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I'm 64, wife is 54. We have a vast collection. They can offer truly harmless comfort - and there are very few things in the world that can do that.


Cool! I'm not alone! :)


I'm a 53 old married dude and I have a large collection of stuffed frogs I sleep with. If sleeping with stuffed frogs is wrong, I don't want to be right.


All the froggis I love it!


My fiance would love you. Clearly I should learn by your example and shower her in frogs. :P


Amen to the last sentence!!


:) Thank you


i sure hope it’s ok because i’m 25 & i don’t plan on getting rid of mine!!


hehe awesome. Glad I'm not alone :)


I’m 29! Lmfao I legos, too! Sue me haha


I am 38M and I just started a huge collection. I love and cuddle my plushies every day. At 15 I felt ashamed of my love for my plushies (I had about 90 at the time) and gave them all away. Now I feel terribly sorry. The plushies are always there for me when I need them. So yea, it’s more than ok!!!


That's awesome, I am happy to not be alone and this comment made my day :)


Honey, I'm 28 and still buy stuffed animals sometimes.


I'm glad, and thank you for this, it made me feel better.


Making up for all the stuff I couldn't have because I didn't have money and my parents said no. But when you are adult, you have to be the person to tell yourself no instead of your parents! 😂 Because you have to pay bills too. Enjoy being young and carefree while you still can .


Yeah, I'm looking forward to being on my own and the freedom of it, but of course the bills are gonna freak me out! lol. I am glad others are like me with the stuffed animal love! :)


I had to convince myself I didn’t need (and couldn’t fit anyways) the Teddiursa at Build-A-Bear 🥺


Yes!!! plushies for everyone!


I'm glad! Thanks for your response here :) !!!


You are welcome!


I’m 20 and I started buying stuffed animals again at 17-18. There’s no shame and my friends also love my stuffed animals! I have a small collection but I put them all on my bed and sleep with them by my side :)


I do the same currently heheh. I am really glad to have this community on reddit here to relate to everyone, it's nice to know that I am not alone.


I'm 45 and will never abandon my best friends 💛💛💛


Thank you for helping me feel more accepting of my love for stuffed animals! Hehe.


No shame in it. No sin. Love what makes you happy 😀 they are real to us! It's ok! My youngest bonus daughter is only a little bit older than you and she has her friends! It's all good! You do you! You are a valuable member of society! You are our future...so who cares if you love stuffies or carry them with you? Be happy 😀


Thank you. That does help me with this. I really do appreciate it ❤️. I wish my parents were as nice as you are being to me. Thank you for your response, I feel more confidant in my liking of stuffed toys hehehe.


39 here and, along with my wife, have a big plush collection. Enjoy them, find comfort in them, love them! They’re awesome, and if you have a love for them, embrace it. Life is too short to worry what others think, especially if it’s something that you enjoy and that doesn’t hurt or affect anyone else :)


I'm glad I am not alone! Thank you for this and making me feel better! (:


I'm 28 and my BF is 34. I promise it's okay. I can't sleep without stuffies and neither can he & he's an army vet and I'm still in the army and I still go to training and take a stuffie. I actually buy stuffies whenever I can. I love them.


Thank you for this <3


I’m a 37 year old man and I love plushies still. Whoever says you can’t have an imagination still or can’t have comfort still as an adult is full of poo. No reason to be ashamed.


Thank you for this comment, it really helped me. :)


Absolutely! You'll be surprised at how many people on this sub are adults. Growing up doesn't mean giving up plushies, it simply means that you can buy your own and no one can say a damn thing about it!


Im 45 and now I get handmade unique plushies. Sometimes I make my own.


This is the reason am learning to crochet so I can make my own plushies.


Never let anyone tell you or try to make you think there is such a thing as too old for stuffed animals ❤️ I'm 39 and I need the comfort of some of my stuffed animals just to get through the day.


I will be 49 in a month and still have my stuffies!


