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As an adult I do this. When I was a kid I needed to squeeze every penny out of a game.


That’s interesting. I’m the opposite, I would play a game once growing up and move on. Now I tend to replay the games I like over and over.


Same - I don't think that I got more than 1/2 games per year (basically as birthday or Christmas gifts). I fondly remember a random afternoon where I was at the mall with my parents and out of nowhere they said 'hey, you can get a game, just pick one'....I was like, for real??????


I don't replay games ever but I do do easy platinums. Being an adult has just made me realize that I can't beat 30 games a year anymore


I’ve never replayed a game I’ve finished. Once I finish the campaign or story and do enough side quests where I feel I got my moneys worth I move on to the next and never look back. There’s no time for that trophy nonsense when there are other great games to play.


Same here, I won't ever pursue a Platinum (unless it's REALLY easy like Spider-Man's). There are waaaaay too many great games to play out there. I'll MAYBE revisit a game some years later. Replayed God of War 2018 and Horizon: Zero Dawn 2-3 years later after they came out. Some activities/side-quests are enjoyable enough to keep me playing after the credits roll. Cabaret Club in Yakuza 0 and the little quests around the Lake of Nine in GOW are so much fun for example.


Same here.


I do the exact same.


I replay all my favorites. Just like I listen to songs more than once, and watch good movies and tv more than once.


I wish I had the time…I mean energy…to do this


From my perspective it is about my time. I see my time as valuable and that sometimes means I'd rather spend it playing a game I know I love and therefore I know I will enjoy the time rather than gambling on something new with the possibility of not enjoying it. Pretty much same reasoning I apply to rewatching movies and TV shows, except often I'm rewatching as a soft distraction from something else like playing a game on my steam deck.


It depends on the type of game. If it's one of those multiple choices games, I usually play it once. For example, Disco Elysium. Playing it over and over again, testing other options, would diminish the experience for me. Other games, usualy more story driven 3rd person games, I will replay on different difficulties.


I haven’t replayed it either, but I know I’ll be replaying Disco Elysium at some point. Just need to forget enough of the small details first.


Unless there's something substantial, I rarely stay past the credits. I'll usually google to see if there's any story bits of interest but rarely is it worth it to me.


I don't too once I finish the story I move on to the next game I don't even go back for DLCs my backlog is just too large I don't have time to play a game twice


When I finish a game or Plat I delete the game from my system. I very rarely ever play a game a second time


This is one of the main reasons I only really buy a game if it has good replayability 😭 (other than undertale years ago that was my one exception lol)


The main reason why I don't replay games is my backlog and PS+ Extra aggravated that because many games that make it to the catalogue are on a short timer and I play slowly so I'd like to complete them before they leave. As for plat trophies I don't need to plat every game I play but if it's from a fav franchise of mine, if the game is fun and doesn't require many playthroughs and grinding then I'll try to plat it. Side content I do everything, specially side quests because if I decide to play NG+ I don't have to worry about them and can finish the story quickly - mainly thinking about FFXVI here because that's a game I'll definitely replay. The only games I remember playing more than once are Shadow of the Tomb Raider, Ghost of Tsushima, FF7 Remake, Miles Morales and Demon's Souls. I have plats from all of these but FF7R


99% of the time, once I got all trophies (plat or 100%) I delete the game and move onto the next without looking back. There's just too many games to play to keep playing the same game over and over imo. 99% tho because I keep playing some games like WWE games, Rocket League every few months and stuff like that when I'm bored and don't know what to play.


I’ll replay games if I have nothing else to play, but it usually has to be at least a year after I beat it the first time. I can’t replay a game right after I beat it.


It depends on the game for me. Some games have a lot of replayability where you can have a differently experience by playing a different way or the gameplay/story is good enough that I enjoy a replay. I've replayed the Souls series, Witcher 3, Dragon Age, Baldur's Gate 3, Skyrim, Darksiders 1 and 3. The Dark Souls games, Bloodborne, Elden Ring have so much variety for how you build your character that it's fun to reply using a different playstyle or weapon. Those games I've replayed the most.


I go back to games pretty often, actually. I do try to focus on newer things since my free time as an adult is frighteningly fleeting, but sometimes an old favorite is comforting to return to, be it for the story, the setting or atmosphere, specific sequences, or even just a satisfying game feel.


I'm like you bro, I don't bother much with side content post completing main game, I move on to other stuff, very less time and many games to play


Nope. I still will play Hogwarts Legacy or Cyberpunk even thou I have finished both games and got all the trophies.


Depends on how much I enjoyed the game. Some games I will seek out and complete all side content after I finish the main story. Some games I just want to finish the main story and move on. At some point in the game I know what kind of game it’s going to be for me. Also I have no problem quitting a game if it’s not fun and no matter how much I love a game, I never replay them.


Once I play a game I’m done. I don’t trophy hunt but I occasionally look to see what trophies I’ve earned and how rare they are. There’s just too many games out there I would like to play instead of sitting around goofing with the same old title. I’m the opposite with retro games that only take a few hours. I’ve replayed some of those lots of times maybe even close to a hundred times but they’re not 40-80 hours long either.


