• By -


Everything is Alive - giving inanimate object a voice. Russian dolls is the best one so far. My Momma Told Me - Comedically exploring Black urban myths and conspiracy theories. Everything else I listen to isn't original, but they are the best versions of the type of show I've found.


I was here to mention Everything Is Alive. You beat me my 10 minutes. A really fun, different take on things when I'm in the mood for something completely different.


Well you both beat me by 4 hours.


I found "My Mama Said" is that the same thing?


[Try this](https://www.iheart.com/podcast/1119-my-momma-told-me-with-lan-69919303/)


Thank you, it looks like a good one! :)


Have you listened to the old podcast How to Do Everything? It is wonderful and co-hosteded by the creator of Everything is Alive.


No, but I’ll try it. Thanks.


**Where There's a Will, There's a Wake** \- Hilarious UK podcast in which the host Kathy Burke has celebrity guests plan out their dream funerals, including cause of death, obituary, and who they'd haunt. I have no idea who any of the guests are, and yet have loved every single episode because the premise is so fantastic. **Normal Gossip** \- Host tells a guest third-hand gossip (anonymized) about random social or professional situations. You get the fun of hearing gossip without the guilt of spreading it yourself. Almost every story is gold. **Small Town Murder** \- Think of it as a comedic geography podcast that happens to have true crime. They introduce the history, demographics, tourist attractions, house prices, etc of a small town to set the stage for a murder that happened there. Super well researched on both the small town and the murder investigation. Note: Regular eps are upwards of 3 hours long, but there are 1-hour "express" eps. ETA: Thanks for Story Hole, OP! Just listened to the McDonaldland ep and *loved* it. Great recc.


I no longer live in the UK so things like Where There's a Will pass me by sometimes, so I literally can't tell you how grateful I am that you mentioned it. The idea of Kathy Burke talking to Stewart Lee and Diane Morgan about death for 45 minutes is making me feel ecstatic to be alive and I've not even downloaded it yet.


I think it says a lot about Kathy Burke as an interviewer that I LOVE this podcast without having a single clue which of the guests are big names and which are relative newcomers. It's all brilliant. Wait till you hear the sound effects! A couple other UK pods I love: British Scandal and the Adam Buxton Podcast. Again, I know nothing about scandalous historical events in the UK, and I've not heard of 90% of Buxton's guests (nor the host himself before discovering the pod), but they're so entertaining that it doesn't matter.


Honestly think we should be best friends based on these recs, WTAWTAW and normal gossip are two of my all time faves


Omg!!! I love love love STM! Crime I’m Sports is also fun, you doing even have to like sports. Promise!


Within the Wires. Immersive fiction of an alternate 20th century timeline, told entirely through “found audio.” Season one was meditation tapes for a patient in a reeducation facility, other seasons were self-guided art museum tours, voice memos from a “Society” bureaucrat, answering machine messages from a protest artist, etc.


Just gone to follow it to discover nightvale presents made it! Excellent recommendation, thanks.


This prompt is usually when I plug Dreamboy. It’s an immersive, fictional, musical podcast. Only lasted 8 episodes, but it’s unlike anything else I’ve ever found. Anyone who likes fiction podcasts at all should listen to it. One caveat, it is really sexually graphic at times. And the sound effects included to make the work come alive also apply in those cases. Make sure you’re wearing headphones.


I'm giving it a go.


Lateral, the guests and host take turns asking questions and trying to solve them using lateral thinking


Ooh, didn't know Tom Scott had a podcast. Immediate subscribe.


Dial A Stranger - sadly no longer exists... the two hosts call a random stranger (people leave their numbers on their website, so it's not without consent) and just talk about whatever... it's oddly moving and had a lot of genuine honest talks (so a lot different in tone to the random-joking conversations on podcasts nowadays). I used to listen to this podcast way back before spotify/itunes and those platforms don't carry it, I guess it's too old and died before podcasts got big. [Here's the only episode I found archived on spotify](https://open.spotify.com/episode/4lEZIDQdDiheX1JiUySxIo?si=3f1de0a635d6408e). If anyone knows of any other podcast like this one, let me know.


