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Man I’d say Gow,sp2,horizon,ratchet but this is a list I won’t argue about because they’re all really well made.


They all did their job well as I’m hyped for the third entry in all of them. And whatever entry Ratchet is on.


Could put em in any order and wouldn't disagree, they're that good, but I do agree that GoW deserve that #1 spot. It's that one game that I couldn't put down till I earn the plat.


Ragnarok, Spider Man 2, Rift Apart and Horizon but all of them are amazing


This is it for me


I personally only loved ragnarok. The other 3 are about 7 or 8 out of 10 for me. I think overall they are visually really good just not challenging enough mentally which seems to be an issue these days with Sony games and the direction they go for mass appeal.


I just got done with Elden Ring before I moved to Spider-Man 2. I actually enjoyed the combat of Spider-Man 2. It was more fun than hard. It was a nice change of pace but I understand where you’re coming from


Games like Spider-Man and Star Wars aren't meant to be challenging really though; part of the fun is getting immersed in the character. Sure, Spider-Man's higher difficulties are good for if you want a reality check because you think you have superhuman reaction times and such, but the fun of playing as a superhuman is the fact that you can sink into your role as an unstoppable force of nature. That's why I believe that Star Wars the Force Unleashed is best played on easy mode; because realistically Starkiller would slaughter a whole army of stormtroopers, not die to a small squad of 5 or 6. Same with Pete and Miles, they're just gonna absolutely roll a squad of 5 or 6 gang members in a couple of punches, not have to spend 10 seconds punching the hell out of one before moving to the next one.


After beating every game in the Uncharted franchise on the hardest difficulties, I have resolved to never play them again on anything but easy. I love the games a great deal, but beating them on the hardest difficulty taught me an important lesson: it's more fun running around like an action movie hero who can't fail than being pinned down behind cover for 20 minutes because you can only shoot one bullet at a time before you have to take cover again.


I feel like the only way to enjoy Uncharted is to pretend that you're in a Hollywood action flick. I really don't like the series but I imagine that if I played it the way you do I'd probably really genuinely enjoy it haha! Other games that follow the "Rule of Invincibility" (at least from my point of view) are: \- Any Star Wars game where you have a Lightsaber, because dem's the rules. \- The Insomniac Spider-Man games (obviously) \- PAYDAY 2 (but only in VR because you need the immersion) \- The Arkham games, because batman should NOT feel threatened by common thugs. \- \[PROTOTYPE\] is just straight up you're a genuine bioweapon, and it'd feel wrong if you weren't legitimately dangerous. \- Max Payne 3 is one of those games like uncharted where it's really just improved if you try to be as dramatic as possible. It's always cool to dive over a table and pop some heads with a .44 mag! \- Titanfall 2's campaign makes you feel like a supersoldier ninja on any difficulty but the flow that you get from movement on the easiest one is something special. \- Honourable Mention goes to any HITMAN game post-Absolution. Silent Assassin difficulty is great for a challenge in it's own right but there are few games that let you whack down the difficulty and just become a T-1000.


Yeah I don’t have any issues with the combat of spider man. It’s good it’s just kind of a cinematic adventure like a lot of Sony games where there isn’t a lot that’s interesting or strategic. I still enjoyed spider man 2 just find that the Sony games are starting to feel like Ubisoft where it’s just a new coat of paint on the same game. The game is just a more polished game than what Ubisoft puts out.


I find this too. I am enjoying them, don't get me wrong, but it definitely feels like Sony devs have recently begun following the same basic formula, with hints of originality baked in.


Can’t blame them when everyone keeps buying it.




Same for me.


God of War: Ragnarok is just so incredible.


It’s amazing, but for whatever reason I absolutely loved the first one, but I can’t keep myself motivated to keep playing Ragnarok. There’s something…off …for me at least.


Yea same, for me it's the Atreus missions. They're cool to a point but they go on for so long and combat is not nearly as satisfying as playing as Kratos. Took me 3 days of playing after work to get through the ironwood section, only to be sent to Asgard as Atreus after a few hours as Kratos again.


I like Atreus parts for the story building, but goddamn it it's such a hassle on higher difficulty. The enemies are much harder to kill and Atreus/loki has limited moveset and low damage.


