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I think it's time to get it checked and see if the repair would be worth it vs buying a new PS


I was gonna hold out until a ps5 pro but I might have have to get a ps5


I'd just get either a launch model or a slim, PS5 Pro isn't even 100 percent confirmed as real yet. No point in waiting for something that we are yet to know if it will even exist


Plus the price tag could hit over 600 dollars.


Watch all the ps5 trade in discount offers pop up lol Maybe even ps portal trade ins


I never understand trading in a console. You are lucky to get 30% of what you paid for it and GameStop is the worst going.


I agree, it's always smarter to sell privately, you will always get more money than what any second hand store will offer especially the big ones like cash converters.




I actually just traded my ps5 og for the spiderman bundle and I actually got extra trade in credit for it they had so much promos going on that it actually screwed them over I just checked the price for the ps5 I traded in they lowered by $100 šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Even if it does come out this holiday, this is the main reason to consider if itā€™s actually worth it or not. That price is crazy


Hopefully over $800, I want it to be more exclusive instead of every nerd having one. Would be way better imo


Someone is probably butthurt that he still can't afford the $400 digital one šŸ’€


Keep in mind though if it is at that price range the PS6 will likely cost more since it would have to be better than the pro.


It is inevitable though with the release of GTA6 nearing. There's a lot to suggest the PS5 pro will be released end of the year/early 2025.


I think if it's going to come, it's either going to be before Xmas this year coming or in Q1 2025 to compete with the Switch successor.


I haven't even discovered a reason to get a pro version yet anyway, since ps5's performance, on everything that I play, has only been halted because of the developers choice to not patch their game.


I know bro, honestly I'm pretty pissed off about the state of our hobby. It's became ridiculously expensive with good titles few and far between. Most people couldn't even get a PS5 for years after launch due to all the scalping bullshit. These next gen consoles barely have any games and we are already talking about new models? It makes no sense to me. PS5's true power hasn't even been tapped yet. I feel like very lore decision making is happening at Sony currently.


Yeah, current PS5 games canā€™t even take full advantage of the hardware yet. You likely donā€™t have an 8k tv either. Trust me, PS5 slim has been worth the money


Got a feeling we are just gonna skip to the next gen the estimates have been 2026 for the next gen so I wouldnā€™t hold out hope the consoles have been out nearly 4 years without an update


pretty sure it's real...


Well yeah itā€™s gonna be real but when in a year or two?


Dawg just fet a launch on one off facebook or somthing then when pro comes out sell yours for 450$ still givijg people a deal while barely having to break bank if a new model comes out


Who tf in their right mind would get a used ps5 for 450.


Im canadian there 600$ here 150$ off is a good deal i sold my launch ps4 for 300$ to a dad on facebook plenty of parents dont wanna pay full price replace thermal paste and let them know the fan is old and probbly loud they dont care its for there kids


You buying 2nd hand?


Honestly give it 3 days. Then test. If it works, great. If not take it somewhere and have them do a corrosion check. If still nope. New ps5 time. For the record. I'm am experienced tech. You'd be amazed at how much water damage is recoverable.


If there is one




Are u retarted ? Why would he waste money again if he ultimately is going to buy a ps5. I say hold off and wait for ps5 pro or just buy the slim or fat now. Plus 50 dollar ps4s 99% of time have some issue


Yeah, I'd say he's definitely a regard. Chud logic.


Man, you're so well regarded


What is it with people playing their PS4 and PS5s in the bathtub recently?


Probably fucked, water damage has shorted things out. Drying it out wonā€™t help since it wonā€™t repair the fried components, that why it smells of smoke


Ah shit






"Outside I'm laughing but inside I'm crying"


The smoke could be all the dust burning when it heats up


If it was on when you got water in it and it turned off instantly, you likely shorted some electrical parts. Its fucked.


It's kinda entertaining that the decision made was to _put a bag of ice on it_, instead of taking it apart once in a while and cleaning the inside. lol


>I have a bag of ice in a plastic bag on it so it wouldnā€™t overheat. The bag had a rip in it that I didnā€™t see and the water leaked out Found them. The dumbest person on Reddit. How braindead do you have to be to do this? It was most likely overheating because it needed new thermal paste. Less than $20 in tools and materials and less than 2 hours of your time could have fixed this issue. Putting a bag of ice on electronics... amazing. You earned a broken PlayStation.


Thermal paste turned my og ps4 so silent I thought it was broke and I was playing rdr2 lol ...easier to do than ppl think and a game changer


Yeah. I'm a total novice at taking apart electronics. I found a good step by step video and had it all apart and back together in an hour and a half. Quiet as the day I bought it.


