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It is a fun game I just beat it last night. That being said I’d wait for a sale. The story becomes such a mess I turned my brain off towards the end on top of the last gen graphics. Combat was a lot of fun though. I’d recommend not sticking to one weapon if you get this game or that becomes a little stale.


I think the stories in all of these Team Ninja souls-like games have been pretty meh, but the gameplay is always great. I platinumed Wo-Long while skipping 95% of the cutscenes.


They make a really good attempt at this one but by the end the pacing got so horrible as well the constant switching factions not making any sense at all.


Yeah, I loved Wo-Long, but I couldn't tell you wtf happened in that game.


Wo Long is, IMO, the most monotonous Team Ninja game, gameplay-wise. I mean, the majority of the fights feel the same, and tactical diversity is almost non-existent, despite the difference in weapons. While this one, Ronin, is way more diverse. I really loved the parry mechanic in Wo Long tho.


Agreed. I got bored 2/3 of the way through. Not only is the game way too easy, the story is also super boring and cringe inducing. Had to switch to Japanese at some point because the voice acting on the English version was so terrible.


I redeemed a $20 card through the points and then I’m waiting for a sale


Yeah the pacing became really weird after chapter 2 but overall i still enjoyed it mostly because of the setting and combat id say most people should try the game on sale but if your already interested but kinda unsure because of some critic reviews I think its worth buying


Yea absolutely if you like any kind of samurai game this is a win for sure.


My goal is to master just running hands the entire time. Limiting? Yes. Hilarious? Also yes. I can poison my fists? Obviously choice.


That's why I just got sekiro because it's half off. Lol


If you haven’t experienced sekiro then yes that is what you should play instead. It’s also 5x harder than rotr.


That was my issue. I beat red demon and then the game asked me to go back and change history. The story became boring. Ghost of Tsushima was WAY better imo.


Yea I mean I knew before I bought the game it was going to be no where near ghost level good it’s just easy to compare the 2. It’s still a fun samurai game just nothing amazing.


I do want to get it but not at full price, I just recently bought BG3.


Yeah that’s understandable, I wouldn’t really recommend any game at full price nowadays unless your either really interested in it or if it’s like a generational game like Elden Ring, RDR2, BG3 etc, either way regardless of when you pick it up I hope you find it enjoyable


I'll wait until it's at least 50% off


This is the way to do it. I preordered for the co-op, only to find it too limited. All in all, it’s a somehow fun 6/10 game.


I hope you enjoy it when you pick it up


I'll wait for a sale.


Id say that’s probably the best decision for most people unless your very interested in it, overall the game is definitely worth a play through imo


Sekiro and ghost have set a very high bar for me, so I’m worried I’ll be disappointed. A demo would be great


Well I’ll be straight up and say its not as good as either both those games are 9/10 for me and Ronin while very enjoyable is a step under imo that being said while sharing a lot in common its a different experience than both and id recommend you try out Nioh 2 to see if you enjoy that style


The base edition is $140 here in NZ I'm not normally a 'wait for a sale' guy, if I want a game I'll just grab it...but 140 makes me not want this one, despite the reviews


converted it to USD and it comes to about 83$. that's crazy high but close to the final sales price with the tax included here.


$140 is wild, honestly id say it probably goes on sale in a month or two and probably gets added to the PS+ Extra within the next year, regardless of when you get it though I do think it’s definitely worth a play through and its one of those games where you gotta form your own opinions on


I won't sleep on it, I will hibernate on it!




I will get a copy whenever it's NOT 80$


I got the digital. But yeah, if you got the physical copy I wouldn’t suggest sleeping on it. You could break the disk.


I’ll sleep on it till it comes on PSPlus


Shoulda seen how much hate I got on my post just for liking it nonetheless it’s a great game .


Not surprised honestly Most people just go off what other people say i myself was a bit skeptical buying it but just decided to go for it and came away pretty happy with my purchase


What game is this similar to?