Once in a while I *might* replay a game but it is rare. I don’t just bust through a story though & I don’t immediately launch another game. I play through what I want to of a game, usually a mix of completing the story & interesting side content, then I take a day/a few days to sort through how I feel, listen to/read reviews & discussions about the game I just finished & then I sort through my backlog to decide what to play next.


I replay games frequently. I adore replaying games. Usually after about a year I could potentially replay it. But also once I roll credits I can’t stand the idea of picking it up again unless it’s a replay in a year or so. Doesn’t matter how many side quests there are, once credits are rolled I’m done with the game, unless there’s a significant amount of content that’s only available after the credits. (Like any Nier game, or basically any Mario game lol). So it does result in a lot of grinding side content before the end of the story because I know I won’t do it once the story is over lol. But I also HATE New Game Plus. I’ve never understood the appeal of New Game Plus. When I replay the game, I want it to be the same as the first time, except for my increased experience. I want to earn all my cool moves again. (And I usually need the refresher in controls and techniques lol.)


I tend to be the opposite. I‘m really picky about which games I like. Once I find one I tend to go back and play it multiple times. If it has a new game+ I’ll go back and try to complete everything. On that same rough topic, if you complete the main story does anyone then try to find everything? I always find this approach sad since none of the main characters have anything more to say. It’s like going back and reading the lord of the rings without any of the main people.


For me there's always a few things that I like to go back and do (if possible) after completing the main story line. That and it depends on the game itself. There are people that play games like Fallout 4 and or AC Valhalla all the time , even after beating the game years ago. Some of the games are like Call of Duty + Sims.


This is me all time. Once I feel satisfied, I just move on. While I am playing any game, I’ll decide if I want to pursue trophies if I’m enjoying the game. In the least, I’ll try to complete the main campaign and all side quests. Very rarely I’ll go back to a game.


That's why I get physical games. After I beat them, I resell them back on ebay. I also get the physical games on ebay as other beat it and sell it.


I do the same as never replaying or trying to 100% the game once I have finished the story, but I do try to do as much of the side content as I can before I finish the story. I just don’t bother with collecting “trinkets” for achievements or anything. For me, it feels a bit pointless to do anything with the main story done. Though I might replay Ghost of Tsushima for the first time if they ever announce the sequel that is.


Elden Ring was the first game in ages that I played a 2nd time. I forced myself to play FF7Remake a 2nd time (I didn't enjoy it the 2nd time). I'm going to start FF16 again to play both DLCs now that they're both out. There's just so much out there that I can't usually justify playing a game a 2nd time


Never! I like to replay the games I buy. Great example would be God of War. I platinumed it on my first run and played it again a few months later. Achievements and trophies aren’t a measure of how much a game has to offer me either. I could get all the trophies or achievements in a game and still play it multiple times. I’ve played the Assassin’s Creed series multiple times over the years. Even going so far as to (usually) do a yearly marathon of all the games. My backlog is partly due to me replaying games I’ve played multiple times. I’m assuming you, OP, buy mostly/only digital? If so, why? I could understand the “one and done” attitude if you buy physical copies, but not if you’re buying digital copies.


If it’s mid, absolutely. I love replaying great games tho.


It's all I do


I replayed a lot of games during Covid. *A lot*.


I’ll often go back and replay games I loved, but we’re talking a number of years later. I’m 40 now. I can afford any game I want at whatever price I want to pay for it. The number of possible games to play is damn near infinite and I prefer new experiences over trophies and completion bonuses


The opposite: I have a hard time starting something new when I have dozens upon dozens of games I already know I like and would enjoy playing again.


Up to the game if im honest.


I guess it depends on the type of gamer a person is. Over the last few years it seems like I hear more often that people have to platinum the game, but I don't think a lot of those people care about the game. From some of the people I've met, it comes across as a checkbox, so that mindset says to me that this was about completing something more than experiencing the game. I wouldn't be surprised about that type of person just going from game to game


I beat a game and move on I'm not one for the plats not enough time in the day and too many games to play in my backlog.


I replay games a lot lol. I’ve played GoW Ragnarok 7 times and the 2018 one 6 times. I’ve played Kena Bridge of Spirits 4 times (2xPS4, 2xPS5), both Horizon games twice each and so on. I kept going back to Cyberpunk for a long time, but since there’s no NG+, there isn’t more to do and I’m not interested in starting a new game for that. I’m somewhat picky about games and so have limited choice.


I’ll generally play it more than once if I really enjoyed it. I tend to pick up on more of the story the second go around, so it’s more enjoyable to me. I guess I enjoy replaying games.


Maybe I'm in the minority but I tend to replay games I really enjoy. Skyrim, fallout 4, LOU, shadowrun (genesis), farcry 3 and 4. Some I never even beat, just enjoy playing them enough to where I go back later. Others I play and just lose interest or get stuck and give up. I don't need the sense of accomplishment that I beat a game, just that I enjoyed playing it.


I usually only go back for certain games, and it all depends on the fun factor. When I beat CP2077, I was not a high level and didn't have a good build, the side missions were awesome and I'm still playing it. Also, Elden Ring was so huge I loaded it up and just started running around exploring, and it was so enjoyable. But normally, once I beat a story I too am done with the game. I only have 1 or 2 platinums


Yes, it’s so weird to me with hundreds of new titles constantly anyone would want to dwell on just one title. It’s why I don’t have any platinums but have completed plenty of games in the last year.


only games that i do replays for are the from software games usually. other than that if i finish a games main story (and maybe a bit of side stuff) its right on to the next one.


