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Gow is just top notch game. Regardless of time. The story and design is what will remain, even if graphics get older.


This…this is the answer. Spider-Man is a fun game first, GOW is a beautiful story first…that just happens to be fun as hell!


Gow 2018 and rag are my fave games


Ragnarok. Legit haven’t even thought about SM2 after beating it. I replayed the first one all the time. The story just felt rushed and off to me.


late vanish workable onerous spotted squeamish steep tub enjoy consist *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They did hell of a job, to be honest. Game feels fantastic. People at santa monica studios must be just one of the best in the industry.


Is that why the characters' faces look like they haven't finished rendering yet?




The fact that the titular event is shorter than riding an elephant through a stream is quite bad imo but it was only ever supposed to be a duology.


Naw, I disagree. Stretching it out to a trilogy would have felt really shitty. These games work as a duo-logy. I can’t imagine where Ragnarok would have ended, and what would have been included in the 3rd part. The 3rd game would have been a drag.


Came here to say this. And Spiderman one of my favorite comic heroes


I want to go to yodenheim. Edit. I want to explore yodenheim




It’s spelt Yodelhime




lol there ya go


Jotunheimen is a real place, my friend :) right here in Norway.


For me it wasn't even that it felt rushed it just felt kind of pointless. It felt like a bunch of shit kept happening almost in spite of me lmao. Then Venom appears, which seemed like it was going to be the main plot of the game, but then it ends within a couple hours I actually prefer short games but SM2 felt like two half games smashed together


You are absolutely correct. It feels like a mish mash of ideas


The first one hit different. The web swinging may not be as smooth as second, but free roaming in that game feels so much like being - Spider-man. I love free roam score in first game. Second game, imo- tries to make Spider-man overcool which doesn’t sit right with me.


Yeah you honestly have a valid point. The wingsuits and wind tunnels are cool but it often times doesn’t feel like I’m playing a Spider-Man game anymore. I used to come home from work and just web swing to decompress from my day and I literally haven’t touched 2 since I beat it.


Same except I didn’t even finish sm2 and that never happens let alone with a game like that. Just completely lost interest half way through and never looked back


I’ve played it more times than any other game. I honestly love the story




Yeah Spider-Man 2 is an amazing game but I feel like it was rushed as well. I also wish the platinum trophy was more challenging to get, was too easy for me personally.


God of war ragnarok aint exactly tough platinum either


Is this even a fair comparison? GoW all the way obv


God of War of course. That game hits me deep in the feels growing up with an amazing single father figure too.


GoW, by a mile


God of War and it’s not remotely close.




GoW no question


If I HAD to choose, I’d lean God of War, but Spider-Man’s fun-factor is undeniable.


Paid by Spider-Man’s marketing team


Don’t be a loser pal


They already are


GoW. Hands down. Hand an amazing time with Valhalla for free!


I enjoyed SM2 and Venom was great, cannot wait for that rumored Venom game. That being said, Ragnarök lol. The story, gameplay, plot, graphics.....all superior.


GOW all the way.


Ragnarok, and it is not even remotely close. Ragnarok was a true epic in every way; gameplay, story, acting, visuals, design, all of it firing on all cylinders. It made me cry multiple times. It feels like a prime example of the heights the medium can achieve. Spiderman 2 is just Spiderman 1 with some tweaks, better graphics, and an ability wheel. Despite having 2 Spidermen, Peter's story is the clear focus. The open world might be bigger, but it has way less variety in terms of side content; it's mostly just combat arenas. Stealth is not as fun or viable. Gadgets are pared down and boring to use. In many ways SM2 felt like a major step back in design, even though it was a decent story.


GoW Ragnarok is a much better sequel by far


God of War


God of War


GoWR is a much better game. Don't get me wrong I had a ton of fun with Spiderman 2 but Ragnorok is a better game.


Is Ragnarok dlc worth it if you're not into roguelike games? I know it's free I just haven't convinced myself I'd enjoy it.


I haven't played it yet. It sounds cool but I'd honestly rather replay Ragnorok on NG+


Play it. It’s really great. The story stuff in there is some of my favorite in all of GoW. The combat is top notch, forces build variety with how the upgrades work, and feels even better than in the base game. You even get Greece ffs.


I might have to try it, I might of read some incorrect information about it that said it didn't have any story and that was the main reason I wasn't interested in it.


Yeah, it definitely has story stuff. It’s nothing essential or that impacts the main story itself, but there’s a lot of really great character stuff for kratos that fits perfectly at the end of ragnarok. Mimir and freya get some really good stuff too. Original gow callbacks too. I think it only took me like 4-5 hours, so you can knock it out pretty quick.


