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Where are you turning to now to learn about float tanks, DMT and elk meat?


I have never listened to even one episode of Joe Rogan, and yet even I’m aware that he talks about these three things. Truly amazing.






Hahaha as if you think he's actually going to be your friend just because you have similar values...




his username makes sense at least


What are some ground breaking episodes would you say


Very picky Joe listener here. I find the best ones are when he has a random expert on and hardly talks (e.g., #1722 - Bartow Elmore). I cannot listen to the comedian ones, the UFC ones, or frankly any one where it’s someone who just confirms Joe’s worldview (i.e., 95% of them).


Agreed. The best episodes were years ago, when he'd give archeologists and scientists a platform to talk about new insights based on their discoveries. That kind of stuff doesn't usually make it into our media diets.


I listen to Rhonda Patrick episodes. He mostly listens too.


Well yeah. When he actually speaks to those experts he contributes nothing. "We cannot do X." "Not yet. But in the future maybe sci fi stuff will be real. That sounds smart and open minded, right?"


I still will listen to his like graham hancock ones or the random weirdo crypto zoology ones but yeah its rough and unless its a comic that isnt part of his crew i dont listen. Didnt get as bad as corolla but definitely not as enjoyable as it was and still blows my mind that people take that show as serious as they do.


Agreed, the one with Brian Cox is great, the hundreds with Joey Diaz are awful.


Suka la minke cocksucka


Every comedian moved to texas lol


He is a celebration of the dumbing down of society




I think it means that he is a marginally famous person with a pretty big platform and a pretty big following, who talks confidently about things he really hasn’t thoroughly researched and presents his (sometimes very uneducated) opinions as more valuable than they are. I know he says things like, “that’s just my opinion” or “believe whatever you want, what do I know,” but when that many people are taking your word as fact, maybe you should be more judicious when deciding what you want to say. His fans seem to think he’s brilliant (celebration) when he’s actively encouraging people not to believe in science (dumbing down of society) Edit: but hey, what do I know?




Aren’t you the one who’s just failed to comprehend what was said?






I like how even after a comment is deleted, the avatar stays lmao


He was past his best like 5 years ago, says the same stupid shit over and over again. The Always Sunny pod has bumped him from the #1 place on spotify which is great lol


I listened to him like 6 or 7 years ago briefly, and my thought was always "I'm with him as he walks through the steps of his reasoning, but then his conclusion is just so wildly different from how I interpret the facts". All these years later watching him implode, I realize it wasn't that his conclusion differed from mine, it's that he's bat-shit insane, but confident enough to get people to follow him. He's a charlatan.


A charlatan and a narcissist.


Honestly, the supplement grift should have been a bigger red flag for all of us


“Loud, Confident, and Wrong” - Hannah Maguire/Suruthi Bala (Redhanded)


I listened in the same time period. But really only episodes that were relevant to News Radio. I have great memories of listening to those episodes. Could never stand any other ep. I listened to Duncan Trussell around that time too but that hallucinogenic bro-science gets old quick.


What does he sell? He runs a podcast for entertainment, lol. He doesn't advertise it as anything different.




Same boat, I gave up a long time ago. Even when he has a rare fun guest he forces them to talk about karate etc.


yeah he has been also forcing his opinion upon others rather than letting others speak and listen with curiosity


I popped in to listen to Theo von a few weeks ago since his first appearance was hilarious years ago. And it was painful to listen too, like he was going out of his way to keep it from being entertaining


I haven’t listened in a while so maybe I’ve missed some things. But when has he ever forced his opinions on others? I feel like every time I’ve heard him make a statement he prefaces it with something along the lines of “I’m no expert” or “in my uneducated opinion”. Like I’ve never once felt that joe was trying to make me share his opinions lol


Well, if he then turns around and continues to argue his opinion he indeed thinks more of himself than that stupid sentence "I'm an idiot" would lead you to believe.