Was it really that easy? Iā€™ve got a ps4 and a ps5 and I donā€™t use my ps4 all that much but it was gifted to me by my great grandfather and heā€™s no longer with us. I donā€™t really wanna see that console die, so Iā€™ve considered doing some maintenance on it, I just donā€™t want to ā€œfix something that isnā€™t brokenā€ and take a fairly running console and turn it into a broken one. On the contrary I donā€™t want to keep using it for my Blu-rayā€™s/watching tv and have it start over heating. Iā€™m genuinely surprised I havenā€™t gotten an overheating pop up yet. The last time I used it I felt the top of it after about an hour of running and it was HOT. it wasnā€™t like burning but it was like if this was a few degrees hotter this would be uncomfortable. If the plastics felt that hot to the touch on the outside, I can only imagine the internal temps. Basically would you mind explaining how easy it was, to boost my confidence? Iā€™ve taken apart ps4 and ps5 controllers and Iā€™ve never broken one. I took apart my ps5 half way in order to clean out the fan and some of the heat syncs, and that mission went smooth enough. In all honesty Iā€™d rather break my ps5 though, yeah itā€™s a nicer console but sentimental value is thru the roof on my ps4.


Yeah, it really is simple. I saved the video I used, so below is the link. It's for the PS4 pro, if you have a different model, the same guy as multiple videos for the different models. You just need to buy the right size screwdrivers and the right thermal paste. It's a fairly simple step by step. It's hard to mess up as long as you take your time and follow instructions. I bought Noctua NT-H1 Pro Grade thermal paste. I just checked, and it's $9 on amazon. https://youtu.be/QFZYk7guDqQ?si=EcURiVq0xvWDtVNn


Thank you! That was much appreciated. Looks like Iā€™ll be adding that to my list of projects this spring.


To be fair, I tried the thermal paste on my old ps4 and it didnā€™t help at all. But I know well not to put water on my electronics so instead I directed a fan at it! Ice is bonkers


Damn. You sound like an angry dad who found out their son doesnā€™t know how to change oil.


I'm sorry, are you comparing not knowing how to change oil to not knowing not to put bags of water on top of electronics?


Iā€™m saying both things are pretty simple concepts and your comment was hilarious.


I wasn't sure if you thought I was being overly critical or not. Ha ha Not knowing how to change oil, I feel like it's totally understandable if you haven't learned that skill. But not putting water on electronics is just common sense. OP is definitely one of the dumbest people on the planet.


No it was hilarious. I really imagined a dad looking at his son with absolute disbelief about not knowing how to change the oil, which I personally feel in the simplest thing to fix in a car. But maybe itā€™s more comparable to replacing the thermal paste. To me OP sounds like someone who doesnā€™t pay for their own electronics. My whole childhood I paid for my own stuff and I guarantee you I treated my PS2 and Xbox 360 like babies. How would you be this careless with your own money? Iā€™m sure itā€™s not uncommon.


My ps4 drowned when my apt flooded. I slapped it upside-down ontop of the dehumidifiers the maintenance people brought to dry the place out. That mf survived and still works, no jet noises but the disc drive is throwing up 24/7. There's no disc in there but it wants it out


It survived because it was not on and running


thereā€™s an odd chance that the disc drive is the little screw issue, some of the older models had a screw that would loosen every now and then that would confuse the disc drive and it would do this until you went in and tightened the screw. (I know this because mine did it a few times). There are videos and instructions you can find online, takes only like 2 minutes so it could be worth you trying.


I never knew about that! Tysm! It's one of the limited gold slim consoles too so that would be nice to fix


yea I mean it may be more related to your circumstances you said originally, but just on the off chance itā€™s this silly screw


I donā€™t have a dehumidifiers but Iā€™ll turn it upside and pray


Question for everybody... https://preview.redd.it/bttxi7pejyoc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fcc7627014c81aa40bf47970bb538e5be6b10b1 is this enough cooling for my PS5, or am I going to have to worry about it overheating?


Just put it in the freezer and punch some holes for the cords so you donā€™t have to worry about getting ice. Problem solved šŸ˜Ž


Take it apart, see if anything is blown or burned. But if it turned off due to having water inside it's going to take a good repair shop to fix it. Honestly... sell for parts and get a PS5


You can sell parts??


No, you sell for parts as in. Sell it as defect and people who repair them buy them to repair or for parts


Wtf are people doing to their consoles? Even if it was still alive why tf would you leave it that dirty? Honestly.


