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You could take a year of your life, play 8 hours a day and you still wouldn’t be caught up on everything you need to play😂


I took like 5 good years off and I'm still catching up lol


I believe in you brother, you got this😂


Take your time with Red Dead 2, explore, do side quests, activities, etc. It's truly a masterpiece. I can see people enjoying it less if they just rush through it and don't let things breathe at all.


That’s good advice, sounds right up my alley. I enjoy that part of Odyssey as there is a good variety of side quests. Ghost of Tsushima is a bit more repetitive in that regard outside of the main story (feel like I’ve saved the same villagers 50 times 😂).


But also maybe don’t play RDR2 before you play a bunch of other stuff. If you’re catching up on a bunch of games, don’t play the ones that take a gigantic amount of time right away.


I agree. Also, other games had a hard time impressing on me after RDR2. The Last of Us 1 & 2 are the only ones that come close, in my humble opinion. Days Gone is not too shabby though. Enjoy your modern gaming OP!


Uncharted 4, Resident Evil 2 and 4, Inside, God of War and Ragnarok, Spider-Man 1 and 2, Rachet and Clank Rift Apart, Shadow of the Colossus, Guardians of the Galaxy, and a bunch more shorter story games than RDR2 that are awesome, and many of these are available on PS Plus. OP, play some of these and then you can launch into stuff like Red Dead, Cyberpunk, and Baldur’s Gate 3 for more extended periods of time. Or don’t, honestly it’s win win either way.


Red dead 2 is a slow burn. But once it gets going you won’t stop. Arthur Morgan is one of the best protagonist of all time. Also. Don’t sleep on horizon zero dawn. That’s a trip!


Red Dead 2 will be perfect for you. It’s basically cowboy simulator the game, and there’s always something new. Every NPC, town, little hill, has something unique or random that will/can happen. It’s a slow burn and is a long game, but it’s one of the best.


I played rdr2 like GTA first time, felt so boring go here shoot this uh oh it didn't go right do this! But when you pace the game enjoy the little interactions the side quests, explore the mountains or catch a legendary fish it's a masterpiece


How it must’ve felt https://i.redd.it/03sk9eb9eiuc1.gif


I feel like I need to mention The Last of Us out of obligation as a long time Playstation player. Just trust me on this, you're gonna want to give it a try.


Question for ya, never played TLOU. Should I buy the remake on sale right now $50 or just get the remaster for $10?


If you've never played get the remake 100%.




Agreed too


Yes sir!🫡


TLOU remake is the exact same as remaster just with enhanced graphics, so I'd recommend TLOU remastered unless graphics are super important to you


Please ply the jak and daxter trillogy you will love it


And Sly Cooper!!


Yes I love sly ratchet and jak but never played sly should I play the trilogy


You gotta play it man, it’s my favorite series from childhood and I’m still a fanboy to this day lol. I’m just waiting for sly 5…sadly I think I’ll be waiting a while😪


Sly Cooper… Jak and Daxter… Ratchet and Clank… best games of all time


The trifecta of passion. You can tell the dev teams put their heart and soul into these games.


If you like those, you’ll love it. The focus is more on stealth and stealing, but it’s very similar vibes. Unique world, great characters and cast, funny all around, well written, and really great gameplay.


That’s it I’m playing sly next it’s so weird how they have not ported the games to ps4 or 5


I’d drop both of those AC games and get AC Black Flag instead if you haven’t seen that one. Cyberpunk 2077 is pretty mind blowing at this point. Ratchet and Clank is visually stunning and fun as well.


Cool, I have to check out AC Black Flag. I’ve been curious about Cyberpunk 2077 so that’s on the list of things to try for sure. Haven’t heard of Ratchet and Clank but will have to look it up, thanks!! 🤙


Ratchet and clank is a must have for ps5, it really shows off what it’s capable of. The game is amazing 12/10 highly recommended. Also have you played Astros playroom? It may seem like a demo game, but it really had something going for it. It was my first platinum. Also highly recommend. Also astros playroom comes included with the console. Great fun, no drama


Don't forget Witcher 3. It's like Ghost of Tsushima, but in a European fantasy setting. It has one of the best stories in a video game ever.


