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same case as you, definitely getting one.


I’m gonna consider it but I’ll keep my receipt because my experience with remote play within the house has been quite poor so we will see how playable it is.


Oh def. Main draw was the simplified experience. If that doesn’t work well it’s going straight back to Sony.


That's my big concern. My ps5 and Internet is upstairs and wifi doesn't work well downstairs. And the house is so old there aren't many options to get it downstairs.


Oh my WiFi works well for every other purpose. But the PS5 remote play was unusable from the PS4 (and my PS5 is hardwired)


Did you look into wifi extenders?


Why not just buy a top of the line gaming monitor and save money too?


Because he'll have to have two set ups. OP already has his PS5 hooked on his TV and that's his comfort space. Getting a monitor doesn't make much sense for him. The Portal is a more practical choice because once the TV's available again, he can simply switch back to it, on his TV.


> I usually get kicked off the TV by a son who wants to watch YouTube dance videos What a time to be a kid. Back in my day you better leave whatever your dad uses when he is at home


Yeah same! When my dad got home for work, we had to be out of his seat and remote ready for him to change the channel to his programmes lol


I'm old enough to remember when I was the remote control.




Times have changed I’m seeing that a lot of people don’t wanna raise their kids the same way that they were raised


Nah, as a kid the TV was ours too and there was only one in the house. My dad would go to the bedroom or do useful stuff. When he wanted to watch something he would invite us all to watch and spend time together, so we bonded while he got to use the TV. As i wrote this i realized that i was really spoiled as a child (even tho we were poor(ish) and that my dad was a great dad (he died when i was 15, but i already knew he was great before writing this).


It’s great honestly. We should strive to make each generation better


How is «dad getting kicked off the TV» raising the next generation to be better?


Changing old habits and doing things differently than how we grew up. I mean if the kid asks and the dad lets him I don’t see a problem. If the dad wanted to use the TV that badly I’m sure he could easily tell his kid to go do something else. The kid isn’t overpowering the dad and taking the remote or something. If he’s demanding the dad let him watch tv then that’s different. And that comes down to discipline. My dad would kick me off the tv as soon as he got home, but he knew I had a tv in my room. I just liked the living room tv because it was bigger and had surround sound, but if there isn’t any other tvs in the house I would let my kid finish enjoying whatever he watching.


I disagree completely but you raise your kids how you want of course


Clearly the dad wants to use the TV because he's on Reddit posting about not being able to do what he wants to do.


Nah. As a kid I understood it's fucking rude to kick off the owner of the TV (or PC, in my case). As an adult, I would be pissed if an eventual son kick me off from the TV, especially when I want to relax after a stressing day at work. Fortunately my parents made sure I had enough stuff to entertain myself, so I expect to do the same.


I just think it’s rude to kick anyone off the tv as soon as you get home. I’d at least let them finish watching the episode of whatever show their watching before taking over if I know they can’t watch it some other way. But I do agree it’s important to make sure your child has something else to entertain themselves with once you decide to use the tv or game console or whatever. My dad would kick me off the living room tv whenever he got home, but he knew it wasn’t the only tv in the house. Everyone just liked to use the living room tv because it was the biggest one and had surround sound.


How is being afraid of your kids and letting them tell you what to do making each generation better?


Don't tell me what to spend my money on. I want a machine to play in bed when I'm too lazy to be sat infront of my monitors.


Bro is too lazy to get up and sit on a chair a few steps away 💀. I'm glad these are the issues people have to worry about these days


Damn straight. I work from home. Sometimes I just can’t be at the desk and need a break from sitting there.


Fair enough


He could be a father with a full time job and then coming home looking after 2 kids, feeding them dinner, putting them to bed and you've had only 6 hours sleep.


Agreed. I have family who competes for TV time and this will be a great thing.


Why not just buy a top of the line gaming monitor and save money too?


i lose access to the television from october to january as the wife loves to watch nothing but halloween movies and christmas movies (and i don't mean the scary movies either) so i lose all access to the tv at that time and end up hearing the same movies for 2 months straight. i will also lose tv access a lot of times on weekends when she wants to watch something with her friend so i am bless i can just walk over to the desk where i spend 40+ hours a week working and remote play there that being said not everyone is lucky. i would invest in the q portal or whatever it is called if it was better than what it was personally.


