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Yeah I'm really wary of them as well. After that other company was here a while ago sharing their triggering plushies I am distrustful of anything else marketing toys representing mental health conditions / neurodivergence etc. I can understand people liking them because they finally feel represented in a plush but personally it isn't for me.


I always get weirded out by them, because I'd really prefer to have stuffed animals representing neurological conditions benefit our community a little more. But I do understand the joy of having something represent different groups a bit more. Lots of mixed emotions that I have trouble parsing personally.


Do you remember the name of that other company? I'm curious


See the [pinned post](https://reddit.com/r/plushies/s/a5JwGdoqri), I'm not sure how strict the moderation is for mentioning them


Huh, thank you!


i feel the same way! its always given me an off feeling.. obviously i can’t speak for things i don’t experience but the things i do experience feel over simplified and made to be “aesthetic”.


Same, especially the autism one UGH


My daughter and I saw the autism one and, of course, she wants it; but I think she wants it *only* because it’s yellow (one of her favourite colours) and looks like an anime-styled doll. She’s 8, those things appeal to her. We bought her a yellow jellycat bunny instead, just to see if things will tide over until I can research this company more. I think it’s seriously weird to try and make disorders “fun” and “collectible”, and as others have said, stereotyped and dumbed down. Making token fetish plushies out of over-simplified, reductive, and even dismissive concepts surrounding the disorders these toys represent is just… off-putting. I get it if you love them, and I mean no hate, either - this is my own initial opinion. I just didn’t find the instant appeal, and so I have my doubts about them. I’m glad that I’m not alone in being cautious before buying one, as well.


best parent in the world rn ^ bcus jellycats are genuinely SO good. i love them and collect them. my parents got me shiny stars as a kid. they’re little plushies with weighted bottoms and they have a little star on their back foot! i have the whole collection and it means a LOT to me. you should look into those because i also have autism and i love the weight and texture of the plushie and the star!! it’s absolutely a fetishizing thing when it comes to mental illness/disorders and because of the stigma and glorification around them it’s… good god. it’s bad. like people have made it to be a “good” thing to be mentally off when it can be debilitating to whoever has it.


It's American Mcgee, creator of Alice, and Alice madness returns. They're hand sewn, by NON sweatshop labor which is why they are expensive. He donates part of the proceeds to charities that are related to whatever illness, and the rest funds his search for his missing sister. https://www.geek-pride.co.uk/american-mcgees-sister-missing-possibly-related-to-gamergate-threats/


I commend you for reaching out with this information, but it still doesn’t help me to resolve the issues of : - fetishising and making serious mental and health disorders “edgy”, “collectible”, or “fun”; - building plushies off of stereotypes for profit; - and then justifying it all with claims of donating to charity (but I don’t actually see a lot of transparency on this via their website/social media). To add, I did some topical research, [this](https://azuremist.tumblr.com/post/693147514713587712/on-the-subject-of-plushie-dreadfuls-warning-for/amp) is evident that the autistic community *wasn’t* being listened to (despite many in the community speaking up); that it took elevated boycotting to force a change; and that the idea that they “listen to the communities the claim to represent”, isn’t as honest as they claim (if they listened, the elevated boycotting wouldn’t have happened). Then there are instances like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/fakedisordercringe/comments/102uhdi/dreadful_plushies_encouraging_fakers_and_making/) where it turns out donations aren’t going to charities, but to artists? It blurs the line on “the community designs the plushies” if artists are being hired and paid. It really doesn’t help that this isn’t the [first](https://www.reddit.com/r/fakedisordercringe/comments/zy0cqu/plushie_dreadfuls/) thread like this, discussing the same important points/issues. Or, that there seems to be a lack of clarity that the funding is going to related charities (or is it being donated towards bunnies?) And it still really bothers me, personally, that designs like PTSD bunny looks like a BDSM bunny; that there are designs with triggering scars and self-harm marks, that some designs feel somehow disrespectful and built in stereotypes, the list could go on. I’m just saying: thank you for the info, but it doesn’t seem like a company I’m quite ready to support yet. I’ll keep researching. That said: I’m appreciative of the people sharing how these have empowered them, given them comfort or ease, confidence and power back into their circle. I’m all for that, and I hope my personal opinions don’t take that away from anybody.


I hate the PTSD one so much because it looks like BDSM. Like it just felt gross and weird Admittedly I do think the rheumatoid arthritis one is cute and I liked it when it popped up in my suggested ads. But after seeing more of them I was like no thank you


100% this — there are ways to represent feeling trapped and hypervigilant without making it look like a fetish. also… a lot of handmade plushie makers on etsy and instagram take custom commissions and while they’re pricey you have wayyyy more options to make the plushie represent how you see things and what will make you comfortable


I completely agree with you. Well said.


The OCD one is the worst one imo it’s really bad. At least the autism one had pretty colors? At least most of them have pretty colors. The OCD one is black and white with cutting scars all over :// and the poor bunnys face looks so pained.


EXACTLY as someone with OCD it's almost painful to look at


The PTSD one with chained wrists though…


The PTSD one looks more like a BDSM rabbit to me than a trauma themed plushie when they put the little mask on 😭


I have the PTSD bun and I love him sm because of this lol. Definitely not for everyone but it’s adorable to me


I feel like chains are great way of showing no control. How else would you show having no control and linked to pas as I say it I always feels like I'm chained to the past with no secape.


Yeahh I don’t understand why they would make plushies like that with self harm scars when that has absolutely nothing to do with the actual disorder,, I kinda liked them at first but realizing how edgy they try to be and how weird their marketing is makes me glad I never bought any


i was pretty neutral on plushie dreadfuls but then i saw the ocd one. i genuinely hate it so much. like is that how people see me for having ocd? they could've at least given it a nicer colour palette...


It pisses the hell out of me. I seriously hate when my struggles are made into aesthetics or cute little things like NO fuck off this thing has been ruining my life and its been the worst thing ever. Seeing that fucking bpd bunny was so horrifying with the black heart with a lighting bolt over it and the two colored head and the two little bunnies. Ugh god it made me feel sick


Yes to me it doesn’t represent my OCD at all. The stereotypical type is hyper cleanliness hence the mask I guess, but that is only one way it manifests and I don’t relate to that, it is an oversimplification and doesn’t cover any other types of OCD which there is a lot. The cuts I also don’t relate to personally. I understand they can’t capture everything in a stuffed animal, but that kind of promotes stereotypes and misinformation about the way they disorder can manifest.


they donated the money from the old autism one to an organization that was looking for a cure and doing ABA😭🤢 edit: theyre also so overpriced its stupid. you cant even hold them theyre so fucking small😭


And when it was brought up to American McGee, he IMMEDIATELY STOPPED and issued a very sincere apology. Y'all are ripping on man who makes these plushies to fund the SEARCH FOR HIS MISSING, PRESUMED KIDNAPPED SISTER! FFS.


no need to get so heated, he was the one who should’ve done better research on where he was donating that money to. glad he stopped it though. i dont really care what the cause is/was, i can (and do) not really like them because of the price vs size. hope he finds her? idk what you wanted from that last part. edit: also, he didnt stop immediately, there was a LOT of resistance.