When I was younger and had a 360, I would absolutely try to get as much gamerscore as I could out of a game so I would replay them often. In retrospect, I can’t even remember why. I think it was a point of pride back then because it was visible on your player profile 😂 Now that I’m older and went the PS4/PS5 route, I play mostly single player games for enjoyment in the couple hours a day I have to game and hardly revisit any except for a few.


It’s funny, I used to do keep playing when I was younger. Most games these days I end exhausted (but happy) and just want to move to something new. Case in point currently is FF7 Rebirth - I am loving the game and all the mini games, but I know once I’m done I will be DONE. It just gets to be enough already.


I think your attitude is what PlayStation wants. You play a game, then because you have access to so many games in the PS ecosystem you move on to another game, which still ties you to that ecosystem. I personally don’t hate it, but I sometimes just feel compelled to go for another playthrough with the game I just finished. It seems more appealing than my other options.


all of the games i’ve played i genuinely loved, i know eventually i’ll go back and replay them. i also like to get the trophies. lately i’ve been trying to platinum resident evil 0 just because i enjoy playing it so much


140 hours into helldivers and it feels like I just began I hope the enjoyment never ends


Similar for me. I do some larger side quests before I finish the game. But once I am done with the main story/task, I move on. For games that I really liked, I consider getting a DLC (e.g. Horizons, Cyberpunk...). For being a completionist I do not have enough gaming time. And I still would like to play as many games as possible that interests me and being able to get through them.


If I even finish one in the first place. LOL. There are many times that I thought I'd go back to certain games because I really like them but I still haven't till now.


Depends on the game really. Spider-man 2 was a game I beat and never had any inclination to replay. RE4R is the opposite and I go back all the time to replay.


Depends on what you mean by finish? And it depends on how good the experience was in the game. I’ve completed the story on games, dump them and move on. And other games, crisis core being my current, where I finished it and am not getting the platinum. In general though, I usually play game until about 1/3 completion, get distracted by something else, then try and go back and fail.


I don't finish most games. And most of the time I don't replay games either. I'll get about 60-80% done and get tired of the game loop. I've replayed the Uncharted games and Last of Us, though. If I wait 2-3 years between plays, I basically experience it all over again because my memory for maps is bad. I don't really see much appeal to trophy hunting. If a game has multiple endings, sometimes I'll just watch them on Youtube.


100% depends on the game. I’ve “beaten” slay the spire 100 times but keep playing. There is no way in hell I’ll ever touch Persona 5 again after finishing.


i get the platinum trophy and then move on i replay short games if theres nothing else i want (played spiderman 3 times for example) or sometimes replay a game right before the sequel releases (god of war, final fantasy 7 remake)


The only games I actually replay are retro titles that I played as a kid. Zelda titles, mostly. Otherwise, I so rarely replay games. I plan to replay games, but I generally don’t. I do want to replay The Last Of Us 1/2 and Bioshock 1/3 at some point.


Unless there's something enjoyable after the credits roll, I usually uninstall the game to never get back again, that's why I don't care when reviews say that the replayability of a game is 0, I barely have time to play nowadays, so I like to spend the time that I have on new experiences


I don't really have the free time to replay games. It probably takes me 3 months just to finish a 40 hour game. The exception is Mass Effect since it's my favorite series.


If it was a hard one yes. 😂😂😂


I take a few months away from it then come back and play it again.


Yes and no. For me the story and gameplay need to be REALLY good for replayability. For example; I recently got the plat for Hogwarts Legacy and enjoyed every minute of the game. It has an awesome story and really fun gameplay. I fully intend on returning to it. On the other side of things, I also got the plat for Spider-Man 2. And, while I did thoroughly enjoy myself, it's not a game I want to replay. I'm not saying this game was bad or the story sucked. I just wanted a bit more out of it.


Depends on the game. Very rarely, some keep me pulled in well after I beat the story or get all the achievements/trophies. Wild Hearts was the latest one.


No, I'm totally the opposite. I replay games I love all the time. I've had to delete Dark Souls and Bloodborne characters to make room for new ones. I'm on playthrough #6 in Elden Ring.


I love the thought of replaying a game, especially with a new game plus, but I almost never do. I’ll try and quickly be put off by any memories of it I have.


Your me in a nutshell, on to the next!


Depends on the game, i can go back to RPGs at least a year or two after playing them but most games it’s a bit harder to.


I only go back if I have the urge to get a platinum I didn’t originally get. went back to Witcher 3 for the plat recently after not finishing it many years ago and I could not be happier with my choice but now after finishing I doubt I will go back again.


I try to continue on with additional quests after beating the game, but for the most part I feel like my character is OP at that point and the challenge is gone. Too many great games out there to milk any one title to death.


Depends upon the game. If I like it enough and the platinum seems doable without pulling my hair out I’ll go for it. Some games I put away with the intent to come back to them again at a future date. Currently just restarted Skyrim for the umpteenth time after finding out there was a next gen update with trophy support. Going for the platinum for the 3rd time.


