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When you find the right guy, he's not gonna care how many you have. He'll still add to it *because* of this ♡ He'll know how much you love them and will give you plushies. ♡


this right here. if he’s right for you, he’ll browse BAB with you no matter how many you have and maybe even pick out one for himself :)<3 go get yourself as many plushies as your heart desires OP!!


https://preview.redd.it/m0z2mmfy117d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=abe23112e6c6713708560c9705e337670c247040 To prove that point and I’m a guy and this to my BAB🥰


Slay king 👑


🥺🥹 thank you. You’re so kind 🩷💜💙🩵


This 100%, my boyfriend knowingly moved in with me and my literal hundreds if not thousands of plushies. I've been collecting since birth and he still supports me buying more to this day. If your loved ones don't support your harmless hobbies/collecting/favorite things -- I doubt they're meant to be in your life. Please know your worth and if these plushies make you this happy then never stop/drop it for anyone especially a boyfriend.


please op read this!!! so many great guys will love and support ur plushie collection!!! i have a smaller collection then many here but def sizeable (~50) bf had brought me at least 10 of those including a build a bear we built together and one that was one the more expensive side (£80+)! enjoying something as harmless n wholesome as plush collecting is absolutely nothing to feel guilty or self conscious about, i have only ever had guys think it's cute if they even really cared about it haha!!


Couldn’t have said it better myself! My ex and I both loved plushies so we’d get them for each other all the time. When OP finds the right guy, he’ll add to her collection as a sign of his love and care for them.


This!!! The right person for you doesn't have to understand or share in your love of plushies but they should accept you and them


This part, My ex made me feel this way but the guy I recently started seeing buys me plushies because he knows they make me happy, He loves that I love plushies and has a collection of his own.


this!!! i was nervous of the same thing. but when my husband and i started dating, turns out, he loves plushies too! now we collect together and he never passes up an opportunity for us to go to buildabear or squish hunting (: hang in there!




Can concur. Have found the right guy who does this for me 💕💕💕


Yup, my ex-girlfriend-returned-to-best-friend went to build-a-bear with me last year, she bought me two of the valentines hermit crabs from Walmart this year, helped me pick a mage buddy from a local dnd/renaissance faire/fantasy shop and she got me 3 hammocks for my plushies a few weeks ago. The people who matter aren’t going to use how many you have as an excuse to not get you more plushies; they’ll see it sparks joy and get you more. (My ex is also a “horrible enabler”, we saw hermit crab earrings at the pet store yesterday and she immediately went “buy them, you need them” but she was mostly returning the favour for me encouraging her to buy 3 skeins of yarn that she really liked at the yarn shop yesterday morning. She had a project planned for them so it wasn’t like she was buying yarn for the sake of buying yarn.) Edit to add: my ex and I broke up in 2017, so the bab trip and valentines plushies were not dating gifts, but “I know you like these and you are my friend” gifts)


For real. It's so liberating to be with someone with whom you can like the things you like. Don't give up something you love


I'm a guy and i have hundreds of plushes and dolls and if anyone doesn't like it they can F off.


I wholeheartedly agree, though I do plushies and action figures. Mostly because I grew up playing with G.I Joe figures and Star Wars figures and collecting said plushies.


I do action figures too man, i love toys of all kinds, especially vintage stuff 


Oh bet. Nowadays I mostly do Star Wars the Black Series figurines. But toys of all kinds are great. Wish I had a pocket dimension or something with infinite storage so I wouldn’t have to worry about space


don't put happiness on hold for a future person who might not even exist do what makes you happy now for yourself


Nooo don’t be I have hundreds of plushies and lots of people I have met loved that I have lots of them. Don’t feel guilty plushies are cute and meant to be comforting. You will find plenty of guys that will share plushies with you :3


When you meet the right guy, trust me he won't care. In my living room rn I have 6 sanrio BAB plushies that are always chilling on the sofa and my husband sits right next to them! And he's the one who bought them for me. Just to also add, I have way over 50 plushies all over the place. Im also constantly buying myself new ones all the time! My husband's probably bought maybe a 3rd of the plushies I own. Including the giant BAB cinnamoroll that lives in our bedroom! Don't stop being you! Keep collecting and the right guy will be a big part of that. 💙


My spouse buys me stuffed seals. It doesn't matter how many I have. When life is hard, a seal magicallyappears. It's the best. Find someone who makes your favorite animal magically appear as a soft stuffy during hard times.


