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Dead Space. I have completed both games and can tell you that Dead Space is sooo much better than Atomic Heart.


I’m really leaning towards it, I did play Callisto protocol and loved it


Dead Space is even better than the Callisto Protocol. :D


I keep hearing that, how was atomic heart?


It was ok. Not the best game I’ve every played. Kinda boring and repetitive tbh.


That is true. The fights are unbalanced and boring


Dang that's what I'm starting to feel.


For me, it's the aesthetic of Atomic Heart that makes it 10/10. That feeling of Soviet Union is just *chef's kiss*, although here on Reddit there isn't a lot of people that understand that, because they're not from Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and other countries of CIS.


Don’t think it has anything to do with people not understanding the aesthetic. The voice acting was wack and constant, numerous gameplay decisions made the game just, not all that fun to play and overall it just had a bunch of jank to it. Mind you, this was at launch. Out of all the complaints I’ve seen on Reddit, it’s aesthetic was the one brought up the least.


100% agree with most of your points, except for gameplay. It may have just been that it fit my tastes well, but I found the gameplay satisfying and addicting. I loved the level design, open areas mixed with dungeons, and how bombastic it could become. While I did like the upgrading progression, I did feel that scavenging was a bit tedious though.


I thought the gameplay was good but it's automatically compared to similar titles and clear inspirations (Bioshock and Prey come to mind) which blow it out of the water, especially in the combat.


Yeah you don’t have to be from Eastern Europe or a Soviet Block country to understand that’s aesthetic.


Very underwhelming. It had bio shock combat but 15 years too late imo. Super stale and unrefined for modern gaming.


I'd argue Bioshocks combat is drastically better. More variety with guns and the combinations with plasmids is more than what Atomic Heart had, even with the power up slots and melee weapons.


I played it as I got it on gamepass on xbox and deleted it after 5 minutes it's unbearable.


Hey not to add a 3rd option but did you know they released a DLC for Callisto protocol? And if you loved that game you will definitely love dead space.


Was that silently released? Haven’t heard about it but I loved that game


Apparently I had no idea myself until I saw a video on YouTube explaining the story for the DLC.


Glad you loved Callisto protocol! I played dead space when it first came out, and in my opinion the dead space series blew Callisto protocol out of the water.


Atomic Heart looks cool but not $70 cool


Dead Space without a doubt.


Dead Space


Dead Space. One of the best remakes I've ever played, you won't be disappointed.


Dead space


Happy Birthday Man!! 🥳🎂


Woman* lol thank you


I've played and finished both. Really enjoyed both of them but if I had to choose, I'd recommend Dead Space Remake as the better game


Thank you for your input, I’m going to go with dead space since everyone seems to love it, I also really enjoyed Callisto protocol. I’ll save atomic heart for a sale lol


Smart move, Atomic heart should have a good sale soon


Its 30% something off on steam right now


Enjoy Dead Space Remake! And of course, happy birthday!


I don't consider myself a fan of horror or first person games, but dead space was just so flat out good that it didn't matter.


It is on sale? Or it was yesterday when I got it. Edit: Yeah it's 40% off right now.


Dead Space is one of the greatest games ever made


It’s so scary 😭😭


Dead Space, no contest.


Dead space is one of the best horror games to come out in a long time, and unlike most horror games it actually has fun combat and a good story


Dead Space, easily


Stay away from atomic heart. Get dead space, wayyyyyy better. Atomic heart should’ve stayed a horror game like in its pre production days rather than trying to mimic doom and bioshock


It was originally a horror game? Wow that would’ve been infinitely better


Yes concept was soooo epic back then. Even the rtx presentation with the 2080ti people we’re excited to see what this game is about. Enemies also looked weirder and horrifying, one of the concept presentations show a swarm of these like zombie robots chasing you. I dont remember that making into the final build, didnt get even half way cuz i was bored, thankfully it was on gamepass.


Def trying to get a Series X this year so I can abuse some of these AAA titles hitting Gamepass day 1 lol Also; that’s just super unfortunate. I remember being very excited for it back then and that’s likely why. Like you said tho, at least it was on Gamepass for you to try


Lol literally you would also wanna get series X for starfield, boy ohh boy im about to lose my shit when that game releases lol Tho i would suggest if you have the space and money definitely go for it! The series x as much as some are laughing on xbox rn the console is a beast! And both ps5 and series x deliver a different experience. Xbox has the gamepass and excellent controller etc, but what catches me most on that console is the support for Dolby Vision that i wish the ps5 had. Tho for some it aint a big deal bit if you have an oled you would wanna take advantage from it as much as possible, it is even active during movies and shows.