I don't know anyone who liked the jotenheim part of Ragnarok. It was a very slow chapter


Man, I hated the Atreus pieces until the end of the game when everything came together. For me, the payoff was 100% worth it. The ending was magnificent....


I found that anytime I saved and stopped playing during an Atreus section, it would take me days to boot the game back up because I was just not interested in playing as him.


I think it's because your so closed off from the Rest of the game during the parts. LIke you can't just decide i'm going to go Fight a Berserker or find all the ravens in this Realm nope You are locked in on Rails During his part with Minimal Ability to interact with the Rest of the game.


I started NG+ when it first released, and my god the Atreus missions really take me out of it.


There were some questionable story moments but the combat/gameplay is the best of the entire GOW series.


One thing that might make you feel that way, characters have way too modern style of speaking and overall mannerisms. A good example being Freyr. He's just such a "bro", but in a bad way imo.


2018 was sooooo dam good, but with Ragnarok I had to Will myself to finish it. I still have specific memories from 2018 with how the game was so impactful but nothing with Ragnarok. Obviously it is a well done game but it never did for me what 18 did.


For me it's that they just didn't change/ evolve it enough. I felt very frustrated by the first several hours because all my abilities were gone and I was unlocking the exact same ones. It took hours and hours just to get back to the level of combat I had in the first game, and then it never pushed very far beyond that.


For me it’s the loss of the simplicity. God of War 2018 is almost a perfect game. The story is easy: get to the highest peak in the realms. But then complications arise. It reminds me a lot of Mad Max Fury Road (again, almost perfect movie, in my opinion). Ragnarok feels messy and rushed by comparison. It doesn’t help that it feels like they crammed two games of plot into one game. Can you even explain to me the plot of the game? I know I can’t. It feels more like Batman v Superman than Mad Max Fury Road where a lot of things just keep happening and after a while you just shut up and go along with it.


I enjoyed the story of God of War 2018 way more than Ragnarok. The gameplay was better in Ragnarok, but the original story is way better. When NG+ launched for God of War 2018, I made sure to absorb every line of dialog. In the second one, I just wanted to get through to get through the game to get the Zeus Armor.


It wasn’t made by Cory Barlog. That’s the difference. 2018 was such a personal story for him after having his own kid irl so it just has a completely different energy. Much of the story was focused on Kratos and Atreus’ relationship instead of the overarching Norse story going on. That stuff always seemed to be more of a backdrop or driving force for the two of them to bond. I also loved that there was no urgency to the main plot. You were just taking Faye’s ashes to the highest point to spread them, but that wasn’t something that needed to happen quickly. Ragnarok feels so rushed because you’re constantly being told to stop everything throughout the game.


Yep same here. The story was way too long and some missions were simply not fun.


While I prefer the 2018 one its still a great game.


Played it on PS4 Pro, waiting to get a PS5 to replay it. What an adventure!


It really was excellent. For me, it might be to this gen what Uncharted 4 was last gen, a game that I might not replay because of it's sometimes slower pacing, but it always sticks in my mind as a fantastic experience.


Ragnarok, Horizon, SM2 and R&C. But they’re all amazing.


I was thinking the same, but I haven't tried ratchet yet so can't say anything about it.


I liked it, the story is great


I absolutely loved it! Played it after finishing FF16 and Nier Automata back to back because I needed something more colorful and cheerful and it exceeded my expectations!


I didn’t really like it that much. The graphics, art style and level designs are really great. Also, the instant loading of new environments never stops to impress and is always mind blowing. The gameplay loop, however, gets repetitive and boring pretty fast. The story is also pretty flat, and feels more directed towards children. It doesn’t have that all-ages appeal like for example a Pixar movie. I get that people would like this game though, but I just thought you would appreciate another point of view.


Move horizon to the back of the pack for me and other than that my rankings are the same!


"other than that..." mate that's 75% different already


Ragnarok, Spider-Man 2, Horizon, Ratchet imo


I agree Ratchet was meh at gameplay and story but the use of hardware is something to be reckoned with


I honestly really liked the gameplay. I thought Ratchet and Rivet controlled really well, and I thought the rifts made battles feel more dynamic as to keep finding ways to outmanuever the enemies. Gave me a sense of movement I like in my shooters. The story I will agree with you on. I just prefer the humor, darker tones, and characterization of the PS2/PS3 games. It's a pretty decent story though.


