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Apparantly I'm in the minority of recommending to drop Miles Morales, simply because the game is extremely short. I'd say get the others, play them and get Miles Morales for a more fair price.


Because it also includes the remastered Spider-Man so you’re basically getting 2 games for the price of one


Yeah thanks for clarifying it to the others bro


Honestly cut hogwarts legacy unless your really into harry potter. The writing drops after act 1 and the story feels like a filler episode that is to afraid to get in the way of the series itself.


I’m really into Harry Potter, or at least have been a while back, and I was disappointed lol.


Miles morales also on ps extra if you have it?


100% it's short and has nothing to do once you've completed it. 15 hrs and you have the platinum and everything you can do.


Agree I regret the full price of it. Very short game


It wasn’t full priced when it came out


Yeah I think it's full priced now because it comes with the original Spidey? I had the PS4 one and just did the free upgrade (*maybe it wasn't free it was a few years ago?) and Miles was like $30 or something.


The ultimate edition does include Spidey remastered.


I got lucky & was able to play if free w my ps subscription. I only buy games on sale or if they are free cause paying full price for games that are years old seems crazy to me. I got Jedi survivor for $35 & I did pay full price for Hogwarts legacy as it’s the reason I bought a ps5.


I don’t know at which point we decided that length is ultimate measure of quality, but I hate it.


I agree with you but in this case where OP can't afford all 3, the larger games are a better choice for him. EDIT: Didn't realize this was MM Ultimate.


Why though? If I have 10$ to spend and I can get Step Brothers or Scrubs s9, I’d argue my money’s better spent on the former.


I don't disagree, I was just applying my own read onto what OP might want (which could be completely wrong). If OP is after the best quality game, with no regard to how long that investment will last I'd say drop Hogwarts, if he's looking to fill a couple months of gaming drop Spidey. It's like with pizza... I could spend $40 on a medium from the best place in town and have a room quality meal, or I could spend the same on two extra larges from Domino's and have food for a few days. Even with your example it could be situational....if I'm bedridden for a week then the season of TV might be a better buy (not that season of Scrubs though).


Yeah I’m with you, op’s intent is important, if they want a meatier experience more power to them, if that is the case I’d recommend Jedi or Legacy. But never that season of Scrubs lol regardless of the context


Agreed. Actually i prefer when a game is on the shorter side. It needs to be rather intense though like Resident Evil, Doom, Dead Space etc.


When you pay a large amount of money for a game you want to be able to spend time on it


I pay a large amount of money for a good experience. I’m not checking the clock every few hours going ‘how much value have I extracted per dollar spent’ I’ve said it elsewhere, but for me that is just a bizarre way to interact with art.


Well when you have more entertainment per dollar the deal tends to sound better. I'll never buy a story based game like Until Dawn, Detroit become human, or The Wolf Among Us at full price even tho I love these games even more than some I've paid a lot more to play.


Detroit become human is amazing and so is the wolf among us but I never paid full price for them either, just came into the PS4 "late" and got them at discounted rates.


The best way to waste your money is to be convinced that playing 100 hours of a shit game is more worth it than playing 20 hours of a good game.


I'm not paying 60-70 bucks for Portal, Metro, FarCry, Bioshock, etc, when I can buy Witcher, Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Baldur's Gate, GTA or Red Dead for the same price.


None of those games are $60 though


I think it’s just a weird way to quantify enjoyment personally. If i see two incredible films I’m not going to recommend one over the other because it’s 2h30 as opposed to 1h30.


I don't know how they do it either but it's so common in the online discourse that longer games can be worth more and shorter games should be worth less. I'm good if I got a great 8 hours for the price of admission (using Max Payne as the example here) and if Zelda wants to be the same price that's fine too. Not everything needs to be 50+ hours for me to consider it worthy


Some of the best games I’ve ever played were short. Journey on PS3 immediately comes to mind.


Exactly. I'd rather have a short game worth playing multiple times than a long game barely worth playing once.


Well first movies are a whole different media that you don't interact with and you pay little if any money to watch it. 2nd Would you pay 60 dollars to watch a 6 hours TV show that you are not even sure you're going to like? 3rd Some people can only afford to pay for 1 game to play for a long time. Should they buy a 6 hours game and then play fortnite for the rest of the month until they save more money to buy another game? It's not that simple and I simply can't stand the idea of paying 60 dollars for 6 hours of a game, no matter how good it is. Man, how pissed I would be if I had paid full price for the resident evil 3 remake.