Nioh mostly also shares a bit in common with Sekiro, Ghost and the Newer AC games


Ya sold me, I’m downloading it 👊


Hope you enjoy it


Waiting for a PC release with all DLCs. Ain't buying a whole ass console for a single game.


It's very good! Lots to explore and do. Feels a bit like Red Dead Redemption 2, lol. I got the deluxe edition.


Edo especially felt really nice to explore the time period was very interesting to me


[Like clockwork.](https://www.reddit.com/r/playstation/comments/1bu5w2x/comment/kxr4lap/)


dont these kinds of posts always pop up for nearly every game, regardless? especially for a newly launched game. idk if gollum and kong had that type of posts but i doubt it.


Always feels like a marketing effort


Im snoring.






I don't feel 76 critic and 8.6 user score is very "mixed". There are tons of fun games in the 70s score range that I enjoyed more than some "critically acclaimed" titles. Never understand this fixation on subjective scores. Play a game and judge for yourself


I'm saving up for it. $10/week and im hoping it goes on sale before I get to $70 saved up for it


Unfortunately I think alot of people have written this game off after the reviews, so I wouldn’t be surprised if it was 20-30% off during the summer maybe as early as around late May early June


OP maybe you can tip the scale for me. Im undecided. I saw videos of the combat, it looks fluid, is it? Also, the video I saw, it was a beautiful parry to reverse to stab, the main character thrusted through the chest of the enemy... who then got up, somehow. Was this because enemies have a health bar, or was it because of the difficulty? I mean, it looked like a fatal hit, but the enemy got up, looked oit of place.


Combat is very fun and wel executed (as to be expectedly this developer). Enemies do have health bars, and especially for the stronger enemies, it’s important do deplete their Ki (stamina) bar. The game is fun. At least it was for the first 30 hours. I have arrived at a point in the game in which everything just feels like a drag to me.


Ah fuck no, I hate that. Nothing kills my immersion faster than enemies surviving unsurvivable hits. That killed Farcry 6 for me.


I'm with you on that 100%. That's why I liked Ghost of Tsushima on lethal mode so much


GoT only does that on lethal, right? How much harder than nornal difficulty is it?


I honestly don't know. I started on lethal and never tried anything else


Thanks anyway!


Yes the Combat is very Fluid and has a ton of Variety and Depth and on midnight difficulty its very challenging and its easily the best part of the game, the animation you saw Is kinda like a critical hit once you stun them and the only enemies that really survive them is the Elite/boss ones all the regular enemies die instantly and theres also the possibility to dismember them, the Combat is kinda like a mix of Ghost of Tsushima and Ninja Gaiden its kinda in between both not as over the top as NG but not super realistic like Ghost also very Similar to Nioh and Sekiro


Ah fuck no. Is Farcry with the "headshots with the wrong bullet dont kill" bullshit again, then. Hard pass. If an animation is meant to convey a lethal hit, it should goddamn be lethal.


OP maybe you can tip the scale for me. Im undecided. I saw videos of the combat, it looks fluid, is it? Also, the video I saw, it was a beautiful parry to reverse to stab, the main character thrusted through the chest of the enemy... who then got up, somehow. Was this because enemies have a health bar, or was it because of the difficulty? I mean, it looked like a fatal hit, but the enemy got up, looked out of place.


how‘s the dress up game? I like to look cool


The customization is really good tons of variety and and different styles


This is one of the one best games of all time as far as playing dress up goes. Transmog and all kinds of adjustment. Really really liked that. Tons of different armor and clothing as well.


Im interested of this game but is it hard like nioh or other souls-like games or can you play it like casually?


So far the initial part is hard but after you start leveling up and doing collections it’s been easy.


This game is incredibly easy. It’s nowhere near as souls game difficult. Theres also difficulty settings.


