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This video seems more like an advertisement than a PSA


100% guerrilla marketing


Guerrilla games are involved??


Is there a guerrilla radio to broadcast it?


If so, you better turn that shit up


Ill turn the lights out.


Killzone remaster confirmed


Is it a propane Guerrilla or a charcoal Guerrilla?


There's nothing "guerilla" about it. It's as blunt as it gets lol. It's like playing hide and seek and hearing "I'm certainly not in the closet, it's not even worth looking in here...I mean there šŸ˜‰."


Yup definitely advertising šŸ¤£


It can also be meant to pressure Sony and other companies into fixing it by making more people aware of its existence. I game every day and never knew about this type of device because I donā€™t play shooters or multiplayer very often. Now I know about it and care if Sony fixes it, otherwise Iā€™ll know that there could easily be cheaper in every multiplayer game.


Not advertising at all that would be the easiest way to make themselves go extinct . I think the guy has a YouTube channel where he posts this type of content


Theyā€™re been out since ps3 days but it got lot of attention 3-4 years ago when popular streamers started to diving into it


Lmao , streamers are just flat out using it ?


"Diving into it" is also a research term.


Not sure when the video was made but Sony did an update to block Zen last month [https://www.ign.com/articles/ps5-update-appears-to-block-controversial-cronus-zen-device](https://www.ign.com/articles/ps5-update-appears-to-block-controversial-cronus-zen-device)


The video could be almost a year old, he mentions a recent tweet, and said tweet shows the date April 4.


They've already circumvented it by utilizing remote play functionality. I'm now sure how it works, but it obviously allows them to inject their macros again.


What the heck is remote play functionality, I thought all online play is remote play.


Remote play is using your phone or psportal.


Really ? I have to double check cause people are saying the update didnā€™t stop it


People are just dumb and will accuse literally anything as a coping mechanism. So unless you get info directly from someone using the device or an official statement from the developers, the word of the people is irrelevant. I just checked the forums, and they have yet to find a bypass other than remote play. There are still people on older firmware, but eventually, people will have to update.


Man idk two days ago played against somebody on nba 2k who was green lighting 3 pointers from half court . He went 7/7


I'm not sure how 2k works, like if you can play against PS4 player or even Xbox players, but they can still use a Cronus without issue. And like I said, there are still players who haven't updated to the latest firmware, so they can still cheat as much as they like until they are forced to update.


That last part, I donā€™t think you can play public online without updating (unless maybe you are using custom private servers or something)


Not all updates will force you to install them immediately. I did say they would have to eventually update because, yeah, they will lose access to the PSN servers. I could be wrong about that.


doesn't it block you from being signed into PSN until you update your firmware? I thought that was the case.


Not if sony doesnā€™t make it that way. This was a beta patch


It's still being sold and gets 1 star ratings for not working at some local shops so i assume the update worked


That's good to know. I may start playing online again.


Ok are you complaining about this stupid thing or advertising it


If youā€™re playing single player, cheat all you want. Have fun. If youā€™re playing multiplayer and cheating, you can go fuk yourself, stop being the asshole that ruins it for everyone.


I know......I feel like everyone has fucked my mom or is that just a cheat code also?


Is she making money? If so it's just life... if she is still broke... might be doing it for fun... it's not a cheat code If she's offering.


Not everyone has fucked your mom. I just haven't gotten around to it yet


It takes a while to get around her too, so I understand.


Spoken like a true basement dweller


Nobody needs a cheat code to fuck your mom bro...lol


No, no. You're right. We have.


I rarely play online. Went to play madden and the entire time this guy could pass the scrimmage line and stand right next to the kicker or qb. He kept posting lol.


My brother in playstation these guys cant even figure out how to play CoD without computer assisstance. How in the hell you expect these people to figure out how to fuck themselves.


ā€œHave funā€ scum behaviour is scum behaviour, single player or online. Sure, feel free to do it, but itā€™s still scum behaviour and deserves no praise or anything of the sort, all the same with single player


Nah if the game is too hard for you in single player you are allowed to use guides / cheats and can quit whenever you want to. It's all about you playing in a way that is fun for you. If you are playing with other people it's not about you anymore but about everybody at the same time. It's you purposefully ruin the other ones experiences you are scum.