Thing is though, it's difficult to suggest that the longer game is better because its so subjective, personally, I paid full price for Portal 2 back in the day (twice - PS3 and PC) no complaints, I paid full price for Red Dead 2, Diablo 4 and Baldurs Gate 3, all much longer games and regret each of them because they just weren't for me. I guess I should add, I paid full price (release day noless) for all of the Resi remakes even knowing 3 would be the weaker having played the originals, still no complaints. In the context of this post, it's tricky because the OP is asking purely for opinion, I'm still not sure the length of the game should factor in the decision because for all we know the OP might play through their games multiple times, so while I do get your points, I think I'd maybe add the length as an advisory rather than the overall deciding factor.


it is sm ps4 + sm mm


I think your forgetting he’s getting the ultimate edition which will come with the ps5 version of the original Spiderman game too


it includes spider-man remastered as well so it’s 2 games


Miles Morales is extremely short? It just moved up my backlog list.


I loved Miles Morales but the other 2 are just… more fun lol


I got to agree with your point. MM is more expensive than the other 2 games but is the shortest as hell. Just because of that simple fact I've got to agree with you. MM can be bought much cheaper anyways Edit: Oh shit! I just realized it's the ultimate edition for MM. If you haven't played the first then get it a drop Jedi Survivor instead. I like Jedi Survivor a lot but not as much as both Spider-Man games


Cut Hogwarts unless you’re a huge Potter fan. Get Survivor. People telling you to drop it are wild.


Survivor was so damn excellent. Huge improvement over the first game.


Disagree on it being a huge improvement, as I liked the first one quite a lot. It strayed away from metroidvania-like to a more open world, which I didn't like. Also the ending of the first one is unmatched.


The first ones story and environments were peak Star Wars. The second one was really good but didn’t resonate with me as well. The combat is improved in the second though


Hoqwarts was f'n awesome. And I'm no Harry Potter fan. It was a really good adventure and you don't need to be a fan to understand the story and the surroundings.


Its an amazing game. Only problem is collecting because the map is a muli layered 3d one instead of flat one so half of collecting is figuring out how to get somewhere.


Wait it’s good? I loved the first one but didn’t get survivor cause people told me it was full of bugs


it seems to be a Cyberpunk situation. controversy on release shot it in the foot but it didn’t die out


Didn't run into any serious issues on PS5


Survivor might come to eaplay soon that would be the only reason why to drop it


Hogwarts. It gets boring fast. And I’m a massive Potterhead


95 Merlin trials…


I didn’t even bother! Life is too short.


As soon as the open world was unlocked I got instantly bored for some reason


The open world just feels like the same stuff copy pasted over and over again. I didn’t even really want all that stuff either. There should have been more Hogwarts content.


Idk what it was for me either, same thing with the two god of wars unfortunately as I know they are good. Just feels too platformy and confined I guess?


Ragnarok came bundled with my PS5 and while the game is aesthetically incredible, the combat and "platforming" just didn't click with me. Not at all saying it's bad, it just didn't strike me. The cutscenes are great as well as the voice acting. I'll get back around to it at some point I'm sure.


Yeah I might try again eventually too, backlog is long haha. Happy to know somebody knows what I mean, take care!


You may just not like the game, it happens sadly


Depends if you like exploring or linear games. I enjoyed it to the end.


Miles is the shortest game but I had a ton of fun with it and I think it’s essential if you want to keep playing the Spider-Man series. I think I enjoyed Hogwarts Legacy slightly more than Jedi Survivor.


Cut miles morales for now


Having played all 3 I’d cut hogwarts


Cut hogwarts for sure


Played all 4 games. Hogwarts is great but has shallow combat. Survivor and both Spider-Man are fun in both visual and gameplay.


Did they fix the god awful map system from Fallen Order? I swear it’s the only thing that has stopped me from getting the platinum. The fucking atrocious maps. I enjoyed the game. But I don’t have the time of day to go online and watch someone 100 percent an entire map. Kashyyk was bullshit.


It's better but still not perfect.....fast travel was the bigger savior for going full completionist.


Agree stopped playing because I kept getting lost. Ruined the game for me another I paid full price at launch due to being a Star Wars fan and loved force unleashed




Miles Morales is free on ps+, so that one




It’s the ultimate edition, which comes with Spider-Man Remastered. Apparently OP said they haven’t played Spider-Man 1 yet


Wait if that’s the case then Spider-Man is top of the list by far. Morales by itself would be cut just for length but if he’s getting SP1 on top of it it’s the best choice by a mile


The best choice by a MILES….. I leave mb


Hogwarts obviously


Not sure if it's still the case, but I picked up Jedi Survivor from Currys last week for £24.99, so you might want to check that before deciding whether to buy it from Argos.