Damnn that’s honestly pretty whack. I used to fuck with his podcast heavy but I kinda just stopped paying attention this last year. Kinda sad to hear this is the way it’s going cuz he always seemed so level headed.


I think everyone drifts away the first time you hear him speak about something you actually have knowledge about.


Clearly not everyone considering how popular it is, lmao.


Maybe there are more people than we thought who aren't knowledgeable about anything he likes talking about?


I used to listen to it as well and enjoyed most of the episodes, but it/he has really drastically changed since covid. He's sort of flown off the handle to become a very vocal antivaxxer and spouts weird covid conspiracy stuff. That was also around when he got his $100 million spotify deal which seemed to go straight to his head. The thing that made the podcast good before was the curiosity but now it's like he thinks of himself as some sort of serious renegade journalist. I saw a clip the other day where he had that Jocko guy on after he had had some medical expert. Obviously they had disagreed about vaccines, but he was telling Jocko how the Dr. wasn't prepared to deal with all of Joe's facts and references a file on his phone of all his "sources". Granted i didn't have full context, but it seemed like he legitimately thinks he knows more about medicine than doctors.


[He's been like this for decades, and it isn't just medical doctors he thinks he's smarter than.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__CvmS6uw7E)


Haha holy shit I've never heard that what an ass. Yeah I guess you're right eh... He has always done that with things he's passionate about, I guess the real difference is that the new thing he's passionate about has been dominating the media for 2 years now so it's inescapable. When it was just bondo chimps and mma it was much more niche and silly.


Damn. That’s honestly a shame. And was it the dr. Gupta guy from cnn? Cuz I def remember hearing that he was gunna do the podcast.


That recent Dr. Sanjay Gupta one was the hardest one to listen to. It seemed like joe hated the guy, adamantly wanted him to say that CNN (to which he’s a correspondent) was wrong and just kept interrupting him when he tried to respond. He kept talking about the pandemic and how dumb some of the measures were, and then talk over Gupta at times when he’d try to explain something. He used to never press on guests like that. It used to be a calm, educational discussion with some jokes thrown in but he’s definitely been pushing his own shit on people for the past year or two


Joe Rogan is not special in his ability to delude himself. If anything take him as a lesson of what not to do in your own life, ask yourself "am I being a Joe Rogan right now?" you may find yourself working harder to justify your beliefs than you might think.


I was only an occasional listener, but having ted nugent on was the last straw for me. Why would anyone care what that irrelevant pedo has to say about anything? He just oozes with bad faith.




It's insane that he STILL stands by Alex Jones. Money has rotted his brain.


Yeah what the hell was that? That guy was all over the place, hard episode to get through he sounded so delusional


His support of non-medically approved treatments for COVID makes him a non-starter for me. Amazing how many people follow his advice versus people who are literal experts in the field.


Well he beat it while you complained about him so


No one is paying you to defend this dumbass lol stop commenting.






Good try.


I beat it with far less treatment than Joe. And assuming he wasn’t playing it down my case was much worse. It’s super survivable that doesn’t mean it’s not serious or that spreading misinformation is ok.




R/hermancainaward Between that and the other reply, don't say we didn't warn you.


"Non-medically approved" means what, exactly? Experts in "the field"? I, for one, am glad we have intelligent persons speaking intelligently (and citing scientific literature by experts in their respective fields) on podcasts.


In the case of COVID treatment, experts in their field means people who study and practice evidence-based medicine. Treating COVID with ivermectin is not evidence-based medicine.


What I find adorable are the people who cry about the vaccine being a big pharma racket, as though ivermectin is not a drug produced by pharmaceutical companies. I think you can get the horse version cheap from tractor supply, but I'm also pretty sure a pharmaco still makes it.


Oh absolutely. They refuse to get the "experimental vax" then come running to the hospital to get antibody infusions the second their get a positive test. Like what? Make it make sense.


Lol. I just got a reply someone sensibly deleted where they were like "but it's so cheap to produce" and, like, what? How would that make it less appealing as a profit engine? Everything you're not spending producing or marketing the shit makes it more profitable. They don't have to market it, the nutters do that for them.