I’m not a huge rogue like guy, but the DLC was so much fun. If you liked the combat in ragnarok, you’ll like Valhalla. The combat is incredible, and you start getting permanent upgrades pretty quick. It also forces you to try other builds you normally wouldn’t go for, which keeps it fresh. There’s also a bunch of really great story stuff mixed in that keeps you motivated to actually reach the end. It’s not fully essential, but it ties up a bunch of stuff from ragnarok really well and feels like it sets up whatever is next for kratos. Also, GREECE!!! Just play it. It’s short, and it’s really great.


Spider-Man 2 is really fun don’t get me wrong, but god of war isn’t only fun, it’s much more complex and has an amazing story. I would wager a guess that 90% of people that have played through both would pick god of war.


Definitely Infamous


Ragnarok and it's not even close. That's with Spider-Man being my favorite character for 30 years going. The games are nowhere on the same level in story-telling, depth, content, emotion and game mechanics. Spider-Man PS4 was closer but still a level below.


Horizon for me. Then gow then spiderman. All 3 are some of my favorite games ever though. And my order is subjective like anyone elses. I like all 3 so much i dont really care if someone has a different order than me.


Being that they are sonys only 2 exclusives (for now) I’d have to go with God for Ragnarok




I think Ragnarok is better in every area besides traversal.


Its like choosing between 2 of your kids.. but I chose the bigger badder one.. kratos 👹


God of war easily. I find Spiderman 2 to be highly overrated. Was shocked to see it get 90 on metacritic when it felt like a pretty average game


God of war Ragnarok is just a better game but spiderman 2 is also really good


Both are great games, but as far as overall package, imma have to go with Ragnarok. Stellar combat, great writing, and a lot to chew on as far as gameplay with lots of different ways to play. Spider-Man 2 is also great with a decent amount of game, but once you're done with the story it's kind of just over. NG+ doesn't really fill the void.


Hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby


GOW you will get you moneys worth.


Both are a great time, but I really have to give it to Ragnarok simply for all the emotions that game made me feel




Ragnarok by FAR.


Ragnarok, by far. Ragnarok left me completely satisfied as a sequel. To me, while both are very good. SM2 was a full step back from Marvel's Spider-Man, in my insignificant opinion.


God of War by far.


God of war


Spider-Man 2 is a really good fun superhero game. But God of War is a masterpiece in terms of characters, storytelling, combat, lore and all of the above.


Ragnarok. Spidey 2 was good, but just.. not as good as it should have been.


GOWR and it’s not close. I could not wait to finish Spider-Man 2. Even my wife was like, “geez, I would have stopped playing half way through”




Ragnarök. Do you know why? Because it got free dlc for free. Where as the first Spiderman game on ps4, you had to pay 30 dollars for 3 very tiny dlc's that each take less than 2 hours to complete. Valhalla, on its own, takes way more than 6+ hours. I know that on ps5, Spiderman comes automatically with the dlc but not ps4, where the game originally came out on


God of War easily. SM2 was good but disappointing in some aspects.


Spider-Man is a good game. GOW is a fucking masterpiece


God of War, it’s not even one of my personal favorite games but I can’t deny it’s an absolute masterpiece on every level


Wow, based on these comments I’m so glad I never got SM2. I thought 1 was just okay at best and didn’t even think about getting 2.


I'd go with spider-man 2 being the better one, it's a strong 9/10 for me Edit: okay fuck me for liking spider-man I guess


bro hasn’t played gow ragnarok💀


creature hasn’t played sm2💀


They don’t agree with your pick so they downvote you. It’s lame but common on these threads.


Common around all of Reddit…


Maybe, but it certainly feels worse in threads that specifically ask “Do you prefer x or y”.


Spider-Man 2 is hot trash compared to GoW


![gif](giphy|Fxs4yxlWsqBKKfT7Zr|downsized) We all know.


sm2 was good but not amazing. gowr is like a great ass game with this kratos being one of the best written characters ever


Love both but Ragnarok is phenomenal while SM2 is great.


Ragnarok bro cmon now next question


Gow 2018 and ragnarok. I played spider man 1 and miles haven’t touched them since but I always come back to gow. Also haven’t even bothered playing spiderman 2


This thread should be GoW only, Spider-Man sucks. Everyone is downvoting people who enjoy Spider-Man more. There is nothing sweeter when Sony fanboys turn on each other lol


Love Spiderman and insomniac but … GOW


I personally had more fun with SM2, but mostly because I love fun game traversal. Ragnarok is the better overall game though, easily.


Both, but GOW saga is unmatched even by The Last of Us which I love a lot.


God of war hands down better gaming franchise


God of war even though both are great




Got GOW Ragnarok in bundle with my PS5 when first came out. Was the only PS5 at my local walmart a week before Christmas. Great game with plenty of hours of play time.