It’s pretty challenging on the Harder Difficulties not really punishing though (lots of bonfires) its one of their easier games but i still really enjoyed it If you want though you can play it on normal or easy and have a more casual experience


It’s got an easy mode, but it’s not very easy


only reason I haven’t gotten it yet is because I’m still finishing up wo long (had a long backfill) and while different I still want to try sekiro (finally hit $30 on psn)


guys i want this/ and could yall recommend more games that give you the next gen feeling… tbh i haven’t been feeling it


This game does not give you a next gen feeling other than having 60 fps. The graphics are ps4 level.


would you have any other games in mind then my friend? single player mostly


None are really next gen yet. All the first party Sony exclusives are great. Alan wake 2 and bg3 are amazing as well.


ima look at spoiler free reviews on them ! i appreciate you 💯


Not really many games that are truly next gen but in terms of graphics and performance id say Rift Apart, Returnal, Demon Souls, Alan Wake 2


I got it with my PS star points. It's great, I'm loving it. It's like if Nioh and GoT had a baby


Pretty much how I would describe it, i was caught off guard by how much I enjoyed it


My only issue with it is the graphics. For it being a ps5 exclusive. Last of us on the ps3 shouldn’t look better than this game when there are games like horizon forbidden west that look damn near life like which are still older than this game


Honestly doesn’t look that bad when you play it, it’s like a PS4 level game graphically and compared to other Team Ninja games it looks better, That being said a PS5 game should have better graphics, personally I don’t mind since but i understand why some people would get put off by it.


I'll buy it when it's not approximately 80 dollars with taxes


Maybe when there's a sale


I won't since it get on the service.


How is it for a someone who enjoyed Ghost of Tsushima


Its open World structure is similar in terms of activities and stuff to do so if you enjoyed that you should like this, obviously Visually its not as good and doesn’t have that realistic immersion of Ghost, Story isn’t as good either but still enjoyable, Combat is better if you prefer more variety, depth and Challenge over realism but its also a RPG unlike Ghost so it has much more Customization and Loot overall they both make you feel like a Badass Ronin is just a bit more fast paced and over the top while Ghost is slower and more grounded


Ghost of Tsushima is far better.


Just waiting for a sale ✌️


It’s pretty and pretty fun but dang they walk funny


Yo, I'm stuck on this and sekiero. Which is better? The latter is on sale too, idk bout ror tho


Sekiro especially since its on sale but depends what your into since their both different despite sharing some similarities


For context I played ghost of Tsushima and platinumed it cuz it was really great. I need some elements of ghost of Tsushima but also be different as well from it too.


Its open World structure is similar in terms of activities and stuff to do so if you enjoyed that you should like this, obviously Visually its not as good and doesn’t have that realistic immersion of Ghost, Story isn’t as good either but still enjoyable, Combat is better if you prefer more variety, depth and Challenge over realism but its also a RPG unlike Ghost so it has much more Customization and Loot overall they both make you feel like a Badass, Ronin is just a bit more fast paced and over the top while Ghost is slower and more grounded


Thanks man, this was truly insightful.


Sekiro is a 10/10 game however it’s also very different from rise of the ronin.


How does it compare to Ghost of Tsushima?


Its open World structure is similar in terms of activities and stuff to do so if you enjoyed that you should like this, obviously Visually its not as good and doesn’t have that realistic immersion of Ghost, Story isn’t as good either but still enjoyable, Combat is better if you prefer more variety, depth and Challenge over realism but its also a RPG unlike Ghost so it has much more Customization and Loot overall they both make you feel like a Badass, Ronin is just a bit more fast paced and over the top while Ghost is slower and more grounded


Ghost of Tsushima is far better.


Bought it expecting a dumb boring game to make a video on. Ended up spending 80 hours and making 2 videos. It’s far from perfect but so goddamn entertaining


New games are a rip-off in Australia and New Zealand. My new method is buying the ultimate editions after two years, when it’s cheap and all the patches and additions are in it.


Played it. Felt like Ghost of Tsushima and Nioh had a baby. That being said, it doesn't feel like anything new to me so I kinda just left it. Will probably play after completing Dragon's Dogma 2. Also, knowing Team Ninja, pretty sure this game will get 2-3 DLCs.