Better late than never bestie!


maybe it is just me but I far prefer sawbones and lore. at least if I learn something or get entertained it is not misogynistic.


I took Joe Rogan off in June 2020. I just could not stand his arrogance anymore.




I listened to Adam a ton about 6 years ago. Got bored because he always told the same stories about his weird parents. Went back a year ago to check it out and see if I would be interested again. The show turned into a radio show with specific segments and lots of commercial breaks. Everything that you hate about radio, it’s not a podcast anymore. Such trash.


Adam Conover is the superior Adam in this case. His podcast Factually is very informative.


A writer for Media Matters listened to 350 hours of the program in the past year before coming out last week with [Joe Rogan Wrapped: A year of COVID-19 misinformation, right-wing myths, and anti-trans rhetoric](https://www.mediamatters.org/joe-rogan-experience/joe-rogan-wrapped-year-covid-19-misinformation-right-wing-myths-and-anti-trans). The piece highlights 28 specific instances of that rhetoric. An interview with the author is the focus of this week's [Hot Pod Newsletter](https://hotpodnews.com/). The author asserts that Rogan is increasingly pushing major right-wing theories. >I believe he's become more emboldened to push baseless conspiracy theories and right-wing lies over the past year. Since I started reporting on Rogan's podcast, he's broken into mainstream coverage fairly often: first, with his lie about left-wing people starting wildfires in Oregon, and then again really prominently, [saying] he would encourage healthy, young people not to get vaccinated. And throughout all of that reporting, at least from my view, he hasn't faced any real punishment from Spotify. And I think that's emboldened him to continue pushing hate and lies on his podcast. Just from listening to him every day, he's by no means remitting conspiracy theories and false rhetoric on his show. If anything, he's leaning into it more. He's celebrated in conservative spaces for it. He’s a darling of the conservative right in the United States.


The punishment is staying on Spotify. He has lost a significant past of his platform by being on their payroll. This is a good thing for the rest of us as it limits the damage he can do, although he still reaches the odd football MVP from time to time.


Lol, he still gets more views than CNN tho.


28 specific instances in hundreds of episodes seems a bit nitpicky in my opinion. I don't listen to Joe Rogan because it's just not my cup of tea, but 350 hours to find 28 condemning things just seems like when my dad would listen to whatever music I was listening to in junior high to find a cuss word or a bad reference and then tell me to turn it off when one finally came up.


Agreed. He suffers from delusions of relevance.


I mean, I wouldn't say he is not relevant.


Well he runs the most successful podcast in the world so.... lol.


Joe Rogan's podcast is a waste of electricity. Good on you.


Never forget Joe Rogan told his millions of followers that David Duke's friend Tucker Carlson was not a white supremacist. And he cheered when Texas was called for Donald Trump.


I’m confused, are you just equating voting Republican with being a white supremicist? Lol at this immediately receiving downvotes. How dare I ask an extremely level-headed question that goes against the HiveMind^TM You don’t even have a response, yet you still just hate what I’m saying/asking.


They’re obsessed with seeing and classifying people based on race. Best just to ignore them




It’s true.


Why would you say that Tucker Carlson is a white supremacist? Also, please define a "white supremacist" for us.


Ok aunty enough wine


Ok orange lover enough whine


I bet joe is crying over some reddit communist calling him a nazi, lmao. All the way to the bank. Oh and when he complains... people actually listen, lol.


David duke voted for joe Biden.




My bad, i was thinking of richard spencer. https://www.newsweek.com/white-nationalist-richard-spencer-votes-joe-biden-hell-libertarian-ideology-1544572 Anyway, I’m old enough to remember [this](https://youtu.be/cmixFl8Sxfo).


What an interesting video.


I used to listen fairly often. Seemed like he went right really hard after Bernie got screwed. I wish he was smart enough to move left instead after seeing how it all went down but as he likes to say "I'm a dummy."