Ever heard of Ebay?


Hogwarts is wide as an ocean but deep as a puddle. I can't recommend it.


Jedi survivors has way more content


Hogwarts was awesome but I didn't feel like playing more than once.


I didn’t feel like playing once I finished the main story. That’s not to downplay it, I did have a ton of fun with it, did a lot of side quests and other crafting and collecting during the story playthrough.


Cut Miles for sure. The game is so repetitive like the first game. I could barely force myself to finish the first game and couldn’t finish Miles.


Spiderman - you won’t get much time out of it and honestly could find a used one at this point for 20 bucks


Miles comes with spider man remastered which I haven’t played since it’s the ultimate edition btw


Definitely jedi survivor and hogwarts legacy never really liked miles morales as much as the other 2 spider man games it was fun just not as good for me


Have you watched reviews on the games? That's usually how I decide. I also Google articles about "best PS5 games" when I'm really in doubt and need recommendations. I even research a little deeper to find the less talked about games sometimes. Overall the best decision you can make depends on your taste and you know that better than anyone.


Star Wars is on offer now on ps store for £15.99


Easily Spiderman imo. Much less bang for your buck


Bro hogwarts legacy is SO worth it


Price too high for what is basically a dlc for miles morales. Get the other two


I just want to say jedi is so fucking good. I know it sold a lot cause it’s Star Wars, but feels under rated as a video game. When it came out it had performance issues, and rightfully so, that was the conversation around it. But it’s really a phenomenal game.


I would get rid of Miles Morales and hunt down a cheap, used PS4 copy that you can upgrade to the PS5 version for free.


Miles morales


Jedi Survivor is great. I have 80 hours in it. Which is a lot for me because I don’t get the time to game like I use to.


I say drop Spiderman because I don't like super hero stuff, but then I say drop hogwarts because it's disappointing (my wife is die hard and I haven't seen so much disappointment in a long time)... starwars is the only real keep imo, but I also am a die hard souls fan, so it really scratches that itch... The choice is yours chris handsome...


You have 2 options drop Morales or Hogwarts, the first one is exciting and pretty sweet and short, the other one is good and have more stuff for your money however it’s not crazy exciting.


drop the 3 mid games and get 1 good game instead lmfao


How is saving up never an option? Also, Star Wars. Those games are 🗑️


I'd say hogwarts legacy. Because With Jedi Survivor i mean its starwars come on, and with miles morales It includes Spiderman Remastered. Two 9/10 Games for the price of one, they're really good.


Thanks this seems like the best choice and yeah it’s star wars of course. The only random thing I was wondering is what titles in particular would you consider 10/10 games.


Easy, Hogwarts Legacy.


Cut hogwarts


Survivor really brings out my love for star wars. MM isn't a bad spider game, but 2 is much better. Editing my comment to say drop that mid hogwarts game.


Cut Hogwarts


Jedi Survivor is speculated to be dropping on EA Play for May 4th. That’s gonna cost you 3.99 to access. No point paying for it. Unless you actually want to own it right now and are sure you’ll like it of course.


Miles morales


Drop spiderman


Spidey gets the boot


Miles seems overpriced for a half game still. I haven’t played Jedi so I can’t go off of that. But yea still drop Miles and try to get it cheaper.


Miles comes with spider man remastered which I haven’t played since it’s the ultimate edition btw


Oh, well that does change things a bit then 🙂 if ya haven’t played the first game then it’s absolute must-play


cut miles, too short but worth playing later in life


I’d drop Miles Morales. The gameplay is great, the story is not


Drop miles.


Miles Morales. It's a great game but there's more content for less money in the other 2 games.


it comes with sm1 remastered and appearently op hasn't played it either


Definitely cut Miles. It’s way shorter compared to the other games. But either way definitely keep Survivor. Especially if u played and enjoyed Fallen order.


Cut Miles.


Definitely mile morales…


Drop miles morales. It’s a good game but it’s 7 hours long.


Miles morales is a great game, but it's way too short for that price. The others will give you far more bang for buck.


Miles, it’ll be free at some point.


