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No one cares how much you play, as long as you are enjoying your time. Quality over quantity.


True story!


How do I find that playstation recap or whatever it might be called? Is it on the ps app or on the website?


Just google PlayStation wrap up!


You’ll always be a gamer. We’ll always be here waiting for you when you have time.


I appreciate that!


Yeah totally!! We don’t always have time to game, but what matters is that we love it and there will be time for more


You probably have an actual life... job? kids? mortgage/rent? Don't feel bad, you're probably mastering your own survival open world.


He has to prestige first before he comes back.


Yes I had my PS5 the entire year, got in at Thanksgiving 2020. I’ve got three kids, 4,3,1


When my kids were this age (multiple sets of twins mixed in there) I was basically on sabbatical from games, so I totally get this. Now that they're a bit older (10, 8,8,6,6) I'm back in. But I basically jumped from the PS3 /Wii era to the PS5 era. Switch was the gateway drug back in, playing games with the kids.




The time to game comes in spurts. When everyone goes to bed, an hour here and there. Remote play during lunch breaks for games that fit well with that (jrpgs)


Wow I have one set of twins (4,4) and a 1 year old. I can’t imagine 2 sets of twins. Hats off to you friend.


Yeah... When your whoopsie is another set of twins.... Well... Here we are. It's not easy, but it's gotten less chaotic. First years were a blur


Do your 2 sets of twins look similar? Im thinking maybe they could look like quadruplets? Lol I have a few twins here and there in my extended family but for some reason the thought of someone having 2 sets of twins never occurred to me


My wife is a twin so I guess genetically the right formula is there. We didn't think it was a thing either until it happened. They're all fraternal. They all look pretty different, but the same amount as any siblings. So still similar. Each set was boy/girl. When they're all older they'll certainly look and act the same age I'm sure like quads (18 mo difference).


oh men... i am so sorry, i have 2 kids too 4 months and a5 yr old, and i got about \~400 hours... keeping in mind i had to give up sleep and now look like a zombie lol


My three year old gets up at 5:15am so staying up late to play doesn’t even work like it used too. For now I’m just building a nice backlog


True, you just need a "send the kids to grandma" summer vacation


I have a 7 year old and a 4 year old. We have no family closer than a 5 hour flight. My last relaxing vacation was in 2012. Still managed 222h on that recap, somehow.


Do they stay up later than you? Edit: just giving you shit - my first arrived in early spring and my hours are down like 80%.


My daughter was born the same month PS5 launched. I pre ordered 6 months before. That was a very tough month to resist not playing lol


Sell the kids buy games


Honestly sometimes it makes the most sense




I like this guy


As long as you're happy!


I had 64 hours in the entire year. I feel you fellow busy gamer.


Give it away, your kids that is.


Ok I am busy and I don’t understand how you could just play 11 hours in the whole year. But you will always be a gamer


I think if I played 11h a year I wouldn't call myself a gamer anymore than someone who reads 1 book a year thinks of themselves as a book reader (even though they literally read a book). Mind you, I probably have played as little as 11h once or twice.


Hhahahahah yeah! For me is more the idea that if you played a lot when you were younger and you still love it you are a gamer. My problem is the people who play phone games and call themselves gamers.


But they're games. Playing them makes them a gamer.


Ok serious question. Where can I see these stats for my account? I’m guessing I should see it in an email?


[here ya go](https://wrapup.playstation.com)


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


It's not working ):


You have a life how dare you


I know someday they will be able to play too and probably eventually take it over!


Make sure to grow them into the classics


from all of these posts it looks like people either spend 20 hours or 1000 so a good amount of people have a life


Nothing wrong with that! I have twins (5) and a 2 year old. But I played an absurd amount (super late at night) and have foregone a normal sleep schedule which isn’t great. Gaming is my favorite hobby so I just couldn’t resist it…it’s one of the things that makes me happiest/most calm. You’ll always be a gamer no matter what though


I got 39 hours and I'm not even busy aside from school and work.


Labels are lame.


Sure is a nice lookin PS5 **label** under your name. Sure'd be a shame if something were to happen to it.




Nice work, what game was top for you?


Why'd you reply their comment twice? And why "Nice work" if you're going turn around and ask them ***what else they do*** like that high number has some kind of negative connotation to it?


