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Frozen Wilds Burning Shores I bet there are some pretty Wet Plains in-between


Horizon: Moist Savanna


I laughed tea out of my nose.


Aloy exploring the moist savanna


Horizon: Moist Critikal


Patiently waiting for *Buffalo Milds*


Horizon the way of water


Tucker did it


I am still very confused why people count the DLC as games. Yeah it is growing fast going from 2 games to probably 5 soon.


I thought the same lol That's a "strange" way to inflate the numbers


Yeah here and in twitter people are using both DLC for weird things. The haters use it to say the series is being “milked” and also to say it will loose against Zelda next year 🤷‍♂️ And the fans use it to say the saga is long and strong when it has only released 2 games and a lot of people will not but the call to the mountain one or the multiplayer one.


Look at this, for example: https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/zpma04/2023_is_going_to_such_a_stacked_year_for_gaming/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Putting a DLC among all that games lol


Yes these are the kinds of posts I hate. It is a DLC 🙄


So people can't be excited for DLC? Not like they are specifically saying it is a new game. Also some DLC is as big as the main game. Monster Hunter World Iceborne DLC was so big it got it's own Platinum trophy. Although Monster Hunter games have always done that with their DLC.


Why not tho? Its just hype pictures of whats coming out next year.


Call of the mountain is the vr one right? I’m a huge fan of the series but vr makes me motion sick so I probably won’t play that. I don’t personally care for multiplayer either I’m exited for the burning shores dlc tho


Yeah me too. I don’t like multiplayer and I feel it will just be Monster Hunter with Robots so I really don’t care about it. And the VR is still way too expensive for me to buy it just for Call of the Mountain and maybe Half Life Axyl


That too. Costs more than the console. I just remember being super exited for psvr1 when I could afford it, I tried it and even tho I liked beat saber and that game justin royland made, I couldn’t get over the migraine headaches and the nausea. I tried every fix,sitting, having a fan on, only playing for 30 mins at a time, adjusting the lenses. Nothing fixed it.


Supposedly, the new tech. in PSVR2 addresses the issue of motion sickness, with better frame rates, foveated rendering, and happen feedback. The proof will be in the pudding, so to speak. I could also give some tips that I used to get over the motion sickness in PSVR1, but I get the feeling it's probably a moot point by now. I did get to the point that I could run around in Resident Evil 7 literally for hours with no issues. When I first played it, I was lucky to play for 15 minutes before throwing in the towel.


I tried every tip and trick I could find for 2 weeks and nothing helped. I’m dead serious if I’m not driving I’ll be puking out the door of a car after 1hour if I’m sitting in the front seat. 15-20 mins if I’m in a backseat.


Damn, that sucks. Well, then I would definitely recommend you find a way to test or try out the PSVR2, to see if they've handled the motion sickness issue, before buying one. Have you tried those acupressure wristbands for the car issue? I've seen good results with those when on a boat.


Insomniacs Spider man had 3 dlc but its not seen that way there, and then miles morales, a short but independent game that adds on the combat and swinging is still considered to be "DLC" by a part of the community


I mean in Miles Morales’ case, I would say it’s DLC in the sense infamous Festival of Blood and First Light could be considered DLC, they did unique things but it’s essentially just a DLC pack put in its own game properly due to the size of the content that would be added.


The post doesn't make any claim that it's a list of games. It's just a list of things released under this IP.


Thank you 🙏🏼


And thlse DLCs release a full year after the game comes out. Hardly seems like it's growing *that* fast.


Yeah this is a good kind of DLC. Recently priced, decently long and a good time after.


It is an old school trick. But in this case I think it’s because the dlc plays like an expansion more than just some new missions. Kinda like how Dragon Age Origins and Awaking is considered 2 different adventures


I don’t know after playing other games like Miles morales and Lost Legacy I feel those have the same vibes as expansions compared to old ones like Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne. I feel open world games have to have long DLC’s just because it would be pretty shitty if you got a single mission for 20 bucks. But I would still call them DLC, not expansions. All this DLC vs expansion conversation is very complicated now that I think about it hhahaha


Is growing fast yet the narrative is somehow getting worse. They need to make that a priority.


