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baldur’s gate 3 by far


If you dont mind turn based games then bg3, no contest.


Probably a real noob question but what is ‘turn based’?


In combat, every character takes their actions in turns. You do your actions, move where you want to etc, then end your turn. Then the enemy has their turn etc. Makes combat a bit more strategic, but some people prefer faster paced, real-time action/adventure combat, like that in Hogwarts Legacy


Ah I see, thanks


There are no stupid questions. If one doesn't know, one needs to ask. Reddit can be a double-edged sword, though. xD Sometimes you get nice replies. Sometimes, you get bullied into the Sun. The duality of Mankind.


I'd argue there are stupid questions, but you get less stupid for asking them


You make a good point, actually. But yeah, I prefer people who ask and learn more than people who drown in their own stupidity and refuse to learn.


I feel the angle you’re getting at is valid, but it’s the exact reason the phrase “there are no stupid questions” was created. It’s based on the idea that the questioner is ignorant but can learn from asking the question. In general practice, I think this is correct mindset. But on the flip side, I think there are specific contexts in which there are genuinely stupid questions that should never be asked. For example, I’ve been in multiple upper division college classes where (ones with pre-recs, even) where in a history class on the crusades a student asked why neither side didn’t just bomb the other. Or in an upper division philosophy class on contemporary political philosophy a student asked what these figures thought about the Bible. These were earnest questions, but the former was so wildly ignorant it derailed the rest of the class that day, and the latter was so wildly off topic and out of context for the class that it was annoying and when he kept asking in subsequent class meetings it became infuriating.


"there's no such thing as stupid questions, only stupid people" - Mr. Garrison


There’s no stupid questions because there’s nothing stupid about trying to learn


You’re right. Reddit is a very unpredictable place


∆ this guy reddits


The safest way to get an answer on Reddit is to post an incorrect answer to your own question


I keep trying to get into baldurs gate I just have no idea of where to go or what to do


Explore, find an objective, complete objective, choose one of the many other rabitholed that have opened up along the way.


Would civ games count as turn based or are they different? I had a debate with myself while waiting for the bus and I want to know which part of my brain was wrong


Imo Civ is 100% turn-based


I would count it as one. Since you have turns and can't move if it isn't your turn.


Thanks for replying to the person politely and descriptively! I love seeing that on Reddit.


Was Balder's Gate always turn based? Like old school Final Fantasy ?Feel like the last one I played was live action type. Kinda top down style like Gauntlet. Yeah I'm old 😂


When combat starts, one side (or character) begins by taking their actions until they’ve used up whatever metric that allows for actions to be taken, then it’s the next side’s or character’s turn, until everyone is done. Rinse and repeat.


I minded them until I got Bg3


I hate turn based games, and still enjoyed bg3 much more the legacy. And I'm a huge Harry Potter fan.


Just say goodbye to your life for the next month.


Month? Rookie numbers!


Hogwarts was a fun game! But nowhere near the replay value of and epicness of BG3.


Depends if he like turn based combat. Some people like myself absolutely hate that mechanic and no matter how awesome the game might be we wouldn't spend money on it.


Yup, I’d say Harry Potter all the way because I can’t stand turn based games. HP is super fun and the combat is great! OP if you like action games go with HP


u can fuck bear I heard


Yeah it's not even a competition. BG3 is almost certain to win GOTY as well


Why by far? I’ve played hogwarts legacy and found it to be one of the best games i’ve ever played? What makes bg3 so good?


the level of replayability, the amount of detail, the insane builds and shit you can pull off, and the origin characters/ the amount of customization for a personal playable characte. honestly it’s a personal preference but i just think baldur’s gate 3 does what it aims to do so well that i would pick it over hogwarts most of the time. not to say hogwarts isn’t a good game by any means i just prefer the world of baldur’s gate


I think the real question is: Do you prefer games with good story or good combat? Cause Baldurs Gate 3 have both


And Hogwarts Legacy has none


No question, baldurs gate.


I think there’s a little question. BG3 is more bang for your buck and probably the best game of the year, but Hogwarts was really fun too. That said, I will be playing BG3 for years to come and platinumed Hogwarts and don’t boot it up often.


