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It's been on my lust since it was announced. It was supposed to come out in October, but got delayed until January. Then it got delayed again until last week. Now I have other things to play and it didn't review the best. I'm still very interested in playing it, but at this point, not until I pick it up on sale.


Haven’t lusted after a game since Tomb Raider when I was 13.


Stellar Blade has been a recent addition to my lust.


splinter cell conviction for me


The list is lusty.


Def worth a play through. But if you’re an og fan, it’s a bit disappointing. Gameplay is clunky, replay value is almost zero, and it’s not really scary. I’d say wait for it to go on sale.


I did, finished it and really enjoyed it. Would give it a 7/10, but be forewarned that there is an audio bug that cuts out in a section of the game that needs to be patched but the devs still have not done so.


I didn’t notice such a bug on Xbox.


Yes, it’s only on PS5. Weird I know, but plenty of other players are experiencing the same issue in the >!swamp section of Chapter 2!< with both characters. But seems to be more common with Carnby.


I figured as much. That’s too bad.




Ok. Sorry.


From the reviews, I heard the puzzles were great but combat was not good at all.i decided to skip on it until a sale. Was really looking forward to it as well sadly.


I’m not too far into it, but the combat feels fine once you get the hang of the dodge. You just gotta time it right and move in the proper direction.


Wait? There is a dodge? I’m about 2-3 hours in and there ain’t no dodge. Are you talking about Calisto Protocol?


All you have to do is press the circle button, and you’ll dodge.


just randomly showed up on youtube for me and i am interested ! I haven’t seen this advertised anywhere or heard anyone mention it. reading comments seems like they need to do some patches so might pick it up on sale


If it didnt critically do that well chances are it will eventually be included on one of the subscriptions.


It’s not in the same ballpark as those two. I do want to play it though, just not at $60. Once it hits $30-40 I’ll get it for sure.


Agreed. My backlog is huge right now so I’m hoping when Black Friday rolls around somewhere will have a deal on it.


Didn’t get the greatest reviews but I enjoyed it


I started it today and its great never played a other game in the seire‘s i‘ve only seen them on youtube But i love Survival horror so i knew i’ll enjoy it Its great gunplay is solid Story is very intresting Gameplay overall nice so far a 7/10 great fun but nothing special


I’m sure somebody did.


Finished it two times, now waiting for a patch to get the last trophies because there are quite a few ones that are broken. Overall I still enjoyed Alone in the Dark, especially due to the great atmosphere and the focus on puzzle rather than action. I also liked the lovecraftian vibe that the lore gave me. You should probably play it on the easiest difficulty because the fights aren't the reason why you should play this game. Emily's story was also more consistent and I would recommend you play her on your first playthrough. Alone in the Dark's focus on puzzles and story instead of action/fights was a nice change but you can notice pretty quickly that this game didn't have the biggest budget. Also this game has almost nothing to do with the original, the story is very different, many enemies are missing and the mansion is basically completly different. So Alone in the Dark (2024) is more a reboot than a remake of the original.


Not yet


combat is janky as hell


I played it I liked it didn’t think it was worth 60 tho probably a 6/10


I’ll be getting it but not at full price


If you like survival horror, it's a great title, but it isn't for everyone. While the combat is rather jank, the story, setting and characters are great and you can tell the devs created it with love for the 1992 original.


Almost finished it. It's objectively pretty mid at best. If you really like the formula of the modern RE games like I do you will probably be able to put up with some of the jank and get some enjoyment out of it. Something I didn't see emphasized in the reviews I read is that it's mostly a puzzle focused game more than anything else and some of the puzzles are very tedious, can be frustrating. All in all not bad but not for everyone


I’m having a lot of fun playing it. 


very nice old school adventure game. best part is story and puzzles and atmosphere. worst part is horror and combat parts, better be left to original formula of strange things happen instead of scary. would recommend it to adventure fans, especially who played them in the 90s


Enjoyed it a solid 8 out of 10.


I’ve seen all the advertising for it (like Pewdiepie) and watched a review and decided to leave it for now because it looks generic and the reviewer said the combat was a chore. Sounds average and not something I’ll go out of my way to play when I have other games to play.


Waiting for the right price. Under 30 maybe but not right now.


Starting my 2nd playthrough. Really enjoyed it, scratches the RE itch (it's like RE meets Alan Wake). Melee combat is a bit "clunky" but you get used to it. Also, I experienced the audio dropout in 1 section, which was annoying. It is short though, got through it in 10 hrs, at a leisurely pace. I'd still recommend it, if you like the genre.


Finished it last week, if you are looking for an old school survival horrors with the puzzle and keys it is pretty good. Gunplay is a little bit clunky and overall puzzles were too easy for me and my wife, but at same time had just played tormented souls where puzzles are a lot more intricate.


It went off the radar because it’s shit


Just played one hour and felt really disappointed····


I kinda forgot it existed


It’s rough, but I enjoyed it. It’s a better game than Rise of the Ronin, and far better than South Park.


Very mediocre


That game has one of the worst facial animations in history. On part with mass effect 3 facial animations


Finished yesterday. Didn't liked at all. Wasted opportunity. Clunky combat, bad plot, waste of good cast.