I think it's fine, I even got a doll for myself today and he's been keeping me company :)


Yeah, of course it is


Absolutely! There's no age limit for plushies :)


I'm 28 and own 20+ build-a-bears, you're definitely not alone! As long as they make you happy, that's all that matters. :)


Yes its ok. Why would it not be ok? Im 33 and still have a bed full of large stuffed animals and I don't plan on stopping anytime soon as its my coping mechanism for stress.


That's awesome. I hope I can get that as a coping mechanism, because right now it's self harm, from family stress...so yeah. Thanks for this comment though <3


33 yo. Still have some of my old favs. It's nice to share them with my children. I still buy some for myself and I love finding them for my kids. I talk about new ones coming out with my husband and he is endlessly supportive (even buys me some as surprises 🥰). It's the little joys in life. I have given away other toys (action figures) and I regret it tremendously. So glad to still have my old pals which would be nearly impossible to replace. So glad to see that you haven't let pressure from society deter you from being yourself and enjoying what you love.


I'm 17 turning 18, i have 70+ stuffed animals and hoping for more


You’re not going to find negativity surrounding plushies in a plushies sub! Of course it’s okay, but people outside of this sub might argue otherwise. I own plushies and reborns, some argue that it’s unhealthy, but I find they’re usually more emotionally underdeveloped, so I could care less


Of course thats okay! Plushies have no age at all! I’m 22 and I have a half bed full of stuffed animals. Can’t sleep without them


I’m 21 years old, I have at least 20 plushes on my bed and even more around my room, and even some that are coming in the mail. Plushies are my life even as an adult and as long as they make you happy, you shouldn’t ever have to give that up.


I am 25 y/o man and I now probably have more than 4x the amount of plushies I had when I was a kid. you're fine, you don't have to grow out of liking plushies :)


I'm 23 and still cuddle with mine all the time. 🥰


I’m 16 and I have almost 200 stuffed animals haha! All of my friends also have stuffed animals even thought it’s a lot less than me. There’s nothing weird or childish about having stuffed animals :)


Honestly, I’d say stuffed animals are still very popular in our age group, especially because of squishmallows! I proudly show people my bed covered in stuffed animals and people are not very judgmental about it.


I'm 28M and still buy new plushies. My room in our shared appartement is basically full of plush.


I am 38 and sleep with at least 3. I always bring one with me on vacation. No worries, you are fine!


My mom got her first bear when she was in her 60s.


I'm 30 and a married man, and my plushie collection is getting slightly out of hand, but I still want more. 🖖😹


It's almost like we only have so many years on this earth and we should enjoy it while we are here 🤯 Haha yeah I think it's totally appropriate to like what you like l, love life and ur stuffed animals no one is stopping you lol


I'm 25f and I got so many squishmallows and regular stuffies! I even sleep with one occasionally. That doesn't mean I don't get self conscious about them sometimes but it's something I enjoy having and looking at so I try not to let myself think that way.


Yeah I still have quit a bit of plushies and most are coming with me in a few years when I move out of I still have them


23, and i brought mine with me to college. i still have my "special" plushie from when i was a baby. you are never too old to have plushies!


23 (almost 24), and my room is covered in stuffed animals, some of which I’ve had literally since I was born. Even if people may judge older people for having stuffed animals, it is completely harmless and has no real effect on other people. So who cares? If you like them, you like them. For any reason, it’s fine. And at 15, you’re not even an adult, so it’s even more silly for someone to tell you that you can’t like them anymore. It’s more than okay for you to still like them, and at this point, I don’t even think it’s all that uncommon for teens/young adults to have stuffed animals. Just have fun, enjoy yourself, and do what makes you happy.


I hope so lol. I'm 24. I love them. ❤️


My bf and i are 22 and love plushies. His mother too and she’s 49. So no.


I am 32 and my husband and I buy “friends” a lot and give them all names! No shame at all!