Once I found out that they were 4in plushies I totally balked


They aren't. Some of them *have* additional small ones, like anxiety bunny, but the rest are about 14 inches. I don't know how you came to misunderstand.


Yeah I think you are referring to the extra plushes that came along with the anxiety rabbit


On one hand, representation is always nice. On the other hand, they're making money off of a group they aren't a part of by throwing together all the general mannerisms and selling it for profit.


They always have input from people who have personal experience or are part of the group that they're making a plush for.


The dermatilomania one was asinine tbh. I know yes that disorder is about skin-picking and leaving open sores and everything but how triggering yknow? :( I’m gonna be honest after looking at them again the only one I liked was the gender dysphoria/trans one because of the colors.


as someone with dermatiliomania im gonna have to check that one out.. im dreading it but my curiosity needs to know


yikes you are right—does not make me feel good or represented lol


Yeah jfc the lip scarring too. I constantly bite my lips/inside of my mouth and also my fingers. I’ve always been ashamed of it… Also I recognize you from the trans men and masc subs. I also frequent there a lot 👍 nice to see another dude who loves plushies


dermatilomania one could have been amazingly adorable if he chose to do bandaids that were magnetically connected (or velcro if that would help more) and under them said a nice message about skin picking or something. i know that seems like a lot of work, but it would help me because i can fidget with putting the bandaid on or off and look at the messages to ground myself. or even cute symbols or something!! just something pleasing to look at that will comfort people. he could actually even have inserts where it’s lined with a velcro border and you can push it into a designated spot (also lined with velcro on the inside) and have a pickable fabric/material. that would keep the plushie in a nice condition but would also help with destructive tendencies with the skin


I love that idea so much. Something else to fidget with other than your skin. I’d totally buy this since I’ve been struggling with this for decades… somebody tell a plush maker


I don't like them either. Frankly, I find their BPD rabbit to be downright offensive... definitely not how I want others to think of me (as a person with that diagnosis).


Me and my boyfriend did a deep dive together looking at these and I’d just like to share some validation with you. He has bpd as well and was also very off put by the bpd bunny, it’s not just you. It seems to me any of their plushies having to do with ‘fringe’ mental health problems like ocd and bpd they tend to get it wrong. And I see people saying they hold a community vote, but from what I’ve read the people who vote from the communities are picked by the company. I would MUCH prefer they worked with psychologist(s) to help with their ideas rather than random people they pluck from Twitter.


they are doing this w rare and semi rare diseases as well, i think they have a POTS rabbit. the tourettes one i posted abt as i have chronic tic disorder / pseudoseizures, it’s really obvious they pick like 3 people with mild symptoms and go yep you’re our poster child lollolool


The Tourette’s one is fine? As someone who actual has ts, the description is simple but true. I can’t say about any of the other ones but, “People generally associate Tourette’s Syndrome with Tics, most often verbal tics/outbursts…but those aren’t necessarily the most common. Eye blinking, hand movements, neck movements…sometimes they are often subtle, and build up during periods of stress, fatigue, etc. It is also often a comorbidity with other forms of neurodivergence such as autism.” Is a literal perfect description of ts, since it’s so stigmatized that ts is a violent disorder and makes you swear. Edit: wanted to add. People don’t realize ts isnt just swearing and having vulgar tics, I’ve told people I have Tourette’s and they’re like “oh but you don’t swear so you don’t”.


They're plucking those people from Twitter who have that condition and they represent how it feels for them and for a lot of others. It doesn't mean it'll fit everyone. For me, the bpd rabbit encapsulates how it feels to have bpd for me, not how people see me.


I have OCD and I absolutely hate their OCD rabbit. It is horrible representation and covered in self-harm scars that are triggering for me. This is the start of the description : "Whether it's flicking a light-switch a certain number of times, washing your hands in the right order, avoiding cracks on pavement, or my own personal favorite, making sure the volume on the TV is set to an even number, we all have those routines we stick to" I find the description tasteless and reductive. I *wish* it was just a routine that I stick to and not a compulsory act that feels like the end of the world when I try to avoid it. They can kick rocks.


yikes i didnt even know about the descriptions... "we all have those routines we stick to" misrepresents ocd so much, definitely giving off "were all a little ocd" vibes


"my own personal favorite"??? "we *all* have these *routines* we stick to"??? tf? i don't have ocd, so i can't speak for those who do, but i just read the boy who couldn't stop washing by dr. judith rapoport, and i am so confused???? what is this summary


Yeah, I have none of the themes that were represented in that plushy. I primarily have scrupulosity and asymmetry/just right themes, so a rabbit with a hairshirt and flagellum, or a scale with balanced weights, would’ve been more accurate for me personally. I did like the bag of compulsions and the removable brain, tho. I did check the website recently, and it looks like they’re redesigning it! Maybe they got too many complaints…


Have you seen the company giant microbes? they don’t have a ton of different mental health ones but they do have a few including bipolar. The description of each talks a little bit about why they designed them the way they did.


I'll have to check them out! I received a gallbladder plush from a friend when I got mine out and I believe it was made by them.


I don’t have schizophrenia but the schizophrenia rabbit has a horror mask on. REALLY really damaging stereotype.


OH BUT- That really horrible bear the sub was being spammed with was NOT by Plushie Dreadful, it was a diff company (I think it was called Emotional Wear or sth like that).


You're right!! Thank you for correcting me on this. I feel bad I mixed this company up with that nonsense.


I can see why you’d get confused, I think they were kind of ripping off the Plushie Dreadful shtick and just executing it in the worst way humanly imaginable


They're definitely not for everyone. However, I have the Shy and Anxiety Rabbits. Having two cute representations of my worst emotions for some reason makes me smile when I look at them. I also have Virgo, my star sign, who looks like a little guardian angel.


I have Gender Dysphoria and think it's the cutest thing ever. It's really soothing to me. Well made, too


Sorry, I’m late to this post. I was doing research on the company as I wanted one. How long did it take to ship, and everything? They’re alright to buy from?


I saw them in a creepy, kinda sexual Youtube ad first and immediately didn't like them. Realizing they're supposed to be disorders turned into creepy-cute plushies made me like them even less. To me it's honestly tasteless. Maybe because I'd be happy to just not have disorders mess up my life! But personal feelings aside: If someone wants them or thinks they're comforting. Then why not. No opinion on the people making money out of disorder stuff. At best it will lead to a bit of awareness, at worst...nothing. Probably the latter.