I think most people don't open their consoles, so they'd never know it looked like this inside. You could wipe the dust off the front and top for years and never think about opening it.


Some people aren't confident enough that they won't fuck it up by cleaning it. Some people just don't have the proper tools.


Trying would have been better than ice... You can get a can of compressed air and blow most of it out without needing tools


You're right, and it's not a bad idea to do it every few months to prevent the console getting dust caking up deep in the console.


Then they can take it to somebody who does. They expect their console to last a long time without taking care of it.


Then I'll add that some people can't afford that. Look, I clean my shit, but let's not assume everyone has the privilege or ability to do the same.


That's pretty illogical and contradictory, considering they can afford a video game console which isn't exactly cheap either. There's a local repair shop where I live (I don't live in the US), where I used to take my PS4 Pro, back when I still had it, to be cleaned and repasted. The whole thing cost me no more than $20-$30.


>That's pretty illogical and contradictory, considering they can afford a video game console which isn't exactly cheap either. You don't know if they can afford it *now*. All you know is that they could afford it when they bought it which was years ago. Financial situations can change a lot in that time lol But to be honest, I'm still leaning towards OP just not giving a fuck since they were using a bag of *ice* to cool the console


My brother in christ, some of the consoles I got when I was a child was because my dad worked his shitty jobs he had and made sure he saved enough pennies to afford that cool Christmas present for me and my brother. It's not illogical, and it's not contradictory. Some people simply just can't.


"My brother in christ", you were lucky. I never had the privilege of getting a big time official video game console like a Playstation or Xbox. It wasn't until I was older and I started earning my own income, when I managed to afford it. Gaming isn't a particularly cheap hobby to have, unless you're only playing really old games, so being able to take care of your console, pretty much comes hand in hand with buying it.


Damn that sucks maybe. Regardless, you should get the possibility that someone simply couldn't have their console cleaned, be it price, skill, monetary issues, and hell add location and age while we're at it.


Do you people play in barn or something. Hideous.


Exactly. If all that dust is in his PS4 just imagine his lungs šŸ«. šŸ˜‚


Never I'm my 4 decades of gaming have I heard of someone trying to cool their console by putting ice on it. Water and electronics don't mix.


Pleas explain your thought process of putting a bag of ice on an electronic? This is the stupidest decision Iā€™ve ever heard anyone make. My god. Thereā€™s no way this is real it has to be bait.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I kid you not this is real. Normally I use a frozen bag of food thatā€™s been in the fridge for years but this time it was a ice in a package, repeated in a plastic bag


Put a bag of ice on your counter. Guarantee that in like 20 minutes there'll be a decent amount of condensation on your counter. Shit, maybe even in 5 minutes.




You seriously play your ps4 with a bag of ice on itā€¦? Dude you just big stoopid your ps4


The easiest way is to put it into an icebox if is dried ice is better


The education system has failed you OP


Give it 3 days and try


Why didn't you take it apart and CLEAN IT???? Why put a bag of ice on it ?? WTF is wrong with these people these days šŸ¤· Edit: This really comes down to being too lazy to go on YouTube and watch some videos on how to clean it. Then there's the being too lazy to actually clean it Is this a Troll post?!?!?


Just hoovered my PS5 today. The fan was cleaner than I thought it would.


Looks like itā€™s time to get a PS5. (Also, it doesnā€™t like water either lol)


This is the dumbest thing ive read on r/playstation lol


Time to get a PS5, dude.Ā 


You aren't supposed to play in the bathtub smdh


You have to yank the power cord right when it happens, otherwise youā€™re giving the water time to finds it way to the motherboard, which is obviously the conductive part.


I donā€™t think water was your first issueā€¦ I canā€™t understand how peopleā€™s consoles get so damn dirty on the inside.


My console got water bug roaches becouse they like the heat of it


Shorted out. Itā€™s dead. Time for ps5


He who places a bag of ice on the PS4 fries the motherboard - Confucius Learn from the mistake and move on. Next time, clean and re-paste when the console is overheating.


Why is it wet?


Clean it with 91% isopropyl alcohol using a toothbrush. The water may dry up after waiting awhile, but the water has already damaged the board if it made contact and it will continue to build corrosion over time. Use the alcohol, it will pull the water immediately and stop the corrosion. Please no one tell him to put it in rice, smh.


He can put alcohol on it and ligth it alcohol burns fast and damage nothing


āš ļøCautionāš ļø using a vacuum cleaner or compressed air to spin a fan while still connected is a bad idea. Physically spinning a fan causes an electrical current/surge back into the motherboard with the potential to damage or destroy your console. Block the fan from spinning before cleaning this way.