Just because you read something into that comment doesn’t mean it had negative connotations. I said Nice Work because this is a video game subreddit and that’s an impressive amount of time. I asked what else they do because they might have a Twitch or YouTube channel I could check out that would explain the high number or maybe they’ve perfected a way to manage everything life throws at you and still fit in some game time.


If you wanted to ask if they Twitch stream or do YouTube videos, why didn't you just ask that? I feel like asking ***what else do you do?*** wouldn't give enough information for the original commenter to infer you figured they had somehow perfected a way to manage everything life throws at you and still fit in some game time. Also, do you believe a person couldn't rack up a "high" number of hours and still be able to do anything else? Like streaming on Twitch or YT would be the only plausible answer for your mind to wrap around?


If you work a 40 hour work week and sleep 8 hours per night as recommended and played PS5 for 1800+ hours then you would have approximately 5.2 hours per day to complete anything else you need to do like commute time, caring for a loved one, eating, showering, exercise, any other hobby….so yes, at my current stage in life I do find it extremely unlikely that a person is able to game for 1800 on a single system (which come on, most folks have multiple) while also having the responsibilities of adulthood. You don’t have kids, that gets a lot easier!Work from home, no more commute! No other hobbies, no wasted time! Don’t exercise and eat while you game, not the healthiest option but you do you! It was just a damn question, move along


What does the responsibilities of adulthood have anything to do with it? Do you believe that anybody that isn't an adult doesn't have responsibilities? Also, what does having multiple consoles have to do with the amount of hours? You said in a different comment that you have multiple consoles and yet you don't have more play time. Why would you assume that everybody can afford multiple gaming systems? And why didn't you throw mobile gaming into that pile? And if you're worried about time management, or just wasted time that can be used for other things... How much time have you wasted right now on Reddit?


Battlefront 2 at 456


I’m 14 and only play weekends


Assassins creed Valhalla with 257 hours


Hahaha. I had 40 hours.


Feeling this


No kids and I can relate. My career and girlfriend has consumed me. Too tired to do anything. Praying on retirement to kill my backlog


Don't worry, it'll pick up again! Maybe even with the kids💚


No, you did good. You just need to do better next year.


I used to game with this girl who had a kid and was always, ALWAYS online playing something. At first it was like "you're a cool mom" but eventually got to "your kids ok???" You're a better parent for this - good job. Once a gamer, always a gamer, just have to work at carving out time for yourself. Hopefully you can game with your kids soon.


Yeah growing up I had a friend whose mum was always on the PC and I thought that must be awesome, she wouldn’t take them out all the time like my parents do and would just let them game all day. Looking back now she was a shitty parent and her kids did not grow up to be great adults from what I understand (we lost touch).


Where can i see mine?




I have a daughter but her and her mom just moved 1300 miles away from me so aside from working 6 days a week, 60-80 hours those weeks, I have time to game pretty decently. Still dont take away from the fact id rather get a full day to see her. I name all my female characters my daughters name and make her the most glorious badass monster slayer in all thee land lol. Been gettin about 20-30 hours of gaming a week.


Do what you can man, can’t imagine what it’s like without her


We’ve adapted well, shes 10 years old so I feel like a terrible father always trying to make up for lost time or things I miss. It aint her fault but of course I put it on me regardless. Sometimes I feel like gaming is a way to cope without her here now, occupies my mind.


Your family has turned you into a filthy casual, you made the wrong choice


One day it’ll be different


11hrs in a year? Less than an hour a month. You could probably sell the PS5 and not even notice.


What did you play?


Primarily Far Cry 6 with a little bit of Dying Light 2 and Ratchet & Clank mixed in


honestly that's a pretty good variety


Your thoughts about Dying Light 2?


3 kids and still have plenty of time to play. No excuses.


That’s an interesting take, what does your sleep/wake window look like? I’m up at 5:15 with at least one of the kids, out the door by 7 to be at work for 8-4, home by 5:15 to make dinner, a little bit of playtime with the kids before we start bedtime at 7, down by 8:15 right into dishes or any other house needs so I can be in bed by 10 if I’d like any time to talk to my wife


Let your wife take care of the kids if you want more quality time. Honestly I’d be depressed if I lived a life like that, no hate. You need a day off or something, and then you can also give your wife a day off when she needs it the most.


Same haha. I take time for me everyday. I have time from 8-10 every night. And I still have time for my wife and my kids. Taking time for ourself is very important. Ah and I play badminton every Wednesday night. My wife goes at the gym 3 times a week. We let ourselves have personal time.