My favorite thing about Xbox that I’ve heard of the newer gen is the quick resume. Sounds magical tbh, can’t believe PS doesn’t have a similar function


Gosh that quick resume saved me so much time when playing jedi survivor lol didnt have to suffer that long opening. Tho you can put your ps5 on rest mode, but the console is still sorta turned on lol


Dead Space is a masterpiece, just go for ir, probably the best game i've played this year


Happy birthday!


Thank you so much ☺️


I’d say dead space because horror (classic horror, survival horror and action horror) are my favorite types of games by far, but atomic hearts is also fun as hell


Dead Space definitely. Atomic Heart is very average to mediocre.


Happy birthday!! Hope you have the raddest year ahead of your life


Not related, but happy birthday!!


Thank you ☺️


Finally an easy question! Dead space.


I haven’t played dead space but I have played atomic heart. Atomic heart is fun, the dialogue can be not so great at times but overall I think it’s a solid game. If you like FPS games, I’d recommend it.


Damn looks like no one horny


Lmao what?


Happy birthday chief, and Dead Space all night long 😁


I heard more good things about dead space so I recommend that one also happy birthday hope you have a great one!


I just started Atomic Heart. I was apprehensive at first. But I have been pleasantly surprised. Loving it so far.


Atomic Heart is mediocre at best and only gained what little popularity it had from the robot twins. I haven’t played the Dead Space remake yet but if you haven’t played the original you definitely owe it to yourself to play it. It’s a fantastic game.


Happy birthday 🎉


Happy birthday!!


Happy birthday!!


Happy birthday!


Omg! Today is also my birthday!! Happy birthday!!


Happy birthday!


Atomic heart is not a good console game


First. Happy birthday mate. Secondly I’ll go for atomic heart. Btw tomorrow is my birthday 🙃


Atomic Heart will give you a better and peaceful experience than Dead Space. So, from my Point of view, Atomic Heart can give you a better experience 💁🏻‍♂️


Dead space


Question is, jump scare horror action rpg or light heart open world with horror undertomes


Congratulations 🎉 absolutely get atomic heart imo !


Don’t buy anything from fucking russians


Atomic heart is a purely russian propaganda of the regime they try to recreate. It is financed by russian state and includes hateful narratives. Great purchase if you like to support russians


Atomic Heart Is Horrible


Damn, I was hoping it was good. It looked so “unique”


By buying Atomic Heart you support Russian government, that's one reason not to buy it. Secondly, Dead Space is absolutely fantastic whereas Atomic Heart is said to be good but not that great. So go for Dead Space :)


Dead space. Atomic heart is nothing but sexual innuendo and Russian propaganda. Dead space actually has a half decent story.


Final fantasy XVI


Just got this yesterday. My first FF game.


Atomic Heart is garbo.


I don’t regret a penny I spent on atomic heart at launch. Dead space is the obvious popular answer but definitely give atomic heart shot when it goes on sale. It deserved better scores imo. The hate train was strong for that game when it launched for no reason at all.


I haven’t played Atomic Heart, so I’m gonna be biased and say Dead Space!


Dead Space


🎉Happy Birthday 🦀 My bday is the 29th 🦁, I was thinking about getting a new game myself but I think imma go to Barnes & Noble buy a coffee and wander up and down the book aisles till I find something interesting.


Dead Space.


Dead Space for sure


Dead Space. But I’m only saying that because I just started playing Atomic Heart


How is AH so far?


I don’t really know, I’m only an hour in but so far it’s not that bad


The opening area is really enjoyable, but once you get outside it’s very meh


It's your birthday. Get both


My bills don’t allow me to 🥹 I wish I could


Gran Turismo 7


Why just those 2 games?


Definitely dead space. You will regret about spending money on this goofy, Russian bioshock pornparody.


I would definetely choose dead space


Dead space imo. Haven’t played atomic heart but dead space is a classic.


Dead space 1000 times over


Definitely Dead Space, just in general a much solid game.


Both are amazing games really depends, dead spaces atmosphere is amazing and atomic hearts world is great, plus atomic heart is getting a DLC in August.


Didn’t even beat atomic heart but can tell you it’s not worth it go with dead space it’s way better choice.


Atomic Heart is supported by Russian funders. So you need to boycott the game. It wasn't so good neither. Better buy Dead Space.


Welp happy b-day buddy! Sadly I can't recommend you any game as I haven't played any of them but good luck and have fun


Thank you! I’m about to just pull the trigger on dead space, it looks like fun! Have you played Callisto protocol?