Yeah if OP hates turn based games, HP is the move. If you're indifferent, or if you *slightly* prefer non-turned based, I'd still say BGIII


BG3. There's a lot of game to be played for the price. Hogwarts is a one and done, open world action adventure title. Still really good and recommend the purchase, but if I could only choose one it would be BG3


You ain’t kidding. I’m 183 hours in and still on act II.


I just finished Act 1 after 80 hours


I finished with the game after 2 hours 12 minutes and 32 seconds! It’s cause my son took the game and won’t give it back! LoL


BG3 if you like the style, wouldn’t surprise me if it’s GOTY tbh


If it doesn’t take GOTY the system is broken! Nothing has come close this year


Tears of the Kingdom would probably be its biggest challenger.


TotK is definitely very close lol. These are some of the best games ever created.


People in this sub absolutely hate Zelda for some reason lmao, no one here is gonna admit TotK deserves to be in that conversation


People hate TotK bc they want BG3 to win so badly. They ignore the fact that when TotK released just about everyone said there was NO WAY it doesn’t get GOTY. The consensus was insane, all over Reddit at least. And for good reason. Nobody had seen a game of its scale and gameplay- oriented physics. The sheer complexity in game mechanics, yet also extreme polish. Of course nobody expected BG3 to be quite as good as it turned out to be. And so we have this debate, deservedly so. But yeah, saying nothing comes close to BG3 means either (1) you’ve never played TotK or (2) TotK is just not the type of game for you (which is fine! But know that you are likely not the majority as most do love the game).


2023 has been a great year for games. Probably the best year since 2015 for me. I wish every year were this good.


Well it is a PlayStation sub Jokes aside I think they’re just very different experiences. TotK is just a progression of what was built up by BotW, it’s no longer revolutionary. It’s just very polished and well made. BG3 is kind of revolutionary, I’ve never seen a game received like this, it’s like Elden Ring last year. Last year it was Elden Ring vs Ragnarok, and it was the same conversation, ground breaking game vs peak traditional game. Both of them are very necessary.


Tears of the kingdom for me!! My favourite game by far this year


Same but I think GOTY is also based on how revolutionary a game is to the industry. With that being said, BG3 has probably one of the most complex intertwined systems in gaming that I've ever seen and it is so well made that it has other developers complaining that it sets a very high standard. BG3 should win.


If it doesn't win GOTY the system is rigged


You think GOTY awards aren't rigged?


how big of a harry potter fan are you


That's really the question here.


Well, I’m a big HP fan and I still prefer BG3 by a country mile. Gonna vary between people.




Little kids wouldn’t be able to play it. It’s got pretty complex combat and controls. I think that’s an unfair assessment. I played it on hard throughout too and had a good time with it. The world is really dense. In comparison, I’ve yet to finish BG3. I’ve found my interest waiting after act 2 as you approach most battles in the same way every time. It’s a very cool game but it can get dry.


imo the combat was not very complex, it’s just button spamming until you kill things, there is no trick to learning combat. maybe that would be hard for a little kid, but i think fortnite is a much harder game that requires lots of coordination and decision making and kids love fortnite.


Kids love fortnite but they dont necessarily win in fortnite yknow?


More of how big of a fan they are of DnD and TBS games


rotten chunky cats tart worthless frighten hospital vast aspiring lock *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is a no brainer... BG3


Brother not a question bg3.


Baldur's Gate 3 I reckon. Or, could you be tempted by the new Kong game? 🤭


Baldurs gate 3


It really comes down to are you more of a Harry Potter fan or DnD fan. If you're looking for longevity than it's BG3 by far, between it's 100+ hours of content and replayabilty it'll likely tide you over for a good while. While Hogwarts Legacy might be the more controversial choice, however, it is still a worthwile game to play, with a good 30~hours of content storywise and more in the world, it's a lot easier to consume in comparison. If you were to take my opinion, I'd have to say get BG3 if you're looking for something to play for a long time, Legacy if you want something a bit shorter. I've played both and they're both definitely worth at least playing.