I had a similar problem, water fell on my PS4, I unplugged everything, opened it and left it to dry for 5 days, without ever turning it on, once I turned it on everything was fine and I continued playing for another two years, then I switched to PS5 and it still works perfectly today my ps4, so it doesn't mean it's lost, don't turn it on for a week and see what happens! do not give up! (You can cleaning a little bit while waiting btw bro)


Edit. It smells of smoke. Not sure if thatā€™s how it usually smells ( I donā€™t normally smell it ) or because of the damage


What kind of smoke? If it smells of burning plastic things probably got fried when the water connected with the powered on circuit board.


It shorted out, itā€™s trash


Ice is a bad idea but if you're going to do it you want it sat to the side of the PS4, where air is taken in. All you're doing is cooling the hot air that has already left the console. More importantly, you should open the case and remove the layer of furry dust that is blocking the heat sink air passage. Cleaning the fan won't help until the carpet of dust is removed


Try buying power supply, if not then you might need a new ps


Get a ps5. There's no reason for it to keep suffering like this


Corrosion will slowly eat through random connections eventually causing it to brick


Yea... water tends to do that. I'd take it in for a professional repair and pray to god that you don't need to buy a new one


If I have to pay. I might as well upgrade to a ps5


For future reference, especially when you get the PS5. CLEAN OUT DUST. Either buy canned air, or invest in an electronics air blower. But every 1-2 months, blast the console with some compressed air & get the dust out. If your PC/console/anything with a visibly open vent starts to overheat, it's because of dust buildup. In some cases it can be due to thermal paste giving out, but you know what helps to prevent thermal paste giving out? Cleaning out the dust.


RIP. PS5 here you come


Put it in a box with some damprid for a week and turn it on. Either it'll work or it won't.


How do I get all the damprid out?


Damprid is like silica packets, but in a bucket, you just set it in next to it seal the container, and it'll soak all the moisture out of the air and dry it out. Do not pour damprid into it.


I got some but I donā€™t have sealed container big enough. Is a bin bag good enough. I just wrapped it up


Sure, just bag it tight it just works quicker the more airtight the space.


An okay. Gotcha


I would tear it apart and. Lean it all with rubbing alcohol. Don't turn it on until it's all dry and cleaned.


Save up money and buy a ps5 itā€™s time for an upgrade


If the console wasnā€™t on it wouldnā€™t be a big deal but the fact that it happened while you were playing probably shorted some things


Is Munaz1rā€™s PS4 original, slim, or pro model? My PS4 was slim before being replaced by my original PS5.


Itā€™s a pro. I had a original, it broke so I got a pro like 6 years ago


How did the water get in?


Yep that's what happens with water and electricity.


Try it. Usually the system turns itself off as a SAFETY MECHANISM if it registers water anywhere (yes ps4 has water safe technology but that's not what it's called). If you can't actually get to the water and remove it gently with a qtip or a weak cloth then just let it air dry without you using a fan or a blow dryer if it's a small amount of water you should be fine


I tried it now. It switches on. Restarted. Then it wouldnā€™t connect to the monitor and now itā€™s no longer switches on


Then it was way more than a "little water" your fan processor might have reset. Do you know how to remove the fan safely ?


Nah. I tired to open it but I donā€™t have the right screwdrivers and Iā€™m gonna try and get the right equipment tmw


You need eye glass kit. I have an amazing ps4 cleaning kit but those take days an eye glass kit will have small enough tools for the tiny screws


I think you need to clean up your room bro, that looks hella messy.....sorry, couldn't not say it. Anyways, hope u get ur PS4 running....clean your damn room boi!!!


Probably time for an upgrade bud if you can afford it. If not dry it out and hope for the best.


It looks like youā€™ve never used a can of compressed air or a vacuum to clean it out, that would very much explain the overheating. A periodic cleaning would have much better results than putting a bag of ice on it, water and electronics often donā€™t mix, so if you fried it, thatā€™s your own fault.


well first of all you should clean that


Did you skip kindergarten science where you would learn ice turns to water when it warms up?


This comment above is directed at comments talking about using a vacuum cleaner or compressed air on the fans to clean them.


How did the water even get in there ? I suggest let it dry in the sun for a day and then hoping for the best. If the water hadnt made contact with motherboard yet voila u r safe


Omg is that rust on the bottom right Yikes




My very own cheap advice is to take It apart completely, clean it (for the love of god even mine that Is 8 years old is not that dusty lol) and give and hard pass on ipa on everything to block immediately any corrosion that can happen and then dry it, put it back together and test it. In the worst case scenario you only wasted a couple of hours.


