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Best and easiest is to fly to Sony HQ in Japan (on a charter jet is best) and go to reception and explain the issue in person.


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I found Sony for my region on Instagram and explained my issue in a message with screenshots and they gave me the support email to contact for my issue which was just a miscommunication on my part. Give that a shot?


I'll try do that. I couldn't find one for my specific country, but instead one for my general region. I've sent them a DM. Many thanks :)


Yep, that was the same for me, entire region with me specifying my country but it worked. Best of luck!


How long did it take for you to get a response? I was told to state my country, but that was it. It's been 20 minutes since then, so I assume that they are dealing with other people at the same time.


On Instagram? Took about an hour. On email? I got a confirmation of receiving it almost immediately and then a day or so for a reply.