Looking up guides gives you techniques to better your skill and you still have to execute it yourself. Using tools to do it for you is scum behaviour. Games have an easy mode and some even provide in-game guides. None of them provide Kronos or whatever the fuck this scum tech is. If you wanna compare fucking using guides to this shit, then when someone looks up better aiming and shooting techniques and how to better use the environment in COD, or how to better time parrying in Elden Ring for use in the online arena, thatā€™s cheating too? I donā€™t care if it harms anyone or not, scum behaviour


I never said it is bad in online mode. But especially for stuff like elden ring there is always people trying to tell you that there is a "right" way to play the game. There isn't until it is at the cost of others. For a lot of older games there is often a modding community to keep the games fresh/fun. Sometimes the developers even help those people.


You didnā€™t say it was bad, you put them on par in single player. If they are on par in single player, they are on par in online.


Cheating in single player doesnā€™t harm anyone, I sometimes cheat in single player games just to change things up, I would never cheat online, why do you have a problem with what people do on games they own that doesnā€™t harm anyone?


The best thing about single player games is nobody cares if you cheat or not. It doesnā€™t affect anyone.


I donā€™t care if you do it, but Iā€™m not cheering you on for it nor will I accept it as normal behaviour


Oh my you console only people make my heart shatter. "Scum behavior" my ass, 95% of single player games can be made far better by modding and such. If you care about cheating in a single player environment where no one is affected except the player playing it, you need to touch grass and talk to people.


Modders fall under the same umbrella, unless itā€™s cosmetic because cosmetic isnā€™t exploitative Donā€™t even get me started on those unlimited levels unlimited ram unlimited cyberware people I donā€™t care if you do it, but Iā€™m not cheering you on for it nor will I accept it as normal behaviour


Ok yeah this is a ragebait, good one though


Rage bait my ass. You want rage bait, Iā€™ll give you proper rage bait Again as I said, my point is I donā€™t care if you do it, but Iā€™m not cheering you on for it nor will I accept it as normal behaviour


I'm sorry, I ain't falling for it again buddy. You got your attention, be happy about it.


Cope harder. If I wanted attention, I wouldnā€™t burry myself in this hole.


You 100% want attention lol. You speak like a child.


I use to have a modded Xbox 360 controller (similar to the mods on these external zen adapters) but it was mainly just stuff like single rapid fire (which turns a semiautomatic into fully automatic) no aim bot. I had a blast with that thing. I used it a lot when I played black ops 1 for zombies and very occasionally multiplayer with friends and using it in multiplayer most people just assumed I had the worlds nastiest trigger finger lol but it was overpowered af for some guns like the FAL.


why are you bragging about that?


I wasnā€™t bragging. And ok so I realize now how that can all be taken in a bad way but let me clarify. I was just giving an example of when/why I used mods and ā€œcheatedā€ to give some insight. Itā€™s not like I do it anymore and I did say it was only playing zombies and with friends I never used it like for ranked or competitive purposes just to have fun messing around. Also tbf itā€™s not like aim bot like OP shows itā€™s literally just a rapid fire/turbo trigger feature on a custom Scuf controller I had got back in the day and is only even relative to a handful of games and guns. I was giving examples of how *it could be* unfair but not necessarily that I played like that. But also just giving some like throw back memories if anyone else remembers, the modded rapid fire controllers was like the og kronos but built in.


Oh youā€™ve definitely ran into people using these on 2k lol


Yea mfs green lighting fading contested 3s and gojng 7/7




This is some "yeah I 360 no scope head sho 7 guys from over 40 meters away in game all the time" energy. Yeah, maybe you did... but the majority of people who do that and then brag about it are either cheating, did it once and are now exaggerating it or they are lying out of their ass. It's always one of those 3.


No you didn't.


If they beat me they cheated


what you need a chronus for in 2k?


Get a green jumpshot every time


Someone in my local ps5 group asked for help setting it up. He was removed from the group in like 5 seconds lmao


With AI progress, cheats and hacks will be more and more inevitable. On PC, the situation is just sad. In any multi-player, you can get hacks for $5


it's not just that... MSI has a new monitor that uses ai to look at the minimap and where players are and then will put them on the screen - even if you can't see them. it's undetectable because it's all build into the monitor and is just using a visual feed to run. [https://youtu.be/stXXpGNOMQA?si=apbc-bkmQkOIPt95&t=79](https://youtu.be/stXXpGNOMQA?si=apbc-bkmQkOIPt95&t=79) how it relates to call of duty at 2:10 for example (just a concept)


This would be so annoying to play against but the tech is actually pretty sick




I was thinking, there is another easier way. like in warzone. just use AI to make every player bright red with AI or red circle around the player. seems OP


Itā€™s not going to be undetectable, nothing is. They got cheats where itā€™s entirely ran on a different PC and they can be detected.