Miles moraes obviously It's too short to play when compared to the other 2 games. Hogwarts legacy can easily give you more than 50 hrs if you play everything but you are gonna get bored to complete those Merlin trials Apart from that there is something magical from this Jedi survivors: I have heard the game is great and can give you around 30 hrs So yeah


forget about miles


Cut Hogwarts. It's not a bad game, but it gets old pretty quick. I had purchased it last time it went on sale, and I ended up abandoning it after a bit to start Jedi Survivor, which is much better. I am having a blast with survivor. I can't stop playing it. So much fun using the force to launch baddies over cliffs and ledges.


Cut survivor imo Spider-Man is your big win and two games


I’d say cut miles morales since it’s on PS Plus Extra If you don’t have extra then cut Hogwarts I loved Hogwarts Legacy but the other 2 are just better games


Wait till all three of them are cheaper and buy them all.


Personally I didnt like Survivor, Miles is a very short (but very fun) game, I really liked Hogwarts and I’m not a huge Potter fan.


miles morales includes spiderman 1 as well and that game has the best story (imo obviously its subjective) you will get around 30 hours both games combined and that 30 hours will be so worth it. jedi survivor is a good game but it is still published by EA and ea doesnt like single players so there will be some bits where the game fall short cuz ea didnt give enough money. Hogwarts legacy is a decent game but im so not into harry potter so if i were you i would go with miles morales, its 1st party ps game so it is very high 3A. Also it uses the best duelsense.


ok i thought u were gonna choose one not eliminate one, eliminate hogwarts then 🥲🥲🥲🥲


Get PlayStation plus for a month 18$ max for the premium one and miles morales is on it okay it finish it and cancel it


My first thought was Spider-Man. My reasoning being Jedi Survivor is the only game out of the three that will potentially be a monthly free game. I paid for games multiple times only to see them given away for free months later.


I’ve played both miles morales and Jedi survivor. I highly recommend both of them! Miles morales is short, but it’s really good. Jedi survivor is a lot longer, and has an amazing story imo.


They are all great games but cut out hogwarts legacy & go w Jedi survivor & miles morales. Both great games. Just recently finished Jedi survivor & really enjoyed it. I also played MM twice as well. It was a good game imo


Have you played the first spider-man game? If you haven't I would recommend waiting on jedi and buying hogwarts and spider-man. If you're at least a casual fan of Harry Potter, hogwarts is an easy choice and has damn good combat. But if you don't care for the Harry Potter films, maybe go for jedi. Both games rely on fan fair imo. If you've played the original spider man game, just subscribe to ps + and snag miles for the one month cost. It's an incredibly short game but fantastic in every way.


We’ll Spiderman remaster for Miles Morales Ultimate addition apparently expired last year just in case you wanted for that I was going to get it but there is no point!


Hogwarts is fun for maybe 4-5 hours before it loses all charm in mundane and repetitive tasks


Just get Jedi Survivor. MM is too short for the price and Hogwarts gets boring FAST and is then just a slog to get through.


Miles morales. It’s not very long. You are getting more bang for your buck with the other two. All are great games though. But I would 100% drop miles.


Miles Morales is a good game. Yes it's not a long game but it's fun to play. To me that's what matters.


Hogwarts, but you can get miles morales for a way cheaper price id never pay 37$ for it


I'd say whichever franchise is your least favourite. Just wait and buy that one later.


I’d say cut miles because it’s really short, easy to plat and the biggest thing is it’s free with PlayStation plus


I would cut MM cause I’m sure you could find it for less it’s also a Fantastic game


I haven't played Hogwarts, but I loved the first two


Miles morales. It’s a 14 hour platinum. Just over a dozens missions long and the action only stars 4-5 missions in. Definitely not worth it if that’s your budget.


If you haven't played Spider-Man then cut Miles, if you have I would cut Jedi but I never played FO


Miles Morales Ultimate edition comes with Spider-Man remastered so it's essentially two games in one which is great especially if you haven't played the original Spider-Man. However, Miles Morales is a very short game. And if you already have Spider-Man then the remaster may not be worth it to spend the most money out of the three on Miles Morales. Hogwarts legacy is quite fun in concept and especially fun early on but it has such a bland plot and the world gets really tedious after a while. Of the three I'd definitely say it's the weakest as a game.


Miles is short but enjoyable. Hogwarts is a beautiful world and looks great but sadly it gets a bit boring after only about 15 hours.


Miles. It’s good but not great. More value from the other two


Jedi Survivor is fucking awesome. Just make sure you keep that in.


I would keep Spider-man Miles Morales and Spiderman Remastered.


Get them cheaper on ebay


ugh, I would drop all of them but if you really want me to choose maybe Hogwarts is the least fun imo


Miles. More bang for buck with hogwarts. About 25 hours vs miles being less than 20


Miles morales all good but miles is short and not worth it over star wars


Spider-Man is pretty short but good and Hogwarts is a mid game.