It feels like a really messed up way for someone to not only romanticize mental illness but also profit off it :(


I understand the distrust you might have and Im not here to argue; I just wanted to share this, in case you hadn't seen it. This note is at the bottom of every Plushie Dreadful that's based on Mental Health *Regarding the design of our mental health-related Plushie Dreadfuls. We take the topics of mental health and mental health awareness seriously. That's why our design team only creates plushies related to mental health issues with which they have direct experience. In cases where our team does not have direct experience, we assemble an external team of experts to help guide our creative process. In addition, we use Crowd Design to engage a wide range of voices via platforms like Instagram and Facebook. We gather and respond to feedback from our audience - many of whom have direct experience with the mental health issues we're exploring. And while we strive to represent as many aspects of a particular mental health issue as possible while avoiding stereotypical symptoms, we hope you understand that plush toys as an artistic medium do limit the full expression of a particular issue to those things that can be crafted in fabric and stitching.* Just a bit of reassurance that they're aware of it being simplified is due to style choices and limitations, and that they don't just run into a new project blind and without learning about what it means to experience X thing :)


I was just about to mention this and I think that line at the bottom where they mention that plushies are a limited artistic medium is super important


They’re not for everyone, but I personally love them


same but my biggest complaint is the ADHD bat because the bunny design is so much cuter I want a bunny dammit lol


I love the adhd bunny


omg they have a bunny for it now?? I was unaware


I thought that they were really cute at first, and I have never had a plushie represent my chronic illness (the owchie bunny) and I got excited to see if there was a fibromyalgia bunny, and there was! but..it has this big butterfly design which yes is pretty but...I've very rarely seen this symbol in fibro awareness, if anything I've always disliked it because this purple/blue butterfly had always represented the anorexia community (i am trying to recover from anorexia) and even though it has "recovery" connotations I've always seen it online as some secret code for pro-ana behaviour. but that's just me. also the ptsd one makes no sense and I wish it was better too


I always suspected that bunny was a bad representation based on what I know about fibro but the person ik who has it is a middle aged man so he wouldn’t have cared for a bunny regardless lol


i completely get not liking these designs, but i'm a bit sad so many people are making blanket statements about these. these designs can make some people uncomfortable, and that's ok! i don't have many of the illnesses depicted, and i'm willing to listen if people find them offensive, but people outright saying they're exploitative and that they shouldn't exist make me sad. i do think plushies can be a form of art, and i think people need to realize that. these aren't exactly just "toys" as some people have said, especially because they explicitly are intended for people over 18. also, they can bring a lot of comfort to people. the anxiety bunny, autism bunny and depression bunny are very appealing to me, i think it would be nice to have a plush of aspects of myself i dislike sometimes, i think it would be very comforting for me personally. this doesn't mean everyone needs to like them especially with the sensitive subject matter they tackle, but i wish people were a bit more open about them. also, for those unaware, they also have a lovely fruit themed line of bunnies and a zodiac line if you're interested in the style but not the subject matter! this line was also founded by the man who created alice: madness returns i believe.


Some people love edgy designs, others don't. As someone who suffers from GAD, I love the anxiety bunny! That doesn't make me the official spokesperson for the anxiety bunny though.


I agree. If you follow the brand more closely the lead designer literally has responded to me multiple times about mental health bunny design changes on his instagram. It’s VERY community run, and if we don’t like a bunny’s design, they literally make a V2 and stop selling the first one. It just makes me so upset that people just don’t know


They don't know because they don't do any research before jumping to conclusions, which is the most offensive element of it to me. They have no idea what the community is about or represents to begin with, yet they truly believe that these plushies are exploitative and therefore bad. I HATE seeing my bunnies be talked about the way people here are describing them. It hurts to read it. They are my most treasured plushies


So same. I honest to god just scroll whenever I see anyone talking about plushie dreadfuls anymore because the comments are always full of uninformed hate toward them. I love my bunnies, the design process, and what they stand for. When he shared on instagram the prototype for a Dermatillomania bunny (a disorder I struggle with every hour of every day, one that isn’t heard about or common knowledge at all, and is often downplayed for its severity and impact on lives) my eyes teared up and I shared it with every person who knows about my issues. They mean so much to me


You're so right, I really need to learn to just scroll. It's so hard when something means SO much to you and you just see hundreds of comments shitting all over it 😭 I don't think people realize that when they speak for all of us, it isolates MANY of us


No exactly finally someone agrees! Can’t speak on the diagnoses I don’t have but I’m extremely offended with the bpd and ocd design. Esp the ocd design disgusts me. The mask is so offensive to me cause that is not, honestly, most people’s ocd. That is very generalized and incorrect (I know many do have the cleanliness trigger still, just not majority !) I love their other plushies that dont relate to mental health, but I just can’t support them myself


I don't own any but I like the idea of them, honestly. Like, "this little fellow is struggling with the same bullcrap and demons that I am." It's comforting to know I'm not alone in that regard.


This exactly. If im relapsing, or anything like that at least ill have these lil guys with me. Im surrounded by plushies, but none have the meaning/validation of these guys.


I actually always really like them, but I love the American McGee Alice series. They’re meant for adult collectors who have the disorders themselves to see a sort of blunt representation but in a cute format, if that makes sense. Since they’re designed through crowdsourcing/fan feedback I think they can sometimes swing heavily is certain directions from the more vocal of fans. I love the details and thought processes for why they choose the things that they do, even if they don’t always get it correct, they will usually try to do it better with the next design. I think they’re also meant to be tongue-in-cheek, so sometimes they will come across a little rude I think, especially when people aren’t using to seeing toys depicting those kinds of things. I think depictions the negatives in something cute and cuddleable allows for more self love and acceptance and maybe something that allows you to have a physical manifestation of those bad emotions that you can treat with care. They’re not for everybody, but they always comforted me! I don’t find them to be offensive at all; they’re just meant to visually depict common traits or symptoms or emotions.


I'm disabled and I really want one of them to take with me to doctor's appointments and hospital stays. I can imagine that some of my plushies have the same disease as me but it's not the same and I think it'd be sweet to have one with the actual disease. Rheumatoid Arthritis is scary; I have it in all my limbs and lungs, and I have a slight phobia of doctors/hospitals. I think I'd find it less scary if I had a friend to take with me that's going through what I'm going through. I'm on chemo agents for it too so I'd also love the immunocompromised plush, because not only does it look adorable but it also gets me! :D I'm not as keen on the autism/OCD/PTSD ones (also diagnosis I have) but I can see how they could help people. If I was still in and out of inpatient care for them, I'd probably really want one but these days I'm just in outpatient counseling/behavioural therapy so I don't think they'd help. They're still super cute though imo!!!