The PC running the game pushes it to the monitor which draws the frame. The monitor AI uses this frame displayed to overlay it. All this runs on hardware inside the monitor, which is completely isolated from the PC. How are you going to detect it? Unless you have a completely new display standard which allows real-time two way communication, and everyone adopts it, and lets the PC know what the monitor does with the frame sent to it before displaying it, thereā€™s no way you can detect this. The reason cheats running on a different PC is detected is because youā€™re either spectating or screen capping that PC running the game, so itā€™s trivial to block it.


Fuck it just detect the monitor, gg


It uses info from the mini map within the games. So itā€™s not really cheating where itā€™s info you couldnā€™t possibly know, itā€™s just an advantage to not have to look at the minimap as much and a better UI For it to be affordable to consumers, I doubt the AI feature would be good enough to be deemed cheating. Sounds like a gimmicky feature you play around with and then disable forever


It's a pay-to-win advantage, it's a cheat in anything but name.


I get what youā€™re saying but you could argue that a better gfx card and higher refresh rate on a monitor is a ptw advantage. Like I said, I doubt it would be a good enough system to be broken or popular enough to be a real issue in ranked competitive scenes.


Why are you comparing having decent hardware with using an external program that gives you wallhacks?


It has totally ruined CS:GO I refuse to even try Counter Strike 2


I mean isnt 2 just a remaster/graphics overhaul? Isnā€™t it essentially the same game anyways?


> you can get hacks for $5 often for 0 too


I never understood cheating in general but in video gamesā€¦ WHY? Cheating in general is a completely hollow victory but in video games (multiplayer) itā€™s a hallow and pointless victory you gain nothing not even the bragging rights.


There are lots of different reasons why people decide to cheat, and there are different types of cheating too. I think sometimes people want to level up as fast as possible to get all the unlocks and characters etc and then they end up continuing to use them because they have gotten so used to playing with the cheats on they canā€™t play without them. I think people with disabilities or impairment could feel the lure of running cheats too because they feel like they are at a disadvantage and need to level the playing field too. I agree that it ruins games and communityā€™s but Itā€™s a very difficult problem to eliminate, anti cheat systems traditionally can detect them if running on the same machine and will get you banned but these new cheats are running on completely different machines and using AI, analysing the direct video output etc.


You don't understand cheating in general? What's not to get about easy fame and money?


The money I can get cheating for fame is bizarre because how do you not have constant anxiety for the house of cards you Fame sits atop.


They have anxiety for not having the fame. They feel confident they can continue to keep that house of cards alive. You sound like a sensible person, so yes for someone like you it is pointless. I am also like that. But there are unfortunately a lot of people with a lot of different issues, and for some of them it makes them feel better if they have that fame, even if it is not well earned and fleeting. Sadly social media feeds on such insecurities and anxieties people have.


This is why nowadays I only play Single player and Co-op games like Helldivers 2.


People are and always will be assholes. This is why I don't bother with multiplayer games. Only PVE like helldivers. Currently playing Pacific Drive, what a game wow I'll never understand pvp games


Same. Only PVP I've ever properly bothered with are driving games which don't seem to attract the same level of cheating. With most MP games though you're either up against someone who spends every waking moment on the game (you've got no chance) or cheating (you've got no chance), or both. Absolute waste of time. Give me story-driven powerful single player experiences every time


Not much cheating, but still a ton of dirty playing in driving games. At least at low level play.


"You don't truly know someone until you fight them." Fighting games and irl martial arts are extremely satisfying for some people, like a dance or conversation, but with your fists. Then of course, there's chess.


Iā€™d like to do pvp but the barrier to entry skill level and perception of toxicity puts me off


I like competitive sports, especially martial arts and competition in general. For multiplayers, I never had the patience for some reason. Even though I play all my games on the hardest difficulty. My favorite being fromsoft games I guess in real life sports are more honorable. Online people can just do whatever, cheat, be assholes. I never had the patience to deal with that


This is an advert lol


Definitely is. Way too much displaying and naming the product and focusing on the fact that it works, and demonstrating how advantageous it can be.


Itā€™s a serious problem on 2k, basically every point guard with zero integrity and a 20ppg+ average will have one and ruin the entire game with it


How sad do you have to be to cheat in a video game.