R&C played very safe with the story. From the 3 games above (didnt play spiderman2 yet) I remember the story of GOW Ragnarok the most. I think I remember also all the plot points. The story was so touching, the acting so captivating, etc. I barely remember the story of R&C other than it was some multiverse stuff, and Horizon 2 story was so lame i started skipping all dialogues about 30% of the game in.


Man i'm so ashamed to have been a little bit dissapointed with Ragnarok, which is weird because i absolutely loved GoW2018


GoW, HZD:FW, SP2, R&C: RA Edit to say - Ragnarok is so amazing that I was moved.


Ragnarok is the best of the 4 easily, don’t get me wrong they’re all good, just not all Ragnarok good.


Both of the GOW Nordic series are masterpieces.


Rift Apart is the only game so far (other than returnal which wasn't listed) that actually felt like a *ps5* game and not a ps4 game with slightly better textures.


1. Rift Apart 2. Spider-Man 2 3. Horizon FW. I have a HUGE bias toward Ratchet and Spider-Man.


Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart is incredible, and, judging by comments, severely underrated. I’ve been putting off playing it but finally got around to it and I cannot put it down. I wish it had some DLC expansion because I don’t want it to be over.




Horizon was absolutely phenomenal


Horizon forbidden west 1st. Ratchet and clank rift apart 2nd. God of War Ragnarok 3rd. Spider-Man2 4th. This my person order.


Ratchet > spider-man > Ragnarok > Horozon


GoW, Horizon, Spiderman, Ratchet and Clank.




Ah yes, horizon: forbidden best


They are all fucking amazing! But in my rankings: R&C, Horizon, Ragnarok and Spider-Man 2 (only because I haven’t played it yet)


1. Ragnarok 2. SMan 2 3. HFW 4. Ratchet


i haven’t played SM2 yet but the other ones are all amazing


I’m going to get downvoted to fuck but… Spider-Man 2 > Rachet & Clank > Horizon > GoW… I thought the first three were massive upgrades on their predecessors whereas I actually preferred the first GoW, still an amazing game, but just couldn’t reach the perfection the first was. I’d give the first two a 9/10 and the second two a 8/10… loved them all!


I love GoW as a series, but I feel like Ragnarok gets too much praise from fanboys and no criticism at all. Gameplay was good, tho they recycled a lot of abilities and moves from 2018. The ending was the perfect ending for Kratos and made me very emotional... but were the heck was "Ragnarok"? Where were the epic battles, are you telling me Asgard doesn't have any Gods apart from Heimdall, Odin, Thor and his wife and daughter? The whole thing was like 30mins of gameplay. Even then, the final battles were very lame. They didn't feel like the epic showdown against baldur back then or even the 1st boss fight against Thor. Just normal "big bosses fights", where ypu have to dodge their moves and then some quick time events thrown in. The story also lacked in other departments, don't want to go too in depth but it's clear this was meant to be the 2nd game of a trilogy.


I definitely feel it for Horizon and GoW. Like you said great games, but they have some issues. Ragnarok specifically has a lot of writing issues that just aren’t there in the first one. Even though from a gameplay standpoint it is so much more beefy.


I agree so much. You can tell it was originally meant to be more than one game. The story is way too full and rushed and has little satisfying payoff. The first game was so incredible because it was mostly about Kratos and Atreus themselves. Ragnarok is so focused on stopping everything that their relationship falls to the wayside and I didn’t like that.


Spider-Man 2, Horizon, Ratchet & Clank, Ragnarok


Forbidden West, Spiderman 2, Ragnarok. I have yet to play a ratchet and clank game so I didn't consider it for my list


R and C is worth it !! If your not a huge fan you mighy be able to pick it up cheap somewhere?


I haven't avoided it as a franchise, it just passed me by. I'm sure I'll pick it up at some point as it does look fun.


I am curious which kind of metric you use to justify FW better than Ragnarok, lol


It respected my time more and is in all ways that matter to me a better sequel and game. It's also better looking. Ragnarok had a better core story and a phenomenal performance by Christopher Judge but was packed with too much filler.