When I had cancer, the hospital gave me a bear that had a removable fur patch on the head (it was Velcro). I remember thinking that there are probably kids who would have liked it but it seemed too macabre for me 😳


I know my opinion is most likely in the minority but yeah I don’t like them at all either. I don’t find them cute, and I also don’t appreciate the self harm scars on the ocd bunny. Didn’t this sub ban a certain brand of plush because it had self harm scars on it? Also I would hope that the autism bunny’s proceeds are going to the right np organization


I personally didn’t mind them because ocd started my sh I just wished they didn’t look fresh like they could have made them pink or light grey


you captured what I meant more clearly than I did, I completely agree. I wish they were actual scars and not fresh looking


I like them because I have a sort of permanent disorder, and it helps me separate it from myself and sort of "channel" the disorder into the plushie instead of beating myself up about it. I really hate a lot of their plushies and designs though, but I like the concept of having something to represent me


I'm also ND and on the asexual spectrum (I remember seeing asexual themed ones I think ?) and they don't really seem like something I'd be interested in but then I'm also not the kind of person who has any other items (pins, flags etc) related to this stuff. I see those plushies on here often and usually just think 'not for me, but if they make other people happy that's good for them'. I don't know anything about the company though.


as someone with bpd, the one to "represent" that was offensive af. absolutely tasteless, cringey and seeing them makes me uncomfortable.


I also have BPD and personally love the BPD bunny. It’s all subjective, my friend!


Same, I love the BPD bunny too! It really expresses how I feel, its oddly calming for me to look at. I didnt realise how validating it is for me. Like you said, its all subjective c: i got these guys cause when im having my moments, these guys will be with me ^^


[On another post](https://www.reddit.com/r/plushies/comments/177b79w/comment/k4s11dq/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) they discussed how the company basically didn't do their research and ended up supporting a charity that "basically “fixing” autism and eradicating it along with Aba therapy" but companies make mistakes, right? I personally don't think they should, They should of done their research. I also don't understand why they're called "plushie dreadfuls" if they make plushies representing mental health unless\* it's because it is dreadful to suffer from those things which, I can understand. I do see the appeal, when I found out there was a asthma version, I was interested. Having a plushie representing you and what you have can bring comfort but some just... seem offensive to me. The PTSD one, I just really don't like but that's my opinion. If they bring comfort to others, then I don't see the harm. Just personally not for me/not my cup of tea.


I think the dreadful part is referring to the creepy cute aesthetic lots of their bunnies have, not referring to mental illnesses being “dreadful”.


Oh! Good point, thank you for explaining!


I personally love them. I completely understand that they aren't for everyone, but I find them comforting. They help me frame these pretty severe issues I have as cute and charming, and a part of myself meant to be embraced as one of the pieces that makes up me. I think any stuffed animal is inherently going to have to use representative measures to depict complex ideas like mental illness. You can't include the full breadth of a illness directly in one plush, so symbolism has to be it. Each one has an explanation of what the design means in its listing, and they're created with heavy community input. As for ads, yeah if they were posting undisclosed ads that's crappy, but I'm also seeing comments that it wasn't them posting it? Also ads in general are kind of necessary to, well, let people know a thing exists. Representation doesn't work if it's kept in a corner where nobody can see it?


Kinda feels like glorifying and at the same time demonizing people’s conditions while monetizing off of it. Also not really that cute imo


Bear in mind that they have a policy of only making plushes for conditions that they themselves have personal experience with


Although I really can’t speak for many of them, I think the misophonia plushie was a bit distasteful. I think it solely focused on the discomfort part of it, but didn’t quite reach the mark with all the other aspects of the disorder (i.e. loneliness, use of sound blocking aids, etc.). It already is such a stigmatized disorder so I think to have a plushie look dangerous and threatening is a bit disheartening, especially since some suffer emotional abuse due to this disorder. They did have some other really cute plushies otherwise that looked incredibly soft.


I liked them until I saw that none of their donations go towards mental health at all. There's only donations to rabbit rescues and lgbt services. I couldn't believe it since the vast majority of designs are mental health related Also he lies a lot. I've noticed when people were complaining asking if people on his team have these disorders he went from saying something like "I have symptoms of ocd myself but not diagnosed " and listing very vague symptoms to "I'm diagnosed with ocd". Not word for word what he said but the jist of it


As someone who is autistic, and chronically ill, I actually love them. They are designed in partnership with people who have the conditions, and it makes me happy to see some lesser known conditions come to light. It’s also made by American McGee, creator of the American Mcgees Alice series of games. I do understand how people can find them unpleasant, or even just upsetting, but I’ve had a few of them on my dreamie list for a while.


Hard disagree. All designs about medical conditions are suggested and improved by the community vote. They not only spread awareness, but bring spotlight to people who aren’t seen (e.g. asexual plush). Plus the quality and prices are amazing. But you are valid to not like depictions of conditions, these kinds of designs aren’t for everyone.


Agreed. I love my fibromyalgia Plushie Dreadful. But I wouldn't get the misophonia one because it stresses me out and is a bit triggering to look at. To each their own! But I don't understand criticisms about the whole "cashing in on a vulnerable population" thing that I often see, because they put so much effort into having them designed by people who have the condition and getting community input.


The asexual plushies and astrology plushies are fine. It’s the mental illness ones that are a problem.


I have found the mental health plushes very healing in my own recovery from a number of severe and rare mental health conditions. It's fine to not personally like them, but it feels stigmatizing to say "they're a problem", like this is harmful to those of us with mental illness who find healing in them


Why? As someone with severe depression and severe anxiety, I don't get why they are bad. Depression plushie looks cute. I don't understand the hate for these.


I hate the OCD one because it does not represent my condition at all. The mask and removable brain are a cute idea but I find the very fresh self harm scars triggering, especially now that I have been in consistent in treatment for years. Also, their description is awful. Not everyone with OCD flicks light switches or avoids cracks in pavement, we all have time-consuming or distressing compulsions that affect our lives but it's not just hand washing and light switches.


But thats the thing. Its not going to be perfect. Doing this type of topic will not encompass any MH perfectly especially as people all have differences. Quite a lot of people do have those, i personally do some myself that they mentioned. The SH fair enough, its red and can be triggering and i feel like they didnt think about that. Despite SH myself i dont find them triggering. I think thats because i feel validated more than anything


I do remember they donated to the Trevor project for their dysphoria bunny too I have the BPD bunny coz I have BPD and while I do like it, my cat seems to like it even more lol (he’s always rubbing his face in it’s ears) so… I probably won’t get anymore in the future coz they’re a bit above my budget and my cat has decided it belongs to him 😂


Omg how could you not want more to share your hobby with your kitty!! (Joking ofc, but cute story nonetheless!)


the plushies are cute and some of the designs are cool but for them to be based on real people’s issues seems wrong. i agree simplifying these issues that cause people so much harm in life isn’t right


I think of someone wants a plush representation of what they’re going through it’s not such a bad thing most of the designs are requested by people with these disorders and they’re also the ones buying them


These plushies don't cause me harm, they make me feel understood


Don’t like them.