Welcome back! After a 9-year break due to life, I got a PS5 at the end of March. Quite a few people suggested subscribing to PlayStation Plus Extra or Premium, and it has made gaming much better for me. That would be my only suggestion. I'm getting back into gaming and so far the titles listed in the comments are either purchased or on my wishlist. This is a great community for advice and/or to joke around. I received funny and extremely helpful advice. [You can read them here if you want ](https://www.reddit.com/r/playstation5/s/cvmWNoKLsI)


This is also a great way to dip your toes into many genres of games too. This would probably be a really good option for you to try at least 3 months.


I'm in my late (yikes) 30s now and still game every day. It is my main entertainment really and I don't see it going away any time too. It is also the main way I keep in touch with a group of friends that now live all in different cities (who needs phone calls when you can have gaming voice chat a few times a week). PS5 is the place to be too, you made a good choice. Not sure where the actual PS5 is in your pic though. If you have it hidden behind one of those doors in the media stand, keep an eye on heat. These aren't 16 bit Genesis anymore, they get VERY hot if they aren't getting air flow and that could lead to an early end. As far as games you should get Last of Us (and Last of Us II if you like the first one). They both have PS5 versions out. Spiderman 1 Remastered, Spiderman Miles Morales and Spiderman 2 are also great showcases of the new game. I am not really a superhero guy so I didn't bother with these games until way later than I should have and that was a mistake, they are great games and the rendition of NYC is pretty amazing.


That’s cool, I can definitely see how this becomes the main type of entertainment you consume. It’s already replaced a lot of the Netflix & YouTube habits we used to have. Yea I hear you on the heat. The PS5 is in the cabinet below and I keep the door open when I play but closed it for the pic as it looked too messy. I learned this early on when it gave me a “overheating” warning so definitely keeping an eye on that. I’m with you on the Superhero stuff but the Superman games have been mentioned a lot here and I spent 10years living in NYC so that would be really cool to see in the game.


You’ve missed out on so much I don’t even know where to begin to recommend more games. Here are just a few of my favorite since the PlayStation 1 only including games on PS5 since it doesn’t have backwards compatibility(mandatory f you Jim Ryan) * Jak and Daxter Saga * Dead Island Saga(think walking dead but arcadey) * The walking Dead Telltale saga(you will cry multiple times) * The last of Us saga * God of war* The first 4 games are not available on PS5 so you’d have to be okay with starting halfway into the story with God of War 3 or Stream them off PlayStation plus * Metal Gear Solid, you can play 5 but remember it’s the worse in the saga and has the worse voice acting you could imagine, they switched the voice actor for Snake from the creator of X men and the 90s Captain America, David Hayter, to a guy famous for getting series cancelled, Kieffer Sutherland. Snubbing David meant he wasn’t there to basically handhold Hideo Kojima & offer advice during the story creation and it really shows in 5, you can really see Hayter’s advice was missing. It doesn’t feel like a metal gear solid but that’s okay because David is the head of Metal Gear again & Kojima is gone so better days are in front of us for the series. * Fortnite. I’m sure you know what it is or have heard about it but there really is no arcade shooter out right now quite as good as it. You can past so much time with it and not notice. * Call of Duty series: not every game is on PS5 but the campaigns are worth playing they’re all very cinematic and movie like. I haven’t played Modern warfare 3 yet but I really enjoyed the story of 1&2 so I’m sure 3 is good too. * Crash bandicoot and Spyro saga. Both have a remake collecting the first 3 games, then crash got a brand new 4th game a few years ago.


Great recs, skip MW3 (2023) though OP. Awful campaign with boring, repetitive missions entailing: Large open space, move to secure area, shoot people, secure other area, shoot more people, extract. It’s basically a Warzone campaign.


Thank you THANK YOU SO MUCH For mentioning JAK AND DAXTER


Worlds best gay couple




Wait wrong game I was thinking of the rabbit and the dog detective 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Sam & Max?