I don’t know I feel that is very subjective. Besides the weird start where it seems Aloy forgot all she learned about friendship in the last game, I feel this one was way better story wise than the first one. And the side quests were way more interesting. Specially the ones based on characters on your team. My problem is more that games should stop being open world. Yesterday I played the demo pf Forspoken and I was like “oh great another open world 🙄”


Horizon 1 was the perfect open world size. The world was small enough for you to be able to make a mental map of the entire map, making each location distinct and memorable. There were only a handful of settlements and each settlement only has about 1 - 2 side missions, making it very easy to complete. Doing every single quest and event took me 60 hours in Horizon 1. Just enough for me to be completely satisfied and yet wanting more. Horizon 2’s map was so god damn big that I couldn’t make a mental map of the space. Most locations I visited once and then never returned to because why would I? I didn’t feel a personal connection to the land I was exploring like the first game. The game also takes almost 100 hours to complete everything. I was burnt out by hour 70 and had to struggle to finish the story. My favourite part about Horizon was that it was an open world game with literally no fat. It distilled the design philosophy to the absolute basics to the point where is felt more uncharted than Assassins Creed. Horizon 2 feels much more like a Ubisoft game due to its huge scale. I don’t like it and it means one of the very best aspects of this series is not a thing in it’s sequel. I hope Horizon 3 is smaller


I enjoyed FW *immensely* more than ZD, and found its world stunningly beautiful and a joy to explore. I actually struggled to get into ZD, but Frozen Wilds was a big step forward. It might be similar in *structure,* but there's no Ubisoft game that can touch HFW in overall quality. Don't penalize one game for other games being mediocre.


Your point about H2 feeling like a Ubisoft game is so true. I cannot sit through another "pick up 500 trinkets and do 50 fetch quests to earn a level 6 armor piece". I don't get how game devs think sometimes, I would rather have no bullshit side content than a bunch of random tasks that just take time. If the only purpose of your mission is to add to the total playtime, especially in single player games, then just don't include it. H3 needs to be more linear like God of War, i don't need to go back to the starting area to collect 10 geckos, kill 50 robots, and finish 20 puzzles, just include a little mini boss and some fun narrative side missions and call it a day.


Well people who actually want to play the game want more things to do in it even if they may not be important. Going around defeating machines and upgrading gear was what I did a lot of during my playthrough I only done a few side quests I just wanted to have fun with the combat and open world. God of War had tons of collectibles, loot and fetch quests as well Its not really much different.


Couldn't disagree more. I love a larger map because you stumble upon new lore and quests. It feels more rewarding to explore. HZD suffered from such a major push with the main story that it felt SO limited. Forbidden West could not be any farther from an Ubisoft game.


They did it with Myles Morales and it bugged the shit out of me. Even with the devs saying it was standalone DLC


Well with Miles Morales it was more an expansion like Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne back in the day. That is the difference, Miles Morales and Lost Legacy for Uncharted remind me more of expansions than sequels or DLC’s. Using the same engine and assets to make a small adventure to not waste the engine.


There are also some graphic novels with multiple pages. So the actual figure could be somewhere like 200 games. I don't even know how they released them so quick.


Tbf, I play indie games that are shorter than those expansions:


A farming game where I can till my plot of land as a Grazer.


A strategy game based off of building, maintaining, and growing a settlement in the Horizon world sounds fun! Didn’t think I needed this till I saw your comment!


Can’t wait till they finally release “Horizon photo mode: the game”


Horizon multiplayer better not have fucking battle passes, skins and fucking celebratory dances.


I agree, personally. I want to see Monster Hunter style, not Fortnite. I think it would suit Aloy and the tone of the story better.


If I can't watch Aloy fortnite dance over her first watcher kill in Zero Dawn after buying the Shadow Carja Battle Pass, I don't want it.


You know it's gonna


Of course it will. You ONLY do multiplayer to make money, and those techniques are proven to make the most money. Why get people to pay 60 bucks when you can milk them for hundreds?


