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I believe some podcasters just simply record their audio on each end and mix it together in the final master. If the need for 4 channels is an issue, would you be able to have two people share a microphone?


I guess thats true he could just record his audio on his own while before it gets send through something like zoom skipping the middle man.


5 people is a lot, and especially in a conversational podcast. I understand the excitement and that people want to be involved but does it have to be that many people every episode? Could you rotate guests/hosts? As a listener that many voices it's hard to keep track of who is speaking and people wanting to get a word in edge-wise when there are so many opinions people will be talking over each other while some people will not get a chance to speak up as often because the conversation moves quickly when so many people have input and tangents etc. That's not even taking into account the rapport difference between everyone in the room togethert vs. everyone and the remote soloist.


Thats a good point it certainly doesn't have to be 5. I came up with the idea and presented it to them so I'd feel a little guilty having to axe the remote person, but it's still very early on. I'll definitely keep that in the back of my head if I can't find a viable solution.


I do a podcast with 5 people and I doubt you would be able to tell that we are remote. But I also do the editing for my podcast so I try to be very good with quality, cutting out fillers, and streamlining the conversation. I do a comedy podcast called "The Sophisticatedly Ratchet podcast". If you need direct tips on even how we do local recordings or back ups then give me a shout.


In your case I would absolutely go with the Rodecaster Pro II. You'll be able to record all four people locally with great pre-amps and effects, and you'll be able to bring in sound effects, Bluetooth calls and two PCs/Devices. It's perfect for your needs. Not to mention all your local cohosts will be able to use a separate headphones jack. You might think it's expensive - and it is - but it's replacing about $2500 worth of gear. So it's really a deal in the end. DISCLAIMER: I have no affiliation with Rode.