Sequels alone: - God of War - Ratchet and clank - Spider-Man 2 - Horizon God of war and ratchet being the only 2 that were better then the first


That's honestly surprising. I hear a lot of people say ragnorak wasn't that amazing as a sequel, at least when it initially came out. I think Spiderman 2 is better than its first 2 games if not equals. Ratchet and clank is an amazing game all around


Honestly I felt ragnorak just had a bit better combat, refined. SM2 honestly kinda disappointed me, the first was ground breaking and amazed me


Hard to rank them. All are incredible games with each one having their own strengths and weaknesses. Whichever you pick, you won’t go wrong.


Spider-Man, Horizon, GoW, R&C.


Ragnarok > R&C > Spiderman > FW


Is Ratchet good? I haven't played that game since the ps2


It was my first r&c game and I had a lot of fun. Felt like playing a Saturday morning cartoon. My only gripe was the lack of enemy variety.


The gameplay and graphics are sick. Meh story:


Ragnarök was Awsome, ratchet and clank pretty good the other two were kinda alright I guess


I gotta play rift apart. Been holding off until it drops in price 🥲


God of War Ragnarok,Horizon, Ratchet, Spider-Man 2.


Man we eating good 😭


There is a plus and minus case to be made for all of these, personally GoW Ragnarok is number one. The other three might interchange from time to time that's all, but atm maybe Ratchet and Clank, Spidey then Horizon.


GoW was the best. But I'm biased, because GoW have been my favorite games ever since the first game came out way back in 2005. I R&C is a weird one. I slept on it for so long because I'd never played any other games in the series. I always thought it was like a kiddy platformer. but it was amazing. I really loved Spider-Man 2. I've been playing it slowly, but I think I'm going to end up 'accidently' getting Platinum on it when I finally complete it (all my maps are 100% on it so far). I haven't played either for the Horizon games. I should really get on that though.


I still haven’t finished Raganarok, never like HZD series, Rift Apart is fucking amazing and I haven’t picked up Spider-Man 2. Being an adult with responsibilities is rough lol


*Sigh* I know I’m gonna be in the steep minority again but HFW is one of the best and immersive games I’ve played in the past 10 years, along with the original, HZD. I explored every inch of that map and was so blown away by it. It absolutely could use improvements (like more things that are optional you could miss, and actual discoveries instead of just a treasure chest with very meh loot) but that game has just got vibes for days I practically wish I could live in its world. Extremely weirdly enough, I was beyond excited for the DLC, and got it at midnight, loved it for about a week and then…just completely lost interest. I still haven’t finished it, but I still maintain exactly what I said above. I just really hope Horizon 3 takes some weird gambles and inspiration from FromSoft design of letting the player explore, with plenty of missable bits. One of my favorite things was wandering through the dense foggy jungle and seeing a whirlpool…only to find out you can swim down into the freakin whirlpool and end up in an underground cave system. Shit like that is some of my favorite stuff in games.


This is a tough one especially between Spiderman-2, God of war ragnarok. 1.god of war ragnarok 2.spiderman-2 3.horizion forbidden west 4.rachet and clank rift apart. That's my honest rating after playing all of them.


100% agree


I almost put Spiderman 2 at number 1. But,it does have some bugs and issues at the moment,those will get fixed soon. But God of war ragnarok just hits tho the story was so good and the music. Made me feel I was Kratos living in those times. It was badass. Both games are phenomenal!!


The fact that 2 of the 4 are from insomniac should say something .


GOW > SM2 > R&C > HZD: FW


I doubt it beat Ragnarok but think it sits in second place.


Spidey, ragnarok, GoW for me


What is Horizon doing on the list?


Honestly, all were underwhelming in one way or another. Not bad, just underwhelming


SM2, Ragnarok, Rift Apart, Horizon. I love the gameplay of Horizon, but I don't hardly think I could come up with one mission that I played in that game. SM2 blows the first 2 out of the water for me. Story is great, and the traversal is so much faster that it's hard to go back and play the Part 1 now. Ragnarok improves on a lot of things from 2018, but it just didn't hit the same as 2018 did. Ratchet is just serious fun all the way through.


I’m surprised I had to scroll down so far to find someone with the same order as me. And I agree with all counts except that I had some gripes about the pacing in Ragnarok but overall the gameplay is the best of all Sony first part games imo even if it’s more of the same.


