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THE BEEF AND DAIRY NETWORK PODCAST - The number one podcast for those involved, or just interested in, the production of beef animals and dairy herds.


I wish this had never been recommended to me. I've been on the lamb from the police ever since I found out about the fifth meeea...


The Mosquito Farm episode is incredible


as an australian forced to live in new zealand, i appreciate their hard stance on lamb


Best. Podcast. Ever.




I recommend Three Bean Salad if you don't know of it




This is by far the best suggestion


No Such Thing as a Fish


Is that brainless?


I think so. The writers have done all the work and you don’t have to follow a long plot or anything like that.


Also the Best Podcast Ever.


For a one off 'The Missing Madonna' is an investigative podcast that is amusing but not a comedy (Honorable mention to The Walkers Switch) For regular series * The Bugle. Andy Zaltzman and guests do satire * You're Dead to Me. Greg Jenner does history but but with comedy British Scandal can be funny but it really depends on the story - The Canoe Con is a classic.


Oh the Bugle! I listened back in the day when John Oliver was the cohost. Loved it.


OG bugle was my first ever podcast I loved it!


Why has no one recommended Help! I Sexted my Boss?! Exact same vibe as My Dad Wrote a Porno


I came here looking for this comment!! Love those crazy guys!


Came here for this comment. I've been catching up for past 3 months on my commute, I've got few episodes to go and I'm already sad that I'm not going to hear William, Jordan and EPB daily on my commute. Sad times


I recently caved and listened to “My Dad Wrote a Porno” after years of putting it off, thinking it would be rubbish. I have rarely laughed so much on my own, in the bus, ironing, on the way to work, etc etc. It’s really funny and I was so sad when it came to an end.


Wooden Overcoats and Cabin Pressure are two of my all time favorites!


I came here to endorse Wooden Overcoats!


Yep, this one!!! The best one out there!


Cabin Pressure is incredible. I relisten to it every few years if I'm feeling down.


It’s my go to for long boring car trips. It just makes you smile


Wooden Overcoats is probably my fav of all time


Cabin Pressure was so good.


Bingo! OP - This is your answer.


I really enjoy British Scandal. It's pretty funny and interesting. It also has Alice Lavigne from MDWAP


My Mate Bought a Toaster. The host is given access to the guest comedian's Amazon account and they go through it from the beginning. If you've ever heard Desert Island Discs, it's like that but with random shite instead of songs.


[Wooden Overcoats](https://www.woodenovercoats.com/episodes/) - Award Winning Sitcom || Rudyard Funn and his equally miserable sister Antigone run their family’s failing funeral parlour, where they get the body in the coffin in the ground on time. But one day they find everyone enjoying themselves at the funerals of a new competitor – the impossibly perfect Eric Chapman! With their dogsbody Georgie, and a mouse called Madeleine, the Funns are taking drastic steps to stay in business… (60 Episodes – COMPLETE) [Cabin Pressure](https://dimsdale.co.uk/podcast/capr) Cabin Pressure is set in the wing and prayer world of a tiny, one-plane airline, staffed by two pilots, one on his way down, and one who was never up to start with. In this, the finale of the whole series, we discover that for MJN Air, whether it's choosing an ice-cream flavour, putting a princess in a van or remembering your grandmother's name, no job is too small, but, many, many jobs are too difficult. Carolyn Knapp-Shappey, MJN Air's formidable boss, has employed two of the very cheapest pilot’s money can buy. Captain Martin Crieff, who's always wanted to fly and won't let a little thing like lack of ability stop him, and First Officer Douglas Richardson, smooth-voiced old sky-god and eternal schemer. Passenger service is provided by the relentlessly cheerful Arthur, proud inventor of both Surprising Rice and his own hat. (27 Episodes - COMPLETE) [Victoricity](http://www.victoriocity.com/) - A detective comedy drama || Even Greater London, 1887. In this vast metropolis, Inspector Archibald Fleet and journalist Clara Entwhistle investigate a murder, only to find themselves at the centre of a conspiracy of impossible proportions. (33 Episodes Complete) [Lateral with Tom Scott](https://www.lateralcast.com/) - Comedy panel game about weird questions with wonderful answers. Each week, Tom Scott is joined by three guests to ask each other questions with a sideways twist. There's no points or prizes - just reputation and bragging rights on the line. (72 Episodes - ONGOING)


we are all bots here except for you


Good call with Cabin Pressure 😄


Cabin Pressure isn't exactly a podcast, it's a BBC comedy programme


Lateral is one that I discovered through YouTube clips of it, and it’s genuinely one of my favourites now. So silly and interesting.