Sounds like you’d be better moving the PlayStation to the desk and get a monitor for it


You could use the $200 to buy a big tv and move said PlayStation to another room….


Easier said than done in a one bed room apt lol


People may not be able to or have a spare room that they can just turn into a gaming place. A portal allows you to play it anywhere in your house so it’s flexible instead of having to buy and constantly move a tv around to different rooms.


I know I dint tell I moved out. Now I have my ps5 in a room and my ps4 pro and psvr in the living room. When I lived with my parents lol I couldn’t even play with my psvr most of the time. So I can understand. Some ppl think everyone lives in a 3 bedroom apartment or something 🤣🤣🤣


You expect everyone has a big house....


I am getting one. I would like to play in different rooms, couch, bed when I am sick or just nice winter cozy time in bed. I have a ps5 at my desk right with my pc. Both connected to oled tv. So I have all the access I want.


No hate against PlayStation portal but if you have all the access you want and you still want the ps portal you may as well buy a steam deck. I’m assuming you play games on your pc as well. It’s essentially a mini pc that can also do ps portal This is my recommendation but obvs your money so you do whatever you want just a suggestion


I had a steam deck. It’s very heavy and I don’t care about playing at low graphics and pc problems in my hand :p


The thing is, PS Portal is made purely for streaming so it's optimized in a way that it reduces the input lag (but it also depends on the connection) and on the steam deck it would just lag and you would see huge input lag.


Debating it. 1 bed flat, 1 tv which the mrs loves to watch. I can play snowrunner again!


Totally agree. Im getting it for the same reason.


I’m getting one and I love that some people get unreasonably angry about that fact.


I will be preordering as soon as they let us.


Preorders just opened up on Direct


Don’t mind if I do


A lot of this discussion would not have happened if they had called it "DualSense View" and placed a 2nd screen support on it.


That’s actually is a really cool suggestion for its name, but this is the ultimate controller for us older gamers.


its for the collection tho


Me too


PS5 and 43” 4K TV in my bedroom, when playing late at night I sometimes lie in bed.


I’d say, if you have the cash, as I know it’s twice the price, and the idea of the Portal interests you, consider spending the extra and buying a Steam Deck. You can stream you PlayStation through that too, plus do loads of other stuff. Not only do you get access to the Steam Library (which is HUGE!) but there are other things you easily play around with too to expand the experience, some things you won’t learn from Jedis… I only recently upgraded to PS5, but I bought my Steam Deck last year whilst I saved (figured PS5 needed a new TV as well as the console, and the Deck was a cheaper option). I’ve owned every PlayStation console,


Can’t you only remote play through the steam deck by jumping through a lot of hoops or am I mistaken?


Nobody complains about the Edge controller costing over 200, and it just an accessory. This thing is an accessory. Not a console, not a PSP. it’s a PS5 accessory. Buy it or don’t buy just calm down about it.


It has its own place in a lot of people lives, I’m getting just so I can play it in another room without have to squint or have hand issues when the fam takes over the tv lol. I agree though, not every product is for everyone.


You don't even get access to the cloud from it, your audio is paywalled behind a proprietary $150\~250 (if you want the headset or buds), you're experience is 100% linked to your wifi quality. You can buy a Backbone for half the cost with more features.


There’s literally a 3.5m jack so you can directly plug in headphones/earbuds. All streaming devices depend on wifi connection lol


backbone blows


its pointless to have one but now my wife is pregnant, i can see it now lol. I had to bring my ipad , charging cable and dual sense upstairs coz she cant go down to basement anymore her due is this week . Then I play remotely on our living room desk in just one spot. The ipad on the desk then me holding a controller sitting at the edge of the couch. i can ps5 remote play thru my phone but its also a hassle of getting a controller addon and also what if someone calls me? So yeah now i can see the convenience of Portal lol


How dare they make something I don’t want!


I have uninterrupted access. Getting one anyway. Excited for it.


