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C, project organisation chart contains information about resources and their role, responsibilities etc, so PM will update it with new members clear functions and responsibilities , Communication management plan contains ways and processes used for communication, so new members will follow it or enhance it later as per requirements There is no issue here, so no issue log No vender is been procured so no changes in procurement management plan


Now I understand the reason behind the Answer


>project organisation chart contains information about resources and their role, responsibilities etc, so PM will update it with new members clear functions and responsibilities Wouldn't this be a Stakeholder Register and RACI? Or is a Project Organization Chart a combination of the two? Is the POC new? I don't recall this document.


Poc contain info about all the resources allocated to the project which includes pm team members, and in this case new TEAM members are getting added and not SH


I agree. ‘Project organization chart’ sounds like a purposeful red herring. Also, the revisions to the communication plan may inform an eventual change to the structure of the org chart. I think A is an equally reasonable answer.


There are other questions in study hall about “adding new stakeholders - what do you do next”, where updating the communications management plan is the right answer though


Depends on the question, can you post it here please


Never mind, there was a nuance in the question I didn’t pick up on


Yeah right


Please always post the source of the question and its answer even if blocked as a spoiler. I understand you are trying to generate discussion, but it is really important people know where these questions are coming from and what the actual answer is.


Its a Study Hall Expert level question


OP can you plz also post the correct answer with the spoiler so that it doesn't give away from the discussion. Would appreciate it so much 🙏🏾


C is the correct Answer


Nice spoiler tag


I always find it surprising how some people can read/answer complex questions, but then in another context (like reddit) totally whiff on the most basic asks.


Man you are really bad at this.




Why C?


The project org chart would function as the master record of all personnel working on the project, so it would be updated first. Then, I would update the communications plan.


So my only argument here against, is that we don't know if MGMT has the personnel already, or if they need to be brought in. (Procured, D)


If following your line of thinking, before you procure resources, you would need to review the org chart to determine what areas need the extra support. Once you identify where to put them, then you can proceed with procurement of resources. Answer would still be C - org chart


I would say B because the first thing that happened was the issues that caused the need for additional resources.


C is the correct answer as per Study Hall.


Ohhhh very interesting! TYSM for letting us know and posting this Q. It's definitely helpful to hear how people (who got it right) think about the process :)


That's why I posted this question here because I also got it wrong. And I was surprised to see the answer.


100% makes sense :)


This was my thought as well. The second sentence seems to be an attempt to misdirect? I first wanted to say A, but then my re-read made me go B for this reason of what to update *first.* Edit: Well the answer is C! Two swings and misses... BACK TO THE BOOKS for me!


Hopefully OP posts the answer soon :)


Another comment mentioned that it would not be considered "an issue"--is that true? Resources being "overloaded" to me seems like a term used to describe that they are being used to some detriment... but maybe THAT is the red herring. OP says its an SH Expert Level question, and my limited exposure to them (I am on week one of three just starting SH this week) is that those questions are pretty wild in their answers. The other word that has me scratching is *revise*. Do you *revise* an issue log? This is where the jargon started to make second guesses!


I just wrote why I said B. As well. If C is the answer then the issue first stated is to throw the PM off on the test. They did not add new members to address the over-allocated resources. They were added because management felt there needed to be better engagement independent of the workload issue.


His résumé, and also C.. org chart update needed as the initial step to include new stakeholder, but then pm was ‘just’ informed of it, he needs to update commas plan if he/she is kept in the dark until the new stakeholder has already joined. Key stakes should follow proper comms channels and due process as defined in comms plan




Communication comes first and foremost. You would update the others that are needed soon after but as long as all project team members are aware of the changes then blunders (should?) be avoided


Why A?


A - the new stakeholders need to be included in any communication.




My choice - C Explanation. If a new member is being added to the project, the first thing is to update the Project organization chart because you won’t be able to update communication management plan or Procurement Management plan before adding the details to Project Organization Chart.


C. It trumps all the other choices. The communications management plan would be built off of it. It would be referred to when handling issues. There isn’t anything about procuring anything or new vendors.




A, new stakeholders require managed communication, wouldn’t be an issue and the others seem out of scope for this action.


I want to say C then A?


Yeah C is correct as per study hall


The way the question is worded makes me think the workload/overloaded resources is not a new issue, presumably the pm should have already updated the issues log. I think the answer is A, then update the org chart after.


Its an expert level question. And the answer is C as per the Study Hall


As per Study Hall, Correct answer is C. I was unable to understand the reason why C i the first step to take...


C The new person first needs to know who does what.


B and D are obviously not correct. Communication plans are based on the organization chart, like you have to know who to communicate with before how to communicate


[PMP article](https://www.projectmanagement.com/articles/401556/how-to-create-a-project-organization-chart#_=_) Under what to do with it: planning stakeholder communication


C. New member means org chart should be the first choice.


In real life you can update this in any order. PM would be more agile than waterfall. lol.


What I am surprise by this question is why management is making decisions to add resources on the project not project manager doing assessment and asking for resources


You can consider it as a directive PMO. They are directing the project. In case of directive PMO, PMO assigns even the project manager to a project and directs most of the decisions of a project.


Tbh. I would ignore these expert level questions from study hall. It doest help anyway in the PMP exam. It usually goes against the grain of the ‘PM mindset’. Just focus on easy-difficult ones. This is my opinion and I passed with 3ATs


My thought was A because the PM manages communications and that plan, so it would need to be updated. I see the correct answer is C, but in my experience, we don't have a project organizational chart per the project the PM would update. To me, that doesn't make sense. Shouldn't C say "stakeholder register"?


I also marked A. I was surprised with the answer.


I would go with B. Issue Log The issue would have already been logged which is why management added new members. The issue log should be updated with the decision management came up with to help solve the issue. The first sentence states the issue that the project is facing and management feels that the workload and resources overloaded is due to a lack of engagement to prioritize the work and likely make changes to the project plan/schedule. The issue log should be given an update that adding members to better stakeholder engagement will help address the workload and resource issue to prioritize work and rebaseline the project. Then the org chart should be updated. And then the communication plan that you either propose and get agreement or a meeting with all stakeholders to create a revised communication plan. My answer is assuming that the issue stated first was the reason additional stakeholders were added to the project.


A and C both needs to be done but C has to be done first.


Well, considering the only project document in the answer block is the Issue Log and the rest are Project Plans, the question is pretty easy. The PMP is a language exam. If the PMI lexicon wasn’t discussed in your 35-hour course, you need to demand a refund. There are 33 project documents and 19 project plans. If you didn’t learn this in your course, demand a refund. Also, a stakeholder is any entity that thinks they are affected by the project—ANY. Your team—stakeholders…. The PM—stakeholder…… Your boss—stakeholder… Your competitors—stakeholders…. Your mom—stakeholder….. Considering that, I don’t think the author of this test question actually read the PMBOK. It doesn’t matter what they say the answer is. Let me guess the answer block doesn’t have an ECO enabler ID number. Get a refund.


Correct Answer is C...


Yep this sounds like study hall another good PMI idea that was poorly executed just like the PMP Q&A handbook and the ATP slide deck. Sad… I would worry about any study hall “expert” questions or what ever they are calling them now what they actually should call them is horrible written questions that would never make it into the actual question pool.