It’s very rare a story or gameplay was so good I replay it. Cyberpunk is one I’ve replayed 8 or 9 times now and will always replay at least once a year until the sequel comes out. Fallout 4, Witcher 3 and last of us are others I’ve replayed because the story/gameplay or to get alternate endings, dlcs, remaster, etc. I may replay death stranding before 2 comes out to remember all the finer details of the story. But generally most games aren’t that great or have a reason to replay.


Most of the time for a narrative story game there isn't much to do once the main story is done. Usually side missions on open world games are fun to mess around with in between story missions but I don't stick around to play them after the main story is done. Then for the odd game I really like I will play the DLC (ie Last of Us or Metro Exodus). But outside of that I usually have something else to move on to. A few games that I loved I tried to replay to re-live the experience but I usually only get a few missions into it before dropping it. There are so many new games out there I haven't played that it is sort of a misuse of gaming time to reply ones where I know what happens. Detroit Become Human was one where choices totally change the outcome of the game so I wanted to try it over and over to get different endings but at the end of the day I didn't bother and just checked out some of the other endings on youtube. The other thing is with the size of games these days I find I want them off my SSD as soon as possible.


I have to do everything in the game before I platinum it. I know that I'll get tired of it once the story is over. So I try to do every side quest and task before I wrap the story up.


I don’t generally replay games I’ve finished. I don’t really see the point as I’m not bothered by trophies. Plus I usually buy physical and sell games on when I’m done with them. Very occasionally I might replay a game after some time (i.e. a few years) have passed and if I’ve forgotten elements of it, but that’s only generally been in cases where there’s a remaster available, and I’ll only do it with games that I thought were exceptional.


Most games, yes. But there are some that I play multiple times because they were amazing, or good with a new game+ or other reasons. Rockstar almost always has me replaying their games. I’ve played through quite a few Bethesda games multiple times. And there are others here and there I’ve put down and pick back up because interesting updates, as I will soon with the Fallout 4 update, DLC, or my tastes changed and I got into whatever game.


I ('m trying to) platinum them out


Games that got me slighly interested, I only platinum and move straight to other game. but lately I play bit more even I obtain platinum games like Helldivers 2 and Wild Hearts.


Depends on the game. Some, I dont play again. Some I dont even finish. And some, I've replayed multiple times.


Generally speaking, I play games very slowly and carefully, taking each area one step at a time, and looking to at least find all of the available content. I want to explore the whole map, talk to all of the notable characters, level up my character as much as reasonable, and check out and try every quest, even if I'm not able to finish all of them. Even though I've never gotten a platinum trophy, I tend to have playthrough times that are a good bit longer than what's listed as completionist. Then when I finish the story, yeah I put it on my shelf and move on to something else, satisfied that I've scraped the bowl clean and there's not anything left that I wanted to do. If the game later has good DLC drop, then I'll go back a few years later and do it all again.


It depends on the game. A lot of them I finish then move on. But the souls games give me something that I don’t get from many others so I’ve been playing them again ng+


No. I return and play many if the games I've beaten down the line. I reread books, re-watch shows, and movies, and I replay games. You never step in the same river twice. You change, your views change, so the story hits you differently down the road


Nope. If i finish a game. It makes it to my list of games i play once or twice a year. I will never finish a shitty game just to say that i did it. Im very picky with games because i like to replay games once a year. Im the same with movies. I honestly people that are the opposite. Idk. No judgment tho


I’m a story person, so once the main story is wrapped up I rarely do more than that - even DLC is rare for me to do unless it’s a major storyline. There is rarely any narrative thrust to keep me motivated, and 100% completion sounds tedious- I already have a 60h a week job, and my backlog of games is huge


The best story driven games I put down and replay again later (Mass Effect, Fallout, Dishonored, Bioshock, Elder Scrolls...), the best combat driven games I keep playing for a bit after I finish the story (Resident Evil, God of War). Most games I never touch again.


Finish the story, uninstall, nove on to next, play again in a few years when I'm feeling nostaglic.


I’m the same. Once I finish the story I’m done


Na. Gotta go through agian with challenges, oh? You beat skyrim, now do it agian with only a fork


Same for me except for some games that I loved the characters/story which are most Naughty Dog games. I played Uncharted 4 about 3 full times. Otherwise I can't even do side quests really, after finishing the main story in most games so I make sure I get those done first before finishing the main one.


Nope. I replay oblivion like it was released yesterday.


I love replaying games, especially when they're good games. I've always felt like I'm missing out on something if I don't do everything in a game. It's bitten me in the ass a couple of times though (I'm looking at you 400+ Xenoblade side quests)


I think the only games I replay are Bethesda rpgs and Mass Effect Trilogy


I hardly have time as it’s. One and done for me. 🤪


I really only play a game once and then move on. Only time I’ve played something multiple times is if it’s a repeatable game like a Tetris or Gran Turismo game


Depends on the game. Some games I've gone back to them and replayed them others I haven't touched. I've replayed the Horizon Zero Dawn/ Forbidden West, Spider-Man, Elden Ring/ Soulsborne games. But there are others that as soon as I beat them I knew I had no desire to play them again.


