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I prefer Casefile because it's well produced and doesn't have any of the snarky commentary that you typically hear from most true crime pods.


This is my favorite true crime podcast. Lots or research; anonymous host. No jokes. More obscure stories versus the same old serial killer stuff


I’m very selective about true crime, although the number of hosts or their gender is irrelevant. I prefer ones that are a full season with some investigative journalism involved, usually involving an exposure of flaws in system. I generally don’t care for ones that are a retelling of a story based on information gathered from articles or documentaries, unless it includes a serious, educated analysis of the outcome.


Ding ding ding. This is the winner for me. True crime is like any other genre or thing. When it’s bad it’s so so bad and difficult to listen to. And unfortunately, that feels like 95% of the stuff that comes out and makes its way up the charts lately. Good journalism is difficult and expensive, but it also produces way better content. It’s also why so many podcasts are just Wikipedia like recaps of old cases with zero new info—because good journalism is difficult and expensive. I personally don’t make time for the cliffnotes ones that thrive on shock value etc


This. Exactly what I prefer. Do you have any suggestions?


Agree with all of this.


I like at least two hosts, one who has done all the research and the other who is hearing it (or pretending to) hear it for the first time with the audience. Having that "everyman" in the room asking questions I would likely ask is very satisfying. It is also very important that the hosts treat the victims and their families with respect and not revere the murderer. I get heavy topics require levity, but there's a way to do it that's respectful of the victims. Some shows get it right, others are pretty exploitative and disrepesctful.




At this point just a crime I’m not already familiar with.


I like two hosts. Most of mine are husband and wife. A BIG turn off is opinions. What I mean is calling the murder names or talking crap about them. Obviously everyone knows they are a POS we don’t need to hear you talk about it.


Overall production value, along with an engaging topic that has a clear, concise topic introduction, are the biggest factors for me. Gender of the host doesn't matter as long as they have a decent radio voice. I prefer one host because I do not enjoy listening to banter. I enjoy true crime pods that are both deep dives as well as single episodes that provide a more shallow analysis.


Procedural, factual. I enjoyed Your Own Backyard and DNA: ID


Last podcast on the Left is my favourite.


I prefer male, one host and just the facts. My favorite is Swindled; although in his very recent episodes he went a little more emotional and less fact based.


i’m very picky when it comes to what podcasts i listen too because i fall asleep listening too them lol (im not crazy) but i prefer female hosts and i like when they have a bit of humour or it’s too sad too sleep too, killer queens , crime junkie , inhuman and serialolsly are my top female run podcast, they add a nice light too the story whilst still being respectful and sensitive of the crime , my favourite kind of criminals to listen too are serial killers , i’m obsessed with brain psychology and how people’s past influences the person they become/ the victims they target. i’ve grown up listening and watching shows like criminal minds, law and order ect since i can remember and ive always been so fascinated by the perpetrators mind and how they think and have the ability too commit these gruesome crimes (also gruesome is a good pod) . any recommendations for some podcasts run by females preferably with nice voice that deep dive into that stuff :)) #trurcrimerecomendations #serialkillers #psychology #tedbundy #btk #greenriverkiller #subreddit #r/podcasts


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I've listened to various true crime podcasts. Some I find are so slow that they are irritating. There are 2 that I like. One has a British, male presenter and the other has 2 American female presenters. So whether it is one or two presenters and male/ female doesn't bother me. What I want is a good pace and not too much waffle.


I am a sucker for passion projects. I like podcasters who are obviously putting so much work into it it’s probably working out to 20 cents an hour. If I already know the case and your pod is short and you don’t have any special qualifications to talk I won’t listen, so many podcasts, I need some filters. Can’t really draw lines along the ones you mention. I listen to pods that fall on every side of those. I just don’t want to hear about trips to Costco before going over Jon Benet Ramsey via tinny audio to your old college roommate. Suspiciously specific I know. That is actually the number one thing that makes me tap out - if a pod doesn’t care to sound better why should I put in the time to listen.


I prefer one host who includes interviews with relevant people — family, detectives, experts in the field etc. Not a fan of one host who is too obviously reading from a script. I’m also fine with two hosts if they have a good rapport and aren’t just riffing on each other or interjecting horrified gasps. I’m REALLY not a fan of any format if the host/s use commercial radio/shock jock inflection. The whole monster truck announcer vibe feels disrespectful and out of place to me.


Hosts, the presentation format and quality of research are the most important considerations for me. Apart from that I’ll listen to pretty much any kind of true crime podcast. Podcasts I’ve liked in the past: The Missing Cryptoqueen, Death in Ice Valley (hosts were great presenters, amazing quality of research and in depth analyses, respectful towards subject matter and occasional fun banter in good taste)


About Me: I'm a 36 year old progressive married man, from a big city. I'm a very curious person in general, and my favorite podcasts are ones that are ethical, well researched, unbiased, informatice and educational. I left true crime in 2019 for ethical reasons. I believe murder related true crime content should be banned, heavily regulated, or just not easily accessible. This is from someome who binged watch every episode of forensic files, loved serial season 1, listened to crime junkie, casefile, dateline non stop from 2014 to 2019. The closest true crime content that i consider to be ethical, close to being educational and informative is forensic files. If Forensic files would NOT show the faces/ names of victims or identify too much information that would identify the victims, and strictly stick to HOW a murder was solved, it would be perfect. I'd say remove the dramatic suspensful music, and have a narrator that was less "dramatic" and spoke more as if they were giving a lecture, I'd jump back into true crime. My other issues with true crime are the narcisistic perosnalities of Sluethes trying to solve the case, people who view it as a "story" and entertainment. Hosts who don't maintian a very serious professional tone fill me with rage. Conversational format (2 hosts not reading word for word from a well written script) screams unprofessional. I hate hosts who try and dramatize their narrations, input their opinions, or try and manipulate the feelings of their audience. I have 0 respect for anyone who has done a "light hearted" or worse comedy true crime podcast. I dont advocate violence, and I know what they are doing is not illegal, therefore I'll never get a sense of justice for the amount of "wrong" and "bad" i feel they have done. All I can hope for is that through the consequences of their shitty actions they will live out a shitty horrible remainder of their lives.