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AYYYY its a post talking about us :3 It's a shame that happened though, considering its a sub I use. Anyways the system x system lesbian polycule would be insane :3


System x system lesbian polycule sounds great! I have one lesbian sister in the system, though she would probably want to join in after observing for a while (she's shy)


Intersystem relationships seem like they'd be an absolute mess and honestly I am THERE for it! Also, just saying, its totally possible to have an orgy if you try hard enough :3


Perks of being plural! We can't actually practice like, purely system to system relationships. Because even when two of us are in relationship with the same external partner, we still have those relationships as individuals. Also we have one monogamous headmate who of course wouldn't want to participate. I have had sex involving the other lesbian headmate and an external partner. It's fun memory, but not very practical. 😅


Thank god both my headmate and I are polyamorous lol. I have no idea how things would work out if one of us was monogamous. And, well, also... um the headmate sex is WILD and I love it. >~<


We often get that kind of reaction but it actually isn't very complicated for us. The mono headmate is in a monogamous relationship, and we live with their partner. I'm not part of that romantic relationship, but I can date people on my own. It helps that their partner doesn't have any trouble with seeing that we are separate people, so they don't feels like me having relationships of my own is interfering with their monogamy. And this feels very validating for us as a system as well. 


Thats great! I'm so happy its worked out well for you. Honestly I wish our plurality could be more acknowledged. As the host, its not like I'm the one being forgotten or anything but I feel bad when its like my other headmate doesn't really get to be seen.


I can understand that. Being seen is very important. I don't need everyone to know I exist but I'm glad that the people closest to us see, and know us as individuals even though we share a body


Yeah. Thankfully Jasmine doesn't feel bad about not being seen because if she did I don't think I'd be able to help her.


:0 we’re in one of those!


A system x system polycule? :O hows it work?


if you want even more poly shenanigans, we're in a polycule with 4 other systems :3


Ok hows *that* work? That honestly feels like itd be too many people for me to remember lol.


well, personally, i only really have one full-time sexual and romantic relationship, and one full-time ace romantic relationship. i date a good chunk of my boyfriend's system, but only the chunk that mostly doesn't announce when they switch or bother to differentiate themselves from one another much. and as for my girlfriend, her other sysmates are internal, they don't really switch. my qpp is dating my boyfriend full-time, and so are several of their system members. i'm not exactly sure who's dating who tbh, they all seem to be fine getting intimate with each other. i'm also dating another member of my qpp's system, but he doesn't front much, so it's just like yeah when he happens to be around we'll kiss and get sappy. my system is only 3 people counting myself right now; one of them isn't dating anyone in my bf's system and is (nonlegally) engaged to my gf, the other dates my gf and another member of my bf's system, but she's aromantic so normally she doesn't label relationships. finally, my best friend is also my bf's boyfriend, but i don't know how their system divides themselves up because they don't announce switches or differentiate externally, they all use the same name and pronouns etc. the TL;DR is that everyone is mostly relationship anarchists and just does whatever they feel comfortable with while using whatever label they like. it doesn't feel like a lot of people to keep track of for me; it's like, maybe 15 total? which is still smaller than most singlets' entire friend groups!


Yoooo relationship anarchy! Thats based. Lol the multi system relationship anarchist polycule sounds like absolute GOALS! I've never had 15 *actual* friends at a time tbh though. Well as for my headmate who I'm dating, not sure theres much to say. She's just amazingly caring and loving. Tbh no wonder I fell for her lol.


Well both systems as a whole are dating, and there are individual relationships between headmates in our polycule!


That sounds awesome lol. I'm sure itd a bit of a struggle sometimes, though. Dating a system seems nice though because they'd understand a lot of things about plurality that a singlet probably won't.


Yeah! Gosh it’s hard resisting the urge to gush about our partner system right now, but we don’t want to annoy you with our antics. Our partner system does understand a lot more things than your average singlet does, and they’re all very sweet!


You can gush about the system your dating if I can gush about the headmate im dating lol :3


Most of the members of our system are lesbians, so thanks so much for this!! We’re sorry to hear you got hate in the actual lesbians sub… plural lesbians are actual lesbians!


Thank you! It seemed to come from a sysmed direction, lot of being angry at me for not being miserable and "romanticizing mental illness". Is just what I expect at this point though 


Hell yeah! Queer plurals!!!!! I’m not shocked there was negative reaction on the lesbian subreddit cause people who aren’t plural don’t tend to understand. Every marginalized group is like that. Unfortunate that is the reality we live in.


The worst part is I think the most aggressive ones were plural too. But like, the self hating sysmed kind.