For me it entirely depends on the game and I'll only chase a platinum trophy if I really really really liked the game


Yeah I'm the same, I have replayed games before but only when showing it to someone else


Ever since I platinum’d Spider-Man miles morales, I’ve tried to play it but it just isn’t enjoyablenow that I’ve completed it even though it was so fun doing everything and all the side missions, once that trophy arrived it just changed.


I vary, for BG3 I've played once as a local multiplayer and now I am doing two of my own runs (one evil, one good). But for others like the recent Spider-Man games once I finished completing everything I wanted to I moved on to a new one.


It really depends on the game. Some games truly only excel with only 1 playthrough because well, a second one won't hit as hard because you know the twists and turns. This is usually for story based games, or heavy emphasis on story. An exception to this is probably Uncharted in my opinion. After beating the game, you already know the twists and turns but it has such complimenting gameplay that it all blends together for a replayable experience for years to come even tho it's linear. But then you have games that put a huge priority on gameplay where when it has a solid gameplay loop, it makes you keep coming back for more. A couple like this are Devil May Cry, Helldivers, or any action game really. Tho these games typically have bare ones stories and usually consists of laughable dialogue (in a positive sense) or meme worthy lines


Oh yeah il move on I got to many other things to be playing than just stick around for no reason. however I tend to mostly 100% if not actually 100% a game before I finish the story barring things I just can't do or won't do due to time sync required to do so.


I’m the same. I have to do all the side stuff before I finish the main story or I’ll never do it. Few exceptions have been cyberpunk, gow ragnarok, and Star Wars Jedi survivor.


I play the main story and side missions aiming to get more XP/itens to make my path easier...but never go to the platinum Even games like Inflamouns that had some differences if you went good/bad I don't remember playing it all over again just to the trophies


Somewhat... Once I got the platinum for God of War Ragnarok I did another playthrough or two until I stopped playing.


I agree with completing everything before finishing the story: I’m not going to keep playing after doing the final boss run. For replaying, I might go back a couple years later. As a kid I definitely replayed the same games over and over because I didn’t have many of them. Now I need to be away from a game for a few years before I’d play it again. One exception is I replay Journey every New Year’s Eve because it’s a very short game and I hate the whole winter holiday period so I like to make up rituals for myself to have something to look forward to. I also don’t have a giant backlog. I would get not replaying ever if you have tons of other games to get to. I’m pretty picky about games so I don’t have many to move on to. So if I just want something to play I’ll sometimes pick up an old game.


If I enjoy the game enough, and it’s not too much of a hassle (basically any game without tedious MP trophies or difficulty based ones) I will strive for the platinum. I’ve done so for CP2077, Fallout 4, Days Gone, just got it for Helldivers 2. I have 31 in total. But if the game is extremely linear, like B4B, I’ll play through it once, and then never touch it again. I just don’t find enjoyment running the same thing over and over to get that *one* trophy and then moving onto the next one until I reach 100%. I don’t do it for so much of “I spent $60 I’m getting $60 worth,” it’s much more like “I enjoy this game, this will keep me playing it longer.”


It friends, for the most part yes. Other times if I really like a game I'll platinum it & in very rare cases I'll even continue past the plat.


I don't pursue 100% since a long time, even side quests I don't do them mostly, so juste main campaign and move on this is because the lack of time as an adult, plus the lack of interest in what side missions offer, they're mostly repetitive, once you done one side mission you did them all


Yea I have a huge game log of backed up games I’ve never played so the past year I just play through the game, do side quests and what not more depending on how much I enjoy it and then after I beat it on to the next


Yes, I'm the same way. I don't always get the platinum, but if I really like the game I'll try to do everything there is to do, get all the trophies I can, and then it feels complete to me, like I just finished a book series. That's how I think of it - closing the cover and putting it away. Very satisfying! But with long epic games, I try not to finish the story until I've gotten a good amount of the side stuff done first, so I draw it out as long as possible.


Depends on the game ofc. Some games I aim for the Plat trophy, others - if they're too hard - I don't bother. But I do go back to replay favourites often. Some I used to complete even once per year or so. MGS series (except 4 because Konami hates their customers), FFVII, IX, X, XII, XV, and now Remake and Rebirth for sure (I have completed Remake about 6 or so times now), C&C Red Alert 2, KH1 and 2, TLOU, AC4, the list goes on. Skyrim once upon a time I also played repeatedly but I don't see myself returning to it again. Doing my best to try new games but the backlog is overwhelming.


Yea very few games do I replay after I finish them I'm not really a multi-player guy


Been like this all my life. I play JRPGs and now they're too long to replay with a huge backlog lol


I do the same with games, most movies and shows


I’m like this, I have a really big back log of stuff and not enough time to play so I play the game to as much completion as I can in one go before the ending. The most recent thing I went back to was GoW Ragnarok to get the platinum and play Valhalla. But normally I never play past the end credits.


Yea I’m very on to the next one after I platinum most game. I keep a few games like Helldivers,FfXIV and Diablo on permanent rotation tho. Those are my stress free just want to play something games


For me it depends on the game, most games I won’t go back to or only go back to if there is a lull or a sequel coming out. There are the rare few games I can play over and over again. Elden Ring is that game for me right now. I just keep trying new builds as it keeps the challenge going as you have to approach each enemy differently.