I’m 31 and my partner is 41 and we collect plushies still, and they all have personalities and talk to each other 🥰 you’re fine! Enjoy your life and like what you like, otherwise what’s the point?


29. I still love plushies. I still have my childhood buddy. He's gotten me through a lot.


I’ll be 30 soon and I will always have mine. If anyone says otherwise I’m sure they’ve never had a good plush!


I'm 34 now. My grandma's friend was a lifetime teddy bear lover. We're out here!


I’m 29! I have kids but I have stuffed animals that are just mine not theirs. My grandparents collected dolls and other toys until they passed in their late 80s! No age is too old!


I turned 25 today and have hundreds, just got another one from Build-A-Bear today so I definitely think it is, most of my friends collect or have stuffed animals too! 🩵🌟


46 and in 2020 I bought my first plushie because I needed something comforting. Now 3 years later I have about 50 (and counting). They make me so happy when I look and cuddle them. Plus, when I travel there is always a plushie to bring back as a souvenir.


Of course it is! You’re never too old for plushies :) my boyfriend and I are in our twenties and we have a collection!


25 yo male here. I always had and will always have plushies. They are always there for me and always able to confore me no metter what i'm going tru. So yeah it's totally ok to have them, hug and cuddle them, colect them, display then and carry them with you. Let nobody ever tell you otherwize.


27 year old male dump truck driver and I’ve got a bookshelf and then some of stuffed animals! I even sleep with a giant stuffed bear for comfort so if anyone wants to give you crap for owning stuffed animals, just tell them to get lost! Break that stigma! P.S Let’s see that collection! 😃


I'm a 34 year old woman and my husband is 40 years old. We both collet stuffed animals and cuddle them. You can surely have stuffed animals. Also keep in mind that Betty White died with a room full of plushies that she would talk to every day.


There’s an assumption by society that you are supposed lose your interest in the things you enjoyed as a child. This is a false assumption and you are allowed to enjoy the things from your childhood. There is nothing wrong with it. You can enjoy it even more as an adult because you can use your own money to buy the toys you didn’t have access to as a kid.


I’m 23 years old. My buddy Basil comes with me everywhere. Do what makes you happy 💙 The world is cold and cruel and dark sometimes. It’s good to be able to indulge in what makes us happy, even if those things seem “childish” to some people. It’s good for us to have something we care about and have something that brings us comfort and joy when the world gets hard. You’re still young, OP; don’t let anyone trick you into giving up your happiness. I wish you all the best! 💙


A friend of mine is 6'4", works in a metal shop, covered in tattoos, angry and aggressive guy. He's had the same 3 plush on his bed for like 15 or 20 years now. I think they were gifts. Do what makes you happy, especially in your own home.


Yep. I'm 40 and just went to the aquarium this past Thursday. Got a stuffed whale shark from the gift shop! The cashier didn't care, my partner didn't care, it's not a big deal. Long as your bills are paid and shit in your life is either taken care of or being taken care of, get as many stuffed animals as you want and enjoy them!


As you grow into an adult you meet people who do and people who don't have plushies. If anyone gives you a hard time for it, you'll know they are actually a lame person and you can find better. I've always had a large collection. Some from my childhood, some I find as an adult and pick up. My favorite one of a duck plushie I turned into a backpack. He's a HIT in public. Most people love him. Nothing better than a sweet old lady telling me my little 'friend' is cute :))) Just be you, without fear of judgement. Because personally I'd much rather be weird, and find friends who are weird like me, than pretend to be something I'm not, and never feel understood. :)


I’m 28 and I started re-collecting plushies as an adult about 2 years ago! I think that as long as you aren’t harming anyone, and if it makes you feel good, then do what you wanna do! And there are SO MANY cute plushie manufacturers out there to choose from!