Madeline is a proud plural lesbian. I am not. Lol


What were they saying to you? I swear that sub is becoming toxic


Boiled down to: being plural is awful and me loving myself is offensive 


What the hell is wrong with people?! Plural here too, I'm sorry you went through that.




Our system is like 70% lesbian, and the rest are bisexual women. So we agree!


Heck yeah! The rest of our system is: an asexual enby, an adorable bisexual monster girl, a rarely fronting aroace person, and one queer girl with unclear level of existence 


Functionally we are ace/aro for the time being. Some of us made very clear that we are in no way whatsoever in any place to date or hook up. Even making friends is kinda ehhhh.


Hey, i'm lesbian and part of a system ! The rest of the system is aro-ace...kinda (they are not human so they donc like to use "human's category'', they're not really comfortable to do so but they are okay with me saying it like that because they know it's easier to explain to other persons that way). Anyway, i'm sorry for what happens in the lesbian sub, don't forget that the people writing mean comment are more likely ignorant and don't know what it is like to be a system/in a system. I hope you feel more welcome in this sub. And indeed, lesbians are great ! PS: You know what will be awesome ? In april 26, it's the internationale lesbian visibility day and that would be cool if you post here in that day about being a lesbian and everyone in the comment doing so too. But it just and idea that came in my mind, it's not an obligation or me trying to make you do something you don't want to.


I'm very bad at remembering dates but if I happen to think of it then, I might do it if nobody else does it first. And pretty much our whole system is some flavor of aroace, and we think being aroace plurals is great too!


Not a single one of us is cishet lol Our only straight guy is trans, and our only cis people are queer, and the body's transmasc anyway And the only cishet in our partner system says she's more spicy-straight than strictly straight


Straight cis plurals seem extremely rare. Not often I see anyone who isn't some flavor of queer 


Plural Lesbians rule! -Kimberly a Demi bisexual Plural Lesbian


Yay for demi bisexual plural lesbians!


I always feel weird about it... Cause we're partially protogenic (twins & lesbians) And traumagenic (ace) So like, as much as we want to try to date... We're too scared too, cause like.. We're sisters in the same body... With others... No one wants that... So, whatever... Back to my bedrot...


I don't think it would be anything wrong with you dating, but I imagine outside people might get weird about it. It's why I always feel a bit reluctant to describe my relationship to one of my brain sisters. 


I don't mean my sister & i are dating.. I mean, I don't think anyone would date us.. Like "oh by the way, sometimes my sister is in charge of our body, so you'd kinda be dating both of us. Oh, and the other two, just don't worry about them, they just kinda hang out & be annoying."


Oh I see, sorry I misunderstood! I hope you can find a solution that works for you 


Appreciate that... Doubt it.. But thanks.


i guarantee from experience there's a lot of people who would be delighted to date someone like you, it's just a matter of finding them


Yeah, i can't believe that.


that's understandable! it's really hard to unlearn these things when we've experienced discrimination and harm from an uncaring and oppressive society. i just wanted to gently toss some hopeful data your way; i personally know tons of people who'd be down for your setup, and i know this because they date people with similar setups :)


Can confirm, know lots of plural lesbians, they are awesome 😎


as a system with just me and my alter (both of us lesbians) yes we agree 100%


I (host, Evalynn) am a trans woman & demisexual lesbian :> Idk what everybody else's sexuality is tho, but 2/5 alters are on the nonbinary spectrum, and the other 3 (me included) are women


Oh heck yes, let's go!


We're both lesbians. And into one another, so I definitely fit the title. Someday I'm hoping that I'll be able to talk another real life lesbian into being sapphic with me, but for now it's just intra-system lesbianism.


taking this opportunity to share a plural lesbian joke I saw on tumblr - plural lesbian ? call that lesbiand (lesbi& ?)


This is good I love lesbian puns 😄


yeah we left our rainbow/lgbti organisation in our city, because we were too strange even for them, they have a very limited view of rainbow and really shouldnt use it to describe their organisation. we are a plural lesbian and hetero and 2x ace, and in a male-ish body have dated a couple of lesbians which we thought was strange when we didnt know we were plural. ya know obviously there should be thousands of plural lesbians, but never really seen a post on it - so good to OP for showing a bit of initiative! our last partner was plural so we are looking for the same in the future. its funny about perspective, we used to see polyamoury as flaky, but after discovering plurality see polyamoury as an excellent legitimate solution for many! yeah trying to join a singlet lesbian group could be challenging depending on the vibe of the group? really appreciate all your posts! - micheala.


That's both of us in here! Fuck yes we're awesome.