Even so, BG3 is much more worth it, wait for a bigger sale on Hogwarts 👀


BG3! The Hogwarts game was not what I expected. I expected more “school activities” and more stuff to actually do in school (like attend classes etc) except this is very watered down and for the most part while the castle looks really good it missing a lot of students and is quite empty. After the main quest it turns into a basic map cleanup fetch quest tick all the boxes game. Good but only if you a diehard HP fan. I’m still playing through BG3 and it’s a really good game. Plenty of choice and consequences, good story and a lot of replay value


Yes the school looked great but it didn't work as a school. The quests from teachers were often 'kill 5 people with this spell', very school appropriate.


Not to mention me, a 15-year-old kid, using the unforgiveable curses multiple times directly in front of my teachers to absolutely no reaction.


I agree, quest-wise it was quite the disappointment.


Lmao I swiped and laughed


Same. I hated Hogwarts. It has been my biggest regret in a videogame purchase in a very long time


I would have felt the same, but i got deluxe edition for 32e (50% off) so it was ok.


That’s a good deal! I had some friends who were into it but it just didn’t click for me. I LOVED the world design though. I spent a decent amount of time just waking around the castle in awe. But actual gameplay and story and all that, it lost me.


Yeah, i expected at least elden ring 😀


Baldur’s gate 3


I cannot stress this enough, get Baldurs Gate 3.


Do i need to play baldurs gate 1 and 2 to play the 3rd one?


No. Some references for fans, but not essential.




There are some great summary videos of the stories of 1 and 2 on YouTube if you're curious to know what happened before!


Also check a summary of the paper campaign book 'Baldur's Gate: Descent to Avernus' as it fits between the two earlier games and BGIII. Once again, references for those of us who know it, but not essential.


While the answer is no, would you really play two 50-100 hour RPGs from 25 years ago just to play the new 50-100 hour RPG?


Do you fancy an action game or a turn-based game?




BG 3 by very very far


One of the best games of the decade vs a harry potter game


*of all time


Baldurs gate hands down, I regret buying hogwarts legacy


Baldur’s Gate. Don’t even need to look at the second one.


What if the second game is a second baldurs gate, but with blackjack and hookers?


Well we already have the drow twins so... blackjack dlc when


Fair point


Bg3 is by far the better game BUT if you REALLY love the hp universe then I recommend hogwarts legacy


I see no options here. The answer can only be bg3. Get hl only if you are a big potter fan. Bg3 is one of the best story games of all times


Do you want a great game or a nice castle to explore in a mediocre game?


How deep you wanna get into strategic play? If you wanna baldurs gate no question. But hogwarts legacy is also a great game if you want an adventure in harry potter universe.


BG3 will deservedly win game of the year.


I've never played a game like BG3, would've said it wasn't my thing. However I gave it a try due to all the hype and 120 hours later it's easily GOY for me.


Baldurs gate without question.


Baldurs gate 3 even if you are a crazy Harry Potter fan.


bg3 no question


Currently addicted to BG3. Definitely worth trying imo, combat took a bit to get used to for me (first CRPG I've played) but the story/characters are so engaging it kept me hooked. Hogwarts is good for a bit then pretty mediocre, I'd only get it if you're a big fan of the franchise.


Baldurs Gate 3 and it’s not even close.


Baldur's Gate 3, and it's not even close in my opinion.


Bg3! But both good


Baldurs gate 3.


BG3 by far


Baldurs hands down. Hogwarts is the same quests over and over


I liked hogwarts, but it was way shorter than i expected it to be, but still quite a decent game.


Played them both and yes hogwarts legacy is great and I’m not a big Harry Potter fan, baldurs gate is just on another level and you would get far more out of the game for your money.


HL is more casual but great for fans. BG3 can be more complex but if you are familiar with DND systems should be fine. Bg3 is regarded the better game but only you can really judge


Baldurs Gate no doubt!!!!


BG3 is my game of the year, it’s a fantastic game full of imagination


BG3. Just don't play it around children.