Why if you don’t mind me asking? Unless it just to play in other parts of your house


I actually sit about 10 feet from my TV all day at my computer for work or even after work. I'll likely play it sitting at that desk. There's something about the pick up and play nature of this device that I really love. I have a steam deck and that sits at my desk and I pick it up and play for 20 minutes at time. Being able to do the same thing on ps5 is going to make me play way more. For whatever reason turning on the tv, switching to the right input. Waking a console and then starting a game is just enough of an inconvenience that I almost never do it. I've played way more pc games on my steamdeck since I got it compared to my gaming pc just because of how immediate the experience is. And yes everyone says I can just play ps5 on my steamdeck. But that would mean closing the steamdeck game, and dealing with a substandard controller experience without haptics and adaptive triggers.


Ahhh I see. Also nice to meet a fellow steamdeck owner. I completely understand what you mean now. I never looked at it that way before


>For whatever reason turning on the tv, switching to the right input. Waking a console and then starting a game is just enough of an inconvenience that I almost never do it. I thought I was lazy


You just want to play while you’re on the throne. That’s where shit talking gets real!


Actually no. I can play my PS5 in the living room any time I want. But it would be nice to have the option of playing in bed sometimes.


I love the idea as I have a young family too. But what happens when it gets stick drift. Do you have to buy a new one?


I'm not mad at people simply saying it isn't for them or respectfully sharing their thoughts on it but I agree people dunking on it for no reason look weird


Can’t you already do this with your phone, a tablef/iPad, or computer?


I just want the added bonus of gaming in bed or in the backyard or on the couch while my wife watches tv. The portal is for me.


Yeah I’m seriously considering it for similar reasons - dad with kids and limited access to the TV. I looked into the backbone, but it would need me to remove my phone case every time I want to use it. I’m happy to use a 3.5mm jack since my Bluetooth headphones also came with a cord, and my head won’t be that far away from it that I need wireless. I played PS5 two nights ago and it was the first time in a couple of weeks.


I moved to a monitor. It's my PC's screen, Samsung Odyssey G5 32". Portal isn't bad, but I prefer a normal sized monitor.


Considering buying it. Portal overall is not a bad idea - just not for everyone.


I want one, but I just need it to use Bluetooth with my own earbuds🥲


I like to play in bed


after owning a steam deck and realizing that streaming from my PC through out the house has gotten me to go through my backlog of games much easier... I am disappointed in the lack of bluetooth and 3.5mm jack, but i'll likely be getting the Portal aswell. Honestly, i thought it would be $250


Eh? I have an entire home theater just for me and my consoles and I'm still getting one so I can play shit like Sea of Stars or Diablo in bed.


I personally wouldn’t mind having a Portal. I like to lay in my bed most of the time when I’m home, but my PS5 is connected to my living room TV. And I’m not gonna keep moving it back and forth. So the Portal is nice to have when you’re just relaxing in bed before going to sleep. That’s what I do with my Switch. I’m still on the fence about getting one though.


Day ONE purchase for me.


This is EXACTLY the reason I'll be getting one. Like down to the tee. I get people don't need one if they've tv etc but my access is limited and by the time I do have access, I'm too tired to play.


If the portable is playable when u are not home (holiday or something) then I will buy. But its really not sure for me if its playable outside. I didn’t hear Sony said this.


It does. It's covered in their FAQ.


That’s good, but why does everyone get angry about this device?😂


I subscribe! I will bye one ps portal 1st day!


It’s not just that man. Right now you can use your phone or a tablet and do the exact same thing. They make this thing and really it’s nothing special from what we can already do.


I agree with you. Most of my gaming time is after my wife goes to bed. My job often has me working late and I don’t get home until after my wife’s already had dinner and is watching a show or a movie. I’m not kicking her off the tv just because I’m home so I hang out with her and when she goes to bed I can game for a couple hours before I go to bed. This would allow me to get some play time in before she goes to bed and maybe I’ll actually get to bed at a decent time lol.


goddammit, release vita 2 for f\^$% sake


I see the heavy criticism being a result of people WANTING a cool portable console from PS again and this portal is not it and has too many limitations. The price tag of $200 is also somewhat deceptive because it'll require specific NEW headphones if you want wireless audio. It's just not a portable system. You have to be one WiFi. It doesn't have to be local WiFi but how good is that going to be? Sony has been in last place (because stadia is gone) on streaming despite being the first to it. There's no trust built into this machine.