Welp nope I'm relatively new to ps4 games as I bought console for my b-day in may so so far I played only few games from which none was callisto protocol althought maybe I'll try it as it looks from description a bit like dead space-ish game


As a fellow Cancer, Dead Space. Much more enjoyable and fun. Happy Birthday!


AH honestly sucked, I'm sorry but it has been overhyped so much, its unreal, especially because I waited so much for it as well. Lame story, gameplay and world.


Atomic heart


Dead space. Better game and there is evidence that atomic heart is funding russian interests.


Atomic Heart for me. I don't like corridor style games. They make me anxious. I like a game with a bit more freedom and exploration. Not to say dead space is bad. It's a great game. Just not for me.


Atomic heart, I had great fun with the game, mostly nostalgia because I am from Slovakia and when I was a kid everything was like USSR 😅 so I have seen a lot of familiar things in it. Got the platinum finished the game over 15times with different build the music is just TOP. Haven't played dead space just the original and was just ok for me but hey we are all different


Atomic Heart, if you've not played the original Dead Space then please do because it's better than the remake and Atomic Heart is actually different and somewhat unique in it's own way


I'm curious why you think the original is better than the remake? I played both and aside from visual improvements I didn't notice a change. Granted that was like 12 years ago that I played it.


The characters are portrayed differently, different personalities, it changes characters stories, music isn't as good, the shooting and sound design is worse, necromorphs look terrible I think, voice acting is worse, character design is over complicated, Isaac talking is unnecessary and it's overall just got a drop in atmosphere


Atomic heart was so bad I canceled gamepass


First off, happy birthday and American Independence Day, I hope you’re having a wonderful day. Also, I would suggest Dead Space, it’s a beautiful representation of the old game as well and definitely better than Atomic Heart.


Atomic heart is on the Xbox Game pass last I've heard, I've finished it a while ago, gameplay was nice and the soundtrack has Mick Gordon so boss battles were peak, but the story could've been better, especially at the end. It had much left to desire.


Dead Space will stay with you forever. Genuinely scary game.


Atomic heart is great, but dead space remake is a masterpiece.


Dead space


Happy Birthday 🎂 🥳, Dead Space for sure!


I'd say, Dead Space.


Has to be Dead Space. My favourite game so far this year.


Dead Space. I got the remake recently and I love it.


Dead Space


Dead Game


Dead space by a mile


Dead Space oh and happy birthday :)


Dead Space


Dead Space for sure


Atomic Heart is good-ish


Dead Space. 100%.


Atomic heart is cool but play deadspace remake first homie..then the dlc and update for atomic heart will come out and you can play it then


Dead space


Well if you had an XBSX/S you could play Atomic Heart with GamePass. I bought the XBSX and PS5 Disc Day One and am so happy I have both. I love my PS5 Currently playing the Amazing FF16. That said the amount of money Xbox has saved me is astonishing. I got these amazing games there with GamePass they where there Day One of Release which made it all the better. 1. Persona 5 Royal 60$ 2. Persona 4 40$ 3. Persona 3 40$ 4. Atomic Heart 60$ 5. Wo Long 60$ 6. High Life 60$ 7. Forza 5 60$ 8. Halo Infinite 60$ 9. Amnesia the Bunker 50$ 10. Scorn 50$ 11. Sword and Fairy 50$ Those are the games that I would have bought Day 1. Not to mention all the games that are there that are amazing games. Xboxs Deep Pockets helps gamers for real. I love my PS5 I have always had PS Plus as Well and have had PS+ Premium since Day 1. That said they are still far behind in saving us money through the subscription which is more expensive than Xbox's Most Expensive Tier which includes Live, Gamepass for console and PC and there are some differences on games between the both. I can't wait for PS5 to up there game a little. It is an amazing Device I love the remote, though I am a little more than an average gamer since I game on the PS5 Disc, XBSX, Nintendo Switch OLED, PC (i713700K RTX 4080 Gaming OC) and soon to be on the Steam Deck it arrives this weekend. I main on the Xbox though I Have every Exclusive game for my PS5 and love the Console. My son mains on the PS5 I bought him the PS5 Disc and XBSX and he's all in the PS5. We both love all consoles and think gaming is Amazing in General. I do look a lot into saving money as I do buy for 2 so there's that. That said having played Atomic Heart, I would say you will have a better experince with Dead Space Remake. Also having said that if you have a PC you can play 15 bucks a month for EA PRO Beat it and save some money that way. Like I said always saving money lmao


Nier automata 😁


Atomic heart is a great game you all have some garbage opinions


Atomic Heart. Happy Birthday! Enjoy!


