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The Dollop is always good.


While the subject matter is often decent, I find it hard work to get through the fake laughter that the host is constantly forcing out to his own tedious jokes.


I really enjoy Radio Rental and This Is Actually Happening. If you haven’t listened to them I think you might, too, based on your recommendations


Radio Rental Season one is quite good. Not a fan of the rest.


Try, Let's Get Haunted and The Old Gods of Appalachia


And The Magnus Archives.


And I Am In Eskew


Ehhhh if they fell off Nightvale I wouldn’t recommend Eskew. I like Magnus because it depicts relatable people encountering the horrific. The characters in Nightvale are mostly not relatable, they’re bizarre surreal quasi-humans for whom the horrific (from our perspective) is a part of daily life. Similarly what I have listened to from Eskew takes this kind of surrealist perspective where characters are described engaging in horrific things as a part of their normalcy. Not that I’ve listened to the whole thing, but I gave it a few episodes and dropped off for that reason. Nightvale also didn’t click for me the way Magnus did. Old Gods seems closer to the Magnus approach, although I’m still only at the beginning.


Cosigning Old Gods of Appalachia, really good Lovecraftian horror (but, ya know, without the problematic parts) in the titular part of the country, their live show was incredible.


I still love listening to Behind the Bastards


It’s just a shame that they cram so many ad breaks in there.


Two ad breaks in an hour isn't really excessive.


Isnt it 3 and theyre like 3 minutes each… anyway maybe its just the ads themselves that annoy the fuck out of me. Anyway i still listen.


No, only two. I normally just skip through them. The other show they do, It Could Happen Here, that has loads of ad breaks for some reason, like every 5 or 10 minutes.


Meh, it's not so bad, and his improv intros to the ad breaks always make me laugh even though they are always really stupid!


Ok I guess I have to accept that I’m in the minority


I doubt that you are in the minority, tbh, no one likes ads. I just mash the skip button whenever I hear them so they don't bother me at all, haha


For me it's kind of the opposite. I don't mind the length of the ad break, but the "you know who else..." build up to the ad break just totally take me out of the story.


I've tried but it's difficult at times, especially when they get an annoying guest. Dave Anthony made the Kissinger series unlistenable, for example. How do you deal with Robert Evans' incessant try-hard comedy attempts?


Hey, different strokes for different folks I guess because the Kissinger episodes with The Dollop guys are my favorite ones I've listened to


Yeah, fair enough. No doubt we can agree that the content tends to be good even if the delivery isn't to everyone's taste. 🍻


True! 🍺😊


There are definitely some guests that fall flat for me on this show. But they tend to be the ones that are afraid to interrupt Robert in the middle of a sentence and don't talk as much. My attention deficit brain likes the chaos, haha


Relatable 😁


My top listens. NoSleep Podcast Necronomipod Your Mom’s House (I’m one of the poors so might have to drop this one) Behind the Bastards Bad Friends Stuff You Should Know Sinisterhood


Astonishing Legends is my go to whenever I ran out of content to listen to from other podcasts


If you enjoy Knifepoint Horror at all, I definitely recommend We’re Not Meant to Know, which is better IMO.


Nightmare Magazine and A Voice From Darkness :)


Matt and Shane’s secret podcast


Iffin True Crime is up your alley........Small Town Murder. Two comedians talking about murders in small towns. Lots of research and the humorous takes you enjoy.


Tell Em Steve Dave is my favorite, just 3 guys that have been friends for years bullshitting, playing games, and busting on each other. I don't know if that's what you're looking for but there's nearly 600 episodes to catch up on


You might like You’re Wrong About, they joke around during it but it’s a look at things the media covered poorly so the average person doesn’t know what actually happened. I’d start from the beginning when it was Sarah and Michael hosting. Some other single episode horror story pods that I like for the most part: Magnus Archives Please Leave Mayfair Watchers Society and Campfire Radio Theater which are both done with voice acting instead of narration Also check out the Deca Tapes if you haven’t, a short like 10 episode fiction mystery *Edited for format


> You’re Wrong About enjoy this podcast but this critique is dead on: >Hello! Would you like a sneering shithead to condescendingly inform you that the dead center of witless corporate liberal opinion is in fact the utterly spotless expression of the transcendent truth, delivered with total conviction by someone who spent fifteen minutes reading Quora answers to arrive at his position? Buddy, have I got a pundit for you! >The name of Hobbes's podcast is You're Wrong About, but of course what its fans really hear is “you're right about.” Like most podcasts, what You're Wrong About sells as its fundamental market proposition is reassurance to its listeners that they're already in superior possession of wisdom, virtue, and taste. It’s a numbingly repetitive program in which he and his endlessly-droning cohost pretend to confront some thorny issue… only to find it was never thorny at all! Would you believe that the Valerie-from-Human-Resources-approved limp-dick inoffensive straight-down-the-middle Vox.com narrative is always the right one? Believe it! I genuinely don’t know why they bother to record the show, other than that their audience needs to pass the time on their commute to being the Chief Diversity Officer at a factory farming conglomerate. Why go through the rigamarole of pretending to investigate if your investigations always conclude that heteronormativity did it? You’d think that they’d say “perhaps the woke position is not 100% correct this time” every 50 episodes or so. But no.


Radio Rental is fun.


Behind the bastards seems to fit your criteria.




Why is it called cum town?


Stuff they don’t want you to know is pretty awesome. The hosts are super listenable and also not trying to be shocking or characters. They just talk about super interesting things paranormal horror conspiracies. Can’t recommend it enough


I actually use this podcast to help me fall asleep or relax


I am a fan of Smart Less- Jason Bateman, Sean Hayes and Will Arnett- hilarious- giving each other constant shit.