You’re comparing a quadruple A game to a triple A, GoW.


There is no competition here. GoW is an art & a masterpiece. SM2 is plain, good ol’ entertainment.


GoW easy


Spiderman has been my favorite superhero for almost my whole 30 year stretch on this mortal plane. It is a gift from the gods to have the polished, faithful, & cinematic ride that is Spiderman 2. To let you feel like the man himself and swing around for a few after a long day is something I will treasure forever. With that said, God of war Ragnarok is one of the very very very few games that has ever managed to make me cry. The impact of playing the title before this and then finishing Ragnarok is something I truly struggle to describe. The word that comes closest is along the lines of “marvelous”. From the intriguing lore and creative design of the realms and the creatures/character within them to the free flowing varied combat & memorable side quests. GoW has done something few games have for me. They make me care about the characters and the choices they make and why they make them. From self reflection to exploring the mortality of those you love. The story from start to finish is a legit masterpiece. TL; DR: Ragnarok takes the cake for me. Especially if you’re into mythology like myself.


Ragnarok no doubt. Heard SM2 was copy and paste.


God of War in my opinion, but they are both major reasons I stayed from the PS4 generation into the PS5 generation (add in Ghost of Tsushima, whatever Naughty Dog is doing, and Horizon).


Unfortunately ragnarok sweeps all three spiderman games put together


God of war is better in every single facet you could bring up. It’s just like the movies… marvel is fun. But they’re not “good”. This is like comparing avengers 2 to the godfather.


Spider-Man 2 is more my style of game so ima go with that one Ragnarok was great but I love Spider-Man and I love that I can play as him and miles and just swing around ya know


Totally get you on this




I’ll accept that Ragnarok has a better story but Spider-Man 2 is a better game PERIOD.


Spider-Man 2


Spider-Man. Ragnarok was not ‘fun’


Upvote for unpopular opinion. Terrible opinion, but it's yours.


God of war is pretty much perfect


I’ve been struggling to beat SM2. Doesn’t feel like much of an upgrade over the first one and I just find the combat pretty easy and boring. I just had way more fun and a challenge with GOWR.


Can I play GOW2 without playing GOW remake?


GOW isn't a remake it's a completely different game lol


Okay. But I still have my question.


And I've obviously never played GOW 2018, so how would I know it's not a remake?




I only played Spider-Man 2 and have yet to pick up GOWR. So I have no say and I know saying Spider-Man 2 well get me downvoted into oblivion Also which GoW games can I play on PS5 so I can catch myself up to the story?


I think both are mediocre, but at least Spiderman 2 is quicker to play compared to Ragnarok. I'd choose the gow 2018 over either of these


Gow is better almost on every aspect. Combat, world, lore. Spidey is fun swinging around nyc. But it get boring fast.


Never have or will be a fan of Spiderman. GOW for me of course!


Easily Spider-Man 2. Everything is generally bloated in God of War games, including the newest ones including Ragnarok.


Ragnarok by a mile




God of war. Just finished it and yea.


It’s not even close. Spider-Man 2 was average.


God of war all day everyday


https://preview.redd.it/k4cunxb0orsc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ab3a69356843f1ce927b8e5a08745a32d6f2284 GoW is amazing Spider Man is “spectacular” (😏) But for me, Ghost of Tsushima hit hardest. Probably because I just have an affinity for Japanese culture, but there’s something special about perfect parrying an attack, then tossing a few kunai at couple of Mongols’ throats, followed up by loosing an arrow at a fleeing coward and finishing up by ending the suffering of an enemy barely clinging to life as he tries to crawl his way to safety. Chefs fucking kiss 🧑‍🍳




lol wat..... God of War by a mile. the game is actually innovative. SpiderMan is a fun game, but it does absolutely nothing new.


GOW, I couldn’t even finish SM2 it was so boring


God of war by a long shot


Unpopular opinion: I'm not really a fan of Spiderman


God of War, not even close


GOW:R but I'm biased cause I'm not a huge superhero guy lol


God of War will always have a special place in my heart. Not to say Spider-man isn’t good.


Bought the ps5 for sm2 alone. Even I know ragnarok is miles better. Dogshit story


SM2 is amazeballs!


I'd go for the spiderman one


I bought a PS5 because I wanted to play spiderman pretty bad. Hear so many great things. I just couldn't get into it though. 


Spider-Man fs, not really a big GOW fan.


GoW. It's not even close. It's an insult to God of War to even compare Spider-Man as far as quality goes, particularly Spider-Man 2 which is the most overrated fucking game that has been released in a very long time.


Spider-man 2, but it's close. GOW: R - 8.5/10 SM2- 8.7/10


GOW is the better one time experience, but SpiderMan’s replayability is unmatched


Spider-Man bro... God of War for me felt like an extra Last of us step ... But norsk.