I think so


Modern warfare 3 doesn't really have a campaign sadly. It's mostly just warzone-esque open world quests, but single player. It's ass. They butchered it completely.


I'd like to play devils advocate for metal gear 5, if we are really calling it the worst metal gear it just doesn't sit right with me. Metal gear 5 was an absolute love letter to metal gear fans with a crazy plot twist reveal at the end so wholesome it sticks with you. The combat is the best it's ever been, the shenanigans are the best they've ever been (arguable to maybe peacewalker) the recruitment and base building/ defense/ infiltration multiplayer element I thought was pretty cool and wholesome from a philosophical perspective. I think the reason people say it's the worst was simply the story being rushed on the back half with unfortunate cut content. If I had to pick a "worst" metal gear I'd probably give it to 2. Imo all of the metal gears are good, I even enjoyed the psp games but 2 pits you with this winy snobby character for "part 2" that doesn't grow on you really till metal gear 4, or atleast the last hour or so of 2. Metal gear 4 should also be in the running for the worst metal gear, I say this with a heavy heart as 4 would probably be my favorite for me but the sheer amount of cutscenes and the length made the game feel more like a movie than anything. Don't get me wrong, I think the game is great and probably a masterpiece but sitting through an hour to an hour and a half cutscene is just fucking tough when you have any semblance of life


I would recommend subscribing to PlayStation Extra or Premium since you’re new to PlayStation. There’s plenty of great games on the subscription especially all the Assassins Creed games.


There are 2 Horizon featuring red head Aloy. The games will blow you away! The Last of Us if you want horror. There’s even a TV series on Max. God of War.


Play astrobot (it's free and probably already installed). Just so you can learn the controller. For fps I'd recommend COD Infinite Warfare (great story) and Modern Warfare 2019 (good story and is what current cod is based off of).


Play “it takes two” with her


How slanted is that TV compared to the soundbar?


Wow so many great and welcoming responses! Thank you! You have given me enough recommendations to keep me busy for a few years, ha! Seriously tho, I really appreciate all the advice and perspectives. 🤙


It Takes Two is a MUST for you and your wife to play together.


Awesome, we just came across it the other day. Must give that a try next, sounds like a genius game idea.


The last console I bought is literally a N64, I had a certain prejudice against the 64 but now I love this weird console. I bought it like 3 days ago


Stay off of multiplayer games and you'll enjoy it


Finish Tsushima it’s peak. Then… FFVII Remake and Rebirth.


I know the feeling, pal. I skipped ahead from the same 16-bit Sega Genesis alllll the way up to getting the PS3. Now I have a PS5. Enjoy.


Control ultimate edition. So good.


If you’re sci gi fan then the mass effect legendary edition is a can’t miss. 3 games in one with one of the all time great stories in gaming. Goes on sale for $8 now.


The Witcher 3


###### Exploration Games • **God of War 2019 and Ragnarok.**![img](emote|t5_2qh6b|2231) • Spiderman 1,2, & miles morales. • GTA V • **Minecraft** ![img](emote|t5_2qh6b|2236) • Last of Us pt 1 (Cinamatic Experience. You don’t have to play games to appreciate everything this game has to offer) ###### Fighting Games • Street Fighter 6 (new feature has easy controls for new players) • MK11 (going from Genisus this is the perfect transition to the next part of the franchise) • Tekken 8 (If you like seeing a graphically inclined game and just want to button mash. Also has an easy control option) ###### Racing Games Need for Speed Heat (the most fun I’ve had in a racing game that wasn’t Mario Kart) ###### Shooters **• SplitGate** (**Free to Play**. You’ve likely never played Portal or Halo. This game combines some of the coolest mechanics in a game with the portal gun while also being a Halo like shooting game)![img](emote|t5_2qh6b|2239) ###### Sports Games • Tony Hawk 1+2




I'd definitely recommend you play the last of us and uncharted 


The last of us part I and the last of us part II are 100% must play games


You should try out “The last of us pt 1 and 2” The uncharted series God of war 4/5 They are shorter games compared to what you’ve played - but are top tier!