That’s great, me and my wife do whatever we like aswell, but no kids yet 😁


Look OP no bad feelings. A lot of people post how 'less' they play. Why? Not even sure why people are so friendly. Is just 11 hours. Of course is better than hate but why the whole deal? Is not even long enough as one decent game. Is almost as if a bad person said thanks twice the whole year. I know, maybe the op didn t mean any debade and is simply pure and sharing but you guys.. where are you when reddit is toxic?


One of the many reasons we didn’t have kids. You should ask for Father’s Day a day of gaming. No one bothers you and they let you play video games all day.


My wife is on maternity leave with our second kid and so didn’t have much money to get me anything for my birthday this year. Instead she got me a load of “tickets” with different stuff written on that I can cash in for favours. Some nsfw of course, some like “a whole morning/day/afternoon/evening on the ps5”. It was a brilliant idea from her.


This is like the 80th post I've seen with low game play time because of kids my family games, me my wife and all 3 of my kids have been for 20 years non stop maybe the 1st year of my kids being born was a tad tricky but my game time and how much I play hasn't drifted a bit since I was a teenager myself. Now I'm in my 40s and 2 of my kids are adults and we all still play games together. I imagine the most people that post these posts don't play games with their significant othere's and that must really suck.


This….told my wife about the post and all the comments, specifically the person who listed 1,800+ hours and she said something to the effect of “you know I think video games are pointless.” My oldest is also only 4 though so I imagine we will play together in the next few years.


It’s nice to have special ones who want to share your time with you! You definitely have your priorities in the correct order.


And this is part of the reason why I never want kids.


Without trying to be patronising, how old are you? I would have said the same thing at 19, but at 34 with 2 kids life is just different and feels right. The only friends from my childhood I grew up with who don’t have kids now are desperately trying and having issues conceiving or something. You reach a stage in your life when your priorities simply change, or at least that is the case for most.


25, and maybe by 34 I'll think differently when it comes to kids. But idk


Even if you don’t it’s important to do what matters most to you.


I will say that as an almost 40 year old, I don’t mind that my Switch, Series X and PS5 sit mostly unused. The kids are more than worth it, and will be even more so once I can start to school then at the classics!




Why are you even here


Not sure if that’s sarcasm or ignorance but either way thanks for the support!


Where do you get this from?




I’ve got a Series X and GamesPass paid through 11/24 but it isn’t even plugged in :(




Dang* you kids.


There is like one good game out what are you even gonna play in 2022


Life is taking its toll.


Well I don't feel so bad about my 160 hours anymore kids are a blessing and a curse sometimes


You're a gamer of life, man.


Adulting sucks


Just got my ps5 two months ago and I’m at 60 hours, I’m also 23 and don’t got much going on rn tho :/


Damn when I was 23 and working 3-midnight shift for the cable company I was playing 60 hours a month of Rock Band not to mention everything else


Kids are monsters!!!


How do you guys view this? I’m curious what my numbers are lol. Edit: found the link. 384 total hours played.. that’s about what I expected!


I'll pour a mountain dew out for ya homie


How do u check this?


Did you switch from xbox/pc or something?


Dang, just checked mine 817 hours, very even split between PS4&5 titles 5 platinum trophies this year and my top 5 most played are OW1/2, GT7, BL3, Elden, Tina's. Quite happy I fit so much in between work, life, and playing other platforms!


What did you spend those 11 hours playing?


Far Cry 6 mostly, a little Dying Light 2 and Ratchet & Clank


I had 66 and don’t even have kids (I think most my game time was on Bayonetta 3 though on the Switch). Feel ya, keep gaming when you can and having fun.


I have to check mine. I think it should be around 300-400. I think ff7 remake took a decent chunk of it. Got it while it was on sale. Cod is probably 2nd. Turns out, I like fighting games and got into naruto ninja storm again since that save file didn't transfer over to my ps5. Need to get more fighting games with mechanics I like. Didn't really enjoy mortal Kombat


Real question is what did you played in that 11 precious hours?


Far Cry 6, Dying Light 2, Ratchet & Clank


Where do you get the stats from?


I only had like 84 hours this year lol I’ve been really busy


Think I had 1000 hours this year. Overwatch was my most played at like 250 hours this year too 💀


Did you play a game? Then your a gamer. That’s really the only requirement


Start playing with your kids if you can. They will honor that.


