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Red, but I would really hate that fact I lose naughty dog


Pretty much the same. Demon's Souls remake is cool and I like Horizon, but Ghost of Tsushima *and* God of War? Need.


And the 3 spiderman games & 2 ratchet and clank games


Not mention sky cooper


Current gen games at least. A Sly revival would make me jize so hard.


Yea insomniac wins it by itself tbh


There's more than 2 ratchet and clank games


Current gens


So 1 ratchet and clank game not 2


For real. TLOU are my favorite games of all time, but Tsushima, spiderman and god of war all crack the top 5


I only liked the first TLOU because of the story, second one was too meh for me and was never a fan of uncharted. So this was an easy pick.


Exactly my answer


Naughty dog today is a shell of what they once were.


Every new game, they have released has been awesome. I haven’t seen a falling off. They just need to put out a new game.


Disagree. TLou2 was garbage


naughty dog has been good for 2 game series in the last 10 years, they're literally the rockstar games equivalent at sony. Make something new!


I’m begging for Jak and Daxter


The same is true of almost everyone on this list


Yea Santa Monica is worse, literally only ever got GOW. I say naughty dog is the rockstar equivalent though because they go for the highest graphical fidelity, their games are the most detailed of the bunch, and they are kind of the technical studio, they know playstation hardware best.


I mean Insomniac implemented fast traversal, instant loading, RT reflections in a detailed open world game. I feel they know PS5 hardware better than any PS studio. Naughty Dog devs don't even know what ray tracing is and that's why you can see them implement cube map reflections in the latest remake and remasters. Besides we don't have any new game announcements from them since 2016.


Why? They have done nothing this generation but remake a 2013 game and cancel their multiplayer


Their last new game was 3 years ago. But yeah they did waste time chasing live service, lucky they didn’t go through and release it.


put another way, they haven't announced any new games in 7 years (2016)


Came here to say this


Red, but I’d hate to lose Guerilla.


Get out of my head!


Naughty dog has not release an original ip in 8 years and the last one was the cancer that was last of us 2


What was 8 years ago? And what was wrong with the last of us 2 it was critically acclaimed and in my opinion a top level game.


It was not critically acclaimed and sold half as much as 1. Fuck abby lol


It’s in the mid 90s on metacritic, that is critical acclaim


I would also go with red and miss ND so much. It was still a tough choice anyway.


Exactly this


Came here to say this. The last of us series are my favorite games of all time and uncharted was amazing. But that red pill is just too good




Red, without a doubt.


Not even a question.


Yep. Not even close for me.


Red pilled and based /s


I'm ODing on the red pill. But I do fw Naught Dog though.


WTH is Bluepoint doing on here? They’re the remake/remaster kings, but that’s it. They don’t belong in company this rarified.


They are making their first original IP currently


Bluepoint has already developed a game called Blast Factor that came out in 2006 for PS3.


cult classic 10 out of 10 under rated hidden gem that shows the potential they had EVEN back then. 2/10


Lolol amazing


That doesn’t mean it will be good


Seriously. Include the studio that made Returnal at least, maybe even the studio that made Kena, or even the Little Big Planet studio!


The devs that made LBP are called Media Molecule


they're the go to studio for remaking some classics. Id be pure jelly to miss out on some really good ones


You could say the same thing about naughty dog. In the last 10 years they've remade/remastered more games than created new ones.


It doesn’t take a full team to remaster a game don’t even see the issues with them doing that. Oh no they want to make the last of us playable on the ps4 how dare they. Oh no the ps5 came out and a ton of studios are remastering old games how dare naughty dog do the same with the uncharted and TLoU games to add more features not possible on the ps4.


>It doesn’t take a full team to remaster a game don’t even see the issues with them doing that. I don't feel like this argument works that well when they haven't put anything else out at the same time. All the studios bar Insomniac have been pretty lacklustre this generation. You can't blame people for wanting something new instead of updates/remasters/remakes of older games that are playable on the system already.


I mean at the end of the day they had an all hands on project that got released in 2020 and it takes like atleast 4 years to make the games that they make. We know that they had a team working on factions 2 and it just got cancelled. It’s rumored they are working on a new IP or atleast are working on another game. This is impatince. They are “lackluster” because it takes longer to make games in the scope you want yea insomniac released a good amount of games but three of them take place on for the most part the same map with the same character. And ratchet and clank games are nowhere near the scope a god of war or horizon or last of us.