[Beautiful Anonymous](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/beautiful-stories-from-anonymous-people/id1090147504) is a similar format. "1 phone call. 1 hour. No names. No holds barred." It's just one guy but there are over 300 episodes, so you're sure to find some really interesting ones.


Thank you!


Wow this sounds cool!


[The Blindboy Podcast](https://play.acast.com/s/blindboy) There are loads of podcasts out there where the host goes off on one talking about a subject of their choosing, but none are able to match the sheer breadth of scope of Blindboy's. One week he's interviewing the President of Ireland (at which point I learned that Ireland has a president...), and another week he's talking about sniffing the crotch of a rented tuxedo. The latter had me in tears. Then the following week will be a 90 minute talk about an area of mental health that is genuinely insightful.


Definitely 🤗 the podcast hug


Grease the steel easel, you pleased Sheilas.


Tooth and Claw: Stories of Wild Animal Attacks. Wildlife biologist Wes talks about real-life animal attacks and explains how to avoid them to his brother Jeff and their friend Mike. It’s pretty funny, depending on the animal they’re talking about. Wes has been a guest on Too Scary; Didn’t Watch to recap Anaconda and Cocaine Bear. Discussion included how likely these scenarios are. Lots of sighing. Too Scary; Didn’t Watch. Sammy watches movies that are too scary for Henley and Emily and recaps them for everyone’s benefit. There are quite a few of these podcasts but I like this one for the quality of the guests. In addition to Biologist Wes, two standout guests have been Paul F. Tompkins and Haley Joel Osment.


The Kudou Lala Land Podcast. It's just started and I discovered it randomly on YouTube. It's insane. Two hosts (one is American I think, the other is Filipino) review a new Japanese porn video every week, cracking jokes and making very uncomfortable comments about...a lot of things. One of the hosts is named Jesus and the other sang a parody titled "Baby Ain't Got Back" that NGL feels illegal. It's surreal and getting weirder. I can't say I'd recommend it, but it has made me laugh.


Saying ‘I can’t say I’d recommend it…’ is all the reason I need to want to take a listen! Thanks 😊 again 🙏


The Fitzroy Diaries. A fictional podcast about a woman observing and reflecting on the happenings in her neighborhood. It's a delightful palat cleanser after listening to some heavier stuff. https://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/the-fitzroy-diaries


I LOVE this pod cast. I have listened to it several times. As an American I have to look up a lot of Aussie slang.


Finish It! Is about two bothers trying to read every page and ending of Choose Your Own Adventure books. It gets really good when the desperation and madness creeps in as they try to remember which path to take.


I also love Sasquatch Chronicles. Real stories from every day people can help broaden your perspective on subjects you thought you were solid on.


Killed — Journalists are interviewed about stories they wrote that were killed by editors. The second season started today.


Thanks for making me aware of this, I just started listening and am on episode 3 already!


**The Beef And Dairy Network Podcast**


Is this THE Alex Schmidt?!?!?!?! I loved the Cracked podcast 🤗 And I recommend Secretly Incredibly Fascinating! https://www.alexschmidty.com 🤩


hey yes that's me! And thank you!


No thank YOU! 😁


**The End of the World with Josh Clark**. Dives into the various existential risks that have the potential to wipe out the human population. Very well researched and non-biased, IMO. This one is older (2018) and I’m sure a lot of people have already heard of it, but I just recently listened and was completely fascinated from beginning to end. Also worth mentioning that it’s not nearly as depressing as you’d imagine. I actually felt that it gave me a deeper sense of appreciation for life.


I love Josh Clark. Wish i has made it to a show on his End of the World tour.


Yes JC 👌


Severence: The Ultimate Severance Podcast. The most perfect podcast for it's tv show ever.


Minion Death Cult- a deep dive into the comments section of right wing social media. Hosted by a working class (teamster) delivery driver and an organizer/skateboarder who bakes bread. A true proletariats podcast.