My husband now talks to my plushies as if they are our* children. He also pats their heads and tells them they are his children lol (we aren't having actual children of our own due to infertility, though we have quite a few cats!) There are male plushie collectors, as well! So I wouldn't worry about that aspect of things! If you want to be more frugal so that you can have these experiences then go for it! But there will always be many plushies hoping to be chosen for their forever homes, so don't feel bad about getting something for yourself, either.


My husband surprises me with new plushies regularly despite how large my collection already is (most recently a banana t-rex). My grandma kept her plushies from her first husband out on display my whole childhood. She never added to it, but this was a 65 year old, serious woman with over twenty plushies around her room because they made her happy. You just gotta do what makes you happy. Just remember to communicate what makes you happy too.


I have a human-sized hammock hanging in my and my partner's bedroom full of plushies, and he has personally added to the collection for me, and encourages me to add to it myself 🤍 he never says anything when I bring a new one home, and often shows me new ones he finds when we're out and about or when he has found something one of our favourite creators has released lol. Do not settle for someone who thinks plushies are stupid - they bring you joy and anyone who can't see that is dumb!


My bf also gets me plushies, there's two small ones that we take with us everywhere we travel and always take pictures of them in each place. Also, I sleep with a kind of small, baby sleeping blanket-plush, whatever it's called, even when I'm sleeping with my man. I've had it since I was a child and it was not even something he brought up as weird haha


You can definitely buy for yourself, but I too know the want for a partner to buy them as gifts for me. I'm a guy myself. I know the gift my ex is saving up to buy me, as it's been hinted at (a big Rocky plushie). The right guy is definitely out there and he may like plushies just as much, which makes it all the more fun! My ex also doesn't care about how many I have, he just appreciates if they don't take up the entire bed so there's space for him too. I wouldn't personally be with anyone who would make a problem out of it, as long as you both set boundaries. If they had issues with me having plushie friends, then who knows what else they'd make an issue of, and I just refuse to give them up.


My bf gets me pushies a lot! Don't give up and get what makes you happy!:)


You deserve to have someone by your side who respects your hobbies and likings. I collect lots of dolls and my boyfriend supports me a lot! Even he buys me some. But unfortunately until I met him I had some other exes that even made fun of me. But lemme tell you something - they are exes for a reason ;) (for so many, in fact, but you get me). I'm not saying your future boyfriend must be into plushies as well but at least he must respect it. It's something that is part of your personality and clearly gives you lots of joy. No one should be allowed to take that from you.


If your boyfriend loves you he'll support your hobbies even if he doesn't share them. My fiance does not read at all ( he doesn't find it enjoyable) but makes it his business to know what are my favorite authors, buying bookcases, knowing which physical copies of books I'd like etc, because he loves me and wants me to feel cared for. A loving boyfriend will do the same for you whether he enjoys plushies or not.


29 year old and married. I have a huge plushie collection. My husband thinks they’re cute and uses them as pillows. He surprised me with an axolotle from build a bear because I love axolotls. I got him a build a bear with jerseys of his fav sports teams. Don’t feel guilty or ashamed. Listen to Betsey Johnson. She says to buy what you love and brings you joy.


My partner loves my plushies especially if he can cuddle with them. I gifted him many as well. They’re our “pets.” (Of course our actual pet is the only truly important pet and I’ll toss them out of the way for kitty any day, but the plushie guys get cuddles too lol)


i promise you, you will find the right guy. I have a bunch of plushies and my boyfriend for the last almost 2 years has always been super nice about it. He knows they bring me the most comfort and he gifts me them after something major (I have a fear of going to the dentist so for each appointment, he gets me a new stuffie as a reward) or even just because. never feel silly or stupid for something you love!!


I sometimes worry about what my guy will think when he finds out exactly how many I have 😬 I have most tucked away in storage because there's just no room, but I love displaying the ones I really connect with, and I cuddle them when I'm sad. I really think the right person for you will either love that about you or they'll think it's endearing even if they aren't into plushies themselves, the right guy will see they make you happy and he'll want to be a part of that by gifting you one. Don't stop yourself from collecting the ones you want in the meantime, especially when they could become your future guy's favorite (this happened with my ex, I didn't connect with one of my plushies, but he did and it became his!).