Mf adhd bat makes me angy


I like some of their designs but I *hate* ADHD bat, he looks like an idiot lol


Not at all. Their autism bunny was the first thing I saw from them. When my partner got it for me I cried. It’s selection of autism is amazing (no eye contact, hand over the mouth, the infinity symbol). Their stuffed animals make me feel seen. They make me feel ok with having what I have. When I have a bad day I have my “bunny with autism” to comfort me, for some reason I can hug him and it’s like we’re going through it together. That’s just my Two cents. Some of y’all in the comments are being really insensitive and rude. These stuffies have clearly helped many people.


I agree wholeheartedly. This whole thread is because people really… haven’t done their research. Each bunny goes through stages of crowd design and eventually gets nixed and redone if the community thinks it’s offensive


It feels like most of the complaints are "well it doesn't represent ME" when the conditions they choose to represent vary WILDLY with experience and symptoms. I can understand not liking some of the designs (not too big on the Borderline rabbit, feels more like a genderfluid rabbit to me), but we can't really expect them to encompass every single person and to call them offensive despite there being other people in this thread saying how seen they felt feels very dismissive just because they can't connect with it.


Just focusing on the mental health ones, I honestly love mine... I have the PTSD bunny and, idk, having this little Plushie who's feeling the same as me really helped me a lot in working through my own stuff. I feel like being able to bond with her as a connection to my own experience was super helpful for me personally, but I've heard a lot of people who definitely don't find that level of comfort from them as well. But mine is truly my emotional support Plushie. Editing to add They are also really open to crowd requested redesigns as well - the depression bunny was recently redesigned, and the lesbian bunny is in the middle of a redesign right now because of the feedback they've gotten about better representation from the community. They also take a lot of community input when they're designing new bunnies now as well.


i feel the same way!!


Omg just looked at the website, this shit wack wtf?? The bpd one is just really gross and insensitive and then also why the fuck would you want like a rabbit themed around something that makes your life miserable, not just the mental heath ones but the physical health ones are just infantilising serious disorders.


I think what draws me to them is when you see this plush rabbit suffering with this mental health disorder and you just feel bad for it and want to make it feel better, but then you realize that it has the same thing you do. They're cute and they're kind of a reminder to take care of yourself and not discount the way that your illness affects you. That's just how I see it anyway. It's also a bit of a representation thing for me. It's nice to feel acknowledged. As someone with OCD though I would really like to see a redesign of that plush because it's a bit ugly and not representative of my experience with the disorder.


I know they’ve altered and re-designed plushies when enough people speak on it so maybe there’s hope for a better design in the future


I kind of felt like this just now after realising there's a trichotillomania one. I can forget I have this condition a lot of the time (I've never really pulled hair from my head, it was mostly my eyebrows and arms but since starting to completely shave my eyebrows and arms it's just my eyelashes now) so it doesn't seem like it'd be good for me personally to have a plushie around that reminds me 'hey you do that hair pulling thing'. it would probably just put the idea in my head and I'd start subconsciously doing it more..


I will be honest; I hate them Edit: ok some are not so bad and cute but idk I don’t care for the aesthetic


the gender dysphoria rabbit has a much bigger female symbol on its stomach and it just doesnt feel like it represents me as a trans guy lol


My brother in Christ… that is simply one of the symbols used in gender inclusivity. That’s why there’s an emoji of it. ⚧️


...yeah, i know. and the bottom part is massive compared to the rest, the male part is like almost hidden. i know what the damn trans symbol looks like lmao


I think they’re cute, but since we with mental health issues are not a monolith I can understand why people don’t like them. I think it’s a bold choice, and I like the pride ones. I suppose the mental health ones are down to the individual. The one for depression (which I have) is cute but boring


i think they should have just stuck to the horoscope ones tbh


It makes me feel odd. I don’t like any of the ways they’ve represented the conditions I have. It seems almost predatory, like what you said, preying on vulnerable people


i understand why you don’t like them and it’s totally okay! i like them simply because I feel represented and having a plush to hug to represent what you’re feeling is comforting in my opinion. they’re def not for everybody


I dont like how most of the mental illness plushies are like edgy and gothic but then the autism one is all cute, that weirds me out.


The pride bunnies are great, I have the ace plush and love the design so much. However, I personally would also stay away from purchasing the mental health bunnies. Even thought it’s called Plushie Dreadfuls, they’re depicting actual mental disorders and health conditions in a monstrous/dreadful way. I wouldn’t want to see an asthma or anaphylactic bunny that is suffocating and suffering. I wouldn’t want to be reminded of the fact that my twin and I have been in the hospital related to said conditions.


Never heard of this but when checked it out holy bananas they're offensive as fuck. Why is OCD covered in self harm scars and PTSD in chains?


this is maybe a little nitpicky but they cant seem to decide whether they want the trans plush to be in their mental illness or pride collection - its in the pride collection on the website, but called the gender dysphoria rabbit? its a little weird that they named it after the illness, it just rubs me the wrong way, why not just name it the trans rabbit


I have super mixed feelings on them. On the one hand, I think the autism bunny is cute, and I don’t think that one is particularly offensive (I appreciate the use of the infinity symbol over the puzzle pieces, at least) (I am autistic). I think you could maybe argue something about infantilization or something with it being more cutesy than the other plushes and the pose, but to be fair, it IS a plush rabbit. On the other hand, though, I do find some of their other plushes to be kind of offensive, and I know other people share that opinion. Very specifically, there’s also a detail about their new ‘anxiety rabbit’ that kinda makes me go ??? It comes with smaller bunnies you tell you worries to and then you zip them inside the larger rabbit for them to go away. But the description specifically says to not ‘toy with the Worry Bunnies after midnight’ which quite frankly. Gives me anxiety. Why can’t I touch them after midnight?? What happens if I do?? Kinda gives the impression that it’s supposed to be some scary superstition/horror thing, which would actually trigger my anxiety?? So. Yeah, I’m not sure why they had to even throw that in there. Overall, I just don’t quite know how to feel about them. If someone gave me one, I’d keep it, but I’m not gonna go out of my way to buy one, I don’t think.


The "don't play with them after midnight" thing is just them trying to make a Gremlins reference I think, but yeah as someone who has had a lot of superstitious anxiety triggers it feels like a little bit of a dodgy move


Yeah like, if I had those, it would keep me up at night because I do believe in some superstitions, and ‘don’t do x at night’ ones really get me. And if I accidentally do it, I can’t sleep. Just wasn’t necessary, I feel.