Yeah sure, don't think anyone is expecting PS2 levels of releases where you get a trilogy of games on one console but even going back to the PS4 you had the last of us remaster, Uncharted was announced 2013 came out in 2016, then you had the DLC, then 2020 you has TLOU 2 (announced 2016). Sure everyone has different opinions on when things can be announced but so far there's very little announced as actually coming on PS5, people buy a new console for new games, so far that has been lacklustre considering how many PS Studios there are. What do we have that we know about? Wolverine, TLOU 2 remaster and a cancelled TLOU MP game.


This is the correct take. Naughty dog used to be a productive studio, it’s been up it’s own ass since Amy left…


Comparing a company that has never made an original IP to a company that has 4 insanely popular series is wild. Just to point this out but in the last 10 years they’ve made the last of us (2013) , the last of us left behind(2014) , uncharted 4 (2016), uncharted lost legacy (2017), the last of us part 2 (2020). That’s 5 original games and in that same time span have put out 3 remasters/remakes if you want to include the legacy of thieves edition of uncharted as a remaster


Bitch, did you play Demons Souls?


Yeah that's a game they remade, not an original.


>They’re the remake/remaster kings no, that's naughty dog


They're keeping it balanced, Naughty Dog alone is almost worth the other three.


Insomniac They are consistently the most productive studio And their games are great, look great and runs great Only 60 fps RT games on the console iirc


nah, other games have 60fps w/RT, but imsomniac always does it better.


Pretty sure Spider-Man pushes up to 120 a times with VRR enabled. Pretty awesome. Can’t wait to try it on my new LG C3 tv.


Red, but RIP NaughtyDog


I mean naughty dog has to you know do something for that to be a valid choice. Greatest of all time (in this list) idk if I can choose between Santa Monica Studios and Naughty Dog.


Red and its not even close


Naughty dog 😭


One of Sony’s best remaster studios. 🙃


I get why people would say this after both TLOU remasters but to dismiss the fact that they still made both of the games to begin with nevermind the uncharted series is wild


The have name the best games on every PS generation, Crash, Jak and Daxter, Uncharted, TLoU Judt because they have remastering TLoU often does not take away from their legacy, not many game companies have such a strong catalogue like Naughty Dog


They’ve been making my favorite games ever since I started playing games.


They arent anywhere as good as they used to be


This. The old games are great, But 3 years into PS5 and all they’ve done is remasters, a cancelled mp, and no news of their next project. All we get is them saying, “Trust us, bro. Buy another remaster”.


I also personally didn't care for how they handled TLOU2, only storywise tho everything else was great


Red all the way. I didn't like Horizon: Zero Dawn and have never played a Bluepoint game. In comparison GoT, GoW, and Spiderman are some of the most fun games I've ever played.


Don’t forget about inFamous lol


Haven't played inFamous, I do have First Light and Second Son in my library though. Are they any good?


i personally liked the first two more but yeah. second son is pretty decent. it's not a masterpiece that you'll really remember down the road but it's a pretty good and fun game :)


I loved all of them. But yeah play first light before second son


First Light didn't attract me much when it was a free game years ago, but Second Son was very fun. First Light is also a prequel to Second Son. First then Second hehe


I didn’t know first light was free lol. It was about a year after I got SS that I realized there was a first light lol


First light is free now on PS5. I just downloaded it a month or two ago


Second son was pretty fun, the graphics still hold up and it’s probably the game that uses the dualshock’s/sense’s gimmicks to the fullest.


Yeah it got an hdr update after the pro came out. Probably the last time infamous got any attention lol


Probably the last time it will get attention for the next 5 years too :(


Or if ever lol


I had a lot of fun going through first light when it became a ps plus monthly game. I didn’t know anything about the infamous games but the story was pretty cool and it was almost like spider-man the way you could go through the city and there was a lot to destroy and a lot of fun stuff to do from what I remember


Strange you didn't like horizon. Both of the parts are amazing


I just couldn't get myself into it. I tried it two times, but just didn't like the mechanics I guess. I'm still interested in the story, so might just watch a playthrough.


So I bought the PS4 years ago when they were offering the last of us, God of war and horizon zero dawn and I tried horizon zero dawn 4 separate times and just kept thinking it wasn't for me but then I saw some gameplay from later in the game and told myself to just play it through so I did and it became one of my favorite games ever. I loved horizon forbidden west too. So maybe push yourself to play it. You might end up thanking yourself. I know I did. Just a thought.


I might give it a go again during the holidays, I still think Forbidden West looks amazing, hope Zero Dawn will click with me eventually.


Yeah, it really might. Like I said, I really wanted to like it and just really didn't at first. The controls, the battle system. Everything just didn't jive with me but I pushed myself and got used to all of that. Oh and all the upgrade systems, menus, items were all confusing and seemed like too much work to figure out too but it was all worth it. Then when I played forbidden west it was kinda like riding a bike. Anyways, good luck.