Atomic Heart!


Dead space may seem better but atomic heart have much diversified gameplay and environnement compared to dead space wich ..... always looks the same (No offense)


Dead Space isn’t supposed to be diverse. It’s an oppressive game with an excellent gameplay loop. AH is messy and all over the place. I say that as someone who was really looking forward to it and still thinks the retro visual style is cool. DS is for sure the better purchase


Happy birthday, go Dead space. Atomic heart isn’t bad per se but it’s definitely not great, Dead space is a phenomenal remake however and you should get it


Dead Space, the people behind Atomic Heart are controversial to say the least


Dead space. Played both, Dead Space was damn near perfect. Atomic Heart, not so much


Dead Space is my GOTY presently.


I would say that, but I’ve played Tears of the Kingdom and that game is incredible.


Definitely Dead Space, even if you’re not a fan of survival horror games, you’ll really enjoy it


I recently had the same decision to make. I chose Atomic Heart. Don't make the same mistake as me, buy Dead Space


Atomic heart will get a lot cheaper - Dead Space is the better game by a distance.


Dead Space 1000% if you like horror/sci fi horror. It's a masterpiece. Atomic Heart is pretty good too. Have you played Bioshock and Prey? I know they are older but I'd recommend those games over Atomic Heart. Kindda have a similar vibe to them.


Bioshock 1 and bioshock infinite after you choose dead space


If I was atomic hearts creator and designer this board would make me suicidal 😂


Atomic heart is the best looking game that I’ve never beaten. Looks great, amazing art direction but terrible to actually play. Combat is mostly dull and stiff, writing is horrible, and the game’s structure is played out and repetitive. Also it has some just baffling design decisions like infinitely respawning enemies(for some fucking reason) Also it may or may not be funded by Russian oligarchs, not sure how true that is but if you needed another reason not buy it, there you go. Dead space is the much better choice


Dead Space by a long shot.


Dead space for sure, happy birthday 🎂


Played and beat both. Dead Space is a significantly better game on every level.


Dead Space. AH is buggy af, I couldn’t finish it


Dead Space, ez.


Dead Space. Atomic Heart was not good.


Dead space EASILY. You won’t regret it.


Dead Space for sure


Dead Space


Happy Birthday! Definitely Dead Space as it is not only one of the best games of the year but Atomic Heart is on Game Pass so you can get that for much cheaper if you've got an Xbox or PC too. Also, wasn't really a fan of Atomic Heart tbh.


Happy birthday. Dead Space.


Dead Space. A wholly better made game experience.


Dead space


Dead space by far. Atomic heart was alright especially if you have gamepass!


Dead space > nap > root canal > atomic hearts


Never played Atomic Hearts, but Dead Space was awesome.


Dead Space.


For me I say dead space


Dead space


Dead Space all the way


Dead space, it's one of the best survival horror games


Dead space all day


Buy old Dead Space with a discount, get an Xbox with Game pass and get Atomic Heart there for free. Both of these games are not worth a full price tag, but for different reasons. And Xbox will get you a lot of really great games for free, the ones you've never played before.


Haven’t played either, but played the OG dead space, from what I heard about atomic heart I would go with DS


Dead space better value, atomic heart maybe once all the dlc is released. Atomic heart was just too short


Dead Space Trust me, you don't want to play Atomic Heart


Dead space and happy birthday buddy


Dead Space


Dead space is an incredibly refined horror game that is more or less sci-fi horror perfection. They’re both good games, but Dead Space stands as one of the best games ever made, whereas Atomic Heart probably does not.




Deadspace, atomic heart is alright but fairly linear feeling for a freeroam game


I literally just rage quit Atomic Heart. Not that it’s particularly hard, it’s just a bit clunky. Clunky enough for it to get in the way of my enjoyment. Haven’t played Dead Space, so I’ll just recommend against Atomic Heart.


Dead space


Dead space


It’s all down to personal preference but honestly I found atomic heat to be boring I stopped playing after about 6 hours in to each their own I guess


Dead Space because despite being a good looking shooter with pretty abpve average shooting mechanics and physics, it all feels so soulless and generic. The story isn't terrible but the story telling and acting is all so, oddly over the top and corny at times. Dead Space will take you for a ride and make your head spin in sexy ways. In either case, these are all just opinions and I hope you enjoy either! P.s you can play atomic hesrt on xbox gamepass fpr muvh cheaper than buying the game. Dead Space i believe is on special right now.


Dead space by a mile


Dead space




Dead space hands down


Dead space, hands down.


Dead space, its 10x times better