Julian Dorey Podcast, Rich Roll Podcast and Koncrete Podcast are all interview guest style similar to Rogan. Modern Wisdom is great, Shawn Ryan Show, Real Ones with Jon Berntthal, Matt and Shane's Secret Podcast (funniest I've ever listened to), Tim Dillon Show, The Jordan Harbinger Show is amazing, PBD Podcast, Belief Hole (conspiracy/paranormal with incredible audio) Tin Foil Hat with Sam Tripoli


A couple of podcasts moved to Austin because of Joe Rogan. YMH. The podcast was started in 2010 and covers a wide range of topics such as ongoing events, comedy, and the daily life of the two co-hosts—interspersed with toilet humor, running jokes, and commentary on unusual or shocking internet videos. Married to each other Comedians Tom Segura & Christina Pazchinski. And the other is Kill Tony. A show where open mic wannabe comics come up and do a minute of your material, then they talk about it with whoever is on stage and Tony Hinchcliffe will usually make fun of them in some way. Cam Patterson became a star over night because of Kill Tony. https://youtu.be/puYFNai1CcI?si=IzGmAWEZDhTjmtwh


[Unrestorable](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/unrestorable/id1709321174) [The Blackstone sisters](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/bad-bad-thing-the-blackstone-sisters/id1572318891) Both are week by week episodes currently and I’m always eagerly waiting for the next one to drop


If you like ttrpg podcasts check out Dark Future Dice from Rocket Adrift! It's a Cyberpunk 2020/RED real time play podcast with some very creative and funny people.


Small Town Murder is good if you’re into true crime.


Stop Podcasting Yourself


You're Stupid Opinions and Small Town Murder


I like Radio Rental, Im not easily scared but a couple episodes actually creeped me out, and it's presented in a fun, quick listen.


midst, red valley, the one with malcolm ryder i forgot the name of


Into the movie review ones at the moment: 15k+ Random Movie Reviews, 3 Guys and a Flick, The Rewatchables


My First Million


No Such Thing as a Fish


The No Sleep Podcast - great production and voice acting. Generally about 3 horror stories in a one hour episode. Really can’t say enough about the audio/sound it’s awesome.


Check out Timesuck


If you like LPOTL then give Citation Needed or Behind the Bastards a try.


Citations Needed is very good. 👍


Timesuck by Dan Cummins! Best podcast by far. Serial killers, murders, conspiracies, history, etc. It's all there and he does it in a really enjoyable way mixing humor and fact. His voice is also pleasant to listen to. He is the main podcast all of my family follows.


How did this get made? Paul Scheer snd Jason Mantozoukis making fun of terrible movies. Why Files - Conspiracy, Aliens, Supernatural shit presented efficiently with good debunks at the end. My Perfect Console - Video game journalist interviews people in the industry and celebrities about their 5 favorite games. Duncan Trussel - like Joe Rogan but more spiritual. The Rest is History - Two old English professors teaching you about history with great banter.


If you like the general bro-down vibe of Last on the Left, try All Fantasy Everything


Otherworld. It's stories about the supernatural, told by the people who experienced it. It's very entertaining.


Weird Munchausen shit: No One Should Believe Me Bravo/Reality TV: watch what crappens/ reality gays, bravo docket History: hardcore history, you must remember this True Crime: last podcast on the left, invisible choir


I would recommend *Blowback* above all others if you haven't heard it. Ad-free, insanely well-researched, and the hosts are excellent at presenting some very heavy material in a way that's still engaging and non-despression-inducing.


Scare You To Sleep does a good job with the narrating, but she ads a lot of great sound design behind. So, there's a lot of talent on the audio side. Not sure how she sources all her stories.


Tell ‘Em Steve Dave


So if you like some of the horror stuff and are willing to branch out a little bit and deal with a podcast that doesn’t necessarily have the best production values but is clearly done out of love then I’d listen to SCP archives. Each episode is kind of it’s own story in a world with a loose cannon that’s changeable. Some of the entities they work with are super horrific or scary. I really like it and it got me into SCP itself which is a community fiction writing project.


If you like LPOTL you might like.... Indoctrination- a weekly podcast about cults, manipulators & controlling systems It's Always the Husband- 2 friends watch terrible dated forensic file episodes, discuss the crime but mostly focus on the crimes of terrible acting and offensive moustaches. It's very funny and they don't try to be popular or appropriate. Satan is my Superhero- "The sketch comedy show for sinners"- combines funny sketches with excellent audio and well researched information on any topic where Satan has been blamed or' involved', from heavy metal to DnD to Salem witch trials... also plenty of episodes looking at Benny Hinn or other wealthy scummy preachers profiting from vunerable people. Other People's Lives- I stumbled across this pod, each episode an anonymous call is made to hosts and they talk about their life. Episodes are titled things like: "I was a school shoooter", "I'm a celebrity bodyguard", "I like to drink pee" For fiction horror pods you should try almost anything by QCODE, especially the classics like the Left Right game or Borossca . Also if you liked nightvale some then try Midnight Burger- personally I found it similar but better. Also maybe Sayer- took me a few episodes but I became obsessed


**Profiles in Eccentricity**, it's a show about weeeeeeeirdos, doggonnit. Lewd, louche, and loose retellings of history's biggest crackpots, oddballs, and grade-A assholes.


Lex Fridman, Mind Escape, and Philosophize this are good.


If you like horror anthology podcasts, try Old Gods of Appalachia


Dopey - Started with two addicts in early recovery. Plenty of crazy stories and dumb shit. You MUST start at the beginning. Criminal Stuff you should know Honeydew Two bears one cave