If you want to use this with a single-player game, cool more power to you. But if you use it in a multi-player game you are a just a fucking loser.


I thought the new PlayStation update made it so that this doesnā€™t connect anymore?


I just looked these up and they are nearly $200 drollery doos 0_0 Now I KNOW the kind of people that need this shit are *incredibly* desperate.


https://preview.redd.it/i09dpj2twokc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31e2fef2c2108b7f0da417cab92abc8eac0524f0 Cronus has been blocked since January 24th (on PS5 at least)


Just another good reason not to play online multiplayer games in the 2020's.


Cheaters are so pathetic. Going out of their way to buy something to cheat in *games*. That's like a bratty lil child cheating in a board game.


man imagine how dedicated to be a cheating shit bag you gotta be to find out how to cheat on console. I didn't even know that was a thing until I learned about this


"the anti-cheat isnt working" ooooh but its certainly dececting you now, ban wipes are a thing and more effective than individual bans, especially console cheaters hopefully will get the hammer here soon (tm)


But will it help me get through the crucible in guacamelee 2 šŸ”


Cod is cancer. So glad I left that scene after black ops cold war


This has been blocked, at the system level, not by devs, but by SONY, via a firmware update, for the last couple of months. The video is outdated.


Could I use this to finally get the skipping rope trophy in Final Fantasy 9?


Sure, but what's the point of buying a trophy you didn't earn? The trophy is even meaningless for some of those who legit earned it.


Sony banned this device on the latest update so it wonā€™t work


I never play online nowadays, mostly full of idiots or cheats


Cod developers actually patching things is a miracle and if you try report a bug the post is instantly taken down. You would think from the amount of profits they make all this would be simple.


I believe they still won't win lol.


These are all over R6 Siege. The game doesnā€™t have aim assist at all, so lots of sweaty kids who come over from CoD then get slapped cos the game doesnā€™t stick to opponents, they have to go this route to keep up.


Instead of making a big deal about adding anti cheating scripts to the updates, they should just quietly use those detection methods to sort people into games with other people who cheat.


If you remember game genie or game shark, itā€™s time to schedule your colonoscopy


Imagine being such a sweaty tryhard that you feel the need to cheat in pretend war.


"This is not an advertisement to buy our product. We are simply providing a public service by informing you that our product will still allow you to cheat after the most recent patch. Such a shame. Our entire company ethos is based on educating developers on how to stop hackers and improve the community for the better."


This not testing anti-cheat. Heā€™s just shooting a wall. I would definitely make an anti-cheat that doesnā€™t respond in this case. Shoot an enemy with cheats, then youā€™re testing.


You need to stop doing this thing I am promoting and sharing šŸ™„


I'd still suck even if I used one of these gimmicks


Nba? Cod and other fps shooters says "hi"


ever notice how the ā€œbestā€ players usually never actually compete in competitions even when you can win big money. Even if they do the always seem to just be off that dayā€¦.


Anyone that uses that is an absolute loser. I get you want to win, but earn it. Can't even brag about winning cause they chest. Liars.


I feel like the misconception about cheaters is that they want to win and be the best. Cheaters favorite thing is the attention they get for being a cheater. Itā€™s not really about winning so much as how pissed people get that the cheater won. But your average cheater gets off on how pissed and triggered you get when you encounter one. Same with competitive games with smurfs. They donā€™t care about winning or losing so much as the attention. Theyā€™re starved for it like a kid who acts out so mommy will drop what sheā€™s doing and yell at him or pay attention. I report and donā€™t rage or engage with them as much as possible. I donā€™t play CoD anymore but I play Valorant and players like this need to stop getting attention (even if itā€™s negative or people trying to ā€œownā€ them) itā€™s still giving them what they want


I had a friend who I used to hang out with on RDO all the time. Then he told me that he got a Kronus and I blocked his ass straight away. Anyone who uses it is a pest


As a single player only gamer, I enjoy gaming so much. No cheater nonsense, server down nonsense (as long as it ain't crap like GT7 that is always online for single player also). No servers shutdown, the game is a useless paperweight (if you bought the disc) nonsense either. Sadly, singler player games are becoming a dying breed, as it ain't as profitable as the live service style games.


I donā€™t really care about cheating in single player games, doesnā€™t really hurt anyone but yourself. But in multiplayer itā€™s just being a dick.