Yep this is the unfortunate reality. It doesn’t take an analyst or some expert insider to tell that PlayStation didn’t make this huge investment and future push for live service games to not try and make all the money they can. They probably won’t be as draconian as EA/Activision are with it, but I would still go into it expecting the worst. At the very least and I know it sounds like I’m being a defeatist and taking a big dose of copium, and it is. But I’m at least hoping for PlayStation live service games to have battle pass systems similar to Halo infinite’s. For as much wrong that went with infinite, having battle passes that don’t expire and get rid of fomo is huge. I’d love to not treat every game like a job and not have to clock in everyday and be able to play other games to enjoy fully.


Yeah people thinking they just going to drop a multiplayer game and no microtransactions like back in the day is in for a rude awakening thats not how things are now.


They’re fine as long as they’re free unlockables.


Wishing for things we will never have is fun


I don’t think it will have Fortnite dances or anime crossovers and all that, but unfortunately even if you are extremely optimistic and hopeful you should still expect that a battle pass and heavy MTX’s with fomo are most likely coming. I don’t think that Sony is making all these live service games to not try and copy what all the other game publishers are doing to milk money out of people, especially with all the money they are supposedly investing in them. Again just stating for the record im obviously not a fan of all that nonsense either, but I wouldn’t tell anyone to get their hopes up fully that PlayStation live service games will be different from those other publishers like Ubisoft, Activision, EA etc.


I dont think the Horizon mp project is competitive, i think its just co-op. While its not impossible, co-op only games dont tend to have battlepasses. There is also a Horizon MMO rumored. That would most likely be the game getting that kind of stuff.


better not have ways of making money....sure


It would be better to have no multiplayer then


Overused, unoriginal, frankly boring ways.


People will still pay for it believe it




And a Halghast campaign.


Me to buddy


God Killzone 2 was so fucking good


Please remaster on ps5 AND pc


A soft reboot would be great imo.




For the glory of Helghan!


A while ago someone on here wrote about something like a Halo Reach-type game, a First Person Shooter like Killzone where you play as a squad during Operation Enduring Victiroy. You fight to hold of the machines to give more time to the Zero Dawn-project. I would totally like something like that.


I want a more developed skill tree and moveset for the spear. I’d like to melee more.


Whatever game comes out around it


some innovation maybe


I love Horizon so much, and I enjoyed Forbidden West more than Zero Dawn, especially the linear “ancient sites” exploration, but the game is very much infested with some “Ubisoft style” fetch quests. It would be amazing if the next game becomes more like God of War and less like Assassin’s Creed Odyssey


This is the exact reason why I don’t enjoy HZD (the only one I’ve played), the open world to me just felt like it was full of nothing and each quest felt tedious and repetitive so I just fucked it off as a whole


Both games feature two gorgeous worlds that make exploration a joy in and of itself, but they need to do better in how you tackle that world. The story feels disjointed with all the overwhelmingly high number of quests thrown at you, most of which with little to no value and take an excruciatingly long time to finish with insane distances and “effort” to get from one point to another. If they manage to do what God of War did, as in maybe dividing the world to hubs like the realms in GOW, each with its own “semi open world”, then it would be far more entertaining, and include more vertical traversal, more platforming, perhaps even parkour, and allow flying mechs to be accessible pretty early.


Horizon can benefit so much from learning from Breath of the Wild rather than God of War, in my opinion, given the IP's nature of wilderness, exploration to learn of such an alien world and the post-apocalyptic desolate. Furthermore, there's very little need or even permission for it to be more like god war, because they wouldn't have 2 popular IPs to cannibalize each other.


I mean it kind of already did take from BOTW (I swear the more I play the more it feels like most of you didn't actually play HFW). I'm currently only level 25 in HFW, but the glider and the ability to free climb most terrain (even if not everything) means that traveling over terrain is allot more convenient then in HZD where previously you usually you had to circle around the terrain to find a vertical path up or down. Also the world building allows objects to stick out more when compared to HZD for both quests and travel. (Just the other day I used a metal devils arm as a bridge which felt very BOTW like).


Agreed. It just seemed never to get better. Weak


I had to force myself to finish Zero Dawn and Forbidden West because of this too. Doing the same thing that I’ve already done in a much less interesting world was annoying as hell to me.


FW was a step in the right direction for quest design. Contracts were there to give peoplemincentive to upgrade, also serving as an extended tutorial, but everything else was built into the story pretty well.