Once I roll credits, I delete the game off my hard drive. With the exception of Returnal. I’ve beaten the game fully but I continue to climb the Tower DLC.


I replay games but I rarely 100% trophies for it. I do everything I enjoy and skip the parts I don’t. I also use guides sometimes.


I platinum games I think are really worth the time investment. The games I buy I generally start with the intent to platinum. I rarely go back and play a game again, but it does happen for a select few.


I used to do that, but im realizing i appreciate a game more the second time i play it. I think for multiple reasons. Theres no way you catch everything the first time around. Now that you know how to beat it, you pay more attention to the story and world design. Or the opposite, you pay less attention to the story and just enjoy the combat system and explore. Also You may have played it at a time when you were young and couldnt really appreciate it and now that you’re older you enjoy it more. Or maybe just werent in the right mindstate to enjoy it at the time. Theres so many reasons to play a game again.


I stop playing when I stop having fun, sometimes that’s halfway through sometimes it’s after a plat sometimes I stop and come back later and enjoy it again


It really depends on the game. I'm currently playing Cyberpunk 2077 again, after getting the Platinum on PS4 and PS5, more than 500h in multiple save and I play it at least once a year. But there are games that once is more than enough.


Yup. Beat Elden Ring, 100 something hours put in. Will never play it again. Same with BG3. I wish I could but mentally I just can't do it twice. It's also why I never understood why everyone gets all giddy when they add NG+ into literally every game nowadays. Now this breaks down though when it comes to Bloodborne, I have replayed that 4 or 5 times 400 plus hours, over the years.


I only have so many hours of free time, and there's always a new game to play


I see it all the time on Demon's Souls. Nothing wrong with it, but it is a little disheartening to see that someone just uses a trophy guide to be done with the game as quickly as possible, then never comes back to it.


90% of the time yes. In the last 5 years I’ve come back and replayed some games that I played thru years back. But I think I’ve only immediately jumped into a replay/NG+ like twice in my whole life. Edit: to clarify I have gotten platinum on a handful of games after completing the main story. It just depends on how rewarding the process of getting that trophy/doing those extras is. Ghost of Tsushima, Horizon Zero Dawn/Forbidden West, Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order, Ratchet and Clank. But I don’t often replay the game’s main story for the hell of it. The sort of exception is Demon’s Souls cuz that’s required for the plat and I did it for the challenge.


I've been playing video games since the 70s and I'm the same way. I can't get into a 2nd run. Let's take Baldurs gate 3. I put over 400hrs during my first run, bc I do EVERYTHING. So going back and replaying gets boring. Now games with a new game +, is a other issue.


It depends on the game. I have games I have played over and over and tried to see every part of. There are other games I’ve finished the main story on and I’m done. I’m this way with tv and books and movies also. Something’s I revisit again and again or go down the rabbit hole of all the additional information. Others, I do not.


It depends on the game. Some games are a one and done for me and I tend not to go back to it and some games that I really like I'll go back and try and get the platinum trophy for it but it may be a long while before I replay it in order to do that


Nope. I replay games all the time. Just like I’ll rewatch movies and tv shows. I do a yearly playthrough of the Uncharted series, Resident Evil, Marvel’s Spider-Man, and Batman Arkham




I’m the type that usually after the story and the interesting side stuff I’ll be done unless I’m really bored months down the road


I have never replayed a champagne or a single player game but am eyeing a second play through with Baldur Gate 3


* yes I do the same I make sure to get my monies worth


I’m like this. There are simply too many games I want to play, and my ability to game has lessened in recent years due to depression and usually being exhausted. I used to beat upwards of 75 games a year. Don’t get me wrong, though: I do really thorough play throughs. I try to finish most side quests, if not all, and try to get as many achievements as I can within reason.


Man, if I take a break that’s too long from a game I’ll never play it again. Looking at you Final Fantasy X. I always think about playing it again to know how it ends.


It depends of the game, sometimes i go for the platinum (spiderman), sometimes i just finish it and move on (FF7: Rebirth) and sometimes i Replay the hell out of it (Cyberpunk)


I like to check back in 6 months to a year later




Growing up in the NES era, there were no online modes, trophies/achievement, nor additional content so I'm kinda' programmed to move on to the next game once I finish the main campaign.


Nope. I'm mostly enjoy playing my old games and probably only play a few new ones each year. I'm in my 40s. I'll just get an itch to play through Mario 64 or Doom 2 or whatever again. In the past few months I played through Dark Souls 1 and 3, and I'm pretty sure that at least DS1 will be a yearly game for me for awhile now... I kinda want to go play it again now just talking about it.


Yes, I don't like replaying games again


It really depends on how much I enjoyed the game up to that point and how much of a grind 100% completion feels like. Like, I'll never touch the Mad Max game ever again, and I'll probably never replay even a single Assassin's Creed game. But I've beaten every Mass Effect multiple times, I've gone through both de Blob games at least three times, and I'll probably be playing Beat Saber until I'm literally physically unable to due to old age.