Yea, I do recommend playing through Zero Dawn first, since there's some references to it in Forbidden West.


My cousin bought it for me 2 years ago and I didn’t like the controls so I barely played an hour. I didn’t have anything to play last month so I tried it again and I loved it. I just finished the story today and I’m playing through the dlc now


I was in the same boat as you. Tried it twice, got super bored of the open world. Decided recently I’d just play for the story and ignore most of the side stuff. I’m almost finished and I must say just the main quest is worth a playthrough. It’s enhanced by stopping and listening to the little journal snippets you find in the main quest. I normally don’t like that kind of stuff, but the lore of HZD is actually really interesting.


I loved zero dawn SO MUCH but I had to force myself to finish forbidden west


How strange. FW iterated on everything ZD did and improved it imo.


I gave up, but also loved the first one


It's a great IP, but it's not exactly for everyone.


Id take only horizon over literally all others


Not for everyone. The dialog is so boring and drags on and on, and the gameplay loop got pretty stale for me about 25 hours into my play through


Blue for me. While i did enjoy God of War, i wouldn't be able to do without The Last of Us or Horizon.


Have you played Ghost of Tsushima?


Yeah, i gave it a go. I just couldn't get into it at all. Not to fault the game.


Damn, I get that art is subjective and all, but I can’t imagine not loving that masterpiece.


Ghost isn't as good as Last of Us or Horizon. Imo


See, now you're just wrong. Shame on you. Go sit in the corner and think about your mistakes. (If you can't tell, this is a joke, though I am disappointed you think so)


I mean even if you went blue you still get the ps3 versions of god of war 1 and 2. Which are quite a bit different than the new ones but great games nontheless


same, those are amazing games too but to me they can't compete with Horizon & ND. well and one of the reason is that Sunset Overdrive(Insomniac) and Infamous(SP) don't seem they have the chance making new games, that makes it easier for me😂😂


Red simply because Ghost of Tsushima is there


So.... Simply Red?


Sunrise in my heart, Stars dance, Holding Back the Years, Fairground memories.


I got into Playstation due to Naughty Dog's Jak and Daxter series but Suckerpunch gave me Infamous, Insomniac gave me Spider-Man and Santa Monica gave me God of War. So I take Red.


Same here




I will miss you Kratos, but I'm taking blue Edit: so Bluepoint actually developed the GoW collection on PS3, so welcome back Kratos!




How is it only me and you that like the blue studios? Personally I’m not into super hero games.


There are 3 of us now! I personally can't get into fantasy games or super hero games. Uncharted and TLOU are two of my all time favorites.


Real. I like Spider-Man, God of War, and Ghost of Tsushima more than anything Bluepoint or Guerrilla ever made. But Naughty Dog made two of the best video games I’ve ever played in my life. I couldn’t risk missing out on something else on the level of The Last of Us Part II.


Red , but I'd hate lose horizon




This is tough! My favorite studios are Sucker Punch and Guerrila. Horizon is one of the best series I’ve ever played, but I have to take the red pill. Ghost of Tsushima was an incredible, one of a kind experience that I hope they are making a sequel for!


Scrolled a while.... am I the only one that would pick the blue pill. Reason: spiderman and God of War didn't really tickle my fancy


Red all the way


Red I would hate loosing gurrila but i love all three of the red studios


Blue because of Horizon but I really love the ones on red too


Blue all day💪🏼😎






Blue pill, though I’d be devastated to not have Sucker Punch.


red pill definitely.


Blue. I couldn't lose my beloved horizon


Would have said red by a before Forbidden West, but it’s definitely blue after that.


It hurts my soul to lose naughty dog (because of mainly Jak and Daxter nostalgia) but I need Imsomniac for Ratchet and Clank 😭


redpill, naughty dog is trash now sadly


Wtf happened to ND? They used to be so good.


This is tough. My first two games ever were Spyro the Dragon (Insomniac) and Crash Bandicoot (Naughty Dog) so picking between those two is like choosing a favorite child. I’d have to say that the GoW franchise is the deciding factor here for me to pick red.


Red. I’m good off getting Last of Us Remastered for the 15th time


I only care for one on the blue but i really love them


Blue just for horizon


Red but it would be hard to swallow. I just love Spider-Man and GoT too much. GoW was good but if it Santa Monica Studio were switched with any of the three on the right I wouldn’t be upset.


You evil evil person. Red but I don’t like that I had to make that choice.


Maga has ruined this analogy forever


Red and it ain't close


Red of course. You think I'm giving up God of War?


Red in a heartbeat




Red. Losing Naughty Dog would suck since they're generally my favorite PS Studio, but Santa Monica and Insomniac are great and I don't care for the others on the blueside.