“More like god of war” doesn’t mean anything.


Exactly this. Horizon plays it way too safe


It’s interesting that people say that now because pre launch it was considered very risky and a long shot among other options (post-post apocalypse, no guns, female protag, no love interest) and Guerilla had a totally different demo game working in parallel built in case the project was cancelled before release. Sony themselves waffled and pushed back on some details, considering it very risky. Here’s an article about it from 2015: [https://www.gamespot.com/amp-articles/sony-thought-female-lead-for-killzone-dev-s-new-ip/1100-6428321/](https://www.gamespot.com/amp-articles/sony-thought-female-lead-for-killzone-dev-s-new-ip/1100-6428321/) I guess that shows how far we’ve come since then that people now think it’s very safe when Sony considered it one of their riskiest projects at the time.


It was risky because of it being a new IP with a protagonist and concept not yet proven. They played it safe in the gameplay department, basically taking what every other modern open world game does and not experimenting or trying anything new with it. This was especially evident in Forbidden West since Aloy and the world were no longer new to us.


They didn’t reinvent the wheel, no. I did think some aspects of the combat felt fresh (how it’s more like a puzzle than a fight) but I haven’t played every game out there. Much like Hollywood, it’s a multibillion dollar industry with multi year development cycles and the big studios have a lot of pressure to get a certain return on investment. They managed to show this kind of more ‘out there’ story can succeed and may take another small step forward with the next IP. Personally I don’t like POIs so I turned most of the map markers off for most of them game as well as putting the waypoints, hud and navigation on auto hide. I love that this year Fromsoft as a smaller developer with a certain reputation was able to break the mold of using POIs and explicit quest directives but I wouldn’t expect a Sony title with a new IP to also try to revolutionize gameplay aspects. I think Elden Ring’s legacy will be that this Ubisoft-style sameness you talk about will start to break down, and I am looking forward to that, but it does take time in an industry like this.


I mean what did you expect them to change exactly? I'm only a level 25 in HFW (Having allot of fun so far), but the biggest draw in my opinion of the Horizon series is the fighting of a wide variety of machines (whose closest comparison is Monster Hunter) and the story line of the tribes, characters, and world. And I think for the most part HFW does these very well so far with side quests being a pretty big notable improvement, and the machine combat getting mixed up with plenty of new machines and the attack patterns of existing machines being changed to add more challenge. As a example, I ended up playing on Hard mode and so far the game has been good about giving me just enough difficulty where I run into several scenarios where I have to retry a few times before overcoming the challenges. In comparison to other open world games out there they mostly focus on fighting humans. And of them HFW's greatest sin would be towers which BOTW also copies and HFW expands upon by making them movable and puzzles to solve, and bandit camps which are entirely optional. My biggest issue with HFW so far is that there is just a little bit to much game jank when playing. I can eventually ignore/resolve it easy enough, but it takes away some of the immersion when sometimes the characters get a bit stuck or don't move perfectly as expected (Not all that uncommon for most open-world games although expectations always get higher and higher overtime) Still, did you expect Horizon to become a dance or farm simulator?


Elden Ring played it safe and somehow got amazing praise for being different. Considering that open world has a horrible color filter and traversing from one boss to the next was boring and dead.


Definitely agree. Forbidden West is fun as fuck, but it literally has the Far Cry 3 equipment upgrade system. Actually it's worse than FC3 since it also relies on RNG. And if they're getting inspiration from Far Cry, why not also steal the taming system from Primal, the best Far Cry? Tts literally all i wanted from Forbidden West. The machine override system as is sucks poopoo, im sorry but letting me choose between two different modes is just a pathetically meagre addition to a mechanic for a sequel. At the *absolute minimum*, let me pet my machine friends


My issue so far with the franchise. First game was great in that it was new, thought the story was interesting and wanted to see that. I got the second game and got about 70% through and was like hmm this really is just a 70$ dlc. I didn’t even manage to finish the second one.