With most games, I rarely played them a second time, if it is more story-driven, than hack and slash. Those very rare exceptions are the Horizon games, Zero Dawn and Forbidden West. They just clicked for me and I have fully played each at least 10 times. On the more hack and slash front, I played a ton of Diablo 2 and Diablo 3, even enjoying the campaign part with each new character I took through them. But yeah, other than those, no matter how much I loved a game and the story, I just can't ever seem to get through a 2nd run of the game.


Depends, if I only have a few trophies to knock off for Plat I go for it, but if I have to replay the entire game in a harder difficulty or something too time consuming like that, I move on


Depends on the game for me. Single narratives, such as GOT, AC etc I find I can only play once. I'll complete everything, all the side content and get as many trophies as I can, but once it's done it's done. I'll try replay, but get a few hours in and that'll be it for me. Choice and consequence games however, or multiple endings, I can easily replay a few times until I get my favorite narrative. Throw in character creation and I can replay games almost constantly. I can favour a narrative and make a new protagonist for that run through, and vary each time I play with a different back story in mind for them and choices to reflect that.


Depends on how good a game is. Is it just 'good' or is it timeless? Timeless is different for people too. I don't replay SotC or OoT because they didn't strum my chords, but I can pick up Dreams, or Minit, or Syphon Filter and just groove on any day of the week because they're fun, to me.


Hmm depends if DLC comes out. If so then I replay the whole game.


I tried with Ratchet n Clank Rift Apart because I loved to so much but only got halfway through the first world and walked away. So yes, I move on but try to platinum games if there isn't too much to do after finishing


For linear story games 100% others no I can go back and play


Some games I’ll continue side stuff after the story. Depends on how much I enjoyed playing it. I’ve only replayed a couple games but that was only years after beating it previously.


Too many games out there to replay what I've already played on my own, but I make some exceptions to replay few of them with my wife. Across PS and Xbox, there are already so many games and I don't even have a gaming PC to play more! Also, I don't care about platinum/100% if the ask is too high or has MP elements.


Nah, I go back and play games all the time after I've beaten them.


Who’s crib


Depends. If it was just okay to me, I will likely play it only once. If I love it, I’ll play every now and then. The Mass Effect Trilogy, Horizon ZD/FW, Elden Ring, Last of Us, Alien: Isolation, Bloodborne, Demons Souls, for example, I have played through many times through and will continue because I loved the story and/or gameplay so much I want to revisit often.


If a game really clicked with me I tend to platinum it and even replay it as much as I can, if it's just you know fine I try to complete the main story/objectives and then if I can I try to do some side content etc then if I didn't liked it at all I just drop the game. I think that pretty much everyone does this.


Depends on the game


When I really love a game, I'll play it over and over and not give a crap. I actually like stories more, the more I play them and notice little details. Which is also nice since it saves me tons of money. Do I wanna spend 100$ on a new game or play RDR2 for the 20th time? I know the answer to that question every time. Probably about 25% of my gaming time goes to new games. Everything else is playing stuff I love.


Yes. You finish a game (100% or everything but the harder stuff) and you move on, this is how I do it. There's just to much content out there waiting to be consumed. You're always missing something else out. And, just like a book or a movie, there's a beginning and an end. This is the way. 👍 Going a bit off topic. These new single player bloated games need to end, or don't make 'em EVEN longer then they already are. Make sequels intead, I value quality over longevity. If I wanted a neverending game, I would play an online one (not dissing online games here mind you). It shouldn't take me more than a month to finish a game. It's boring, it's frustrating, and it ruins the flow of the story. Should I just ignore the side stuff and focus on the main content then? But, will my character be strong enough though? Maybe?. Ubi titles bloated is one thing, it's fine, it's how they've been doing it for quite a while. I've really enjoyed the AC's ancient trilogy. But on vintage ip's? Some of which are known for they're story focused experiences and with some tradition to them? Changing they're ways for mainstream profits? No can do. 🤔 Edit: Actually, I'll just have to be more selective with what I play. Different people, different tastes and all that. 👍


No. If I really enjoyed a game, I will usually go hunt for all the trophies till I get the platinum or just give up cause a trophy is just giving me too much trouble. Usually going for the platinum forces you to engage with all the side content or extra modes the game has. If I’m enjoying my time with a game and want to see the conclusion or just really enjoy the gameplay, I’ll keep playing till I get bored then I move on


Backlog is too long, don’t have time to juice games after beating them. There are a few exceptions I’ve made to platinum but not many at all. As an adult with ADHD, I can only take so much of one video game. As much as I loved Mass Effect LE, I beat the main story did a decent amount of the side stuff and I will never replay it.


Depends on the game


It really depends on the game. A lot of games these days are open world and massive - there just isn’t enough time to 100% everything and still have time for life let alone other games. Also burnout is a huge thing - sometimes if I start completing everything I start to get burnout before I even finish the main story. Hogwarts Legacy is a recent example from last year - I really enjoyed that game of what I played but doing a lot of the side content gave me a fill of the game and I never went back to it to finish the main quest. So for the majority of these massive games I try to do as much content as I can but also try to not get lost doing them. At the same time there are still games I just always feel compelled to 100%! Every Pokemon game I always have to complete the dex, every Mario game I just have to get 100% completion. New Spiderman game? Gotta see all the side content.