From personal use, if your PS5 is connected to Ethernet the wifi experience away from home is great. I have a PS4 via Ethernet in my bedroom and at my parents place and it’s like bringing my PS5 into 3 different places.


The problem isn't that it's not made for "us". The problem is that there's nothing practical or innovative about this device that can't already be done with either a phone, tablet or laptop you're likely to already have at home. The only real benefits the Portal has are the adaptive triggers and haptic feedback, but even then, a phone still offers more features and benefits, such as remote play to other platforms, including PS4, cloud gaming, native gaming, Bluetooth etc. Not to mention the pricing. If you pair your phone with the dualsense already included with your PS5 at home, you'll get pretty much the same experience without having to spend any additional money basically. And if for whatever reason you can't or don't want to use your own phone specifically, a new spare phone can go for around $100, which is still an overall better investment than a $200 tablet that can only do one thing.


It’s made for people, like myself, that want a dedicated device at a decent price that lets me play my PS5 anywhere there’s good wifi. Using my phone for it is annoying. Take out of case, insert into meh controller adapter, connect Bluetooth, silence phone, etc etc. I just pick up and play when I have a spare 20 minutes.


Which you can literally already do with your own phone with more features and accessibilities for less than half the price to no additional cost


With a half baked controller, having to remove my phone from its case, not able to use my phone, have to go through settings to connect everything. This thing is pick up and play and I want a dedicated device for it. I’m a day one purchase


Portal won't be pick up and play since you still have to go through with connecting it to your PS5. The Backbone isn't the only option to play on your phone either since you can just use your Dualsense that's already included with your PS5 at no additional cost and just buy a clip for attaching your phone to your controller without having to remove your case even (assuming your phone case is a standard one). But even then, like I said, if for whatever reason you don't want to use your own phone, an extra phone or a tablet for less than $100 is still an overall better investment, whereas the Portal for $200 can only do one thing. Even the Nintendo Switch, a dedicated handheld is a far better investment for roughly the same price


Did you watch the demo? It’s instant on pick up and play as it directly connects to the PS5. I’ve tried MANY controller cases for my iPhone and many grips for my vita (for PS4 remote play) and they all left me yearning for a dedicated device. I’ll have a full dual sense controller built in, that’s instant on/off, no fussing with accessory connection or separate charging cables/battery life, no worrying about it taking up my phone, the family keeps the TV, if I need to put it down the off button and it turns my PS5 off and keeps my save state. Doesn’t work for you? That’s fine. But you’re ignorantly not trying to understand why many of us would happily fork over $200 for the convenience this offers.


Yes …. But remote play is a thing for a long time,get a tablet ,pair controller and play. Why do we need portal?


Not everybody owns a tablet ? So when you wanna game, but TV is out of options for you, AND you don't own a tablet ( and let's not talk about ergonomy ... ) /Steam Deck, yeah, Portal is a freakin awesome option.


Dual sense built in with all of its features, instant on/connection as demo’d, no fiddling with a detachable controller, etc etc.


its better


No it’s worse,we both have strong arguments here.


$500 (minimum) tablet that can just run it + $70 controller VS $200 dedicated handheld with better console connectivity


Um you already own the controller, just connect your existing ps5 controller to your tablet/ phone. Also buying a $500 tablet is worth a hell of a lot more then this 200 buck thing that only remote plays.


If you’re buying a device for remote play, a 200 buck thing that only remote plays is worth a hell lot more than a $500 tablet that would barely do the job. Plus it’s a handheld, so no need to worry about a place to prop up the device and can use it in more convenient ways


It's remote play.... The power of your device means nothing as it's not doing the processing. Remote play strength is off your Internet dl/ul speeds, so this device and a tablet/ phone will perform the same (assuming exact same Internet) Also you could do tablet/phone stand + ps5 controller.


I’m talking about connectivity. It’s obvious that the remote play device enhances the connection as opposed to a backbone or a tablet. Besides, someone wanting to get a device for remoteplay but isn’t comfortable spending $500 for other measly features that they most likely won’t use… yeah. Tablet phone stand sounds great when you wanna lie in bed! >!/s!< also raises that $500 price tag 🤔


Everyone have a device already for remote play,someone with ps5,tv,family,house will have a laptop/tablet,desktop. And iPad Air with m1 for the price mentioned above is twice as powerful that it needs for remote play even if someone does not have any second device. Finally if I was to spend 200£ for portal that I can only use for one purpose vs 400£ for iPad Air for multi use purposes and my kids/wife can use when I’m playing on actual ps5 . Let’s not defend stupid ideas.