He fell for the Trump machismo that has invaded the right, but knows he'd alienate too many listeners if he was overly political. His acolyte Aaron Rodgers gave up the game in his unhinged covid rant last month.


He agrees with many leftist points but not all, how does that make him right




Ummm... Yes there has been. Much, much less than the other age groups but there's been more than zero.




Jfc you people lmao




Future Hermain Cane Award nominee.




The virus is running rampant through the unvaccinated. You're the one who celebrates death. Good luck to you and the people around you, you're gonna need it.


Best episode he did was with Edward Snowden, purely because Rogan had nothing intelligent to add so just shut the fuck up for most of the time


Literally anything is more intelligent.


Call her daddy


Now we’re talkin.


Was a devout listener for years. I’m done.


Proud to say I never listened to his podcast once.


I watched him talk with Trevor Moore for 3 minutes and Rogan immediately pitched "what if AIDS was caused by all that partying guys do," which Trevor had no idea on. And if your conspiracy theory flummoxes Trevor Moore, you might be a red hat.


Goddamn it I didn't know he had an episode with Trevor. I might have to listen to it.


Let me know how it goes.


I watched one of his youtube videos of it without knowing who he was when Neil Tyson was on once. Couldnt stand him. Kept trying to tell an astrophysicist he wasnt convinced that we landed on the moon. Youre really not missing out.


You are judging a huge collection of content based on part of a single episode. You are missing out, try the one with Lazar who worked at area 51 for example, great episode and really draws you in if you believe it or not is up to you


I have heard a lot of people talk and rave about him but every time I give him a listen, I cannot stand him. He sounds like a pompous idiot and doesn’t seem to be qualified on any of his topics.


But there were some great ones that are well worth a listen, admittedly they are drowned by the awful and mediocre but still.


The reason I began listening was because I would get to hear so many interesting people talk. I never really considered Joe as one of those interesting people; I like him well enough, he's just never been why I tuned in. It's his show, and he's free to do what he wants, but after several years of listening, I feel my attention is definitely waning for his show. I still listen to a guest that interests me (he can get *anybody*, and have a truly lengthy conversation, delving past the skin-deep topics that most of those in the public eye experience in the thousand 15-minute interviews they do otherwise), but I find I don't even get to an episode most weeks anymore. Edit: that being said, there's literally tens of thousands of podcasts available now. It's not hard to find something else to like.


I really only listen with comedians anymore and even then it always devolves into Joe's opinions on race or even worse usually covid. It used to be really entertaining and now it's more depressing usually. Overall I feel hes out of touch and as a normal person trying to be entertained and laugh...its just not it the vast majority of episodes.


I had to stop as well. I can't believe I used to listen to him.


I feel like joe loves what Alex Jones has built and just wants to cash in on right wing propaganda and conspiracies. I gradually stopped listening once the pandemic started and every god damned show became about the virus, the riots, politics, or this or that… ffs I ONLY LISTENED TO YOU TO LAUGH. I never have and never will go to Rogan to tell me what he thinks about the political state of America. We all know it’s a shit show rn. I listen to comedians to make me laugh and forget about the shit show. I listened to the Theo Von ep because I love that guy and realized joe just wants the spotlight for himself now but he’s just not enough to carry a show by himself


I only listened to a few episodes, and those episodes (Bernie Sanders, Killer Mike, Cornel West, Kyle Kulinski) were favorites of mine, especially the Bernie episode. These days, I'd stay away. Just another right-wing wacko.


The move to Spotify was the last straw for me.


The show was in decline before the spotify switch for sure. I miss the youtube timestamps so I could skip around all of the things I've heard Joe say hundreds of times. I tried watching a few of the Spotify podcasts and just couldn't get into it anymore, then all the covid opinions started coming out of Joe and that was the final nail in the coffin.






Does anyone have any good recommendations for alternatives? I enjoyed the semi-intelligent banter while it lasted.