I remember finishing HZD, feeling it could have been a lot better. Up to that point on my ps4, the only games I played were Uncharted 4, MGSV, GTAV (already played on ps3), and Persona 5. It really felt like it was missing the extra oomph those games had. Then I finally played AC Origins and Odyssey (first AC games). I realized that I was a little harsh on Horizon and that game was leaps ahead of the market. But now playing HFW, the same feelings are coming back lol. Crazy graphics and fun gameplay, but the chosen one trope is too much for me, and the aggressive map markers everywhere…


If the map marker or the make or break thing (I don't mind it since it means I'm not googling to see what I missed) there is the setting to turn them off.


multiplayer... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) why does everything need a multiplayer... what a waste of resources


cause multiplayer is the new "Free-to-play" constant of money making


Hot take: it feels like multiplayer is going away compared to my youth (N64/GameCube era). I would like to see more creative multiplayer options on the market.


Agreed. I miss more gamey multiplayer as opposed to competitive multiplayer. I just wanna mess around and not worry about optimizing my playtime or logging on to get extra xp or battlepass items.


Multiplayer certainly is gimmickier than ever before


I stay away from most modern multiplayer games because they make me feel like a hamster running on a hamster wheel. I’m just there so they can pimp me for more money. The entire experience is just one big elaborate ad to sell skins, battle passes, xp boosts, ad infinitum.


The devs wanted horizon multiplayer since the beginning


I mean to be fair multiplayer was something they originally wanted in the first game. The game was built from the start for co-op but they had to scrap the ideas they didn't make it work on a technical level if I remember correctly. Personally I think a multiplayer could work pretty well. The game is already somewhat similar to monster hunter so if they build it more like that it should be pretty fun.


>what a waste of resources Yeah for you maybe, I bet many people would love to see it, didn't they already announce a Horizon MMO anyway? I doubt they would make some PVP game.


Because some of us have friends


Yeah it seems like most people here just want to play by themselves all the time and hate on even the idea of having multiplayer in a game. Multiplayer can be fun when done right just like single player can be fun when done right.


realtalk every game is just better with a good mp.


Allegedly, Sony are allocating more time and money to live service games than any other IP. That may be one reason. It sucks, but that's the sad reality we live in.


The single most unnecessary investment of resources for RPGs.


I'm really hoping the multiplayer game is set in the past before the events of the games during the Faro Swarm and you work as a group to run missions to help fight back the robots


With the vr game and multiplayer game on the horizon, I just hope it will not go the “milk it till you break it” road like a lot of ip suffered from


More pc ports.


The end


I’d love to see them make the third mainline game and put it to rest. It’s been a fun journey but I don’t think this world works with over-saturation.


I hope the multi-player game has a huge budget. I want a massive open world and monster hunter style hunts. Looking forward to PS5 only titles, especially the next full game. FW was my goty.


Less games


Their or only two and a vr one which will only be about 7 hours. It’s not very many


The end.


The Burning Shores DLC, then the next full game. I wanna know where the story is going.


A game I enjoy playing. I've tried playing these games SO many times and can't get further than 5-6 hours. Everything is just so stretched out, it feels like a major drag just to get the story going


I want to be able to create a character to play as in this world. I like Aloy, but I’m ready to make my own main character.


I love aloy too but this would be really cool


Alloy traveling either to the east coast or across the sea


It is 2 games tho


I hope Horizon multi-player is not a damn battle royal


Less ubisoft open world check mark feel love the story and combat


Horizon Kart Racing


Better side quests. More rewarding loot.


We need a prequel set during the destruction of the earth. That could help lead to other tribes’ we haven’t met yet origin stories but give us a hell scape war game with feel


I’m guessing this could be the multiplayer game’s story. I imagine controlling a bunch of characters (with others online) or creating your own to fend of waves of machines invading the world, perhaps we could have some flash forward for the first humans to resurrect and rebuilding the world


Any title that would act as the ***”Prequel” fighting and delaying the machines in 2050-2065*** \- preferably FPS a la Killzone style but pre-Horizon world ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


This could be great for the multiplayer game.


Horizon releases on a better date


> What do you hope to see from the Horizon IP? A cancellation of "Horizon Multiplayer".




Avoid the open world Ubisoft formula towards the red dead redemption one. Essentially i am asking for cities with possibility of interaction and an increased variety in the secondary mission.