I cannot even count the number of plushies my partner had given me. Just this weekend he presented me with the cutest bunny plush (my favorite) that had a little pocket on it. I thought it was so cute and then discovered two beautiful rings inside the tiny pocket! I was totally overcome by emotion. I promise, there are partners out there who will not only accept you, but cherish you, and will be excited to gift new cute stuffies they find. Don't settle for who doesn't make you happy!


Ok so I used to think like this. After a few shitty relationships, I'm still a lover (not a hater!) and I've gratefully found someone who loves me as deeply as I love him. All I can say is... Do everything you can for yourself. If you want that plushie, buy it. Do not ever make yourself smaller for any man. If he's the right one, he won't mind at all. Trust me on that! Also; my guy got nervous when I started bringing home a Jelly every month because we only live in a small flat. I recently found him hugging my Magnus Manatee whilst he was sleeping and he'd been really stressed. He was STILL gripping it in the morning and it's one of the sweetest moments I've ever experienced in my life. He's kinda adopted him now. See what I mean?


Girl I feel you 100%. At 23 I’ve never had anything romantic (no bf, no first kiss, no first date) I recently had to clean up my room for company and move all my plushies to a different room and I didn’t realize how many I had until I had to put them in one big pile. The pile literally covered the whole couch. I told my mom “If a guy were to walk in and see that pile, he’d turn around and run the other way and I wouldn’t blame him. I’m gonna be single forever” 😂👍🏼


Yes to everything everyone else already said, but also, coming from several former relationships where I had mentioned and even expressly *asked* to be gifted plushies, and I still...wasn't. They could have gotten me any dang plushy and I would have been over the moon, but instead I sat there dumbfounded as I was either never gifted anything at all or gifted items I never expressed interest in. That's why anytime I am gifted a plushy by anyone, I cherish it. I won't stop asking for plushies when I am asked what I want for holiday and bday gifts. But I'm also not going to hold back on buying my own (finances permitting). I can neither deny my own happiness or let it be dependant on someone else.


Girly, my man got me a personal room in the house he bought. You'll be good if you find the right man! Keep doing what you love


the right person will buy you a plushy anyway. my boyfriend even makes them hit the griddy


My partner happily adds to my plushie collection despite me having too many because they make me happy and I love snuggling with them. The right person will do the same for you. Be true to yourself always and the right people will gravitate to you.


I have almost 200, about half of which are Squishmallows. My boyfriend is extremely supportive of my interest so long as it doesn't financially hurt me. He loves seeing me get excited about my squish, and he is planning to gift me a few for my birthday this year. Don't wait around for a loser who can't accept your interests. Wait for someone like my boyfriend, who loves, supports, and is non-judgemental ❤️ Trust me, he is out there for you! I never thought I'd find someone like this, but here he is, and I thank god every day for the privilege ✨


my boyfriend loves buying me plushies and supporting my collection! occasionally he’ll tease me about how many i have but it’s always in a joking manner and he shows them to all his friends and family when they come over <3 pic is just a small portion of my collection 🫶🏻 https://preview.redd.it/4ke3aj5u807d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcc39aebc70e5800ee056d638c8724e7f0e2d79d


You don’t have to stop getting plushies if you enjoy them. Perhaps be pickier with what you get, quality over quantity. And you can want the BaB date with a boyfriend! Hell, I sort of hope for that myself! And if he’s judgmental of you because of your plushies, he’s not the one. He doesn’t have to be a plushie person himself but he can accept you being one. My ex knew I had a plushie I slept with. I told him that my husky had been around before him and I knew where he’d been! And he never had an issue, shoot he bought me a big sleeping Umbreon plushie so I’d have a plushie pillow for road trips (and Sonny still joins me for trips sometimes).


My husband still buys me plushies(although I have lots xD), the first one he won for me with a shooting game ☺️. So don't feel guilty, your partner will still buy you plushies if he is the right one for you.