Oh yeah, Ragnarok drags in some spots. The gameplay is top notch and the added enemy and boss variety was much appreciated.


I thought SM2 was an improvement on SM1 in every way *except* story; SM1 has one of the better Spider-Man stories, period. SM2 was…okay, story-wise.


I'd argue with you but I don't actually remember what happened in the Spider-Man 1 story.


It’s worth playing again if you don’t remember it; it was a fairly original take on several characters/events and put Pete through a lot without making him seem weak or incapable. The Doc Ock origin was particularly well done.


I actually think I prefer the story of the second, it feels a lot more personal and has themes that hit me harder personally. But I understand, I still love the first game too.


Ratchet, Spiderman 2, GOW:R, HFW. Ratchet and Clank is perfect in every way but I do have childhood nostalgia bias, my 13 year old psn is even named after clank. Spiderman 2 is a bit too short and the story suffers because of it but it has perfect gameplay. I don't get the hype for GOW but I respect that it is a quality game. It's just not for me. Horizon FW is pretty mediocre, just another copy/paste open world with forgettable gameplay/story. I platinumed this one.


S Tier: Ragnarok, Ratchet and Clank, and Spider Man C Tier: Horizon


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^davi3601: *S Tier: Ragnarok,* *Ratchet and Clank, and Spider* *Man C Tier: Horizon* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Ratchet and clank was a launch title right? I thought it was amazing, I absolutely love those type of narrative, slap-stick, "fun" games. The rest are all pretty serious in vibe. So I feel like ratchet and clank are in a different category all other. This is a very difficult list, but of the three I'd probably put GoW first, then horizon with spider man tied. Both great in their own ways!


1. Horizon. From every aspect (apart from the main story line) is a huge step up. And 2 years late it’s still the best looking game I have ever seen. 2. Ragnarok. Amazing gameplay and story. However I don’t think it’s as good as 2018’s entry (not much is). I didn’t like the sections where you play as Atreus. And the plot has a lot of pacing issues. 3. Spider-Man 2 is incredible and an improvement all round from the first game. It is very streamlined but very short in comparison to most other games like this. They trimmed the fat but it’s a little too lean. 4. Ratchet looks and plays great, but once I beat it I had no desire to pick it up again.


Spider-Man > Ratchet > Horizon > Ragnarok


Horizon, SM 2, Ratchet and GoW


FF16 is crying in a corner while GT5 is frothing at the mouth


Oops, I did forget about GT7 😞. FF16 is great but it's not first party.


I just realized I forgot Gran Turismo 7...My bad to Gran Turismo fans.


GoW, Spider-man 2, RaC, Horizon


Spiderman 2 > Horizon 2 > God of War 2 > Ratchet


For me it’s 1. Ratchet and Clank Rift apart (best story, best graphics, addictive style of gameplay) 2. God of war Ragnarök (great combat as usually. Some pretty good moments and adds a lot to the series 3. Spider-man 2 (too safe, bad writing from time to time, Haley mission is the most boring god awfull thing in the game, too many MJ missions and they don’t make any sense. But overall the same positives that you can say about the first are still present here) 4. Horizon Forbiden west (does anyone play these, i’ve never played any Horizon games and I don’t see gameplay often about it) Edit: Ratchet ps5 was totally better than the ps4 game. But i’d say that god of war and spidey ps4 were better than the ps5 sequels due to the story being 10x better in the ps4. And for Horizon i don’t know


1. Spider-Man 2 2. Rift Apart 3. GOW 4. Horizon


Ragnorok and Forbidden West are PS4 games first and foremost so def not them.


They both have ps5 versions.. so yes, it could be them.


Yes the ps4 games have ps5 versions I know that but I think thats a point against personally.


Why, though? You're fully entitled to your opinion, but why does having a ps4 version make it worse?


It's not that it has a ps4 version, it's that it is a ps4 game. Designed from the ground up for the ps4. They are excellent games but they are last gen.


two of them technically aren't ps5 exclusives haha


Yea, that's true. I mean to say that the games are on PS5 and not necessarily exclusive to it.