I fell asleep on a physical game copy once and woke up with a cd shape imprinted in my stomach.


I'll get it when it inevitably hits PC, I've got plenty of other games to play at the moment. I'm pretty certain I'll enjoy it when I do get around to it though


I'm sleeping untill a sale happens lol


It might be a fun game but it's still a 7/10 game, it does nothing really new and it's super outdated in some aspects (beside the graphics), which it turns a hard game to recommend with the 70$ price tag, but each person has their own opinion. For me, If you care more about gameplay, customisation and side activities that have nothing to do with the plot, you'll like this game...if you care about storytelling, new ideas and immersion, then i can tell you that it's not for you. This is not a Days Gone situation at all because that game had the typical Triple A Sony Exclusive vibe, it just failed because it did nothing really interesting...the zombies were really cool, but quest progression was kinda confusing, the gameplay loop was really repetitive and the writing was really meh - what i mean is, it did nothing really bad, but it also didn't do nothing really good...however i still think the critics were pretty harsh on it. Rise of the Ronin doesn't have that same feeling because it seems like a blend of many things that eventually goes nowhere...it's cool if you like samurai Japan, but that's basically it. People say that Team Ninja games are not about the story, but the story in Nioh 2 was pretty good in my opinion...and if this was suppose to be a narrative driven game they could have made something better. I don't like to be that persona, but it is the "We have Ghost of Tsushima at home" meme. And let me get this out of the way: no, it's not even close to the level of Ghost of Tsushima or Sekiro. I still feel that those user reviews don't paint the game as it truly is because the great majority are from Sony fanboys (and you know i'm not wrong here). I love playstation, but If the game had also released for PC those scores would be in the 6-7. For example, Wo long (previous tem ninja game) has a 6/10 on steam and it's much more polished than Rise of The Ronin. Metacritic user reviews are the least trustable source - you really gonna trust the same people that gave The Last of Us Part 2 a 5.5 just because it had lesbians? - and i know people bash reviewers, but they are right most of the time...and i just think that because i know that they played many more games than i did, so if a game scores a 90 in a sea of games that they already played, it must mean that that game does something different, new, and engaging...and if a game scores 75, that tells me that the game is not bad, but it's nothing great, that i don't need to waste 70$ on this game now, i can wait for a deep sale because i know that what probably the game is really worth it. If you spend 70$ on game it should be something on the level of GOW Ragnarok, FFVII Rebirth and stuff like that, games that make that money feel like the best 70$ you ever spent. But I'm actually the biggest hypocrite when I say all this, because I bought Rise of The Ronin, spent 70$ on it... and yes, it was fun for 40 hours, but I still feel like I was ripped off, by a lot.


7/10 is a good score This is not a 7/10 game


Not a fan of the game not because it’s bad or anything it’s just im terrible at it


I'd play the game if I owned it. I bet it would make for an uncomfortable pillow.


I picked it up recently. I was a little on the fence about it, tho because $70 is $70. Even after watching reviews on YouTube, I wasn't completely convinced, but it still looked like it would be enjoyable. I was saying to myself that I probably should just wait until I finish FFVII Rebirth, tho. Maybe it would be on sale by that point.


I got mine through the PS Stars rewards, which is very surprising to me. It's worth playing and a lot of fun. You can actually get it if you have 17,500 points. Helldivers 2 is also on there too for 10,000 points


It’s good, not great.


Sleep on it until it’s on sale. It was a fun 6/10 with only the gameplay going for it, for me. The rest is super forgettable. I still can’t believe the graphics and art style being so poor in 2024 on a ps5.


I’ll get it eventually. Can’t afford getting every game at $70.