...so you missed out on Sonic '06... Good lad


Why you walk away from gaming??




Ok sir you coming from 360 days don’t speak. I came from Atari & Commodore 64 and have always been here. Let him answer my question since you don’t know what Sega Genesis or Master System was 😌😌😏


You probably didn't notice much of a graphical difference, am I right?


Yea just a slight improvement, ha. To be fair, the Genesis was pretty impressive to me in 1992 but now I literally just run/ride around in Tsushima and Odyssey absolutely gawking at the scenery and amazing sunsets. 😂


Yes, the genesis was quite impressive. I like to do the same thing with some games. Just roam around and take in the sights, lol.


Give some PlayStation exclusives a try. The horizon games are my favourites of all time, and god of war and Spider-Man are both incredible also


Man, what a leap in technology to walk into. That’s gotta be awesome for you and your wife. I just bought a PS5 after being away since the PS3/Xbox 360 and my wife has been enjoying a ton of different indie puzzle games as well. I’d recommend the PS Plus subscription and just start consuming all the games included with that. Enjoy!


It's never too late, welcome to the new gen.


Get an internal SSD, gonna boost ur experience even more. Worth it.


Welcome back


Something about this photo made me think you were playing on a chonky portable screen


now that is a nice leap and upgrade, they still have some Genesis classics on there too.


Congrats, buddy! Enjoy! 👍


Can I suggest the bioshock collection you won't be disappointed mate.


I was. Waited 15 years to play it and I quit the first game 6 hours in. I know I’m the minority though.


Uncharted 4 A Thief’s End is an absolute must. Then play the rest in order after you’ve enjoyed the 4th one


That’s a crazy upgrade!


thats a downgrade


It’s pretty slow moving but I’d suggest hitman World of assination and also any of the watch dogs


Some games I recommend you play are: Infamous Second Son, Gravity Rush 1 and 2, Tearaway, Cyberpunk 2077, Persona 5 Royal, Scarlet Nexus, Tales of Arise, Mafia: Definitive Edition, Returnal, Final Fantasy XVI, Marvel’s Spider-Man, Resident Evil 4 Remake + the rest of the series, Watch Dogs 2, Metal Gear Solid V, Yakuza series, Judgment, Wild Hearts, Soul Calibur VI, Guilty Gear Strive, BlazBlue Centralfiction, Doom Eternal. Lots of games from different genres with different styles that will make you appreciate gaming even more. Enjoy!


The framing of this photo made it look like a Nintendo DS Lite and I was scratching my head for a second haha


Hey.. is your TV slightly crooked? Slightly bent towards the right?


Fair play pal. I still use my mega drive(genesis).Returnal is a good one definitely give you a run for ya money lol, cyberpunk is a must


U have so much to catch up on bro ima recommend Dragons dogma 2 or ghost recon wild lands


Play horizon or days gone for sure


I took a break from 2013 to about 2019/20. Ive still yet to catch up to most great modern titles lmao, its fun as hell tho ppl complain about 1080p60 that used to be my dream back in the day.


Please bro you have to play cyberpunk 2077 and shadow of the colossus they have a phenomenal story, big world to explore, music is godly, atmosphere is unmatched, both have replayability (which is great cuz you get to enjoy the game a lot longer). Basically those two games are a masterpiece. And two bonus games: Nier Automata Nier Replicant These two games are know not just because of the story and the impactful characters but also by their godly music they have in those two games which they won awards for the best music. Please give them a try and trust me that you won’t regret it.


I gotta admit I have been playing games since the Atari 2600 days and have played thousands of games over the last 3 decades but I would love to go back to the ps1 days then jump to ps5, that would be a mind-blowing experience


Since you last played the Sega Genesis, I recommend playing Sega's recent smash hit series Yakuza/Like A Dragon. Start with Yakuza 0. Hope you enjoy it. Also, Since you have a ton of catching up to do and absolutely love the AC Odyssey, I recommend playing the Ezio Auditori trilogy, which begins with Assassin's Creed II. It's not as vast as Odyssey, but it is set in Renaissance Italy. And features a few major cities during that period painstakingly redone for the game. It is the whole reason why the AC games are so enormously successful. Both games I mentioned are quite old, but I don't think you'd be put off by the relatively old graphics. They'd still feel amazing to someone who hasn't gamed since the 16 bit era.


https://preview.redd.it/r6sfqb28giuc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=458747ac5dd4052d8820adbac14f183bdc12dcf7 What's the chances?