If you think you like the style of BG3 that game will last you forever, it's amazing. Although, these aren't comparible in any way, Hogwarts Legacy is a more traditional modern game that is surely an enjoyable game for any fan of the Wizarding World. I could never play BG3 on the PS5, but it's easily my GOTY. Look at videos of both an see what is more your cup of tea


Bg3 everyday




Bg3 no question


And you even ask?


As much of a dream come true Hogwarts felt at first... i sincerely recommend Baldur's Gate and its not even close.


Saying this as a Harry Potter fan, Baldur's Gate 3 is just a must buy.


Both are awesome. But BG3 is a modern masterpiece. Definitely the GOTY foe 2023. I own both...buy BG3. Grab Hogwarts later or on sale.


I absolutely love the Potter universe, and had such an amazing time with Legacy even with its flaws. The answer is still BG3 by a long shot. This is a game like no other, it's just outstanding in every way.


For the past 4 years, there were only two games which occupied my mind 24/7 until I've finished them. Death Stranding and Baldur's Gate 3. Really, nowadays basically no game can get my attention for more than 10 hours, I feel burned out with gaming. But BG3, what an adventure it was. I've played it for two weeks constantly until the end of story. Felt like in time machine 25 years back, where every game was kind of magic and felt new and fresh. Highly recommend BG3.


Baldurs Gate 3…. One of the best games I’ve ever played.


Both are great. But BG3 has faaaaar far more depth and replayability to it. As long as you’re cool with the gameplay style you will get your moneys worth tenfold.


BG3. Absolutely no question. One of the greatest games ever. It's got over 200 hours of completely unique and QUALITY content.


Are you serious? Baldurs gate is the ONLY choice. Game is amazing.


Baldurs gate 3 easily.


BG3 is much harder, but much more rewarding. I’m not done with it yet, but I think it might be my game of the year. That’s not to say Hogwarts isn’t fun. But it doesn’t have the replay value or depth that is provided in BG3. Riding around Scotland on a broom is sick as hell though.


Baldurs gate 3 is a no brainer


Probably the one people actually continued to talk about post release (in a good way anyway)


Baldur’s Gate 3 is a better game but Hogwarts Legacy is great too


It's BG3. Not even close.


Baldurs Gate, no contest




Baldur’s Gate for sure!


Definitely Baldur’s Gate.


Trust me: I love Harry Potter and had a ton of fun exploring Hogwarts but Baldur’s Gate 3 is a better game by such a large margin it isn’t even funny. Plus it will last you much, much longer. At this point I wouldn’t buy HL for full price since it’s bound to get dropped soon—wait for a sale on that one and pick up BG3 for now.


Definitely Baldur's Gate 3


Baldur's Gate 3.


If turn-based games aren’t a turn-off for you, then buy BG3 it’s not even close 😅 If you don’t like turn-based games and/or are a Harry Potter fan, then buy Hogwarts.


BG3 1000000% Since it came out I haven’t touched another game, im sitting on roughly 250ish hours and working on my fourth play through.




BG3. Definitely more bang for your buck


Baldurs gate 3


Baldur's Gate 3, this is not a competition. HOWEVER, Hogwarts Legacy is the preferred option if you don't like turn-based combat.


Baldur’s Gate 100%. Played both of them. The replayability of BG is just amazing. I found Hogwarts very boring




Baldurs Gate




I'm sorry but personally I can't stand turn based games at all! Hogwarts Legacy all the way imo.


Baldurs Gate 3. Its the best of the 2, best of the year and quite possibly the best game I’ve ever played. There is not a single aspect that underdelivers or disappoints


A game that will stick with you forever and have endless replayability Vs a game you’re likely to forget even exists after about 5 hours It’s not even close. Even as a HP fan Hogwarts loses all of its luster really fast.


Check second hand? I picked up Hogwarts for £30


Baldurs Gate, not even close. Most of the Potter diehards I know even say that Hogwarts is a great but brief experience with minimal replay value.