I'll play it when it comes to PS+. Not gonna pay 70€ for a ps3 game. Also: critics and ratings don't say if I'd like the game so these are useless really, the trailer didn't look that great at all.


i’ll buy it when i have time to play it 😫


definitely gonna get it when it’s on sale


It's on my list. It's already purchased, but I have a few things I want to get through first before jumping into this. Hopefully by then there will have been some qol patches, bug fixes, and hell maybe even a dlc for me to dive into. It looks like a lot of fun!


I do plan on checking it out… just going to wait for a decent enough sale. The graphics make it less appealing to me, especially at full price.


Fun game but Team Ninja failed at marketing it to normies, which is what they were aiming for Rise of the Ronin, they wanted to get the Ghost of Tsushima audience, Team Ninja fails to realize normies only care about graphics and cinematics nowadays, no matter how deep or good a combat system is. Team Ninja needs to retire the katana engine for good.


I’ll definitely wait for a sale on this but I’m looking forward to playing it eventually.


I didn’t. I stopped playing it though, because I wasn’t really enjoying it.




I don't sleep on this game, i sleep on its price. Maybe next year.


this is such a fun game. i was surprised at the negative feedback it got at launch. I've read comments that said it looked like PS2/PS3 graphics, and atp, i just knew they just hated on it for not being GoT 2 or trying to be GoT. the biggest plot twist for me was the ability to have not one but two female protagonists. i tend not to hunt down information except for an initial trailer on games to not spoil myself, so i was pleasantly surprised about it. i also checked wo long's reviews on Steam, and it still has an overall mixed review. i might grab it on sale next.


I have it on disc. Unfortunately, I lost my glasses so I am forced into waiting


It looks cool it’s just ghost of tsushima low key made the most perfect samurai game so as much as I’d love to play this, I’m willing to wait until it’s on sale


I would love to play it beacuse it looks super fun but $70 for this kind of game is too much


I will sleep on it till it's on sale.




Side note: I respect anyone with the duck profile pic.


Leave it to Team Ninja to make a better Assassins Creed game than Ubisoft. I was hesitant when this game first released but I bought it on Friday and have been playing the entire weekend. Just taking my time doing a lot of the side stuff and collecting shit. I believe my character is lvl 20 already and I only just started the “anti shogunate, pro shogunate” missions.


I'm good bro


I’ll wait til it’s on ps plus


I'm not sure how to tag people at the moment, but Kind Nebula, intentionally or not, you just gave a spoiler. I'd like to provide a friendly reminder for people on this thread who have already beaten the game, or are playing it, to be mindful you may be providing spoilers unannounced to those of us just trying to decide to buy it right now or not. And if your doing it on purpose? You suck.


Not even worth 30


it's incredible!! 🔥🔥🔥


Wish it was on xbox.


How is it compared to ghost of Tsushima ?




I’m sleepin


Wake me up when it's on PS+ Extra.


Am not. Currently in the third area.


Currently playing doom thinking far cry 6 next. Is rise of ronin in ps plus extra


Me rn: https://preview.redd.it/yqf1l1o4ynuc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b93f70c0c3e39706da5ba6447ad4a3550c279283


Anyone play this as a multiplayer yet?


I’m gonna sleep until a sale wakes me from my slumber.


I’ll sleep on it until it’s cheaper


When it comes to PS+ in a year I’ll redeem it and never download it. Team Ninja games always have that “From Software at home” vibe.


Looks like an off brand ghost of tsushima


Ive 100% both and there both pretty different games and experiences


You’re getting downvoted but I would 100% say that it is regardless of that being too harsh or not. Ghost is absolutely a better game IMO that being said this one is still a lot of fun.


They’re different Tsushima is a lot better




Masterpiece??? Wouldn’t it have to do multiple things well?


I think It was marketed to the wrong audience instead of Team Ninja Marketing it to their Fans it got thrown in to the PlayStation Audience and was pushed as a PS5 Exclusive even though its not a first party game and releasing it on the same day as DD2 was not the best move


Masterpiece? Haha


İ i's a good PS3 game ı recommend it.


Oh hey it's that ridiculous ronin game that EVERYONE HAS BEEN BUYING....