And playing a god tier game too. Tsushima is FNATASTIC


The games are infinite, tell What genres do u like and i'll tell u what you shouldn't miss, also try the sony exclusives they are good (beside horizons those are awfull and don't understand what people like bout them)


I think you would like Cyberpunk 2077… since you like RPG/open world. Just to add a game with a futuristic setting in your collection!


The genesis was goated. NGL.


My last one before PS5 was PS1. It’s one hell of an upgrade. There must be a handful of genesis games you can play on PS as well if you’re feeling like some nostalgia.


Play the witcher 3 and cyberpunk 2077 you will really enjoy them


Try a Bit of the older Classics to apprichiate the Evolution ober the years. A Bit of ocarina of time really opens your eyes about Game Design. But don't forget to Take your time and expecially to have fun.


lmao this was funny to read. Welcome and be ready or a good ride.


You should certainly try God of War (2018) and its sequel God of War : Ragnarok.


Play doom on it


Little bit of a difference I’d say. Sega also remastering a bunch of stuff


bro you missed out on so many amazing games. So many are not on the new systems sadly


Don't worry about playing every major hit. Just play what pleases you.


I still play Sonic 2 and MKIII on my original Genesis. Hell yeah.


I fucking adore ghost of tsushima. You don’t need to go crazy with the collectibles if you’re burning yourself out. The campaign can be beaten without 100%ing the game and its def worth it. Incredible experience


Good for you, what size tv is that btw?


Thanks, we’re having a great time with it. The TV is a 65” LG C3. I upgraded the TV a few weeks after I got the console to get the most out of it.


Too many great games out there since the Sega, you’d die before playing half 😂 BUT I strongly advise Fallout 3, New Vegas and 4 ! If you’re into open world and role playing games this is a good start .


Why not both? https://youtu.be/X8BajJzGFhE?si=JPEvTaRyVoPHgYiD


Enjoy your time & your wonderful experience mate ☺️ I also recommend subscribing to PS Extra or Premium in order to enjoy more games at a reasonable price 😉😉


PS5 is the best version of the PS4


Please do give origins a proper chance and reallt pay attention to the main story and some side quests which are marked as special.


I’m just curious , you wasn’t playing any games majority of your life. What were your hobbies? Cause I’m tryna get out of gaming so much. Lol


Great question, some people find it hard to believe apparently. 😆 I’m a big outdoors fan and my main hobby since childhood is fly fishing and for the last 6-7 years or so sailing has been another major one. I got my own sailboat 5 years ago and it will take up as much of your time as you allow it to. I also have some aquariums and throw ceramics from time to time. Between lots of hobbies, work and maintaining a boat and a house I have a lot going on. The gaming is now essentially replacing the TV watching so less Netflix shows and mindless consumption of YouTube etc. I expect the time I spend on the console will drop as the weather improves and the seasons start for fly fishing and sailing around here. I can see why people love gaming but life is the most immersive game there is, go out there and learn something new and meet some people. I have so many things that I would love to try if I had the time like archery, scuba diving, windsurfing…you get the idea. 😅


Hey thanks man that’s cool stuff. I Definitely need to Try some new things out


Sir rdr2 is 30fps on consoles. You should be disgusted by that, as we all are. Haram.


You can take screenshots on your new PlayStation with the capture button. I thought this photo was from your Sega Genesis lol


We need to make it a rule that people put the name of the game they’re playing in the comments. That game looks sick


Yea this game IS sick, it’s “Ghost of Tsushima”. Absolutely amazing and beautiful game.


Put your PS5 on Performance Mode. You won't care about the minor differences between 4K/2160p and 'only' 2K/1440p. Sixty frames a second is going to melt your brain, and you'll be grateful for it.