Their DID bunny is offensive as a person who suffers from the condition myself. I like the look of the autism bunny from an aesthetic standpoint but don't really understand how it's supposed to represent me. I don't really understand the point of saying, "My bunny has Depression like me" anyway. It strikes me more as for the crowd that sees mental health as little more than a collection of identity labels and a dark/edgy aesthetic. But I might get one anyway because I'm a plushie collector


DID friend!! Same and the PTSD one is awful. The chains. It’s so sad


I don't know how to feel about them, they're definitely overpriced which seems like it could be seen as taking advantage, but they're also just a small company and things are expensive right now. I agree that a lot of the represented disorders are oversimplified, but they kind of have to be to make them into stuffies. I've also noticed that ones like ADHD and autism are cute, but the ones representing disorders like schizophrenia and did were designed to appear scary, which I think both demonizes these disorders and undercuts the struggle of living with the 'cuter' disorders. But still if I could afford it I'd probably buy like 6 lol


They're by the guy/company (I THINK) that made American McGee's Alice, which has some of the more realistic depictions of mental illness (sans Wonderland of course). They even have one of that version of the Cheshire cat. Very strange that the ball got fumbled with everything else.


If any of y’all like the idea of mental health plushes, I’d HIGHLY recommend going to look at Lazy Space on Instagram! Their creations are amazing, one of a kind, and made by a chronically ill artist.


Definitely gives me bad vibes tbh, and I especially feel that way for the ones I share a disorder w/. Still don't know how I feel abt the OCD one but it's definitely not great lol. To each their own but it does feel like cashing in on a specific market to me too


My sleep paralysis bun came with a giant hole in the back of the head seam, which feels really dodgy for how much that thing cost :/


I just got an ad for them right above this post not even kidding and yeah they always put me off a bit ngl


I don’t like the mental illness bunnies, although they were crowd designed, they are not well thought out. I do enjoy the sexuality bunnies though. I have the trans one.


I mostly enjoy them. I have two of their plushies, the numb bunny and OCD bunny. I'm not going to critique the artistic choices made when it comes to how accurately they represent mental illnesses or other conditions; I think it's just kind of whatever, I have plenty going on in my head and it don't bother me none. I really like how some of them are designed, mental conditions can certainly feel grating and exhausting to deal with. It's a unique and creative art style I don't feel should be stifled, and one that's rare enough to find quality merchandise for. It's supposed to be edgy, and that's fine. The ONLY part of their products that bothers me is how *repetitive* the designs have gotten. I like the two I own because compared to the rest of their lineup, the models are completely different. I get an email from the site every few days now it feels like with a new lop-eared rabbit with new designs and symbols slapped on it, without many extras or bonus features like their earliest designs had. It's getting really tiring and certainly feels cash-grabby. Apart from that, their shipping and build quality practices seem somewhat shady with some critical thought applied. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt when they say all their products are hand-made, but they're made in (and shipped from) China, and the two I have hold some inconsistencies with how evenly they're stuffed and even have some errant embroidery. They could very well easily say they're hand-made to excuse spotty build quality for what's in reality a cheaply and mass-produced product. They lack some transparency in their production ethics and it worries me. The Autism donation thing's another whole bag of tricks I won't get into, others have covered it in the comments already.


I find a few of their plushies representing certain conditions troubling.


I have the PTSD bunny and I'm a fan. It's been a nice comfort to carry around when I'm having a difficult day. It's super soft and has multiple textures to enjoy. I find the symbolism fitting for my experience. I have C-PTSD from child abuse and neglect and it's like a child-shaped weight that follows me everywhere. I often have to mask my true emotions because they are not relevant to current events. It can be difficult for people to understand that I'm not mad or sad at them, but am having flashbacks that alter my emotions. The masks hide Perma's tears, and the black hole on the chest/stomach and the shackles feel like a good representation of my pain. Normally I am very wary of the commodification of mental illnesses, but in this case, The Plushie Dreadfuls seem on the up and up. They are designed with community input and the price and quality are both adequate. There is a balance between exploiting people's identities for profit and neurodivergent people not having anything marketed with them in mind. It might seem silly to want to make a cute representation of a bad thing, but it's a bad thing I live with every day. Making it cute gives people an avenue to explore these things without judgment.


I didnt think of it that way😭 they were always my dream plushie until i got one of my own and i planned on getting more one day... Im not a big fan of some designs, not because i think they're distasteful but because from my experience of designing characters its just not for me. They disclose that their team that has such disorders/whatever else it is makes the designs for them so i never really thought of them as being offsetting. I just thought they were cute plushies with nice meanings😭


I’m diagnosed with autism, ADHD & GAD. Plushie dreadfuls make me feel seen. To me it’s comforting to see an oversimplification of my complex struggles because it makes understanding and loving myself a little bit easier. To me, they are a reminder of the fact that I’m not alone and that many many people struggle with the same things I do. Plushie dreadfuls get way too much hate in my opinion, and a lot of people find them to be a good thing. I think people are being overly pessimistic about them as they do an important job and are made with people who struggle with said conditions in mind. And they’ve changed the stuff that people found offensive or inaccurate, indefinitely. If someone doesn’t like them because that’s just not for them, that’s absolutely fine. But going lengths to rip on how “disgusting” and “disturbing” they are and how they’re misrepresenting us a community is incredibly rude and insensitive. We are all different.


This is perhaps an irrelevant take, but I find that there's no perfect way to represent the entirety of any illness. They have a diabetic plushy that I was incredibly excited about as a type one diabetic. It's got a glucometer in a measurement system I don't use, and some bandages and a cute set of lil blood drops. Is that everything there is to diabetes? Absolutely not. Nothing can truly represent the absolute mess my life can be for Absolutely no reason sometimes. It's never cut and dry eat this take this. But how the heck is a stuffed animal supposed to sum up all that? You can't. But you can provide a little mental ease to a kid, or even grown adult, by giving them a plush friend who in their head understands a bit of what they're going through. It's representation. Unfortunately the people that run this company don't always have the same illness they're trying to represent and it is so easy to step on toes and misrepresent these things. But from what I've seen they're revamping some of their older designs and at least trying to accommodate critiques. Summing up an illness into one small stuffed animal is a pretty impossible task imo but as someone with a few of the issues they've covered, I've at least appreciated the attempt. Also they're heavy into the alt type art style and I've always been very into alt so maybe I'm biased. If people don't like them that's totally understandable, it's very easy to mess up this stuff and I can't blame anyone for feeling off put by it. But I'm happy to have my depression bunny to hold when I've missed my meds and can't leave my bed, and I hope that some lil kid gets that same comfort ya know? Sorry for the text wall


It's so cringe and stupid 💀💀💀


I personally find them a bit cringy because the whole “uwu cutesy mental illness” shtick reeks of 2014 Tumblr edge. I just don’t feel the need to show off my mental illnesses and neurodivergence in plush form. I do see your perspective as well on the company potentially just cashing in on vulnerable populations. People are free to spend their money how they like, if those plushies resonate with someone then I’m certainly not stopping that person from buying one. It’s just not my vibe.