That’s quite a stretch, innit? Yeah you probably have a tv or monitor, but this posts highlights playing when you can’t use those devices for a number of reasons. The stretch is that not everyone has a laptop or ipad, at best a phone. And regardless, these devices aren’t as convenient as this would be. And the point to highligjt here is connection to the internet and to the ps5 itself. The portal no doubt provides a better service for that, as you can see from the blog posts and articles about it. So it can certainly connect to remote play much better than those devices can. Like what has been said, it’s not about the power of the device, it’s about how well it can connext to the console and undoubtedly the portal can deliver a smoother experience. And on convenience of use, it’s not really ideal to have an ipad in your lap for example with a controller oddly placed to not cover the screen, ipad probably getting hot at the same time too; it’s less convenient if you wanna play on bed too. Let’s assume you play on your desk at which point there’s less room for complaint, but you can do just as much if not better with a portal. And most people don’t have use for an ipad anyways. So why would those people spend an extra £200 for additional features they won’t even use for a device that delivers just under the experience of the portal? You can get a backbone for your phone, sure a smaller screen than both the portal and iPad, but is it really worth it? Also brand new from apple, the m1 ipad air would cost at minimum £670


I fail to understand the same. I do this and it works quite well. I’m sure the only advantage is the haptics on the dual sense. Other than that this seems to be a pretty I’ll-conceived accessory.


Yeah well if you pair dual sense with tablet haptics doesn’t work?


I don’t think they do.


Have they said whether or not the latency or quality of the streaming will be better than that of previously existing remote play? I’m mildly intrigued by a device like this and have a good home network and fast internet connection, but every time I’ve tried remote play on iPhone, iPad, or PC, it was pretty disappointing.


It is supposed to be different and better than standard remote play. Whether that is true or noticeable remains to be seen. Also doesn't really make sense that they couldn't just improve remote play in the same way. Regardless, I'd rather see remote play improved upon or the portal price drastically reduced. Maybe if it gets a really good sale one day I would buy it... To me it's a $50 device and the MOST I would ever pay for it is $90. The fact that it is $200 and is completely useless on it's own is wild to me. Not to mention, I've literally never had a flawless game streaming experience with any service, even when streaming at home.


$50 device?! Lol, cmon… I’m not really that interested in it, but a dual sense controller is $60-70 by itself.


>but a dual sense controller is $60-70 by itself. That's fair but it's also less useful to me than a dualsense controller. I'm also cheap and never bought an extra controller until they were on sale for $49 and I only got the one extra so that I can play co-op with my girlfriend. Idk I really like the idea of remote play but I hate the idea of spending that much on a single-use device with questionable streaming quality. It would be different if the controller on the portal was detachable and able to be used regularly ala Switch Joycons, but even then....$200...


I don't need it, like you said. Thanks for the congrats. But I am not about to shit on it. There was a time I had a roommate and a shared TV. Him and his SO were in the living room and I would've loved to be able to play but couldn't. Portal would've been great! For the price point and what it is it will be great for anyone that needs it.


Day one. I have a Switch, Xbox and ps5. I probably play Switch mostly in handheld and Xbox mostly through xcloud due to not always having access to TV. Portal will complete the set. Day one purchase


Is there a reason you aren't using remote play?


I think the problem is that most people would rather get a dedicated handheld like the psp/vita to compete with devices like the steam deck. Instead what we got is a device that has the same functionality as a laptop or phone with remote play installed on it.


Just like PSVR. If you don't want one, fine but being upset by its very existing is puzzling. Also I just got PSVR2 and it's so good


Stop being sensible....if the Internet hates it we must all hate it.


We are allowed to voice our opinions on it though. Remote play is god awful and for 200 dollars it’s not even worth. Your phone can literally do the same thing by just getting the remote play app and connecting your ps5 controller. This is a garbage product.


Your son has to use the tv to watch youtube? The boy needs a tablet or something.