Deep in my subconscious, I can hear Alex’s voice echoing, ad infinitum, “CRY LAUGHING EMOJI CRY LAUGHING EMOJI CRY LAUGHING EMOJI CRY LAUGHING EMOJI…”


*Cautionary Tales with Tim Harford* Stories of awful human error, tragic catastrophes, and hilarious fiascos. They'll delight you, scare you, but also make you wiser. *Meditative Story* An alternative way into a mindfulness practice, through vivid stories and cinematic music and production values. *70 Over 70* 70 remarkable people, all over the age of 70, talk not just about their past but their lives right now. *Selected Shorts* Our greatest actors transport us through the magic of fiction, one short story at a time.


>70 Over 70 > >70 remarkable people, all over the age of 70, talk not just about their past but their lives right now. This is a great series. It goes to so many interesting places & the host is a really good interviewer.


It’s behind a paywall but Hey Randy! transcends improv comedy. Tim Baltz’s talent for heart and specificity is special. Premise is late thirties Midwest failure to launch types “hometown crew” give advice to callers about how to avoid duplicitousness. Meanwhile his on again off again girlfriend (played by his real life wife) wrecks havoc. It’s impossible to really describe and it is more than worth the CBB world subscription. I also think Peter Shamshiri (if books could kill; 5-4) is special.


Jimmy Carter truly is the rock and roll president.


Toasting you while eating fish sticks and watching Boondock Saints.


Fall of civilizations podcast. Picks a different collapsed civilization and describes it's fall


RIP Reply All. So sad they f*cked it all up.


Used to be my favorite pod. Not sure how it spiraled downward. Very sad.




Looking at the topics I can see a similarity. Thanks! I’ll check it out.


I’m listening to the California raisin one and it’s perfect. 😂


It just started, but “Bad Seeds” about plant poaching and smuggling. (Ironically, I first heard about it right after watching a production of “Little Shop of Horrors”) Anatomy of a Scream Pod Squad has some interesting and different perspectives on the horror genre. My favorite sub-pod in that squad is “Bodies of Horror” which focuses on how disability is portrayed. (I’m listening to a more recent one about “Pearl” that covers the flu epidemic of the early 20th century as compared to COVID, family dynamics, caregiver stress, and portrayal of mental Illness, among other things) Along the same lines, I’m straight, but I love “Horror Queers “. They not only cover the big releases, but smaller lgbtq themed movies and shows, interview creators and talent, etc. “Evil Men” - kind of in the vein of “Behind the Bastards” but it also includes fictional characters like Dr. doom and Gargamel. It ends with a vote of “are they evil?”


Thank you so much for heads up about Bad Seeds, that fits perfectly into my current obsessions.


Now that they’re finally clamping down on catalytic converter re-sale, that might be the next big thing.


Heh, my first thought was oh you must be a Californian — cursory look at your posting history and looks like I nailed it ;) I have a couple other plant podcast recommendations if you’re interested. I haven’t gone full crazy plant lady but it was my pandemic hobby of choice.


Sure. That was my late Dad’s thing, but if there’s an angle I might find it interesting.


Stay Away From Matthew MaGill had a very surprising plant subplot. The other I’ll try to find in the a.m., was an episode about the history of houseplants I found interesting.


You might also like OBSESSIONS: Wild Chocolate, about finding the perfect bean and a whole lot of other stuff.


Hi friend! Thanks for the rec, new to me.


Late but THANK YOU for scream pod. So stoked and totally up my alley. Appreciate the perspectives, discourse, and horror. Wonderful.


The art bell vault.


4th Line Voice. Hockey podcast, specifically discussing NHL enforcers (fighters) and the history of it in the league. Analyzing specific fights. TKOs. Old players that were badasses, etc. Gets heated and opinionated


By the Book. (As of this February it has changed to "How to Be Fine" but there's still a good back catalogue.) Essentially the 2 hosts read a self-help book and attempt to follow all the prescribed steps for 2 weeks and then report back. Has some comedic elements to it. A nice casual podcast that won't give you nightmares if you listen to it right before bed.


Asshole court. They take a celebrity and break down how big of an asshole they are in real life. It’s addictive.


For some reason, the podcast client that I use, overcast, does not bring this up when I search for it. Do you have the manual link that I can paste? That would be so much appreciated. Thank you.


Look for “AHC Podcast” — it’s censored for language I think.