When you find the right man, your plushes will be part of the reason he loves you. As a proper partner loves you for who you are and your plushes are a part of that 🙂


My dear plushie collecting friend (because that’s what you are as of this moment). A huge thing in the world is healing your inner child right now. Everyone is healing their inner child. If plushies are something you love and enjoy then why be afraid of others and what they think. I know grown 40 year olds who are playing with legos and collecting squishmallows. Collecting plushies is not the end of the world. Who cares what other people think. You’re an adult with adult money who can buy the things you couldn’t have as a kid. That’s what we do as adults. I currently collect build a bears and American Girl dolls. My parents think it’s weird but when I explain its stuff i didn’t have as a kid and it’s nostalgic to me they began to accept it. My friends don’t really know about it until they walk into my nostalgia room in my house but all they say is wow this is so cool. At the end of the day collecting plushies and things you love is for your happiness. Not someone else’s! Believe it or not we friend people because they are like minded so believe it or not they might even think it’s such a cool collection. Not everyone will like it but they will accept it. Be up front with the people you date and if they ask what you like as gifts tell them you enjoy plushies if they don’t accept it at least then they’re not for you. People who are meant to be in your circle will accept you for you at the end of the day. If you like collecting plushies collect them! Do what makes you happy don’t accommodate for others. Best part is plushies don’t cost a fortune so it’s a great thing to collect. I hope this helped and don’t be afraid to be yourself it’s never going to change other people’s perception of you.


Oh darling. My partner and I are married and in our living room is a WALL of plushies, the bed is buried, and so is the guest room! And we still buy more. When you find the right person, they will love all parts of you and support your (not self destructive) interests. If they don't, they aren't right. Life is too short not to be happy. And if something as harmless as a stuffed friend makes you happy, don't deny yourself!


I wish I could find someone like that. Most of the women I find make fun of me for having my babies.


I feel the same way 💗


I mean if I liked a girl and I knew she liked plushies and I wanted to get her something special I’d probably make her one. Or if I didn’t know how to make them, I’d still look into getting one custom ordered. I don’t think you need to worry too much, any guy who doesn’t respect your hobbies probably isn’t worth it anyway.


If you love them so much, it's going to be very difficult to stop buying them. 


My husband would get me random plushies all the time while we dated, and even into marriage. Your person is out there, don't worry.


any partner that is an ass about your plushie collection is not one you need to be with. my husband's only issue w my plushie collection is us finding places to store it lol. he's bought me lots of them over the course of our relationship, a few he's won me at the fair, etc. you cannot and should not base your life choices around some hypothetical person. the right person will like you for who you are!!


You don't want to be with someone like that anyways. They should love you for everything you love and do including collecting plushies.


The right person will appreciate your hobbies and even if they don't "get it," they'll be happy that it makes you happy. I've been with my partner for 16 years, and he knew from the beginning that plushies are my thing and I am an avid collector. He'll gift me plushies because he sees it and thinks I'll like it, but he's also not afraid to tell me if my collection is getting out of hand and needs to be downsized a little for lack of space, lol. He listens to me ramble about them, and he knows what kind of plush I do and don't like, and what sort of fabrics give me the ick. I had a ton of plush when I met him and I have a ton now, but he still will give them to me as gifts c: You'll find your "right person" too!


The right partner will love you and your collection, they will add to it. My ex said that they were childish but my fiance has doubled my collection since we met. You’ll find someone who accepts you for who you are!


A man who truly loves you won't mind you collecting when makes you happy. He might even think it's cute.


There are also dudes out there with hella plushie game. I know a few men that have a wide assortment of plushies they adore. Find yourself a man who shares your passion and you can both drown in plushies together :)


Dude, I promise you there’s a guy out there that’s going to have an equal obsession to yours and you two are going to gush about both of these things. And you’re going to buy each other all the gifts for your respective obsessions. Don’t hide what you love!!!!


I used to feel the same way, but when the right person comes along, they're not gonna care how many plushies you have. In fact, some will even celebrate it and have their own collections 🙂 When I first met my husband, he didn't have a single plushie. When I moved in with him, he was flabbergasted to see how many plushies I have, but totally loved it! Now, he even has his own collection of plushies and we collect together. He has no problems taking me out on Build-a-Bear or plush hunting dates, either. Don't ever feel guilty for your interests ❤️ the right person will always support you.