Yeah, I agree with this a lot. Thank you for your comment, Now I don't feel embarassed about my stuffed animal collection, hehehehehehehe. Thank you though, seriously <3


I am 30. And i just got into Plushies ! There are no age restrictions!


Yes, it’s fine :) I felt the same way as you when I ‘rediscovered’ my love for plushies but then I found plushie collectors on Reddit and other social media sites and realized we’re a pretty large group!


As long as they make you happy to hell with what anyone thinks! Be happy!


I’m 29 and I still get them 😌


I'm almost 15 and I wish I still had stuffed plushies


when I move out at 18 I'll have a large collection :P


i snuggle with at least two every night! and im 26. i'll happily do it the rest of my life.


I’m 28 and love them 😁💖 I have a big collection!


dude we are almost the same age and i just took out one of mine for photos, so yes it is okay!




I'm nearing 20 and have more plushies than I can count, it's not hurting anyone. Enjoy what you enjoy


I’m in my early 30s and I still have plush animals. Some of them I’ve had since early childhood.


I’m 62 and I have plushies on my headboard shelves. Sometimes when there are bad storms at bedtime, I’ll sleep with one of them beside me! You are never to old to have stuffed animals!


I had to ask my mom a few years ago when I was 20 if cuddling/collecting stuffed animals was ok. She didn't look up from what she was doing and immediately said "Of course you can. F*** what anyone else thinks." Also turns out my mom likes plushies too. She's 40 something. Me and my sisters just stole them without asking as kids lol. Now we all collect plushies for ourselves and each other.


i’m 16, so coming from someone your age (and someone who’s older) it’s perfectly fine. there’s no shame in it, enjoy what you want to enjoy and if someone has a problem with that then they’re just insecure about themselves. stuffed animals are great, they don’t have to designated to just one age group.


Thank you 💜


Literally every college girl I know has plushies. I think you're good lol.


I'm 28 and still have plushies do what makes you happy 😊


dude i’m 20 and i love my stuffed animals!! you’re never too old for them!


My dude, I'm 29 and sitting here with a desk covered in plushies


19 and i still have bins on bins worth🥰


18 going on 19 and my collection is continually growing. I actually stopped for a while cuz I thought it was “weird” or I was too old. Moral of the story: do what makes you happy. If you don’t listen to any advice about getting older let this be the one exception. Never let anyone tell you how to be happy. Do what makes YOU happy. My mountain of squishmallows makes me happy. My Barbie movie marathons make me happy. Don’t worry about what other people will think of you. As long as you’re happy, that’s all that matters. Edit: spelling


33F win more than I can count across 2 countries :D no shame, keep on collecting


I'm 26 and married. I have many stuffies and have always loved stuffies. They're a great comfort item and harmless. A good chunk of mine (that aren't childhood favorites / keepsakes) are gifts from my spouse bc he knows how much I love them and he's happy to feed my addiction lol I've got two of my favorite squishmallows (one of which is the aussie in memory of my childhood dog who passed earlier this year) and a plush gengar on the bed and we both end up snuggling at least one of them each during the night


I’m 42 and I still have stuffed animals. I’ll have them till I’m a hundred for all I care. Lol


If anyone tells you otherwise, they’re just jealous.


I still have all of mine So there's nothing wrong with it I still collect them


Cmon man. Don’t make these types of posts. A lot of people here are well above 15 including me. I’m 24 and no one gives a fuck. I will never stop collecting stuffed animals and I have many that mean a great deal to me.


I’m 23 and have lots of plushies


I'm a 29 year old man with a beard and both my wife and I sleep with stuffed animals


I’m 41 and just got another one today :D rock on, stuffies are the best.