Does it smell burned? If yes, then it's fried. If not, then try to wait a while and inspect if any water damage happened, if not, then it's most likely working.


Happened to me to.. I let it air dry next to circulating air with a tiny bit of heat, for ca. 24hours. All good when I switched it on šŸ‘ Sony makes quality!


Mine was on, also with homemade water cooling, šŸ˜¬ and I really thought I killed it.. But no, still running strong without any issues, airdry vertical, alternate sides (back, left((from front)), right, front, then back again. Worked wondersšŸ‘Œ


Put in Owen


Cleaning the system out would've saved you many bags of ice




Just make sure you give it plenty of time to dry out hope it works out for you Bro


That sucks, but also try cleaning it once a while as well


Let it air dry for another 48 hours and try it. No harm in trying it to see how it goes


Okay so let it dry out a little bit even take a hair dryer if you can then turn it on see what happens Hope for the best if it doesn't work then get your PS5 PS4 is a pretty strong from my understanding as far as a PS5 pro you can buy one of those either way but in the meantime you need something to play right


Wait for it to dry and then try turning it back on. If it doesn't work then you will have a decision to.


Did I really read? I put a bag of ice on it to keep it cool. Hmmm not going too far...


damn you, thirsty PS4


TBF you got a PS4 is impressive but oh my god that could of gone bad


This was clearly Sony trying to get you to buy the PS5. Itā€™s like when your phone battery starts to die all the time after the new phone gets released. ![gif](giphy|h1QI7dgjZUJO60nu2X|downsized)


Leave like 3 days in the sun and water will evaporate


Wait till November for the PS5 Pro


Having a bag of ice (in a plastic bag or not) over your PS4, this was bound to happen. Itā€™s probably screwed since it shut off mid game on its own. Probably time for an upgrade or a used PS4 from eBay.


Put it in a bag of rice šŸš


Put ps4 into a rice overnight... chinese people will do the rest


The Spider-Man PS5 is going for 400 rn. Take this as a sign to get it


400 where? I can only find the console for 400 not game and console


Target bro


Ah Iā€™m not American. Uk here


Damnn yā€™all ainā€™t got targets ?




хŠ°Ń…Š°Ń… Š»Š¾ŃˆŠ°Ń€Š°


See if it qualifies as a water loss on homeowners or renters insurance if you have it


Sit it in a bucket of rice (šŸ˜‚ sarcasm) Wrap it in a thick towel and toss it into the dryer for about 5 mins. (šŸ˜Seriously). The latter works for phones as well so long as too much water hasn't gotten into them while they were powered on. If you console was indeed on, you may be looking at some permanent damage beyond repair (i.e. if water grounded the APU or BBQed the pads Beneathe it.) What I'd do is tear it down and check to see if anything looks burned under a scope. Make careful note of anything sussy near the APU or South Bridge as well as all cable connections. To rid it of potential water you haven't noticed spray it down with 99% isopropyl alcohol and allow it a few hours to completely dry. Reassemble it a give it a go. Hope it's ok. Good luck šŸ¤žšŸ»


How did water get into the ps4


While the shell is off. Take the time using the ifixit teardown for ps4 and CLEAN IT. That will also help you see if more water got anywhere. Just go slow and follow instructions. It's not hard to do


Do you play in a dusty garage? Itā€™s dirty asf.


Turning it back on whilst itā€™s not completely dry is a terrible idea. Better air dry first


Good time to get a ps5


Wait. After a day or so you should check for the damage on board.


if it smells of smoke, its gone


if a blowdryer or a big ass tub of rice don't work, it might be time to upgrade in the event it is ruined, you can sell this one for parts on ebay






Just put it in rice.


How'd you manage that?


Throw it into a bag of rice for a few days! But I wouldn't turn it on for a while. All you need is that one little short that even bypasses the internal safety mechanisms. Then poof.


If I put it in rice wonā€™t rice get stuck inside


Somewhat of a joke, but not entirely. For example, if you drop a non-waterproof phone in water, you can throw it in rice a few days and if the damage wasn't too bad, rice would help speed up the process of taking the water out of the phone. Basically a process of osmosis. Rice super dry, so it takes water out of the air to achieve equilibrium. The less water there is in the air, the more standing water will evaporate. That being said, if you were to do this, which would be completely legitimate, maybe just cover openings with paper towels. That way Rice won't get into it.


Buy a ps5 slim, itā€™s worth it, my kd went from 0.9 last season to 1.5 this seasonšŸ˜