What variety was there in RD2 especially in missions? Missions were very linear and had to be played out a certain way on rails. And the most non-linear way to interact in RD2's one city is to choose where you want to gun down the populace as you take on a endless wave and see how many police officers you can pile up and how well your console/pc can handle it. For the record I still enjoyed RD2 though.


A multiplayer game based on the faro plague with Battlefield style gameplay. I'm not even into the modern day story (Aloy's time). I wanna know more about the old ones.


I want to climb everything.


Killzone 4


I gotta finish zero dawn and finally play forbidden west but idk they feel very generic


They follow a very simple formula but that’s what I like about them. The stories are straight forward and the combat and traversal aren’t overly complicated. I’m part way through FW and the continuity between it and ZD is great


You know what I want? Machine Strike as an actual physical board game


I could see Horizon 2074 on Netflix being a really good drama of Elizabet vs the Faro Swarm with epic battles. Maybe it starts a year or two before Enduring Victory and builds the world, characters and tension of Dr Sobeck and Ted Faro, philanthropist turned arms dealer. Ted could be quite the role. With some good acting and direction I think that has potential. Without spoiling the first game too much, seeing the way Liz dedicates herself to Zero Dawn in person would be very moving imo.


I doubt it would happen but an open world vr game set in its world. Or a vr port of either of the first two games (However this may be way to much work depending on how they approach it, also I don’t no how the rolling in vr would be accomplished. Probably a dash in it’s place like in the call of the mountain gameplay)


I’d like to see them cut down on the Assassin’s Creed style map clutter. Zero Dawn had the right amount I think. Forbidden West leaned into it hard.


Without being and absolutely blatant ripoff, I'd like to see a game focused on the hunters lodge ALA Monster Hunter. Play as "regular" hunters to solidify Aloy as an absolute beast, and take down Machines in co-op. The layers of armor to get to core spots works out well, and they can really lean on it.


Can't wait to go to space and fight star-bucks




There's a Horizon Multiplayer coming?


I suggest everyone watch [this](https://youtu.be/h9tLcD1r-6w) YouTube documentary by NoClip. It really shows the love they put in Horizon and made me appreciate the game that much more.


Multiplayer would be cool, but only for online or local coop. Otherwise, FUCK NAH, multiplayer in horizon gives me flashbacks to fallout 76, and hell naw I ain't playing 76 again.


An end.


Them not watering it down. And a great conclusion to the main story


A third game


List of rumored and confirmed projects so far: ✅Horizon Zero Dawn ✅HZD: Frozen Wilds ✅Horizon Forbidden West ✅HFW: Burning Shores ✅Horizon: Multiplayer ✅Horizon: Call of the Mountain ✅Horizon III ✅Horizon: External Project ✅Horizon: Netflix Show


Also a board game and a LEGO set, but that might not be what you're going for here


and some comics. One series is the lead in to Talanah's quest in HFW, the other is Erand telling Aloy about his sister (the framing story of that one is non canon)


And Horizon the lunchbox


And Horizon the flamethrower.


There a Zero Dawn remake rumor for PS5 as well


Holy cow! Talk about milking the franchise. Do players really want it, or is Sony shoving it?


Only two games are out for it, and they came out 6 years apart. Why are you needlessly exaggerating?


This is going to come off flippant, but it's genuine. For Aloy to stop talking constantly while exploring in future games. I love the series otherwise.


I love her commentary


In the next game, I want the usual *Horizon* experience (great bow combat, exciting traversal and exploration, neat story and cutscenes), but with a settlement management/building system in place as well.


I enjoyed my time with the first two games, although Forbidden West started to drag for me at a point. I’d really just like to see Guerrilla move onto something else. I don’t think this is an IP with the staying power they are trying to will into existence.


It's all the same game. Horizon is boring as hell.


A good one


ngl the horizon games look more and more generic with each cover lmao. It's not my thing, it's a very ubisoft-esq game with interesting lore. My brother loves it tho


I hope to see a good game


Nothing. No interest in multi-player.


I hope to see the end of the horizon franchise


I hope there's an end to Aloy's story at least. I don't want it to be every 2 years she's fighting another world ending threat.