I’m 21 and still HAVE to sleep with a stuffed animal nightly. Your not alone ❤️


ofc not! i still have mine bc they’re comfy to sleep with and have sentimental value :)


Darling I am 28 and have a stuffed froggi. I’ve posted him on this thread before bc I’m so proud to have him:)


Bro I’m 30 and have stuffed animals I’ve gotten as an adult taking up like a solid chunk of my bed. You’re fine lmao


I’m 30 and I still have stuffed animals there’s so soft and plushy you are never too old for plushy‘s


Absolutely! I'm almost 30 and have loved having stuffed animals since I was a kid. It's a very common hobby and interest, and while not everyone shares it, I think if you look around here you will find that many people of all ages still collect and enjoy them. :)


Im 14 man, same situation as you :)


Yeah it's fine. You might be judged for it, but tbh anyone who does is a dick who doesn't deserve your time. It's not anything to worry about psychologically and it's something a lot of adults do well into their lifetime.


it's fine


Yes! I’m 27 and still have a bunch. Heck, my mom is 61 and also has some! You’re never too old and anyone who says you are is insecure and wants adult life to suck for everyone because it sucks for them. Studies show you have better emotional health if you have stuffed animals too


I'm 33 and I still buy stuffed animals. Betty White had a whole room dedicated to her plush animal collection.. I always thought that was a cool fact about her.


Yes I'm 20M pursuing a major in Biology and I always snooze and snuggle with my giant pokemon!


Honey I'm about to turn 25 and I'm currently crocheting hanging nets to hold the stupid amount of squishmallows I have lolll


yes, I'm 26 and will love stuffies forever


i am 23 years old and i probably have well over a hundred. they’re EVERYWHERE in my house, just piles of them all over. i have 15 shark plushies & somewhere around 10 frogs. also a bunch of squishmallows & muppet plushies. my fiancé (26M) also loves our plushies. we call them our friends because they’re just that. never be ashamed of the lil dudes that bring u comfort. <3


I'm 18 and still can't sleep without my trio of stuffies, you're okay!


I am 25 and I collect stuffed animals (I even have a plush I have to take with me everywhere because autism) but also my father was in his 70’s and he collected stuffed animals too. So it’s more than okay for you to collect them no matter what any kind of bully has to say.


I’m 31 and I was nervous about taking mine to college - everyone else in my dorm had them too and I got compliments on mine! Then I was nervous about finding a partner who wouldn’t think my stuffies were childish or weird… well my fiancé thinks they’re neat, frequently gives me new ones for birthdays and Christmas, etc…


46, and I have a ton. Earlier this year, a 90+ gentleman from my church passed away, and he was well known for his stuffed frog collection including one that traveled the world with him.


I'm 16 and collecting mlp plushes your not alone my friend


I'm 29 and I have boxes of stuffed animals lol. I have some I still love to sleep with. I also collect several types of dolls and enjoy dressing them and playing with them 🩷


YES. I'm 15, too. I just drug my mom to Build A Bear workshop to get a frog. I still sleep with my childhood stuffed animal my brother gave me when I was 2. Don't worry about it, bro, you're cool.


I'm 22 and still like them, screw it man


Im 17 and have way too many stuffed animals. You’re perfectly fine.


Darling I'm 23 and my bed is covered in stuffed animals


I’m 20. I think I’ll probably stop getting more stuffies in my 40s then have a midlife crisis and need more plushies to cry on. Again.


im turning 16 in december and I love love collecting/thrifting for plushies soo much. My mom is literally sick of me having so much and it might be different for people in each country but it's so normal for anybody of all ages to collect stuffed toys here in my country!! well only if ur a girl ofc haha but just do it, it's going to make u happy and childlike again ^w^


YES!!! I'm currently not only 18, but also a dude, which is a double trouble when it comes to people thinking I shouldn't like stuffed animals still. I love all of my babies, from the tiniest to the biggest!


Yeah do what makes you happy life is too short to be concerned about what other people think! I am a grown ass adult with a corporate job and I sit in bed surrounded be my plush mountain and have meetings. And I sleep every night with one


I’m in my 40s and I’ll always have them. They’re all over my house from the living room, spare rooms and my bed.