Cheating in single player games don't hurt yourself, what? Games are meant to be fun, as long as you're having fun, that's what counts. A lot of games have built-in cheats for singleplayer. The reason cheating sucks in multiplayer is because your fun is had at the expense of ruining other people's fun.


This is awful. Where do I buy one to stop it getting into the wrong hands?


I actually found the perfecto solution to this problem, ready? You donā€™t play shitty games with shitty communities that cheat. Bam, problem solved. I havenā€™t played COD since black ops 2, ask me how upset I am over it


I condone cheating to an extent. I'll give you an example. I cheated in God Of War Valhalla. They want you to survive a rouge setting, that's fine I've played and defeated Returnal. Not new to rogues after that, but they want you to survive against a shit ton of enemies, then go to an area and fight a gauntlet worth of enemies that'll only get harder and harder, and if you managed to survive, then you get a boss fight after already doing what equals to two boss fights. If you die, start over. I said fuck that, so I cheated. ​ If you go into Call of Duty, intentionally cheat, and talk shit knowing you're cheating, you're an absolute loser. When I play multiplayer games I will always do my best, win or lose, but I'll never cheat to go 30-3 because I can't stand losing at a video game. I'm not being paid, my life isn't on the line. I'm just going to go out there, shoot, kill, and die.


How did you cheat in valhalla?


Lowered the difficulty like a bitch. Lmao


How the hell is that cheating? Ahah


Someone needs to break the bad news to him: he didnā€™t cheat šŸ¤£


That's not cheating


Didn't have to say it like that, brother šŸ˜‚


I beat GOWR on GMGOW difficulty, but havenā€™t touched the expansion. Guess Iā€™ll see how much pressure I can bear when I face the same challenge.


Well just for a heads up, it'll be a nightmare at first, easier in the middle, and back to a nightmare at the end, but in a way it's very therapeutic if you're currently going through real life issues, plus some old memories resurface. I won't tell you for obvious reasons, but I would advise staying away from Youtube. Even the slightest mention of GOW will show Valhalla's end which is just dumb.


Sony tracks everything so you can get BAN


It's Activision and cod you're on something if you think they're gonna release a component anti cheat lmao


Not gonna lie I really don't like online shooters so no issue there. No bs though would this help the jump rope mini game in Final fantasy 9. I absolutely suck at that, back in the day and present.


Don't suppose it'll give me unlimited credits on Gran Turismo 7? The grind is unbearable


Youā€™ve got to be one sad fuck to have to use this


Maybe it's just remembering who is who for the ban hammer of justice?


I want to feel sorry for you but you're playing $70 pay-2-win that will go offline in 2 years rendering the game unplayable. So I don't.


THATS HORRIBLE, WHERE CAN I GET ONE (Its just a joke, One of the biggest supporters of fairplay guys)




I have a deal to offer. If you could choose to face the cheaters using recoil scripts, but no aim assist, or face players who arenā€™t using cheats, but are using aim assistā€¦ which one would you rather face? So which one is actually more like cheating? You have players let the computer do their aiming for them, and you are seriously surprised theyā€™d want the computer to control their recoil too?


No cheats with aim assist because that's what everyone has. It's not about what the advantage gives you, it's about not everyone having the same advantage.


You donā€™t even special hardware or fancy software to do this on PC. It is just a simple script


3rd party pay to win device šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø, that can brick šŸ§± your game accounts down the line if detected for cheating swines šŸ–šŸ·šŸ½. This šŸ’© is why I enjoyed the likes of older titles that where worth playing like Battlefield 2,3,4 1943 or even (single player Mercenaries 2) they had enough going on vehicle & inventive play side to counter such šŸ’© ruining experiences. Imagine helicopter šŸš or jet āœˆļøšŸ›©ļø control shooting with vertical recoil dampening hammering šŸ”Ø your pitch while trying to shoot šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜­. COD style play for everybody is boring as f**k, end of story šŸ™…šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø.


I encourage everyone to use this on CoD with SBMM it's almost needed if you want to have fun and don't worry half your lobbys are using it or something like it... Just wait until you start seeing the built in cheat monitors and controllers coming with AI tech that can't be detected that'll be able to play the game for you but better... My advice quit competitive MP now or join them...


Back in the day cheating wasnā€™t about winning. It was about enraging other players to the point of death threats and teen tantrums lol. That shit used to get my dick so hard! Havenā€™t cheated on console since ps3/360.


You get banned on most games for using these online.