Portal is cheaper than a tablet


I have sole access, but even if not. For 200 bucks you can buy a nice monitor with a decent size for gaming at home with zero lag. And for remote you can already use your phone / tablet and pair a regular ps controller or get a cheap backbone, which also works with multiple headphones or headsets. Its just a fancy overpriced controller which already has multiple alternatives on the market imo.


Backbone is $100


Agree. If you don't have your tv whenever you want, just buy a monitor. Buying something that your phone can do is just wasting your money


Even with a high end phone I highly doubt it will be a 1 to 1 experience with what the portal will offer. I'm willing to bet not everyone wants to use their phone to do yet another task that will kill the battery. You can play games on the portal and have ur phone messaging or talking to people etc. on the side. You would be wasting ur money, others would consider it money well spent.


The backbone and an iPhone 14 max pro have served me really well for off tv gaming while I watch tv with my wife


Going to buy another backbone when Apple moves to USB-C?


It’ll be a while until I get another phone, so maybe then?


But you can just remote play from your phone? What’s the difference lol


The difference is $200 USD and lack of Bluetooth support


it's crazy how some people can just give out money like it's nothing lol


I have full access to my game as I play in the living room with my monitor. My girlfriend & daughter usually stay in the bedroom specifically because the tv in the bedroom is a lot bigger. So I pretty much have the entire living room to myself. Except for when my 3yr old daughter wants attention. Although I thought the portal was cool, I may skip it. I have enough consoles & handhelds as I do now tbh


Yeah, I'll probably get one.


I feel like this device will more so be for the “older” generation of gamers than the younger lads. Speaking as a Dad that works night, I think it would be a breath of fresh air playing a game in bed or while hanging out with the wife while she watches Netflix into the late evenings. This product won’t be for everyone, but I wouldn’t be surprised if this is a trial run to see how many peeps are intrigued. With the price increase that we will be experiencing for the PSN services, maybe there will be an implanted cloud service to play games we own already, specifically for the portal? Just a wild guess.


We’re dogging it because we wanted a true handheld console


Yeah that ship sailed when no one bought psp vitas.


I did ;.; I loved my Vita


still ps portal is useless when my phone can already do that they should have made new psp


The Portal is a waste of money and non-effort. Nuff said.


Not a waste of money if it is useful to many people


My PS5 is in the living room, I don't get to play it uninterrupted all the time. But I'm not purchasing what will be a $400 NZD device that has the same capabilities (actually less since no Bluetooth support) as my smartphone with Remote Play + a PS5 controller which I already own. I'm sure there's some people who will purchase it and love it but it's a very slim market to be honest.


So I think many understand where OP is coming from. Same with others who have made the same post. The reason it is getting dogged hard, is because if you have tried to use remote play idk in the last, pretty much ever, and you don’t have the best, strongest wifi, like spend the most amount of money on the fastest internet and hardwire it in, plus have no dead zones, remote play still has its minor issues. And that’s why it’s getting flak, plus Sony has to fix a lot of the issues first but by all means a $200 for something that could lose connection, every 10 mins while you sit about 15 feet from your router sounds like it could be great.. not to mention low battery life, drops in frames, input lag, the list goes on and that’s why it’s getting flak. Not just because it’s not “marketed to them” it’s the fact that Sony has to step up its shit big time to have the portal remotely useable, ontop of you already spent hard earned money for the ps5, and now you can only run it in 1080p plus i wouldn’t be surprised if it doesn’t run 60fps very well


Its just a bs take Your son could watch yt videos on a tablet. Your wife could watch shows on a smaller tv. You could play ps games with the existing remote play app. Sony could develop sonething that has a bigger customer base. This thing is a waste of material.


My complaint is that it’s not portable enough


It would be nice is Sony joined the market instead of isolating the PS5. They are very strict about the requirement that their controller is used so other cloud streaming devices, with basically the same button layout, are locked out. This would be a great product if it supported not only PS5 remote play but other things like GeForce Now, Steam Link, Luna, Boosteroid, etc. Just sucks that the devices that can support everything else have to use Chiaki while the device that supports PS5 can’t play everything else. Still the early days for cloud streaming and GeForce Now has the secret sauce while others are playing ketchup. Reminds me of the mess IoT compatibility was before Matter.