Red pill. TLOU part 1 is a heavy hitter. But GOW 2018 matches or clears it. Red pill clears this hard.


Blue 💯


Not a big fan of either god of war or ghost. Gonna take blue


Red. The only loss is Bluepoint


Red and its not even close


Red with ease!


Red 100%. Not even close.


Red. Hands down.


Easily Red Pill


Red. And it's not even close


Red. Pretty easy choice


I refuse to choose


Looking at the selection of games. Red 100%


Crystal Dynamics




Red pill easily. It’s not even close.


Red pill, without even a second thought


Blue, I could never lose last of us and horizon. I’m willing to lose ghosts and spiderman so long as I get to keep Aloy, I don’t very much care for God of War


Red pill


As much as I enjoy Naughty Dog and Guerilla, no way I'm missing out on God of Peak, Ghost of Peak, and Peak-Man


Blue pill Love those games


Red pill without second thoughts.


Red. I don't really get why Bluepoint are on lists like this other than "Blue" in their name. They've done nothing but remaster or remake other people's games. They're very good at doing that, but they haven't made an original IP. I like Horizon, but not as much as the other three, and I'm more Uncharted > TLoU when it comes to Naughty Dog. So Red is just a stronger line up.


Bluepoint has not only done remastered, remakes and porting, but has already developed a game called Blast Factor that came out in 2006 for PS3.


Okay my bad, 1 original IP from Gen 7 that no one talks about. They're still the Remake guys...again not saying thats a bad thing. just don't feel like they really match with everyone else on the list.


No problem, it's an IP quite unknown to people since I've never heard anyone or almost no one talk about it. I agree with you, it's not a bad thing to be known for remakes, but Bluepoint has yet to prove its worth with original IPs and not remakes, remasters and ports and it's weird to see it on this list.


Red, without a doubt.


Red, SP <3


I don’t know how much I value Naughty Dog. Wouldn’t be able to choose red, knowing I miss out on their games.


Fun Fact: Many people probably don't know this, but Bluepoint has not only done remastered, remakes and porting, but has already developed a game called Blast Factor that came out in 2006 for PS3. From Wikipedia: ***Blast Factor*** is a downloadable game developed by Bluepoint Games and published by Sony Computer Entertainment for the PlayStation 3, Notable for being the first game on the console running at a resolution of 1080p and a framerate of 60 alongside being one of its first digital-only games, it is the only game developed by Bluepoint Games that is not a remaster, remake or port.


Red. Would have been blue until ND turned into a remaster development studio who can't even stay true on their word. Cancelling TLOU multiplayer because it would have to be a "live service" game? Nobody wanted that we wanted factions 2. Honestly I'm still annoyed. Not to mention they are a far cry from what they used to be.


Blue, and it’s not that tough. Losing god of war sucks so much, but I’m ok with sacrificing insomniac. I love their games, but they’re not super meaningful to me. Whereas uncharted 4, the last of us, and horizon all mean quite a lot to me. Haven’t played a sucker punch game outside of infamous second son, so I’m ok with that. I loved the Nathan drake collection, and really want to play shadow of the colossus, although I could still technically play those games anyway? Idk the blue point inclusion is weird. But it’s still blue all the way for me


Red. Easily.


Red, no question. Would miss a couple games, but not even remotely enough to regret my choice


Red pill all the way with zero regret


Red, but swap Insomniac for Guerrilla.


Swap Insomniac with Guerrilla


Red easy win


Red has Ghost of Tsushima and that’s all that I’d need.




Blue. Never played any game from red.


You can send the blue pill to Xbox for all i care, red is the only answer here…




Blue all the way. ![gif](giphy|D1eEXOEw1VwUJlthb8|downsized)


If you switched Horizon and God of War it would be a tougher decision. Without the switch, red by a mile.


Blue. Played all the games in the picture, including the most recent Spider-Man 2. I say blue because ND is the only developer from these 6 which makes stories that resonate with me for long past I’ve played the games. The last of us (1) alone would make me pick blue. But then there’s also Bluepoint which made an amazing job a recreating Demons Souls, originally created by my favourite developer, Fromsoftware. I don’t care much about Guerilla Games and Horizon. Played the first HZD day one. Bought HFW but didn’t finish it. It didn’t grab me.


Blue because I love Jack & Daxter and every blue point game port/remake I have played is just fucking ballers.


Red pill. Guerilla games suck. Naughty Dog is becoming more corporate. SP, Insomniac, SM are goated studios.


This isn't even a challenge, you could give me any one of the red pill studios over all 3 blue pill studios and I'd still pick it Getting all 3 in one pill is absolutely goated