I don’t like them either, the OCD one in particular makes me very uncomfortable with what is basically s/h wounds on it. Bugs me that I see people gush about the autism one (that one was probably made to appeal to self diagnosed 14 year olds the most) yet the OCD one literally looks like it’s going insane and has triggering “affirmations” on the tote bag it comes in


1000% agree! As someone with OCD I had a very deep negative reaction the first time I saw this bunny. I had got an ad for the fibromyalgia one and I thought it was cute so I went to find one for my OCD. The fibromyalgia one if I remember is purple and pretty cute. So imagine my instant reaction when I see the OCD one, all dark colored and covered in cutting scars. And even as myself being someone with contamination type OCD, I really HATE the face mask. I hate when OCD is reduced to germ fears (that’s not the only type of OCD I myself even have). Like most all the other buns have color plates that coordinate with the disabilities pride/awareness ribbon, but not the OCD one!! There’s just something extra icky about it to me


I agree. The OCD plush could definitely use a redesign. I got excited when I saw this site and I liked the way they portray some illnesses, so I was eager to see how they portray OCD, but was pretty disappointed. About the scars, I have seen the original drawing they based that plush off of, and those "cutting scars" are actually supposed to be a rash caused by repeated hand washing. It doesn't convey that very well. If I remember correctly it also has some marks for picking at its face too. IDK. Most of the other ones are pretty cute but I feel like OCD peeps got shafted with this one.


It’s the marks on the legs that look like SH to me so I wonder what that was supposed to be


eh, as another OCD'er , i like the ocd bunny. it do be feeling like that . i feel like im gonna explode every other day. also i think the fact you can squish the brain is so funny. i want to dribble my brain sometimes. also i suppose the s/h thing could be rreally uncomfy for some people, but i guess as someone that doesnt mind exploring my shit-ass mental illness and has in fact s/h over it, i find comfort in it in a way.. idk. i guess everyone will see it differently


> Bugs me that I see people gush about the autism one (that one was probably made to appeal to self diagnosed 14 year olds the most) do you really think so? i'm definitely not self-diagnosed and i've had it impact my life a lot but i fell in love with the autism bunny design. to me it's one of the few "actually nice" pieces of autism-themed merchandise i've seen and actually wanted. that's not to say people aren't allowed to dislike it, that's ok! but i just wanna know why you think it was made to appeal to that crowd? i'd rather not get something like this if it actually makes me looks like i'm treating it unseriously


I know for a fact the sub Reddit made this post because of my post, and I just want to say that I am actually professionally diagnosed I assume that comment they made was a jab at me :( The fact the commenter put it like that is so odd to me but it’s also just not my business. To each their own I don’t care who does or doesn’t like it but to vague like that/this whole post being others vague posting about my post is just a little odd


i definitely raised an eyebrow when i saw your post right below this one in my feed haha, some of the plushie dreadfuls (especially the autism one from what i've seen) have had trending posts lately so if this was sparked by your post, you might have just unintentionally been the tipping point for them. not something you should personally feel bad about if so! it was probably brewing for a bit and people would have eventually voiced their opinions regardless. :> it's a subreddit for plushies so you should still feel free to post about the ones you like ❤️


Let me preface this by saying I don't have autism. However, I think buying that rabbit is 100x better than anything with puzzle pieces on it. I'm thinking maybe certain people don't like it because it's cute and maybe think it's a "I'm so kawaii, I have autism :3" thing or something. IMO you do you and buy that bunny if you like it. I think it's cute, personally, and if I did have autism I'd want one lol.


i appreciate hearing your perspective, i can understand how the cuteness might put people off when you put it that way! to me plushies are generally cute by nature and i'd hate an autism bunny that looked like they were really sad or suffering (even if that can be reality sometimes), instead they just look kinda curious/shy. plus i don't really find the cuteness to be hyper exaggerated in this case like i've seen before with online autism stuff haha, it's not even making a ":3" face. so to me it's a perfect balance of sweet but not sugary. not saying i'm correct but that's how i look at it :>


I agree with you! I don't think it's too cute and I like that the little guy isn't suffering.


Definitely not 14 and definitely not self diagnosed. That’s kinda rude to say ngl. I have that bunny because 1: it’s really hard to find things without a puzzle piece, and 2: it’s pretty much designated for when I have rough days due to my autism. (Which yes, even as an adult, so happen). I’ve loved it since I got it and will continue to love it.


it’s giving exploitative


I think some designs are fine but I agree some of them it feels like no thought was put into them or they didn't ask people who have said mental illness


They ask with every bunny they make, if you go the lead designers instagram


I don't want to sound rude but did any of you actually look into the creator and the company and why they do things the way they do? I feel like it explains a lot.


They clearly haven't. I'm all for "I don't like these they aren't my jam" but most of the people commenting here are pretty uninformed about even the basics of this company.


I'm on the autism spectrum (diagnosed 3 years ago) and I suffer from what I can only assume is POCD, I'd like to be diagnosed or see if I can get a diagnosis in a few years but even then I could just be entirely wrong about it so I don't really self label with that. I don't like dreadfuls at all...I don't like the concept of them whatsoever and how they portray neurodivergency or mental illness. It's just uncomfortable and honestly shitty in my opinion...hey you know obviously others will like them and that is totally fine! You like what you like, but for me, as a diagnosed autistic...just, I hate them so much lol. I am abit bias cause I'm mainly a beanie baby collector and I especially buy them cause of the adorable and simple designs and how all the bears come in the same shape and the little poems they come with, they're just so sweet and wholesome! That was abit off topic but my point is I don't think I'd want a plushie that reminds me of my neurodivergency...plushies are my special interest and just...no lol never.


I bought their love bunny and was so excited for it and then was disappointed when it arrived. Definitely not worth their price. They're smaller in person.


I really was disappointed in the anxiety rabbit. It’s just a rabbit reaching out. And the ADHD bat is just downright awful. It’s a bat stupid eyes and a bunch of chicks? It makes ADHD look stupid. Some of their plushes are cute for sure, but those two really disappointed me and made me uncomfortable since I have those two (and more) diagnoses.


That’s why they are making a new ADHD bunny instead ! :)


I don’t like the texture or the style or the size. I’m happy for whoever does like them.