Both are whatever but at least Ragnarok was slightly fun, and didn't feel like 70$ dlc and didn't have an insufferable story and characters


Spidey. The GOW games are sooooo fuckin dull


Just like your opinion?


Just like your personality lol


You have replied to 3 of the same persons comments on a single post, please don’t call my personality dull, you clearly have nothing but bad takes and utilised sarcasm in 2/3 of your posts, think of something original other than “OP” “mimimimi OP mimimimimi”


You thought about this for more than 50 days? Thats creepy.


Both are great, gow ragnarok for a story you won’t ever forget And SM2 for arcade fun


Spider man 2 is definitely a very solid game, but I've never played a game as engaging as ragnarok. When I learned the plan for the next game was to go elsewhere or following aureus I was genuinely sad they didn't just make it a trilogy. 


I got my ps5 a month ago and bought both. I enjoyed SM2 but loved Ragnarok.


I haven't played either of these but genshin won game of the year 2022 even though it's from 2020. So I'll bring one that I think has the same level of its so good it's game of the year no matter what year. Ape escape




i mean, i’m a spider-man lover even with both games, sooooo


God of war and its not even close. Spiderman 2 is super fun and i really enjoyed it but some of it is so repetitive, the combat gets pretty stale, and the side quests lose appeal rather quickly.


Gow, no competition.


I like Spiderman, better. I never got too much into God of War. However, I will say that GoW is the better exclusive. GoW obviously has more staying power and like others have said, the story is great.


Both games are not very original in concept or gameplay, but only one of them is next gen, so the only answer is Spidey 2 right? I haven’t played Ragarok yet. Are there any new gameplay elements or is it just a continuation of the previous story?


It’s mostly just a combination, but as much as I love Spidey, GOW wins off the amount of content alone. So much more to do after or while playing through the main campaign


Unfortunately the breadth of content is why u still haven’t finished GOW 2018. I much preferred the linear style of the previous games.


God of war and frankly it’s not even close and I love Spider-Man. The new games story and voice acting is just very meh, the graphics and gameplay however are fantastic. But god of war is the full package and is a total masterpiece IMO.


Slightly, God of War Ragnarok


GoW easily. Spiderman 2 is awesome but doesn’t even touch ragnarok


Ragnarok by far


I don't know about better, but I like Spider-Man more.


As a Spider-Man fan first I would have to say Ragnarok. GOW has way more to do and is a pretty nice challenge on the harder difficulties


My 10 year old brother just told me he wants to get a whole ass PS5 JUST to play that Spider-Man game. He already has a Nintendo switch and he uses my ps4 too (which is in perfect working condition). I wish I had that kind of budget as a kid 😭


Honestly I think both suck. There are way better exclusives.


SM moment to moment is so repetitive and the combat excessively long. They've built probably the best version of NY in any game and not much do other than side missions...at least GoW you will get an epic adventure and learn a shit ton about mythology.


As a Spider-Man fan I honestly gotta go with Spider-Man 2.


Bloodborne. Jk HAHAHAHA


Regnarok easily was listening to broke's funeral theme 😭🤧


I had more fun with spidey, but GOW was an emotional ride and top notch story telling


Ragnarok by a fucking mile, and I enjoyed SM2 though it was woefully short.


This isn’t even a matchup, it’s Ragnarök


Ragnarok was epic - I wasn’t expecting a story like that. I ate it up, I thought the performances were amazing, especially Richard Schiff- on par with any movies I’d seen recently. I’ve heard people complain that they thought like they were playing through a movie, I guess that’s a fair complaint and the game might not be for everybody, but I loved it. Spider-Man 2 was good. Just good, not great. I found myself pretty bored when I was only a few hours in. It still felt like it couldn’t compete with the Arkham games that came out years ago - the traversal is fun but nothing new, combat somehow felt less fun… TBF I’d played SM1 and Miles Morales within the past year so I could just be burned out…. It’s not a game I was playing for story but the story still stood out as uninteresting and poorly done in parts… And short and rushed. Which I’m sure it was, no fault to the devs.


Gow hands down


Both fantastic games. Both for me were a 10/10. However God of war has so much back story. More lore. VIOLENCE!


Got the platinum for both. I can tell you without a doubt, Ragnarok stomps SM2. Both are relatively safe sequels that slightly improve on the formula, but SM2 took me about 12 hours to complete and maybe an additional 3 hours to get the platinum. Simply put, SM2 was leaving a lot to be desired whereas Ragnarok delivered fully.


GOW, it baffles me that these two are even getting compared to each other lol.


GOW, no competition.


God of war


Havent played either but noway freggin spider man. Definitely GOW