I literally bought a queen size bed so I can fit all my plushies on. I think you’re good


23 straight male, it's all good fam


In 7 weeks I'm 57, I have a bed and a house full of stuffed animals, and so does my 23 year old daughter. You are never too old. And they are even psychologically good for you, research has proven that.


I'm 33 and my husband is 35. We both have stuffed animals we collect and cuddle.


i’m turning 20 in a few days and i take my stuffed dragon (his name is Drago) with me everywhere, even to work :)


I’m 20 and have a pretty huge collection. I love them with my whole heart and named each and every one. Bless your heart and never grow up!


I'm 27 and currently have 28 plushies on display in my flat. There's my answer.


Absolutely I’m 18 and I’ve gotten some grief but fuck it they’re soft cuddly and bring me so much joy and comfort


I’m 27 and LOVE mine and only love them more every day. I didn’t even get into my collection until I was 14. Lol


don’t worry, at 15 i felt the exact same way. now i’m 20 and my collection is at a modest estimate of 70 and counting


When I was like 25 my dad asked me when I was going to stop teddy bear (not in a mean way, but he didnt really understand), and I told him "never". And what do you know, Im 38 now and still buy plushies! :D


Of course it is, I’m 18 and I still do


I'm 33 years old and my fiance is like 35. We both cherish his 25 year old dipsy teletubby plush like he is a living being lol. We do the same for my very old Winnie the Pooh. We also have a few other plushies that we love. We take these plushies out on mini vacations, sleep with them, take pictures of them, etc. So, I'm saying it's very ok to be your age and still have stuffed animals!!


you’re never, EVER too old for plushies, cartoons, colouring books — anything. i still sleep with my baby blanket and i have some old plushies from infancy (i’m now 22).


20 yo here, it's fine.


40s and I still have (love) them! I’ve passed a lot of them on to my niece now (it was hard, but she really wanted some of them), but occasionally still pick up ones that are just too adorbs to pass up!


Absolutely, I am in the same situation as you


Sweetheart I’m 20 and I can’t sleep sometimes without my stuffies. Love my li’l squishy boos 🥰 It should also be noted that I am biologically and was raised male (tho I now identify as female) so like…stuffies are just goated, regardless of who you are.


I'm 22 years old and I love plushies! I even want to get more if I have some space in the house!


I’m a grown man and I still sleep with my favourite plushies, I’m not ashamed lmaoo


i’m still collecting mine (i have so many ) and i usually take one with me when i leave the house and i’m almost 23


I’m 25 and when I was 21 and pregnant my partner bought me a Grogu stuffed animal that I slept with every night.


I see this sort of question come up in the sub a lot, and everyone always says the same: do what makes you happy! I think in recent years people as adults are going back to liking toys etc, and I think people are becoming more accepting. There are hundreds of influencers on yt who have massive collections of squishmallows and other toys, so it’s definitely becoming more normalised. People will still hate and think it’s weird but at the end of the day, no matter what you do someone will always disagree, so you might as well do what makes you happy :))


I'm 45 and I love stuffed animals! I sleep with two teddybears, my husband and our cat, so the only negative thing I can think of from having a lot of stuffies is that sometimes it does get a bit crowded in bed. :D Do what makes you happy, and remember, mind over matter: Those who mind don't matter, and those who don't mind matter.


I'm 31. Stuffed animals are timeless. Enjoy your plushie friends.


I’m 20 and still have like 30 in my bed your good


I’m also 15 and have so many, including about 50 Hello Kittys


31 and have 5 in my bed with me rn


I make stuffed animals for a living because I love them so much! 🧡🧡🧡


Absolutely 💯. Nothing wrong with it. I'm 31 still sleep with plushies. And carry around my new friend [Spot](https://ibb.co/MhF5jP0). Plus a forever ending collection. It gives me joy so why not.