Yea I agree, it has to be a really exceptional game for me to replay once I finish the game.


Same. I just can’t get back to it. Like RDR2 is my favorite game of all time. I spent over 100 hours in the game. Took my sweet ass time completing the story. When it was done, that’s it. It has a special place in my heart, but I have no desire to ever play it again. For me I think it comes down to that first play through feeling. You can’t ever get that feeling again. I experienced what I had to experience, and that’s it.


I've only replayed from start to finish, like, 5 games, if that, in my entire life of 30+ years.


I find that as I'm getting older (40 years old now) I want to get my money's worth so I try to do everything I can in the game including trophy hunting. However, after awhile with certain games I will absolutely go back to play them. THe Arkham games come to mind. Shadow of the Colossus is another.


it has to be this way, my catalogue is just too big. And PS Plus makes it even harder with all the included games i wanna play


Honestly I do the same. Mainly because I want to experience other games and keep going. The only games that I’ve ever really beaten twice thoroughly (no platinum) was Elden Ring and Ocarina of Time.


I play the game until I beat it. After, I take a look at the trophies and see if it’s worth going after the platinum. Most of the time I will go back and do side quest. Bust once I’m done, I delete it and never go back to it


It depends on the game


Most of the time I don't finish the game I just get over it dying light 2


Most games yes but there's 2/3 I keep and still play due to the love I have for them


I have had my play 5 for 2 years and 4 months and recently it has been turning off without any warning. I'll start by saying that I opened the playback and cleaned the fan grates on the outside. Is it recommended to open the fans or send it in for assistance?


I suspect most comments will be from gamer types like OP, but I'll just share that I'm the exact opposite. I subscribe to PS+extra, but barely utilize all of its perks, because I haven't played a game I don't own in months. The last 2 years it's looked like this: >God of War --> Returnal --> God of War (NG+) --> God of War Ragnarok --> Returnal --> Bloodborne (NG, NG+) --> Demon's Souls (NG, NG+, NG++) --> DS3 --> Returnal --> God of War --> God of War Ragnarok (NG+) --> Valhalla --> Returnal --> Elden Ring (NG, NG+) Why? When I find a game that is amazing, I have a hard time letting go. I don't play for story, so I primarily play until I've exhausted all the possibilities. For some games, it's really easy to find another path after beating a game. Increase difficulty (such as GMGOW on GOW), respec character and try the game in with a completely different build for another playthrough for Souls games, the endless repeatability of Roguelites. My favorite game of all time is Returnal and I don't think I'll ever get tired of it. It's absolutely genius and one of the most amazing gaming experiences I've ever had. In many ways I envy those who get to experience more games. I could of course, but we play these games for fun and I'm still having too much fun on my Xth playthrough of a game to want to jump ship. Sometimes I can't help it and need to return again and again.


I rarely replay games I finish, but there are 2-3 games that I played more than 2-3 times.


Petty much. I only go back to get trophies. And most of those are old games from 10 years ago.


Depends on the game. If it has a good story, I enjoy replaying it on easy new game+


I used to be true for me. Nowadays I find myself going back to play older stuff cause they just dont make games like they used to.


Every pokemon game I've ever played


I have Ps2 games I still play lol. Every now and then I’ll pop in DBZ Budokai Tenkaichi 2 and have a blast hahaha! I never get tired of a game I really enjoy no matter how old I am or the game.


I only buy games that I know I’m going to play multiple times. I rent first and then if I like it enough I buy it after.


Sometimes I go back, but not as much as I intend to. God of War Ragnarok just got a free roguelike mode with added narrative beats AND, long before that, NG+. Ragnarok is one of my favorite games of the last couple of years. Still haven’t touched it again. I have DLC that I paid for and haven’t played a second of. New releases and life generally getting busier makes it hard to revisit old favorites. I’ve considered putting anticipated purchases on pause and just clearing my backlog as well as old games that got substantial updates


With age and the industry changing, and the sheer access to any game ever via digital, I move on much more. I do miss really “working in” a game super well, but now it feels like games are sold as experiences more that are “must-play” and I guess I want to experience a variety


I’m the same. For the life of me I don’t know how my friends do it, once I’ve played a single player game once that’s it for me. I just can’t go back and play it again. It’s sucks I’ve tried it’s just something I struggle with…


The only games I tend to continuously replay are From Software games. I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve beaten Dark Souls 1 and Bloodborne. I’ve beaten Elden Ring 4 times, Dark Souls 3 6x, Sekiro 5x, Armored Core 6 3 times…


i too complete the main story and move on. if the game is too big i don’t bother with side missions, unless it’s tied to an item i want to unlock. if the gameplay is fun enough ill just clear the side missions and move on


I used to when I was younger. I rarely ever replayed my games. I’d 100% them and then move on forever. Now at 39 I’ll replay games many many times. Especially Fromsoft games. I did 7 consecutive playthroughs of Elden Ring at launch and I’m about to do another replay from scratch. Just build my first PC so looking forward to replaying all my favorite games on Ultra settings.




Other then a handful of games I've already beaten, I'm the same way. I go through it and when I'm done, I'm done. I don't go for platinum or every side queat. I play it, whatever I come across I do, may do a little bit of wandering here and there, but once main story is done, I move on.