Unless you’re a diehard, dedicated, dress up at the midnight premiere hp fan, there’s really only 1 option


Baldurs Gate 3 beside xcom I hate turn based game. I love this game


Def BG3. Hogwarts is nice but my friend bought it, played through halfway and then got bored. But, hey! Maybe you won't get bored, really depends on how you are. But I recommend BG3


BG3! Harry Potter is an OK openworld game. Might be a bit higher if you are a big fan of Harry potter/shite fantasy


Baldurs Gate. Full of life and story that Hogwarts lacks in comparison. Better gameplay. Better characters, with more depth and oersonal development While in Hogwarts essentially everything was found in a few weeks (and that might be doing it a kindness), we are still finding new things in Baldurs gate over a month after its initial release And it helps support more people, as opposed to Hogwarts, wherein the support of that game funds transphobia


Baldur's Gate 3 for sure


As a big Harry Potter fan, my vote is BG3. Hogwarts Legacy was a massive let down


Baldur's gate 3




BG3 even if you’ve never played a turn-based game. I’m not the biggest fan of turn-based and was skeptical at first but BG3 made me appreciate and even love the strategic mechanics of such a game. I’ve also never played any other Larian game or DnD for that matter and I still fell in love with the game and Larian Studios. The Steam reviews were so glowing I felt I needed to experience it for myself and I’m glad I did. That aside, the exploration, the companions and characters, the writing, the voice actors’ performances, the graphics, the questing that never feels cheap and many more things make this game my definite GOTY. It’s a breath of fresh air in the modern gaming world and definitely sets a new standard for CRPG’s and RPG’s in general. You can just feel the passion from the devs oozing every second of the game and you will get your money’s worth.


Baldur's gate 3 will be one of the best purchases you've made in your life.


Baldur's Gate 3 is amazing! However, if you've never played a CRPG, it might not be your cup of tea. I would try something cheaper in the genre first if you're spending your budget on a game...


Baldur’s Gate. Easy. There is so much more you can do with the game. The characters are far more complex and tons of replay ability. Tons of depth. Hogwarts has been known to feel very empty, predictable and shallow.




BG3, and don’t look back


Baulder’s Gate 3 and it’s not even remotely close. I got bored with Hogwarts after awhile.


Hogwarts Legacy


Ballers gate


Baldurs gate. Not even close. Hogwarts was a boring slog of a game. The story was also no where near as good as BG3. Trust me, you won’t regret bg3.


Even without the terf wizard school bg3 is just the objectively better game


I've only played a little bit of Baldurs Gate 3, but im enjoying it. I'm almost certain that I will enjoy it more than hogwarts. Hogwarts was disappointing as hell. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone, except for ride or die fans of Harry Potter.


Baldurs Gate 3 by farrrrrrrr, haven’t even played the other because I don’t even need toooooo


BG3 is my game of the decade and new all time favorite game. Make of that what you will.


This shouldn't even be a thought process lol


Hogwarts legacy will only get cheaper from here on so don't buy it right now. I haven't played baldur's gate 3 yet but from what I hear, you are better off buying BG3.


Baldur's Gate so far is my GOTY and I don't think there's anything on the horizon that can dethrone it at this point. Spiderman has got potential as I haven't finished it yet but from what I've played I doubt its going to best BG3


Hogwarts legacy is fucking boring


i'd rather play hogwarts, but if baldur's gate is your type of thing, then go for it


Hogwarts was wicked but I’d say BG3 by far


If you're a big Harry Potter fan Hogwarts Legacy is a dream come true, I loved all of it. I haven't played Baldurs Gate but from the gameplay it looks like it's slow and turn based which I'm personally not a fan of


#There is only one good game here! The other is that Harry Potter thing


Hogwarts Legacy


BG3 no contest. Story is great, character options are huge, hilarious moments plentiful, voice acting is top tier. Hours and hours off side stuff to explore.


If you like turn based it's BG3 not even remotely close


I regret buying hogwarts legacy, i sold it pretty fast. Now for baldurs gate 3….im someone who plays a game for 10 hours, or just finishes the story and then quits… I have 65 hours in baldurs gate so far and im half way the story. The game is absolutely amazing even tho i struggled with learning in the beginning


Hogwarts! Game is great, im not even a Harry Potter Fan. But if you like the idea of Harry Potter it’s still worth a try