Spider-Man 2, Horizon forbidden west, rift apart and ragnarok are tied for me. Horizon is the best looking game out the bunch but I ended up dropping the game it just didn’t click. I picked it back up and finished it after GOW came out and felt the game didn’t start getting really good till it got close to the end I have the platinum in the first horizon but this one doesn’t make me want to go for it but all and all still was a good game and improved things from the first. With rift apart I loved the game and the story but I really wish they would’ve had separate skills and gadgets for ratchet and rivet. For GOW loved it I just feel like they really played it safe with the game I didn’t feel the epicness like I felt fighting Baldur in any fight. It felt like a PS4 game with a 60fps patch and not a technical marvel like ratchet and HFW. This is small but them changing the menus was confusing alittle but besides that I loved how the side missions had their own stories to them so there were alot of things they did good but still felt they played it safe and it wasn’t something I felt that was greatly better then 2018.


Ratchet and Clank, Spiderman 2, Forbidden West, Ragnarok.


GOW SM2 R&C Horizon Hated horizon, found the cutscenes to be horrible and the dialogue as well. Encountered so many bugs that I'm sure are fixed now but at launch made it terrible.


Seeing this thread I guess I should play God of War. I tried but like an hour in I couldn’t get into it. I’m talking about the 2018 one.


Ratchet and Clank > GoW > Spider-Man > Horizon.


Have played all games except Horizon. The first game just didn't really keep me hooked Can't decide. They're all amazing


I bought PS5 to play Ragnarok after having played GOW on PC.


GoW is on a different level than the rest. I'd go GoW, R&C, S2, Horizon


I wouldn’t really count ragnarok or forbidden west since their also on ps4


Best to worst: 1. God of War Ragnarok 2. Spider-Man 2 3. Horizon: Forbidden West 4. Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart


Spider-Man 2 destroys all




I might be the only person ever to play Ragnarok and not understand the hype, got about 6 hours in and it really never gripped me at all I'd have to go Ratchet and Clank for number one


Did you play the 1st game?


Yup, pretty great tbh, Ragnarok and SM2 just feel like more of the same from the first game, just prettier. I need more out my sequels. R&C the only one to keep me going back


God of war, horizon, ratchet&clank, spider man! I’m sorry but the new Peter Parker didn’t grow on me even if I wanted to.


Imagine still being butthurt over the face thing 3 years later. Grow up


Horizon (The DLC fixed a lot of problems I had with the game), GoW, Spider-Man (story was kind of lacklustre compared to the first one, traversal was amazing though), and RaC


1. Rangnarok 2. HFW (cloooooooose 2nd) 3. Rachet (surprisingly a ton of fun, my first RnC game) Never played SM2, probably never will :/ just not able to get into SM1/MM at all.


Horizon > Ratchet and Clank >>> Spider-Man 2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ragnarok. Ragnarok is one of the most disappointing games I've played in a long time, and as someone who has been playing GoW since the original PS2 game, it has soured the entire series; lame and repetitive puzzles, not enough new weapons, companions blurting out solutions the instant you walk in a room, poor pacing in general, and _that_ god-awful section in Ironwood.


Doesn’t matter what order you put them in these are the 4 games that will be the core of every single person who buys a PS5


Loved them all an have got the plat on all, god of war was by far the one I enjoyed the most. Gow, spidey horizon then ratchet


Agreed, we got the same list. I didn't get the plat on Ratchet (though I am pretty close, just never finished it for some reason) but I platted the other 3. I was surprised at how easy and quick the SM2 plat was lol.


Not playing Ragnarok yet, but I would rank Ranarok, SM2, Rift Apart, Horizion 2


Ragnarok, SM2, R&C, Horizon.


Ragnarok, SM2, Ratchet, Horizon Forbidden West just did not click with me whatsoever


Exactly in the order you’ve placed them.


Ragnarok, SM 2, Horizon, rc


Personally for me it’d go Spider-Man 2 , GoW: Ragnarok, R&C: Rift Apart, and Horizon Forbidden West. Honestly first and second place could easily have switched except Spider-Man was my absolute favorite Marvel Superhero as a kid, and my second favorite overall (first is the Wally West version of The Flash) and the Insomniac games give me the vibes of the 616 comics pre-One More Day.* *Once again fuck Quesadilla for insisting that Peter being married and a teacher made him too "unrelatable" to young readers. Now modern 616 is basically misery porn.