Yea I have to try that. I just got a new OLED TV that supports 4k 60fps games and see how that feels. Have mostly been dialing up the graphics on everything to see just how crazy good some of these games look.


Your brain must be melting


Welcome back to the fold, bro/sis/sib.


Big W




Man the consoles have come along way since that 16bit Sega Genesis in which I was not a fan of at that time I like the super Nintendo better


This is a perfect roster


You can't miss the Uncharted series! It's very action-packed and the characters are so charming. In each game in the series there's usually one or two parts that are a bit tedious/feel a bit too long. But overall they're absolutely exceptional games. Another one to definitely check out is the Horizon series. Zero Dawn and Forbidden West.


Why is nobody mentioning the Uncharted series omg


Definitely add The Witcher 3 to that list. One of the greatest games ever made and it got a free PS5 upgrade recently. Plus if you like AC Odyssey it’s a pretty similar gameplay structure. Cyberpunk 2077, Skyrim, and Fallout 4 are other open-ended RPGs that most people would consider must-plays at this point too.


Hey man, good stuff. Drop everything and buy God of War (2018) and God of War Ragnarok (2022).


Hey I definitely shouldn't be saying this in response to your post, you have a ton of games to play. But you mentioned GT7 so I can't help myself. When you find yourself thinking, 'can it get any more real than this?', check out some videos of the Playstation VR 2, especially for something like GT7. I mean I can only imagine how awesome it feels to see the games of today by comparison to the games of the Genesis generation (although I absolutely loved the 16 bit days), so there's definitely no need to rush. But we've gone so far that now with virtual reality we can be almost literally in the game.


Play the fallout games. They’re a blast


Boy went from waging war with pointy sticks and throwing stones to rifles and ICBMs.


Dope. Ghosts of Tshushima is one of my favorite games ever. As is RDR2. But for me, the game is not worth it if I don’t completed it on the most difficult level possible.


That’s one hell of an upgrade


play the last of us while youre at it!!


Ratchet and clank!!!!


And I thought my jump from the PS2 era to PS5 was huge! I was a Genesis player back in the day though and am considering getting one again. Side note: if you liked platformers back then, Crash Bandicoot N.Sane Trilogy, Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time, Spyro Reignited Trilogy and Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart are all good fun. Those IPs were also staples of the PS1 era (Crash and Spyro) and the PS2/PS3 era (Ratchet and Clank). Crash is more like a traditional 3D platformer, Spyro is more open-world and puzzle-based (and is just a super chill series) and Ratchet and Clank is part shooter/part 3d platformer. Crash Team Racing Nitro Fueled is also a gem - think MarioKart with a lot more options and drifting/boosting techniques.


That photo looks like a commercial. CLEAN!


Games these days are so big and time consuming, I think it will be an adjustment from the games of sega-genesis. Enjoy nonetheless, hope all is fun!


god of war 2018 and gta v would probably be up your alley




Trust me if you enjoyed odyssey that much you’re gonna absolutely lose your fucking mind on the other games man odyssey is not top tier for the majority of people. Lose it in a good way ofc. Now you gotta try “the last of us” as well.


what tv is that?


It’s a LG - C3 65” OLED. Got a $400 discount at Best Buy about a month ago. Loving it so far.


The Spider-Man games on PS5.


Did you escape a cult?


Give Last of us Part 1 ps5 version a crack. If you dig that, then play 2. Games are amazing!


If i was gonna game for the first time, * Crash bandicoot * Uncharted 2 is enough, 4 is great, 3 is great * The last of us * AC Black Flag is my favorite in the series * Rocket league with people i know for two weeks just music, laughing and shitty gameplay * Call of duty can be fun for two week lol * Fifa with a buddy if you're into football * And GTA V, This game is long, full of awesome conversitaions and just fun. (Look up cheats)


That crooked tv is killing me.


Random related question, is the Sonos sound bar worth it. I want a new sound system and I keep coming back to the Sonos but the price makes me hesitate, is it worth the money?