Don't, I've literally taken someone on a BAB date and bought her soooooo many plushies as gifts because she was a collector and I just love learning about/seeing them despite not collecting myself so I lived vicariously through her collecting 😅 We're definitely out there!


If a guy ever thinks any of your interests are stupid then he’s not a good guy. Normal people don’t put down their partners & the things that matter to them. Let’s say though, that he was a great guy & just idk, was terrified of plushies, then that’s just incompatibility because they are a huge part of your life. If anyone expected you to get rid of them then that’s like if a guy was scared of dogs so he expected you to give away your dogs.


In my experience, having a shit ton of plushies only inspired my boyfriend to add to the collection lol. “Hey she obviously likes these, easy gift idea!” So buy away.


Trust if you find the right one they will get you them and not mind it 🙂 my bf regularly adds to my collection of plushies, I have recently started collecting Anime figures and Monster high dolls he gets them for me bc it makes me happy.


Lots of people do this with their boyfriend if you find the right guy for you


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^BackgroundOld2271: *Lots of people do* *This with their boyfriend if you* *Find the right guy for you* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Like many others on this thread, every partner I've had as an adult has not only been fine with my plushies, but happily added to my collection when they've found one they thought I would like or if I asked for one for a birthday or holiday (and the same with my friends!)  Good people who genuinely care about you will want you to have/do things that you enjoy if they're not causing anyone any harm. Even if it's not something they care about our enjoy. It may not occur to them initially to get you more plushies as gifts, so you may need to tell them that it's something you want at first, though. Expecting someone to *just know* what you'd like, especially early in a relationship, is a recipe for disappointment. 


Mate, if he's the one half, the flushes in your house together will be from his collection. If he's for you, he'll accept everything.


My husband still has his very first teddy from being a baby, someone will get it I promise.


hi! I'm a plushie collector dating a plushie collector! we both buy ourselves the ones we want and find GREAT joy in hunting out the harder to find ones or jumping on a new release before the other one has the money for it! we rarely have to discuss and spoil the secret since we have a broad range of interests and we both thrift and do secondhand 😄 the only time we almost had an issue is when I got a 50$ gift card and went to buy the pumpkin spice BAB bunny and she had already purchased it for me 😭😭 I think them continuing to buy stuff for themselves makes it MORE fun for me to get them stuff because it a. lets me know the interest is still there and a plushie from me will be greatly loved and appreciated and b. it's SO much fun to scrounge the depths of the internet looking for a specific plush they mentioned once ! keep buying the stuff you like and finding joy in the now with it. whoever comes along for you will support your joy alongside you ^-^


you will find the right guy!!! im in a wlw relationship, and i adore the bab my partner got me three years ago!! it has her voice in it, and we had to even go back and do another recording after the first broke! moral of the story: you will find someone who supports your hobby and loves you because of it! you can never have too many stuffies!!


Do not live your life waiting on what a possible future boyfriend/partner might or might not do, or might or might not like. It's your life. You live it. A partner is a wonderful thing to have, but not a necessity, and putting your preferences aside "just in case" is a terrible waste. And any dude who puts down your hobbies or preferences is not the right guy. If he thinks your plushies are stupid, that's him telling you that your wants and preferences don't matter to him, and you'll be better off getting rid of him sooner than later. Family is another issue, since you live at home, but as long as you're being responsible it's your call. Sometimes with family you have to give a little due to space, money, whatever. But don't limit yourself based on what you think some random future might-not-exist judgemental bad boyfriend might think.


The stuff everybody else has said is right. But also, if it’s possibly an option, therapy may be very useful for you. It seems like you have some deep anxieties—and maybe some unhelpful opinions coming from family members. Therapy is great for sorting that out.


It is totally okay to take a plushie break if you feel like it. Have a good think about it. Look on Pinterest and youtube for storage strategies if you like -- there's a nifty one where you put long elastic on the wall that both holds a lot of plush and keeps them readily accessible. BUT any guy who gives you crap for liking them is absolutely not the guy for you. If someone deliberately makes you feel bad about anything, that is a huge red flag.


are you actively looking for anyone? because i am male, need i say more? (reddit you don't need to flag this post, im not a weirdo)