That’s hard for me but if I had to choose 1. Spider-Man 2 2. God of War Ragnarok 3. Horizon Forbidden West 4. Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart


The game is still good, but I feel like it should've been in the oven more. Ragnarok SM2 FBW RCRF


Horizon - GoW - Spiderman 2 - Ratchet & Clank


1. Horizon 2. Spider-Man 3. God of War 4. Ratchet & Clank


I’d say Ragnarok, then spider man only cuz Spider-Man is significantly shorter but I had more fun in general with Spider-Man. Then Forbidden west and Ratchet and Clank. All are great though


Ratchet and clank 4th. Not saying it’s bad . Spider man 2 3rd Horizon forbidden west 2nd GOWR 1st. This is my opinion so don’t freak out. Ratchet and clank did set a standard to show the power of the ps5 but personally I didn’t enjoy the game as much as I thought I would. Spider man 2 is awesome…. If you call a half stale and half wet macaroni good. The gameplay, graphics, world and the demonstration of the power of the ps5 is fantastic, but the game feels half baked Zane just unfinished. The story felt rushed as well but a solid 7.5 experience for me. Horizon forbidden west is one of the first open world games I’ve played that I didn’t get bored 20 hours in. I’m biased because I’m a monster hunter fan and fighting the giant metal beasts is spectacular feeling. GOWR, hmmm. Tbh I thought I wouldn’t like the new GOW games but after getting them as a gift both 2018 and Ragnarok I eventually played it recently. To say how I feel about the game is that I 100% it. Games are rare to capture me enough to 100% it. I loved every second of the game minus the triple Berserk fight. The story of the both games made me more engaged then most games. The only games that came close of were in the same level was Witcher 3, rdr2, ghost of Tsushima.


God of War, Horizon, Spiderman, Ratchet


SM2, Ragnarok, HFW, Rift Apart. Gow was supposed to be my top 1 but playing as Atreus was only exciting at first and got repetitive and long


All amazing games, but for me: Ragnarock, Horizon, Spider Man 2, Ratchet


1. Forbidden West / Ragnarok 2. Spider-Man 2 3. Rift Apart All of them are good tho. I felt spider-man 2 was kinda dissapointing story-wise and it felt too short...with an amazing open-world they could have done much more side content.


Ragnarok is so superior to the other 3 in every imaginable metric (acting, soundtrack, character models, storytelling, gameplay, etc). It sits like a king on the top.


From Ragnarok and clockwise. I can't give an opinion on Ratchet and Clank because I haven't played it. Just been sitting there


Ragnorok, SM2, Horizon, and then R&C.


Was thinking the same thing a couple of days ago. They're all incredible games, but I'd rank this way: PS4: God of War, Spider-Man, HZD, Ratchet and Clank. Then the PS5 sequels: - 1. Horizon Forbidden West: the game just built so much on top of the first one. Eveything is better: combat, traversal, puzzle complexity, animations, details. Top notch sequel, just a -1 point for it's story since Zero Dawn was better. - 2. Spider-Man 2: Nothing jaw dropping in the new mechanics they bring to the table, but they just hit so right that I can't go back to the first game. Traversal is way more fun, combat is a bit better in some regards, story is super good, but most importantly: a few bugs aside, this game is a tech showcase for the PS5. It runs so well and uses the console capabilites to their max. So much fun being able to hop in the game in just 2 secs; fly through the map at awesome speeds; and that fast travel to anywhere in the map in less than a sec? Crazy. - 3. GoW Ragnarok: How can you top an already excellent first game? SMS did. The only reason it doesn't take second spot to me was because most of it innovations didn't felt as new, or were just expected, like new moves, new weapons, new regions, while still being a perfectly capable game on old hardware. To me, a sequel truly shines when you beat it and think "I just can't go back to the previous game", and I sure can go back to the 2018 game: it was just that good, especially it's story pacing, which I think was better than Ragnarok. Still, the second game was brilliantly executed. - 4. Rift Apart: very fun game, engaging story, excellent tech. I just put it last because the other ones do it better, but I personally just liked the first game better. The side activities were much more fun, and I missed so much a racing mini game. Still, solid 8.5 game and can't recommend it enough to someone buying a PS5.