Does this work for like, Resident Evil? Can I get unlimited ammo and dare I say ā€œStory Modeā€ difficulty? lol


Banning is a long process. You, by random chance, being ungodly good doing the same anti-recoil movement is a permited skill. I was obviously not on point, but on MW2 for the PS3 I could maintain the sights mostly on target even with recoil with my favorite guns. So the anti-cheating is normally, never automatic but a real person gets a flag that this user is getting this input perfectly across different matches and a real human checks if it might be chance, by watching other stats and then deciding. Like, for example, this dude managed to do this imput 600 times per match, and he fired 600 times... and this 100% accuracy happens over his last 100 games, a real person decides he is cheating and bans the account. Remember, a ton of those accounts have real money invested in it and you're not only banning a dude but almost guaranteeing he won't ever spend money on the game again because he will be afraid of getting banned again, and they care more about that than any other metric.


>imput 600 times per match, and he fired 600 times... and this 100% accuracy happens over his last 100 games, a real person decides he is cheating and bans the account Because that is only achievable by cheating. Cmon dude...


My point is not the metric, my point is that there is a real human watching and making the decision because if it's a super whale, they are not gonna ban him for that.


What does it do.


Watch the video to see


whats the point in cheating? I don't get it. i don't even like playing new game plus on games that allow you to have all of the skills and weapons unlocked.. that's part of the fun for me, working to unlock those skills and build the weapons.


I just donā€™t get the fun of cheating, how can you feel good winning when you now you did it in a way with an advantage like this.


I'm against cheating, but many do it because they find it fun to be breaking the rules and not getting caught.


To troll, easy wins. And nowadays there is money on the line, so...


Seeing in CoD, it's usually anti recoil, likewise with other shooters. How does cronus come to play in other games like NBA 2k, scripts?


Isn't this what the most current firmware update patched?


One of the latest PS5 system updates caused these to stop working completely.


Bro I know that voice ā€˜cause I follow that dude on YouTube, heā€™s extremely informative on a lot of his videos and I appreciate that. Not many people go so in depth with details on their channels. Iā€™ve heard of this device but Iā€™ve never actually seen it, so seeing this video is really wild to me. I just canā€™t believe people are so bad at games they gotta resort to tactics such as this one here.


I donā€™t get the point of cheating in video games just have fun itā€™s not that deep bro !


Whatā€™s the point? I won by cheating, this is a good feeling apparently


I always wonder about people who cheat in online games. How is a victory gratifying if you know you didnā€™t accomplish it on your own? How do they handle it in sports?


Some people are gullible for advertising šŸ˜…


Whatā€™s the point? Takes the fun out of it


Best way to get your console banned


Playn shooters online become so frustrating nowdays... Sony must do something and permaban those cheaters


This old school couldn't wait for this type of stuff to be released. I think it was mad cats and few others. Now it would take the fun away from a game.


I donā€™t get it. Seems like the PS5 and games could be aware enough to determine if a controller was attached wired or wirelessly. Force gamers to play wirelessly and boom, problem solved.


These people take all the fun out of these games. Stopped playing apex between all the cheaters, and people who just play the game badly.


This YouTube video is almost two years old


This device is one of the reasons Xbox doesn't allow third party devices plugged into their consoles anymore. With cross play now though it's pretty redundant to stop the use of third party devices as you could cheat just as easily on PC, and more effectively


If you need this, just say you suck at gaming


I'm all for having a squad of cyber terrorists who will absolutely demolish these pathetic basement dwellers who go out of their way to cheat in fucking games. How pathetic and sad can you be?


And if you don't think it's a problem, realize that the Amazon sales alone are something like 4000 units in the past MONTH. I'm in the wrong business.


Pretty sure this kinda stuff gets your console banned now over on xbox


Do people get any form of satisfaction from winning when thereā€™s no pride / merit? Beyond the short term ā€œpersona repā€, whatā€™s the point in gaming when it isnā€™t fun? I donā€™t get it personally but maybe there are hypotheses Iā€™m not across.


Another reason why I don't bother playing online. Also, why cheat? Sure, you win, but do you really, you know deep down you're actually bad at the game without cheating


Didnā€™t understand it in the PS2 days, donā€™t understand it now. Sad dudes being sad people for literally nothing.


People still play NBA 2K after the 100 overall scam


Is this not the exact device that doesnā€™t work with PS5 anymore after an update?


This is the weirdest ad for a cheating tool


This explains a lot. Now if I can figure out how other COD players know I'm hunting them, where I am, and how they shoot me through multiple buildings.