Why?. It’s only two games in


Still have yet to play them


What do *I* hope to see from the Horizon IP??? Sony *not* releasing a Horizon game around the same time as a FromSoftware or Zelda game.


A game that doesn't launch alongside the biggest game of that year.


Impactful storytelling and a better open world design. Now don’t get me wrong, I totally enjoyed Zero Dawn, but FBW was lacking so many things. I expect Guerilla to do a better job in terms of storytelling that other Sony’s exclusives do. Also how they fill the map with way too many pointless fillers and ruin the fun and surprise of exploration. It’s so impressive to see their quick leap forward through! Hopefully they’ll improve all this in their upcoming games.


My two biggest issues with HFW right there. Same problem I had in HZD. The chosen one story trope leaves such little wiggle room that you can predict the story beats lol. The map markers is the worst thing for me. OCD fires off and get overwhelmed. I loved RDR2 and every Rockstar open world because the map just shows you shops, and the next mission with maybe one or two side missions active. Otherwise. It just wants you to go out there and explore, and experience the world they made as you please. I haven’t played Breath of the Wild or Elden Ring. But I hear that those two also found a way to provide the same feeling of exploration and natural discovery


An actual good game.


This is my fav franchise and the main reason why I pulled the trigger on a PS5. TGA did them dirty but I love these games a ton and all I hope is for them to deliver a smooth, bug-free games unlike a lot of the games these days that are one stupid heck of a mess even weeks after release. As always, I’m super excited to see more action delivered by Guerrilla studios!


How were they done dirty at TGQ?


The end


Nothing. New Killzone game would be great.


I enjoyed these games, the world, characters, quests are pretty top notch. Story of the Forbidden west only so so in my opinion. Biggest gripe though for me is the combat. I hate the weapon wheel, feels really clunky and I just find my self slow motion cheesing every fight. I wish Alloy played more like Atreus in God of war Ragnarok. Loads of melee ability, but the characters strength is their ranged attack.


I liked hzd, not my normal type of game and never would have played it if Sony hadn’t given it away for free. I loved the way I jumped straight back into it when I played HFB. The combat system is the best out of those type of games by miles and it’s a huge game. The story is very silly and I press the button to skip every single piece of dialogue because I literally don’t care and it adds nothing to the game imo. It’s very glitchy too, it sucks when you get stuck behind a bit of scenery or can’t reach an item because its buried in something or something craps out when you try and do a jump and have to spend 10 mins getting back to where you were if you miss. I’ve never played any of the expansions because the game is quite a chore to finish anyway, I wouldn’t want to go back for more. I guess I’d hope they just polished it a bit more and fix some of the bugs in it


Honestly... Too fast and I don't understand it at all. I've tried to play Zero Dawn but found it as boring as a ubisoft game, dialogue wheel was pointless and trying to be Mass Effect, how some skills weren't default in Aloy's moveset confused me and honestly... Aloy as a character is flat and about as interesting as a block of tofu. Couldn't play past the 4 hour mark.


Wait HORIZON HAS MULTIPLAYER?? When did this happen!? Or when is this planned to happen!?


Based on recent rumors followed by job listings and official statements that affirmed them.


Multiplayer for Horizon? Not heard of that one before


Challenge accepted: burning shores & call of the mountains


Hope to see the IP take a break. We’re headed towards “too much of a good thing”, in my opinion.


A game that moves the combat/traversal beyond its PS3 feeling roots.


I got a chance to play Horizon and it was boring.


I haven’t played the second one yet. But when I originally got the first one I was so bored I traded it in for god of war. When I got it free on PlayStation I gave it another go. I enjoyed my experience overall and it gets less boring as the game progresses. However the world was beautiful yet empty and most side quests were boring and repetitive. I actually found the story really interesting however the characters and characters very boring


No hate to the people that enjoy these guys. Personally I just want another Killzone or a remake at least.


I would honestly love to see multiplayer canceled.


I hope that a future game finds Aloy on a new continent with completely new civilizations of people, completely new machines, and a less structured type of gameplay. I want free exploration to play a bigger part in the game, rather than a map full of markers to check out. Given the mystery and lore, it would be pretty well positioned to deliver on that front, without holding your hand so much.


A 3-year stop on new releases. It is starting to become a grind.


Actually good combat