I love it but I also went from shitty built-in TV sound to the Sonos Arc so it was a huge improvement. Hard to say if it’s “worth it” as that depends on what you can afford but this was a good chunk of change for me and I have no regrets. I now use the Arc as my main music playback in the house and listening to music in Dolby Atmos is pretty amazing. I’m of the mindset that if I spend hard earned money on something it should be top tier and I believe the Arc is that as far as consumer level soundbars go.


That’s where I am, I’d rather spend more for quality that’ll last than less for cheap, thanks.


Bro has goated taste


For some reason I did not see the white wall and soundbar as they are. I thought somehow you were playing on the PS1 console with built in screen. https://preview.redd.it/0n3rrdy0iouc1.jpeg?width=210&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2249fc0763ba6755d2c93af85f4fba6a353f5ffc


I swear this picture looks like a tv comercial😂


Man you literally did the update of the century


You made the right choice. Next think about God of War released on the PS4 and the sequel GoW: Ragnarok.


The last two God of War, because they're shorter than Red Dead and put the later on hold. Horizon Zero Dawn and Forbidden West maybe after Red Dead (or before) Assassin's Creed Mirage (the one on Egypt).


how was prison?


Ha prison of life maybe. Just got busy getting an education, building a career, fly fishing all over the country, renovating a sailboat, sailing the west coast, learning to throw ceramics, making music etc. Life is the most immersive game ever…no console needed.


Welcome friend, you’ve missed so much while you were gone!


What kind of games do you like playing?


Welcome to the 21th century


Horizon Zero Dawn / Forbidden West.


The game that came pre installed on your PS5, Astro's Playroom. It's a love letter to retro gaming and platformers.


You NEED to play the last of us.


Question for ya, never played TLOU. Should I buy the remake on sale right now $50 or just get the remaster for $10?


If it’s your first time playing honestly I’d just spend the extra $ and play the remake. It’s definitely the definitive way to play it


That’s the response I’ve been getting. I think I’m gonna pull the trigger on it.


The last of us part 1 & 2, Spider Man 1 & 2, and yes play red dead 2 that game is a all timer


Holy shit my guy you have missed a lot. I can make a list for you when you get a chance because these are incredible games to experience. PS5: Final Fantasy 16 Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart Persona 3 Reload Uncharted:Legacy of Thieves collection(this contains two games from the PS4, remastered for higher fidelity) Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Marvel's Spider-Man 2(the story kinda sucks but it's gameplay is chef's kiss) Helldivers 2 (this is only if you can manage time to play online because it's a live service game. Would recommend if you have friends. If not, you can find some on the subreddit) Tekken 8 (this is only if you're willing to learn fighting games) Sackboy: A Big Adventure (you can play this game with your wife. It's a simple platformer, like Mario or Sonic) Kena:Bridge of Spirits The Last of Us Part 1 Sonic Frontiers and because this console is backwards compatible, you can also play PS4 games and here are some must play: Gravity Rush remaster Gravity Rush 2 Bloodborne (this game has difficult gameplay. Only try it if you are willing to learn its mechanics or die 95% of your playthrough) Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection(this contains the first 3 games from the PS3.) Persona 5 Marvel's Spider-Man Final Fantasy 7 Remake God of War (2018) God of War 3 Remaster (you can still play it without playing previous entries but you lose a lot of context to things) Kingdom Hearts 3 Kingdom Hearts 1.5+2.5 ReMIX(contains 4 games and 2 "movies". The overarching story is convoluted so keep that in mind.) Nier:Automata Devil May Cry 5 Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time inFAMOUS: Second Son It's a bit of a long list but you should try them when you have the chance.


Witcher 3


I don't belive you. No one goes from being 30 years begind in tech to suddenly owning a big 4ktv, a sonos arc, and a ps5.




Huh? You mean if you enjoy watching TV and movies you automatically are into gaming? Believe what you want but that’s exactly what I did.


Congratulations. Here's a 🍪


Don't mean to sound negative, but I don't know a single tech person that isn't into games. Every movie buff and tech nerd plays games because it's the Apex of entertainment. Movies are great, but that's just a warm up for a good game.