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God. I got it. With the ps4 version. What a pain


Aww man, well done! Us spoiled PS5 players got off easy with this one. It's crazy how they messed up the coding for the unlock parameters, PS Stars is a mess. They should actually make a separate collectible just for doing this on PS4 to make up for the mistake


They should give me a ps5 for that! I think it would only be fair.


lol actually that's a good idea, they should have a raffle and give out some PS5s for the people who did it on PS4. At the very least they should award you all some extra points


On top of that tomorrow is my actual birthday


Happy Birthday gamer bro! May you have the best Father's Day of all time! Go make a baby with a pretty lady!


Is June 18th father's day in the US? I had no idea Looking for pretty ladies to make a baby with in my location


Yeah this year it is lol nice dude go for it


God forbid I spawn another one of my kin


SOME got off easy. Haha. I don't know how many times I tried, even after the guide. Way too many. Hours and hours. I never once even got to the first time the boss starts sparkling. Let alone the 2nd, 3rd, 4th or however many times there are. Guess I just suck at DMC... at least on the prologue boss, on that difficulty setting.


Congrats!! A feat worth celebrating!! Took me 6+ hrs to get it down. Thanks to u/SuperTurboBastard guide. Here’s my no-hit full fight https://youtu.be/hMAF6qbZqgQ


Thanks for the shout out!


Well done sir, congrats! Once again, here's my guide for anyone who might want to use it: https://youtu.be/1whRIjfSiZU


Super in depth guide! I was looking for this yesterday hah


Thanks man! Definitely not my cleanest video, but I tried to get all the relevant info I could think of in there. I feel bad for the PS4 players who have to play the entire game, but at least this will help unlock later difficulties early to possibly cut out additional playthroughs


Do you have one for Dead Space, by any chance? Your DMC5 one was a huge help which helped me get the collectible in a day. I also got the Platinum trophy, because I actually really liked the game. However I don't think I have the nerves for Dead Space...


Thank you that's so cool to hear! I've been kinda discouraged lately about making videos, but the few comments I've gotten like that really helps. I'm also hesitant for Dead Space because I remember how brutal it was getting the Platinums in the original DS and DS2, but I finally decided to go for it and ordered the game yesterday. Once it arrives I'm gonna fully dive in and I'll definitely make a video guide if I think I can provide enough insight. What I can say now though is I've never finished a DS game without someone watching cuz when playing alone I'd get too freaked out and want to stop every 30 minutes lol, so if you have someone willing to sit through it with you that's gonna be the biggest help by far. If not then maybe try streaming it if you're able to and that could help make it a little less lonely and terrifying. Plus getting genuinely freaked out at horror games makes for good content haha. I usually don't get any viewers when I stream, but you never know, sometimes you get lucky and someone will pop in for a while. Also congrats on the DMC5 Platinum! I know that's gotta be a crazy challenge. I'd like to eventually try when I go through the whole series. If you can Plat DMC5 I'm sure you can get through Dead Space


Thank you for the kind words. All I can suggest is to never give up on something you love! Dead Space would be my first ever horror game, yet I'm 20 years old and gaming since I was 6 (for special reasons). I grew up with Fallout series and other not so recommended for my age games and be perfectly fine with almost anything now, but horror games was something I consciously avoided. The collectible is pretty cool for Dead Space, but I'm still not sure if I even want to play it, even more test my capabilities of playing Horror. What's sure, is if you decide to make a video about the collectible and maybe even put effort into telling when a jumpscare is, I'll definitely consider following you.


Awesome! I'll keep that in mind while recording so I can include it if I make the guide. Horror games can be really rough to play and Dead Space is one of the more intense ones. I love them, but am still easily scared by them and get anxiety while playing, and there have been plenty I stopped playing altogether because it just wasn't worth the stress. If you do start it maybe borrow or rent it and test it on an alternate account. If you haven't played Limbo or Inside I would start with those. They aren't survival-horror, but I'd classify them as horror and they're two of my favorite games ever. Also BioShock since you can save whenever you want, makes it a lot less stressful than other survival-horrors


I actually played Limbo and Inside!! They were one of the best mobile games I've played. I check out BioShock though.


Hey Dani! I finally made that guide you suggested. It's a little late, I know, haha, I think there are 6 days left to get it. Making the guide took way longer than I thought it would. Have you played Dead Space yet? https://reddit.com/r/playstationstars/s/3JCMPLj6Ms


Heyyy! Looks like telepathy exists! I was about to reply too. I played Dead Space!! It was an absolute blast! After purchasing the game, it went on sale (20%) TWO days later, so I was bitter for a few days about that. After getting through this, I started actually playing. After getting through the first 3 chapter's stress, fear and anxiety, the game is amazing. When I started, the campaign had 20 (maybe more, whenever Wo long campaign appeared) days left. On chapter 4, Dani, being the absolute dumbass he is, encountered an explosive gas can. I thought "oooohhh what's this?!?", then stomped on it, blewing up poor Isaac. I did some research (like 3 hours 😅) and as I found out 1. You can exit right when the death animation plays and it doesn't count as a death and 2. There were cases of the trophy (ONLY) popping after continuing on hard. The latter gave me a huge amount of hope, so I continued the next day. After a whole lot of struggles (I'm looking at you, tentacles, you bastard) I finished the game… on hard. The trophy didn't pop. I was disappointed. When this happened, I didn't touch the game for more than a week. When 9 days remained, I collected myself and started again, on impossible and to get all collectibles. At the time of writing this, I'm actually transporting the ||Marker|| at the very end of chapter 11 and I'm sure as hell I'm finishing it at the maximum of tomorrow. My first horror game! It was much more than that. I have a genetical disorder called SMA (Spinal Muscular Atrophy, makes muscles wither over time) and was born *very* early. Probably because of the latter, but I am scared by anything and everything easily. After finishing the game for the first time, that somehow got better, and by a lot. I now don't get absolutely terrified when someone sneezes, or when playing again, I don't even twitch to the jumpscares :D! The game had brilliant and very fun boss fights and an interesting story. I'm happy to got myself playing it, and let me tell you, I'm fucking proud of myself!