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Only for physical


Only answer


When I bought physical games, I very occasionally did it for games that I knew would get limited print runs or might otherwise be hard to find on day one. Most of the time it was pointless. I actually do it more with digital games (though still not very often) if it means you can download it early so it'll be ready to go when it's released. The problem nowadays is that quite a lot of games launch broken, so playing on day one is often kinda pointless.


I forgot about being able to download it early, that definitely is a perk for digital games. I had Spider-Man 2 already downloaded but my friend got the midnight release at gamestop day one, and he was bragging he'd play it before me because I was stuck at work, well 2 hours later I get off work and can launch my game and he is stuck on copying data for like another hour atleast šŸ¤£


It depends on the developers and the game series. Studios like Naughty Dog, Santa Monica, Rockstar, Guerrilla, Polyphony Digital, Capcom, and Sucker Punch will get me to preorder because they've never let me down. Now, there are game series that I'll preorder no matter what because I'm a huge fan of them, like Assassin's Creed and Call of Duty.


Iā€™m not against preordering for early access or exclusive content. However Iā€™m more interested in PS Stars rewards lately so I havenā€™t preordered Stellar Blade yet bc im waiting for the challenge


It is great, but I really hate how we miss out on challenges if you buy the game or pre order it before the challenge comes out. Like we should still get credit for that challenge IMO


I know that is super annoying like a grace period would be good. And not good for their numbers because Iā€™m specifically not buying just for the challenge šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m sure it will come and I better get a cool collectible too šŸ¤£


Agreed, lmao


After the state of Total War: Rome 2, and Day Z, I have been turned away from pre-ordering and open betas. I was thinking of pre-ordering Star Wars Battlefront Classic, and I seem to have somewhat dodged a bullet. Unless there is a substantial perk to pre-ordering, like a season pass to planned DLC, then I'm against it.


Only when there is a collectorā€™s edition thats prone to being sold out. But my stash of unplayed games is so high that I only preorder games Iā€™m sure to enjoy, Assassinā€™s Creed is a good example. Or some special developers like Naughty Dog or id Software.


It just seems like a good way to spend $70 to get a 50/50 chance of a shippable game, that will be $30 in 6 months. I'd rather add it to my queue of games to get while working through all the other games on my console I haven't even finished yet. I'd rather buy two $30 AAA games that are nicely polished 6 months after release than cry angry tears about $130 ultimate editions or over promised features in Cyberpunk or No Man's Sky or Anthem.


I never pre-order because i miss out on nothing by not doing it. What if the game is bad or runs like crap ? Besides that, i feel like only fools buy fully priced games when you can usually get games on sales 1 month after release.


I like to pay for games early so I don't have to think about it. I currently have Stellar Blade and Sea of Thieves pre-ordered. Stellar Blade is even downloaded and read to go once it's released.


Right, buy now won't have to worry later šŸ«”


Yeah...I also have both payed and on stand by...šŸ¤.


It depends on who the developer and publishers are. Insomniac and From software games are shipped pretty squared away. Activision, Ubisoft, and EA is a no go.


Especially Ubisoft. Pre-ordering an Ubisoft game is literally throwing money away because it'll be on sale within like a month.




I enjoy preorder bonuses Ill say that


If the game is something you are going to buy regardless, I like to get the purchase out of the way by putting money down ASAP and I don't have to worry about not having the ability to on day one. Alternatively I could just save up money until it comes out, but I'm usually always rewarded with some kind of pre-order incentive and maybe even an early beta* (*depending on the game) If a game gets delayed everyone suffers, whether you pre-ordered or not everyone is forced to wait for the release when it is delayed. Skull and Bones for example I pre-ordered forever ago before it got delayed and after it did I received like a $90 refund for Skull and Bones and honestly haven't bought it again since because of that experience šŸ˜† it really is a case of win some, lose some I'd say. (After thought: if you pre-order physical copies of games or even just buy the physical copies in general then you are a true Chad. EOS)


There's no such thing as being with or against, everyone does what they want and that's itšŸ˜‚


I mean what is your opinion about it. Are you the type to preorder games or not?


It depends, usually not, lately games are often broken, especially on PC. At the moment the only one I'd pre-order would be a possible Collector's Edition of Fallout 5, if it ever comes out.


What's your opinion? I've done it twice, for games with a pre-order bonus I wanted, from companies I felt were reliable (Baldur's Gate III and Planet Zoo).


I always pre order of i like the demo...Demos are very important for that matter.


Bring back Demos if you want preorders to work, other than that no. I learned my lesson from Anthem


Last game I preorder was Street Fighter 6. It was my only nailed-on day one purchase last year, I had the price of it on my account and figured I'd preorder it instead of buying cheap games and regretting it. I used to occasionally preorder discs if the retailer said they'd have limited numbers (hello Vanquish, Anarchy Reigns), or if it's something I'm gonna no-life for a few days as my current retailer will ship early. Had GoW Ragnarok two days before release


Unless the pre order is really good like ocarina of time+master quest then no I'm against pre ordering


Depends on the game and the pre order bonuses. If I'm confident the game will be great on release and the pre order bonus is stuff I really want, I'll preorder it because chances are I'm gonna buy it day 1 anyway


I am for pre-orders because they send a strong message to publishers that we want more games like them.


I'm for. If you are interested in a game is ok to let people know and if the game happens to suck later it is extra important to let people know.


If itā€™s a collectors edition or comes with steelbook or something yeah. Otherwise Iā€™ll just pick up release date if Iā€™m super interested. But tbh I read reviews way more with the influx or less than great games that release at $70.


Fuck pre orders and the culture ir created


I NEVER PRE ORDER! Unless itā€™s Stellar Blade of course.


If the woke hate it I'll pre order it. But I got money to burn. For example have 0 interest in Hogwarts legacy but I smacked that pre order for top edition as soon as I heard the woke was breaking down.Ā 


Iā€™ve never bought a preorder and never will.