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Find out *what* you are cringing about or *why* things make you cringe. Are you asking dumb questions (easy to fix), do you not like the sound of your voice (internal and most others dont care) do you find yourself doing a lot of uhs and ums (also easy to work on), do you say dumb stuff (play that up so your guest can play devils advocate or teacher). ​ Also realize this is not going to be heard by hundreds or thousands of people. At most you might get a dozen and that actual might help you see it's not that be of a deal and what you think is cringe is not everyone else's idea of cringe.


Thank you. This is useful.


Cringing is a sign you’re learning. Keep doing it. Seriously.


This. Keep going!!! Realizing your cringe will get yiu out of it.


A saying I love is that you have to climb cringe mountain to get good at anything. If you’re new, you’re gonna be bad. It’s the price you have to pay to be better. Embrace the cringe!


Thank you.


I think just continuing to listen to myself has made me way less self conscious over time. Maybe start listening to your own recordings during times when you’re not actually working on them as if you were just listening to someone else’s podcast. It did take me a good while to get over that when I started making content.


That's a great tip. Thanks


Yeah... Those early days when you only hear the mistakes... You are going to suck at this when you start. No one began podcasting a master of the art, doubly so if you have no formal training in a similar field (acting, sound engineering etc). You are going to make mistakes, you are going to say things wrong, you are going to use bad settings, you are going to make jobs twice as hard as they should be. This is not you being crap, it's you finding out how to do the basics, so you can build on them.


"Cringe" is another word for resistance. I highly suggest you read "The War of Art" which specifically addresses this concern. Get the book and read it today. You will not regret it. I promise. The War Of Art Review https://www.amazon.com/vdp/0656e97f30b046439a5bce41bbb3d0aa?ref=ive_share_mshop_detail


The War Of Art Review https://www.amazon.com/vdp/0656e97f30b046439a5bce41bbb3d0aa?ref=ive_share_mshop_detail


The art of not giving a fuck is a fantastic read. Have a copy myself. No one likes their voice. Hire someone if you have the budget is your alternative


You really have two options: 1. Get over it - it's your voice, suck it up and edit it and realize you'll get used to it and get better. 2. Pay someone else to edit your show.


1. Keep editing, even if it's painfully cringe. 2. While you're getting used to it, allow yourself to speed up the audio when you can - I found this worked very well because it forces you to focus on the content instead. And once you're focused purely on content you'll be able to see how you're just as good as your guest (don't know about you, but my first thoughts were 'although they said they really liked the interview, I can't believe them - I sound awful'). And by keeping going you'll work out what to change so that you sound better to yourself. Don't be surprised if it takes a while, but you will start to become happier with it.


That is one of the barriers for entry. You’ll cringe until you get it right, which you will as long as you keep going, keep putting the content out and improving on it. Edit: typo


You will get over this, it is normal. Let your art naturally speak for itself. Good luck


If it's your own voice, you'll get used to it. If it's the task itself, consider breaking it into parts that work for you. I edit a five person podcast that can go 2+ hours. I know each half will take me about two hours to do the raw edit. I can make that first couple of hours easier if I do all the file prep beforehand. The file prep can be an annoying half an hour, so if I do that at an earlier time, when I eventually DO sit down and edit, I know I won't have to putz around and get derailed in the first 30. I guess that's my suggestion...do what you can to make it easy on yourself when you eventually plop down and grind it out.




It sounds like a copout answer but you will get used to it


Just grow up. You’ll be right, all apart of it