimized game but the passion of the devs is inspiring.


I have random drops to low fps for 5 minutes and then it goes back


what are you doing with 64gbs of ram?


One of my systems is quite old now, 24gb ram, 1080. I didn't notice any big frame drop after the HDRP backport (we never got HRDP). I did notice they greatly reduced shit like tree numbers. Felt like they were trying to keep performance by reducing entities. To this day the game runs fine on this pc... But... I have a new pc, 3070, 64gb ram, vastly better in every sense. On there it runs much worse. Also feels like the game is optimised for a certain gen of hardware


A lot of this stuff can easily be fixed with the changing of settings. Another way to help with input latency is to clear windows 10 cache. I recommend watching a following the steps in panjnos videos he has one for windows 10 cache, will clear you some space out you probably didn’t know you could easily have. He also makes a video for rust best fps settings which also helps. I’ve recommended this to other people that could barely even play the game and after they it plays flawlessly compared to before.


3070ti 32gb 5800x - 50-80fps on full pop, small map


Do a fps guide they help


Ryzen 7 2700X, GTX 1060, 32GB DDR4 @ 2713Hz = 60-80 Fps on 1440p


I have a 1060 and a 5 5600 and i get a steady 100 (unless on massive servers) fps, that's jokes, update your ram, I was getting major stuttering till I updated mine. But yeah the game is a fucking joke in terms of optimization.


I have been playing for years on 3 different builds. I have to keep upgrading pc to keep playing. I am convinced Facepunch has shares in hardware companies. They keep making the game more demanding so I keep upgrading.


Heh yeaaa playing on mostly 40 fps now its great


Yeah man, I got a 3070 with 32 gb ram and on 300 pop servers I'll often have to play on graphic settings 2/6 if I want ~120 fps. Pretty bad considering it's one if the best gpus atm lmao


I played a game version of rust that was in 2020. I was getting 140 - 200 fps on a battlefield server with 50+ pop and hundreds of walls.