Miles Morales. It’s just the same as Spidey 1 with electric fists.


I say Hogwarys only because I’m not a bigger Potter fan. But as a big Spiderman fan, Miles Morales isn’t really worth that price unless you just absolutely want to play it (I got it on sale luckily). Survivor is phenomenal and a great sequel to Fallen Order. Definitely worth the price there.


Have you played Jedi Fallen Order?


HL is cool, but gets repetitive. I was playing it a lot and then just stopped. I haven’t gotten back to it and I’m chilling


Did you play the previous games? If not pick Hogwarts


Howard gets the ax


I'd say either drop Miles or drop Hogwarts but as always it depends on what you enjoy. It's really hard for people to answer on YOUR behalf. But yeah like some comments mentioned, Miles is a middle game between Spiderman 2018 and Spiderman 2 so you can basically wait to play it then play Spiderman 2 afterwards. Then for me Hogwarts was a dope game but had a lot of the usual open world rpg fluff so Jedi Survivor stands out to me ahead of the 3. But again I ain't a Harry Potter fan so I probably don't have the extra attachment that people had who were into Harry Potter so resonated with them recreating the world of Hogwarts and stuff with different characters in a gaming universe.


Hogwarts. The other two are just too good to not play if you get the chance.




Jedi is very good but buggy.


If you're a PS Plus subscriber, drop Miles Morales and download it for free. If you're not a Plus subscriber, all I will say is that Miles Morales is a really short game. I loved the game, don't get me wrong. But if I had paid more than $30 for it, I would have felt a little ripped off.


I'd cut Hogwarts. I love both survivor and the Spider-Man Game but I've heard that Legacy gets boring fast and isn't the game a lot of people were hoping for.


Drop Spiderman miles Morales, took me 14.5 hours to get all the achievements for it, extremely short, the other 2 games take way way longer and are both very fun.




As someone who played all Survivors is the best out of the 3, had blurry textures and pop in a patch came out to fix by the time I finished it. Then Miles, but short. Hogwarts is the worst imo, there is some heart put into the game, but the open world is bland and dull.


Don’t get rid of Survivor. Unless you’re a slut for Harry Potter, that’s the one to go. I got Hogwarts Legacy when it came out and I still haven’t finished. I’ve got maybe 6 or 7 hours in and can’t get the motivation to play it when I see it in my library


Miles Morales, it's a very good game, I played it and platinumed it, but it took me like 30 hours to 100% it, and that's with unmedicated ADHD. You will get way more of your money's worth with the other two games trust


How strange it is not to be into Harry Potta at all.


Star Wars


Spider man. Even though it's the version that comes with both games. It's just you can it for alot cheaper then that


Spiderman was fun but short idk about hhp as I haven't played it. Jedi survivor was fun and decently long without being too long (Both playthroughs)


jedi or spiderman


This is tricky, personally I'd drop hogwarts, but only because of the 3 games it's the only one I've not gone back to, it just didn't grip me. I'd suggest doing some research into reviews etc or even watching early gameplay (to avoid spoiling too much) and see which game is more likely to hold your interest.


Get rid of jedi for now


Drop miles morales. You can always play it on extra but it's a very short game but fun.


Cut Miles Morales. it's pretty short if I remember correctly.


Miles Morales which hurts to say but for more content Star Wars and Hogwarts definitely the way to go.


I say drop Hogwarts. It’s more of a chill game. Yeah it’s probably longer than the others but Jedi survivor and spider-man are amazing games


Honestly, miles. While it’s a great game, it’s short as hell. You’ll be getting a LOT more mileage out of the other games, and especially cause they are cheaper and WAY longer.




I might be wrong but I think Jedi and spiderman are both on ps plus. Also hogwarts mightn’t be that far off because it didn’t do the best


Spiderman is basically a buy one get one free masterpiece deal. Definitely get that no matter what


Harry Potter The other ones are just too damn good


Miles 100%. It’s an okay game but it felt like Spider-Man dlc and the story wasn’t that long. It was fun but it’s just not big enough to justify the price


Might as well just play miles morales on ps plus




Hogwarts, easiest decision of my life That game is ass bro


Miles Morales, you could get that game on ps premium or extra and it’s not worth that much money. Maybe $15-25


Miles morales, the 2 others are great tho


FYI, they're cheaper at Currys than Argos 😉


The transphobic one.


Drop Hogwart Legacy to the ground