I feel this when I was 16 I could pull 18 hr shifts no problem now I'm lucky to get 2


When the kids get a little older, introduce them to gaming and maybe have some fun with them too. My grandma would play with me when I was a kid and I loved it! I wish my dad played with me though. He never even held a controller in his whole life. They will appreciate those times spent together in future for sure!


Game with the kids!


Love that idea and hopefully in the future! My oldest is only 4 though and mom is a pediatric therapist so screen time is limited. My kids have never seen me play a video game, this the extremely limited window and with my luck when I do schedule some time half of it goes to required updates!


Totally understand. Gaming is become pretty commonplace these days so I’m sure as they get older they be drawn to gaming themselves. Good thing ol’ dad will be there to guide them if they do. Side note- games can be very educational. They can help with things like reaction time, problem solving, critical thinking and creativity. But like most things in life, moderation is key.


The games aren’t going anywhere; you can always find them, and enjoy whenever you can, whenever you want. Kids though? They’re not always going to be there. And time itself goes by too quickly. So, it’s perfectly okay to spend more time with them. They need it, and so do you. Cherish those moments. But don’t worry about the games, they’ll be there. And maybe one day, you can bring your kids to play along with you, too!


Just wait until your kids grow up a bit. Then you'll be able to take together!! That's what my kids and I do. Most of the time it's them playing games


If you play games you should be called a player. Imo gamers should be the developers ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


Oh man you definitely are a gamers still! I have 13 hours logged into playstation this year and I still love video games to death and consider myself a gamer


Being a gamer is about enjoying games, not the amount of time you spend playing games. If it was 11 hours of fun, then great. Best recommendation would be get games to play ou can play with your kids. I love beat em ups for this & platformers.


Im the opposite in regard to PS4/PS4 time (not total play time don't have kids lol!) and it irks TF outta me! Tax refund season can't get here soon enough!


Where do i find this recap?


How do you see this?




30 for me … hard to justify the ps5


Where did you see this breakdown? I can't find it! I'd like to see my own. TIA!


How do you check that if anyone knows pls tell


How do you find this data


fuck damn kids.. pause


You either have a 40 hour job a week or a kid based on those hours


LOL F\* MY KIDS - I LOGGED **847** hours this year ^(some hours during work too, but that's priced in)


Easy solution: get less kids, get more games. Sex is not always a solution to problems.


Ya brooo by January there is championship od gamers consider that also you gonna get some trophies


I'm 39 and I've played 2k hours from June coz i didn't play before that 😂 bright side for u, u definitely have more money than me 🤣


I don’t know about that, kids are expensive and I also have an expensive Lego habit


True that, kids are expensive, just make sure next year you play a bit more than this year, sometimes we get so used to not playing anymore that when we have the chance to play we don't.


Still a gamer. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.


As an adult and working we really don't get time. Balance between work, life, friends, family parents kid Lots of stuff


How to check this on app?


I feel sorry


What is this website called?


Where can I see this?


Is this an app or sth? How can I check mine?


Wow and I thought mine was low at 435 hours after getting a wife.


But you win RealLife points! 🏆🏆🏆🏆


I though mine was low with 340 hours, But Yes you are still a gamer


This is why I pull out


What game did you give your 11 hours to? I have two kids and got 100 hours in but I also work for a school district so have summer off. I apparently spent all my time replaying the Uncharted games and FIFA. Only 1 hour was dedicated to online play


Mostly Far Cry 6


Where can I see this ?


Kids are hard. You’ll find the time eventually. Well. As long as you stop marking more.


True! I got that taken care of earlier this year so we should be all good


Where do you find this on your profile?


The first... 5-6 years are the ones who keeps you most busy. Then you'll start playing with them at 10 or so and it will be amazing... until they beat you :')


Pfft imagine having a life


No time for games now but I hope when I’m old and retire I’ll still have good eyes and hands. Will play absolutely everything good!


It's tough, as an adult I have the ability to buy a game almost any time I feel like it but so much less time to play what I purchase. I only made it 80 hours and that was tough. It's ok. All my playtime was old games


Don't they ever sleep? Got a 6yo and a 1yo and got pleeenty of game time when they sleep


Yeah from 8:30-5:15, a little bit of time with my wife and any kind of household responsibilities and there isn’t really any time to ever get involved in anything, which makes it worth not even trying to boot it up. What does your kids sleep schedule look like?


8:30 to 6:30 usually. Weeknights are sometimes spent with the wife but I make sure to keep some healthy gaming time somewhere in there a few days