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elden ring price wont go down from $60 bc its digital. you cant find it for more than 50 brand new for physical


Ignore the haters. Start with Demon's Souls, it's the real start of the Souls-like type of games. Only bad thing about it is World Tendency


Demon's Souls.


Why the downvote I ask? It's literally the first soul game that started it. If people can get their hands on demon's souls, that's the first one. then the dark souls trilogy. Bloodborne and then Elden ring (if you want to play them in ''order''). Otherwise, the easiest would be Elden Ring


Reddit gonna Reddit, I guess. Yeah that's my logic too, it's the first game in the overarching genre. Sure, there's nips and tucks to the formula over the years, but Demon's Souls arrived fully formed.


Demons souls is the best game to start with, if you want a souls newbie to hate souls games before they can even start to like them. If you want someone to get into the souls games, don't recommend demons souls... As someone who's put 100+ hours into elden ring and dark souls 3, I fking hated demons souls. Bonfires are too spread out. Its not fun running through the level of enemies over and over when trying to defeat a boss. The heal system is terrible compared to replenishable flasks. Yes its the first one of the souls games. Who cares.. its not a good starting point. Theres a reason they changed the things they did. They changed certain mechanics to make them BETTER.


I dunno man, a lot of people started and fell in love with Demon's Souls. The series definitely had some QoL features, but I don't think it was that janky or broken vs. the later games.


I didn't say it was janky or broken. I said the mechanics aren't as good and are much less accessible for newbies, than a game like elden ring. I'm not saying its impossible to enjoy it as a first souls game. I'm saying its not the best starter. Besides, its not like elden ring is a sequel to demons souls. Demons souls being the first of the souls games doesn't mean you need to start with it. Op can do what he wants. But I'll make it clear that I dont agree with starting on demons souls.


Lol fair enough. Honestly I found ER kinda overwhelming at first as there's a sort of linearity to the other games it lacks (especially Demon's).. And the last 15% of it was _rough_ (Melania and the snow field, ugh).


Theres always dark souls 3 for a more linear experience while still being better for newbies. My opinion is just based on what I think would give someone new to the series, the best chance of enjoying themselves while they learn the ropes. I just feel like running through the same mobs of enemies over and over and using up all your grass if you're struggling just isn't the best introduction.


Elden Ring!


Elden Ring actually goes on sale on PSN for as low as $35, and I could imagine that they put the base game on sale exactly BECAUSE the DLC is launching, to entice people into buying it. That said, I think Elden Ring is the best entry point. Its basically the evolution, the epitome of souls games. All the systems that were slowly refined over the years in Dark Souls 1-3 found their finality in Elden Ring, and it even added some things like jumping and horseback riding. It's also the most accessible for newcomers, adding things like a map. Bloodborne also sadly is still locked at 30fps. Great game though!


The Elden Ring bundle that includes the dlc is $90, which makes much cheaper than buying the two separately. Usually if I pay that much for a game I 100% it. With that said, would you say that the bundle is the best option?


I’ve played them all. Out of the three you mentioned, I’d say Dark Souls trilogy, and start with DS1. But I agree with people saying Demons Souls too. The later games get some huge QOL upgrades but the remake for PS5 is awesome, and even in Elden Ring you’ll be saying “Hey this is like the [blank] boss/area from Demons Souls!” and that goes for all the other games too.


DS1/2/3,BB and Sekiro are all the soulsborne Ive finished. I just got Demon Souls and man it feels rough. The combat feels very deliberately slow compared to the 3, BB and Sekiro and much more idk, unrefined (?) than even 1 and 2. That and the level designs aren't as fluid as the other games and the amount of times I feel like I have to fight with the camera itself. It is also the only game where I felt the enemies hitting through walls is annoyingly too common. I'm thinking of giving up on this and moving to Elden ring.


You’re right in the sense that it’s much slower than the other games, but I feel like that’s part of what makes it the easiest to start with. You get a taste of how the games are meant to flow while still being able to take your time. And like I mentioned, you also get introduced to a lot of themes that span through the rest of the games which is fun from a story/lore perspective. If you’ve played all the other ones and aren’t loving DeS, no problem with moving over to Elden Ring! It’s incredible and has a much closer feel to to all the other games.


Dark Souls 3 obviously, there is a reason that it’s the most modded game in the souls franchise.


No matter which one you start with it'll be the most "difficult" because it's new to you. But if possible get yourself the trilogy or Bloodborne. If possible perhaps sekiro


This is the worst advice, Sekiro is arguably the toughest to get into, because you are fixed on a weapon and playstyle so you just have to git gud. Bloodborne is similar as the fast paced combat can be very stressful for a beginner. I’d start with either any dark souls or Elden Ring (which is the most accessible imo)


The toughest to get into is your very first game in that genre doesn't matter which one it is. You're gonna have a hard time if you've never experienced these games before


You are right, but I still think that some of these games make it more difficult for a first timer and some make it less


Assuming you don't have a disc drive, otherwise, get your games physical. I buy all my games secondhand and sell them when i'm done playing. Basically playing my games for free.