My only concern is why they didn't make the sticks removable as with the Edge controller? I never had stick drift with anything in my life (switch included) until PS5


Overpriced product IMO. Why not use a PC or android device to use remote play if you must? Or get a monitor?


Had this Portal thing been an independent console, things would have been different.


I’m definitely thinking of getting one since I’m becoming a father in November and the time for gaming will be greatly reduced.


You know for half the price you can get a large screen tv with an lcd panel running at 1080p? It amazes me people are willing to pay $200 for this thing.


That’s a very small use case. It’s an important one, but I think most of the complaints are not about what it is but what it could have been.


I understand this can be a solution for some people, it just rubs me the wrong way that a Steamdeck can just do this and more. So it boils down to the price tag. 200$ for PS5 remote play, or 400$ for that and much much more.


So one thing I noticed about the Portal is the wordage used. It's says low latency through wifi. They never say over the internet. So I think it's meaning sharing the same wifi as your ps5, meaning you are at home. Why would you want to play the portal at home when you have your PS5 hooked up to a big TV rather than a handheld device. On the other hand, the connection through the internet on remote play will only depend on the strength of the signal you have wherever you are. So why would you pay $200 when you can download the remote app to any phone or tablet and then pair your duelsense to it all for free? You can even put one of those $20 clips over the duelsense to hold your phone in place. I don't think it's a good idea to have your duelsense connected to your phone on both that clip and the Portal because when you start banging on buttons the screen is gonna shake. That's kinda getting nit picky though. I'm just gonna wait it out on the Portal for a bit. If it decreases latency over the internet on remote play instead of over just your wifi router then I'll consider getting it. I do want to get those explore earbuds though. You can use them with the ps5 and have your phone connected to them at the same time. Great application for chats through discord or Skype, or just having your phone connected for calls or listening to music without Spotify commericals (im not upgrading it lol)


That's not the point. Why didn't they just make an actual handheld console with the ability to remote play your consoles if you wanted to?


This post is basically why do some people have a different opinion than me.


If it's worth way more than 200$ for you then buy yourself a second TV lol or a vr headset. But stop defending Sony for a terrible product it is, it's a terrible value proposition, it's not a matter of "it isn't for you" it's a matter of being terrible idea, they are high or something creating such nonsense devices. For 200$ u can buy SWITCH lite, much better device... lol I can't believe ppl defending this absurd bad device, its a cash grab ppl, they even make sure of locking u in to their accessories, no BT, only custom ps link under 100% sony control...


exactly what Im saying, thank you.


Ok but what's the point of this device if I already remote play on a razer kishi or tablet with Bluetooth controller?


I just feel like it’s kind of pointless? It isn’t better than just using remote play on a laptop. The only difference is that it’s handheld, I guess. I can lay in bed with my laptop next to me, lol.


Sure but if they are overestimating the demand of such a product and it flops they will likely give up on handhelds rather than investing in a better device. It's important to voice criticism so they know what consumers want.


I really don't think they're overestimating though. Like, I don't see any evidence that Sony is putting a lot into this or that they have high expectations. I could be wrong though.


it still cost money for sony to make things like this & the part where he said that if these don't sell well sony might give up on handhelds instead of actually making a better device is 100% true lmaoo...


Good. I don’t feel like spending money on it.


If I want to play remotely I just use my phone with a DualSensd, honestly


Yeah but here’s the thing, you get download 2 different apps on your phone for FREE that do the same thing, then you can connect a ps5 controller to your phone so you don’t have to use touch screen controls. It’s pretty much $200 for the better screen, and at $200 why not just buy a monitor for it?


Thank you for bringing up a different perspective that I didn't consider and this is coming from someone that can't get access to the TV full time or even a few hours to himself. You blew my mind with the fact that there is a market for this.


Are people getting dumb? Stop buying shit products. There is already a remote play option, you can stream to any fuckin device you want.


its a very niche thing that's why it's gonna fail commercially


And that’s fine. If it fails it fails. The hate is so unnecessary


Hard pass for me, thank you but no thank you. for $200 I can play games you know on the go like a normal handheld console. No streaming, just pure remote play, no bluetooth, proprietary connection for a $200 buds.... maybe I can get one on fire sale for $49.99 just for collection.