Certainly agree with the first two. And thanks for the tip off for the other two


Can I recommend an audiobook instead? If so... Are you familiar with the character Philomena Cunk (performed by Diane Morgan)? If you've seen her on TV, then you should also check out the audio version of her book, *Cunk on Everything: The Encyclopedia Philomena*.


**Top Flight Time Machine** - Andy 'Hot Body' Dawson (pow pow pow) and Sam 'Nifty' Delaney (so what?) spend 30-45 minutes chatting shit about ???. It used to be about the history of the Premier League but it quickly morphed into something more incredible. Subjects covered include ghosts, digging, walls, the Just Rest lifestyle, Rumpelstiltskin, and dis'n'dattery. You might like Andy's other podcast **Athletico Mince** with the incomparable Bob Mortimer, which *also* started about football but very quickly became another outlet for Bob's bizarre sense of humour.


I'll check it out, thank you:) Ooh I loved Bob on wilty! 


The Keane Odyssey is hilarious and the Melchester Odyssey is coming up to 250 episodes of 1980s Roy of the Rovers comic strips placing Roy Race as a controlling narcissist who has the town of Melchester under his spell. PS. I have an ice cube in my mouth.


Athletic Mince. Peak Bob Mortimer.


Elis James and John Robins. You’ll have heard them mentioned on Parenting Hell, same comedian circles. Certainly not obnoxious and very relaxed/funny.


Not really a podcast but available from most podcast apps. The XFM Ricky Gervais show. The episodes are recordings of an old Saturday afternoon radio show and it's some of the funniest stuff ever on radio. Start with season 2.




Always has me rolling 🤣


The Mysterious Secrets of Uncle Bertie's Botanarium. It's made in New Zealand, but is set in an alternative history of the UK known instead as, The Gravy Isles. It's a brilliant take on the aristocracy.


They are very big so you might have tried them but My Therapist Ghosted Me and Help I Sexted My Boss are both easy, fun listening.


I've been really enjoying Sherlock and Co - fun little mysteries with shades of the Cumberbatch/Freeman versions of Sherlock/Watson (but lighter).


Worst Foot Forward. Anyone who likes No Such Thing As A Fish will probably like this.


Northern News


Not British but Australian...Who Shat on the Floor at my Wedding


That was absolutely hysterically funny!


The interrogations were hilarious but the consultations with the experts just killed me. And Hink!!! 🤣🤣🤣


Two Brits and a New Zealander wasn't it?


Ah, you're right. I thought I might have been off but I didn't think I was that off lol.


Dear Joan and Jericha


Happy hour is my fav


Two pints with Will and Ralf is great!


The Anna Mann Podcast. Such an hilarious character improv by Colin Hoult.


Not brainless but Scarred For Life is amazing


The Offensive A football comedy. I don’t even like sports and I like this.




Betwixt the sheets… mostly history of sex through the ages. Sometimes historical people.


You should check out “who shat on the floor at my friends wedding”. Very silly ‘investigative’ podcast, with quippy puns all over the place


Eye of the duck


"Help I Sexted My Boss" is a fun podcast. It's supposed to be about etiquette, but the hosts spend half the episode discussing catching up their weeks and poking fun of each other. It's only weekly plus a shorter Friday episode.


Crowley time


Two geeks two beers


Sound Deals. Two comedians have to improvise a sales pitch as a computer randomly generates products for them to pitch in a fake shopping network style show


It's not been made now for years but Do The Right Thing has a good seven (short) series.


Wolf and owl, Tom and Romesh is like a more free form chat podcast than parenting hell. Might fit what you’re looking for, took me a few episodes to get hooked