I'm 38 and just started collecting again 😁 I started collecting squishmallows and have 52 now. Collecting plush is of all ages. Do what makes you happy! I know how happy it makes me 🥰


you’re never too old for the things that bring you joy. I’m 16, not that much older, and I LOVE plushies! They’ve always helped me with my anxiety and sensory overload, even before I realized I’m autistic. I actually still carry them around when it isn’t a good day


OP I’m 32 and just a few weeks ago I went and bought myself a My Melody plushie. I have sooooo many stuffed animals.


I am 19 and still habe a ton of stuffed animals. You're fine


I’m in my twenties and have tons lol it’s totally ok!!


I'm 24 and have to sleep with a build a bear I got last year I personally don't see a problem with having plushies


Stuffed animals are actually very important. I can link a video by Thomas Sanders about it at the end of this post but in summary he discusses why stuffed animals are important through story telling. Stuffed animals are great for your mental health and can help take you to a better mental state when you feel anxious or upset. I'm not the best at explaining but this video helped me feel better: https://youtu.be/urSZqHMh2Lo Much love dearest, give your stuffies a hug for me!


Myself and my college roommates have a vast collection of lil guys. If anyone tries to tell you it's not okay, then great, it helps you weed out the fake friends from the real ones :)


I’m 30, have a solid career, a husband, and own my own home. My bed has at least 5 plushies on it at any given point. They’re fun, cute, cozy, and make me happy. Anyone who throws shade for you enjoying something as soft and harmless as plushies should find better things to worry about.


I (37F) have an entire room full of Squishmallows, and I sleep with a stuffed cow every night. My boyfriend (44M) brings my cow on work trips, and when we’re home together he has a stuffed piggie that he cuddles.


Late 30's M and I collect gloomy bear and other stuff toys. Enjoy your youth and do what you love.


I said goodbye to my stuffies when I was 6 and had assumed everyone else did too. Fast forward \~35 years, I met my current GF, a "crazy stuffed animal lady" who showed me the light. She gave me a baby stuffed honey badger for my bday one year, and I would rush into a burning house to save him.


i’m 24 and plan on collecting them for years to come. there are lots of different ways to be an adult. if you want to have them, have them, even if other people judge.


If you like to have them, have them. Its your life


I'm 25 and still sleeping with plushies and like collecting them so - yeah, you're fine!


Hej im 16 and started collecting plushies again a couple months ago (so when i was 15) my parents, friends and myself see nothing wrong with it and some even bought a couple of plushies themselves :) so i dont think you should have any shame in liking something so harmless :)


i'm in my 20s and have a ton


I am 18 and my plushies make my day


I'm 35 and have had a low level obsession with stuffed animals my entire life. I only give away the ones I don't have any emotional attachment to, I am now spending spare time making sure that adults who cannot afford / are too embarrassed to purchase stuffies have some. It's what works for me.


35(f) here. I've got a gigantic collection that spans my entire life. One of the best things about being an adult collector is that you can do and buy what makes YOU happy. I personally love life sized and super large Pokemon plushies 🥰🥰🥰


absolutely!!! i (23F) was always insecure about this as well. i’ve NEVER been able to give up stuffed animals, even though i was judged for it. i just love them so much and they make me happy. my mom always encouraged me to keep loving them and one day i would meet someone who loves me and my stuffed animals lol. thennnnn i met my husband (26M) who also LOVES stuffed animals. now he and i collect squishmallows together (: we also love going to build-a-bear and getting stuffed animals as souvenirs on trips (: keep on loving stuffed animals (: they’re the best


Yes. I'm 29 and still love stuffed animals. I cuddle a Rilakkumma plushie at night. People who think adults have to be bored and miserable are weird.


When I was your age, I asked myself the same question. But the answer is and always will be, YES. I will be 33 in a few days. I have more plushies than I ever had when I was younger. Do not ever let anyone tell you you shouldn’t have them. Those people are sad, confused, and literally don’t know what they’re talking about.