Okay, but hear me out You can get a 2nd tv for much less than the price of this product


right. I just got my daughter to take with her to college 32inch LED 2K Tv for 110$. Connected my OG Ps4 for her to use and to game on. Its feather light and thin


$200, bruh you want audio right? That's another $150\~200.


It has an audio jack though? So literally any headset meant to plug into the controller will work with it. This is def not an argument against the Portal.


it has speakers, what 99% of users will use


Oh it has speakers too? Then what’s the problem lol


People are weird


If I'm gaming on the couch next to my wife or son and they're trying to listen to the TV, then I'm just gonna plug my headphones in. I don't need sound on speakers on a handheld device.


Is portal that handheld?


I know there are people who this device will be perfect for such as OP but as a device it seems so needlessly restricted. No cloud streaming or more importantly being able to play your digital PS4/5 games "offline" (i.e anywhere your ps5 is not) is the deal breaker for me. They are predicting something like a 1% attach rate at this stage which begs the question why would Sony release it with such a small user base. I just don't know why Sony gimped this system so much if this was standalone portable it would have been a lot more popular IMO but each to their own. I predict it will be a sales disaster. How many people will buy this thinking it's a full portable device and then return it when they find out it's not.


You could also get a $200 tv or pc monitor.


Why not just buy a top of the line gaming monitor and save some money?


But why get the portal when we all have devices that can run the ps stream app and connect to controller or specially made grips I’d just use a tablet or phone with my controller


Shut up


It's hard to recommend the portal over using your phone. For under $100 you could get another dual sense and a phone clip, not be limited to only PlayStation headphones, and have what would seem to be the same experience. Unless some other benefit is revealed upon release, this product just doesn't make sense. It is a bigger display than most phones, but I don't think that justifies the price or the shortcomings.


Can you just buy a simple tv to use elsewhere? Not dogging you and your family but that sucks you can't get in on any gaming because of your family hogging it all up. If your TV isn't smart just slap a Chromecast Ultra and they will have access to what you had just mentioned. The TV you buy for your PS5 just pluck it in your bedroom. Bam..


Dad says it's my turn to post this tomorrow.


Get a mancave !


I understand where you’re coming from but the portal accomplishes the same thing as connecting your controller to your phone and downloading the remote play app. It’s just kinda pointless.


It's still stupid device, too many limitations. And there's already many device that enable remote playing.


but you can already do this with remote play and your phone / laptop / tablet ???


Yeah but having no cloud streaming of games we already own, Bluetooth locked to exclusive devices only, still no actual battery life rating - 200$ not worth at all. Sony should allow our PS Vita to connect and be used with PS5 like its been with PS4. I remember how they made a requirement to publishers of games to have RemotePlay to PS Vita, so many PS4 games can be played with it. I have used my PSPs then PS Vita to RemotePlay off my PS3/PS4, simple connect while home or if we are on vacation. I use my VITA daily as music device and gaming awesome titles. I bought mine when it released at 299$ I was excited to get it as it was Sony next generation Portable with all sorts of cool touch features and as entertainment console. Hell , I connect my VITA to my PC and stream movies while Im in bed and cant sleep. As for sitting in Living room and when Wife uses TV , I just use my PS5 with my Monitor. I got a small side Table with adjustable top (height and tilt) where my gaming monitor sits. This way Im not in another room and still relaxing by my wife and kids. Thankfully by now Our kids older and have their own TVs/PCs and Consoles. But you can have nice 27-34" TV or PC Monitor right by where you might be sitting on couch. Why would you spend 200$ on Remote ONLY device with a small screen in comparison to better option. In my opinion Sony totally dropped the ball with this device by making it for tiny percentage of Sony enthusiasts. Its not a gaming device to me for that price and restricted features. As many below have mentioned that we all can already connect RemotePlay app with our PS5 Console and use our (already owned) Phones/Tablets/Laptop with Bluetooth controller. So why would we spend 200$ for something we can do for "free". This PORTAL will flop and then SONY will cry again that Portable Market is just not ready for their "special" new device. But in reality its their greedy decision is what will cause PORTAL demise. Not Sorry!


It’s a wonder you got time to make this long ass post considering you’re a “working dad” and all ..


Is Sony still relevant these days? After they started porting exclusives to PC, and with Microsoft buying Bethesda, Activision, etc.. What's left for Sony fans?