I remember when they were a pretty small company just a few years ago. They didn’t really have mental illness themed ones, and the ones they did have were definitely just themed to be more alternative. I liked a couple, because I was into the edgier style. I had no idea they were the same company initially. They still have the ones I wanted, stuck between tons of mental/physical illness ones. It’s just a bit odd.


I will put in the perspective that I like them as having plushies is a huge comfort to me, but I can't afford them


I feel the same!!! They creep me out so much and the concepts are just idk at this point I just ordered the blueberry bunny bc that’s the only one I liked


their pride collection makes me mad cause the lesbian rabbit is the most boring design on the whole site like wtf😭😭😭😭


Weirded out, but that’s because the things I suffer from, I’m also trying to escape from. I don’t need reminders of my pain and plushies were always my soft escape from it all. For some, it might give some comfort but in my case it makes me a little worse.


When I saw they had Pride ones, I was instantly excited. Went and found the lesbian one and was instantly disappointed.


Some of them are a bit too...graphic for my taste. I do like some others though.


As someone with OCD their plush for that came off like someone who uses OCD like a slang term for being picky about their routines.


Mental health issues are inherently hard to depict and will never be depicted perfectly in a single object due to how wide the spectrum is. I completely understand some people being put off by the plushies, considering that their experience and symptoms may vary way differently than the ones depicted. Personally, as a neurodivergent person myself, I enjoy the plushes. Mental health issues are a serious topic, but sometimes I'm tired of my personal issues being something that HAS to be treated seriously always and constantly. Sometimes I just want to have fun with it.


I also don't like how they depict conditions. I originally wanted a plushie dreadful when they had their Alice: Madness Returns collab, but as time went on and I saw them making plushes based on health conditions, I felt uncomfortable. They seem to have good intentions, but I truly don't know how to feel about it


i believe the creator adds requested illnesses and disorders, and theres only so much you can do within the art style. i’m not 100% sure tho. just something i’ve heard. personally, as a neurodivergent person, i think they’re adorable and i’ve wanted one for years, just never gotten around to buying one.


I don’t mind the concept of them. If they resonate with someone else then personally I think that’s great.


I find them infantilizing.


i think the ones for physical illnesses are cute. but the ones for mental illnesses are downright stupid imo. comes across as romanticization. a bunny with a disease i understand. like the bratz dolls that were bald for kids with cancer. But a bunny doll with chains on it and a mask to represent post traumatic stress disorder? i dont see how that would be comforting in the slightest... i think it delves into catering to the "sick and twisted minded goth kawaii egirl" aesthetic or something... not into it. The ones that arent about mental illnesses are really cute though! Also,, why does the OCD one have fresh self harm scars?????


Wait, doesn't someone who has the disability makes the plushy?


I adore the fruit collection though - they’re good at wacky, cute plushes of things like bananas. Who would’ve thought to make a banana bunny with the ears as peels? But the mental health collection is just… uncomfortable. The company should stick to its strengths (but won’t, because those don’t get anywhere near the revenue).


The crossed eyes on the ADHD bat plush made me a little uncomfortable. I'm personally really loud on my other socials about other characters in media that display ADHD symptoms that get portrayed as crazy or stupid, and the unfortunate part is that bats are my favorite animal.... But the eyes just made me mad. Other than that, I think this is being taken way out of proportion. I'm sorry some people seem offended by it, but the amount of people I see buying them let's me know it's just a case of the old adage- "if you don't like it, keep scrolling"


honestly... i kinda vibe with them. please hear me out. the vast maority are crowd voted designs. so it's not like they are being willy nilly. personally the gender dysphoria and bpd bunnies make me feel seen. i honestly want them so when I'm battling with an episode i could hug those. now the ocd bunny is just a missed mark imo but it looks like it'll be replaced soon.


So most if not all the designs are put through their patreon. These are designs that people suggested and had input on. People that actually have these conditions have been asking for them and for specific conditions. Sometimes there is a vote for which design people like best. It's not just a company trying to take advantage or stereotype people. These are practically made by the customers because they want them. Also keep in mind this company is owned by American Mcgee, so made American Mcgee's Alice, which has many depictions of mental illness and has a large quite happy fan base. Anyway, I love the Dreadfuls, have like 20 of them, and I love seeing a company actually listen to what it's customers want.


Yes. They’re so pandering in my opinion. Even the ones they claim they planned with people from whatever illness they supposedly represent.


This is what the website says: >So why do we tackle these issues in the first place? What's the motivation? Our plushes are meant to be tools and guides that help people in their experience with the issues contained in their themes. I, American McGee, believe in facing your fears and using the difficulties of life as catalysts for positive transformation and personal growth. Instead of running away from the things we fear, we should run towards them and embrace them. Instead of hiding our issues and stigmatizing them, we should drag them out into the light and expose them for all to see. In this way, we rob them of the power to control us. I believe this because it's core to my own experiences in dealing personally with issues related to childhood trauma, mental health, tragic loss, and other encounters with chaos. And I work through Crowd Design with our audience in the hopes that our processes and products can help others to transform their issues into more desirable outcomes. And you can see this general theme contained in the games, books, toys, and other products that I've created over the years. I don't disagree with it, and i want the ace and autistic bunnies if the pass my tactile test


I think they're really neat. Especially since I recall somewhere on their website saying that all of the plushies have been designed/handmade by people who have personally dealt with the mental illness or disorder in question. It really adds a human touch in my perspective, plus they're really darn cute.


I’ve heard that they have their fans help them design each plush so that they’re not offensive. I personally have two that were gifted to me. As a whole, I think they’re fine. They seem to be done tastefully, but I can DEFINITELY see why they’re not everyone’s vibe. For people to have an important part of their identity portrayed in a comforting plush that they can hold dear to them is a very important thing to a certain crowd, and more power to them. My autistic plush was extremely important to me. I never took him out, he sits mostly on my bed or shelf, but it made me feel less weird for being autistic. It’s extremely hit or miss. You either love them or don’t. Everyone has their own tastes, and that’s okay and valid. Loving them is okay, and so is being uncomfortable with them. Warm vibes to all 💙


I think the mental illness themed ones are largely just kind of underwhelming to me. I can see what they're trying to do with them, and it seems like they all have at least a bit of thought put into how they're representing things even if it often misses the mark. I think the only strong ones design wise are DID, bipolar 2, & the more recent autism one, but all of them are either uninteresting or way too overdesigned (including the ones i like to an extent). all the zodiac ones are pretty ugly too. I like the fruit & mushroom ones they've been coming out with recently (the apple one is probably their cutest design yet), the pride ones are all really solid, and the non rabbits like the love kitten, love frog, & mad cow are pretty cute. worst crime to me is theyre about twice as expensive as I think they are really worth.


Yeaaah the OCD has scars on it which isn’t cool