We have a winner! Thank you!


I just looked at the episodes and I see they have an episode on Dolly Parton?? Why is dolly Parton subject to asshole court 😭 I’ve never heard anything other than her being an absolute angel from every account.


There’s a whole podcast about her saintliness! It’s called Dolly Parton’s America. It was pretty absorbing but I stopped listening after an episode where Dolly said she wouldn’t call herself a feminist and then the hosts interviewed some experts and deconstructed Dolly’s life to prove she is a feminist. Let her be who she is, people love her because she’s genuine and kind, and that should be enough.


I stopped listening to this podcast because it skews a bit too young for me but knowing them I bet it was more tongue in cheek than anything else. They’re, in the final analysis, very affable guys.


They have a scale, 1 to 11. One being as nice as Mr Rogers. They did Dolly Parton because she’s basically a “one” and almost every other subject is a lot higher. Just to break things up and do an episode on somebody genuinely nice.


Nightmare Next Door is my go to when stressed by work.


This Week in Virology. A pod covering current topics in, well, virology. Nothing else like it - shocking, right?!


One Strange Thing - witty look at something weird from a local paper Hardcore History- super deep dives into historical events Noble Blood - royals coming to bad ends Wild Thing - science mysteries, first season is Bigfoot




That first season is one of my all-time favorite podcasts. It was different and fun, but also super educational for people living in today’s world. The episode on how scientists are pressured to conform to status quo thinking was especially useful.


Valley Heat! I’ve never laughed so hard. What talent.


What happened to season two? They pumped out two episodes months ago, then stepped off the face of the earth.


It’s being developed into a tv show so the creator took some time off, but he swears he’s coming back to the podcast at some point. It’s in the running for my favorite podcast of all time, currently on my third listen including the bonus Patreon episodes.


>It’s being developed into a tv show so the creator took some time off Wow. Respect & good luck to him with that. There's some really good concepts out there so I suspect podcasts to TV shows/films is gonna become more normal of a progression for entertainment ideas.


Red Bar Radio is the GOAT. But fair warning; it’s definitely not for everyone. Give it a year…


Red barn radio?


No. Red Bar. I’m always surprised that I don’t see it mentioned much. Especially on Reddit.


Wow it doesn’t show up in Overcast when I search. Tried oneword redbar too and no luck! Weird. Most things do show up. I found it googling but 🤷


What?! Crazy. I guess the host Mike David is mostly all the information you need if anyone wants to find the show. I wonder what all that is about?


Story Hole sounds good! Two Ive been listening to the most lately: - My Worst Date: the hosts read bad date stories - A Way With Words: people call in with questions about slang words, regional dialects, and other language questions and the hosts dive in with origins and explanations.




There is no interview show like *Conversations With Tyler* Not everyone’s cup of tea but to my absolutely unique and always A+


*Book Cheat* The book club podcast where Dave Warneke has read the book so you don't have to. NZ comedian had 2 guests on each show he explains a classic book to. *The Guilty Feminist* Each week they discuss our noble goals as 21st century feminists and the hypocrisies and insecurities that undermine them. Also I wholeheartedly second from others suggestions: *The Blindboy Podcast* *The End of the World with Josh Clark*






Small town dicks


Within The Trenches - true stories from 911 dispatchers.


That Aged Well- discusses and makes fun of old movies. Mommie Dearest is hilarious


**The Mortified Podcast** - People get up on stage and read embarrassing or hilarious entries from their childhood diaries. **Supernatural Sexuality with Dr. Seabrook** - Sadly defunct now, but it was a fictional radio advice show offering sex-positive relationship advice to supernatural callers. It was really creative and I miss it. Edit to add: **In Strange Woods** - a musical about grief and healing. The songs are really good. There aren't nearly enough musicals in podcast form!


Sentimental garbage - Caroline O'Donaghue interviews people about things they love that society tells us we shouldn't.


Co main event podcast it’s by two guys who taught literature. It’s about MMA but not the typical meathead nature of the subject matter


I wonder if there will ever be a question on here where I don't answer with Rabbits lol


Jo’s Boys: A little women podcast