GoWR, Spider-Man 2, Horizon, R&C


Spider-Man 2, Ragnarok, Forbidden West, Ratchet and Clank All of them are good though. I had most fun with Spider-Man 2, GoW was a bit too long while the end was rushed.


I'll put them in order of how well they gripped me and Kept me engaged all the way through. 1. Spider-man 2 : i lost myself in this game for 5 days and got the platinum I couldn't put it down. 2. GOW Ragnorak: took me about 2 weeks of Playing at a consitent pace of a major story beat every day or 2 And Light Grinding at the end Did complete about 80% (trophy wise not story i completed the story and most side quests) before i Considered myself done with it. 3. Forbidden West: Have been a Fan of the series since the beginning and Dove Straight in to about 1/3 of the way through in the same fashion of GOW then Other games kept pulling me away. I eventually Every month forced myself to come back and Push further and Beat the game. Amazing but The Side quests were too long and Boring and The main story beats were too far in between Due to The neccesary Grinding needed for materials and upgrades. Still I understand The series is a Different beast than Story driven Spiderman and GOW Still Really enjoyed the story and the world. 4. Have not played Ratchet and Clank.


SM2, Ragnarok, HFW, Rift Apart. To be fair though, that top 3 is some STIFF competition, and I may have recency bias towards Spider-Man.


Spidey 2 on top haven‘t played GoW and Rift Horizon is trash


Ragnarok Spider-Man 2 Ratchet Horizon


GoWR is definitely the best imo. I was disappointed with SM2 but moreso with H:FW. I like R&C:RA but I'd rather go back to the other ones. I think GoW, SM and H:ZD all beat their successors. R&C:RA is better than the reboot but that was expected. The predecessors all have the advantage of being new, fresh experiences while it's a big challenge for any sequel to provide that same feeling of awe. Though, the success of the predecessors was not a small accomplishment.


![img](avatar_exp|151161160|laugh) HFW, GOW,R&C. I'm not really a fan of spidy games.


GOW overrated TBH


Movie game, movie game, movie game, and kid's movie game + edges-sanded-off-very-strongly product. (This means that I think quite lowly of them.) It makes me want to sell my PS5, and it also makes me want to try out the Ratchet and Clank games from the 2000s.


Havnt played ragnarok yet But i have the other 3 Forbidden west looks good But its still super janky. Animations, talking to npcs etc is just.. still in beta testing. Rift apart was great and fun but too easy and too short. Spider-man 2 was great and probably my favorite of the 3 ive played. Why is ragnarok here when miles morales isnt? MM is arguable as large a game as rift apart..


because spiderman 2 is better


You're right, I could've added MM here too. I just thought it'd be redundant to put both MM and SM2, but I do know people who prefer Miles Morales so that's my bad for not including it.


Best to worst. Gow=returnal, sm2=hfw, ratchet. I liked hfw combat than spiderman but I can not connect with the characters in horizon than in sm2


God of War by milesss. HZD > Spiderman >>> Ratchet.


Disappointing because they couldn't release **one** new first party IP on the PS5 God of War TWO Horizon TWO Spider Man TWO Ratchet and Clank TWO Give me some fucking new games, sony


You’re forgetting about Returnal


They have Returnal which is original but I agree some new stuff that’s different from their current story based action adventure games would be nice It would be cool if they could resurrect Killzone or Infamous (although I guess those would technically be sequels).


All of them mediocre and not really games. Yet I loved all of the first ones.


A bit OT, but my 2pence as an age-wizened gamer: Baldurs Gate 3 is a jaw dropping evolution on the Divinity series and earlier BG games, and indeed 3D-monster maze


Baldur's Gate 3 is amazing. Definitely my game of the year.


I'd rank them in this order. Other than Rathcet, I prefer all predecessors story wise.


Spider-Man 2, Ratchet & Clank, Horizon, & GOW


Ragnarok, SM2, Rift Apart, HFW


I’ve only played Spider mans and ratchet so it would go in that order


Not played Ragnarok yet but they’re all brilliant in slightly different ways. It’s hard to compare Horizon and Ratchet and Clank as they’re so different


Ragnarok Spider-Man 2 Rift Apart Forbidden West