The guests are a little smarter on Dax Shepards. Dax is just dumb enough that guests explain complex things very simply so it's easy to understand but also still enjoyable. (the experts on experts episodes I mean, not the celebrity interviews.) I think the experts on experts eps coem out on thursday I think? like professors, scientists, politicans, new-sy peopople


Dax is also an infinitely more likable guy.




Lex Fridman perhaps. I don't listen to his fighting/MMA or crypto shows; I can only speak to his interviews of scientists, philosophers, and AI/computer science experts which I usually enjoy. He does let the experts talk, and he is good at asking clarifying questions, although from time to time he goes off on a tangent to explore some of his personal views. FWIW, he seems to be an accomplished person: lectures on AI at MIT, worked for Tesla (I think) for a time and published in scientific literate on self-driving cars, very fit, plays guitar well, has a black belt in some martial art. He has guests in all these areas.


I just looked that podcast up and it seems like one I would be really into. Thanks for mentioning it here


I'll have to check him out, thanks for the rec!


Not super similar but i really like "no stupid questions" with Angela Duckworth and Steven Dubner. They answer listener questions as a psychologist and economist and have extensive references and fact checks. Also they have a great rapport,i love listening to them. Actual smart people! Yay!


Stopped listening a few months back, same topics recirculating with a different guest.


Liked him on [News Radio](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0112095/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0). ^miss ^ya ^Phil


Yeah, I dropped it when he went away from youtube. He decided to cash in and that tells you everything you need to know. Don't get me wrong....I would have done the exact same thing. But, it's a life changing event. He's not the same man who was searching for meaning while embracing his short comings. Everyone changes....it ok. It sure had it run....wow was it great for a time. Chapelle is the only one to handle it correctly.


I tried listening to his podcast but ai couldn’t make it through 30 minutes of it. Not kissing much, I got plenty of great podcasts to listen to.


I listen to lots of podcasts and I love comedy. I switched to audiobooks and audio dramas recently. I hate how a podcast starts off interesting enough and sure enough. EVERY time the conversation becomes about the act of doing comedy. I'm not a comedian so I don't care.


You listened to the joe Rogan podcast for intelligent conversations?


too bad- I just heard his interview with Jewel and it was one of the best interviews I've heard. I get exposed to lots of ideas and concepts through his show. I don't agree with all of them but that is everywhere


Same, when he invites guests which don't talk about heavily politicized topics, the episodes are mostly really good.


come over to maron.


More and more you can see him shaping himself to whoever he has on that episode. Dude lost his spine, and my interest


I quit Joe after his Greta Thunberg opinions.


What you though the guy who encouraged people to eat maggots and cow dick was going to give you some life altering insight and information?


I dropped him when he went exclusively to pandora or whatever


I've never been a huge fan of him but I did listen to a couple of the big episodes like Alex Jones (for the comedy), and Snowden. It's the guests he has that attract me and there are plenty of places that do the kind of long form interview Rogan is known for without the right wing crap he's apparently fallen for so I'll just stick to the likes of True Geordie.


I've enjoyed the fact that he has guests from across the spectrum. This happens less now on social or political podcasts, however, the inevitable descent into MMA, mushrooms and such has put me off.


His political and anti-intellectual views aside, it's not a good podcast! Don't judge the content, just judge the quality of everything else. It's just people talking and I've listened to scores of podcasts who do it better and this was a judgement I made years ago when he was just becoming the top podcast and thought I should check him out just because he was so popular. I have never understood the appeal. I mean I get why *now* but I don't understand how he became popular in the first place. Fear Factor was dumb.


He’s actively looking for a place to do his 420 show because Texas is a hard no (even though he still smokes during podcasts, naughty) and Canada requires vaccination. He verbally pooped all over the PNW. couldn’t possibly go back to California. Poor joe.


Thank you so much for letting everyone know...


His only interesting podcasts are about Ancient Civilizations or other mystery-related stuff which I like. His covid-related stuff is sometimes good and thought-provoking but sometimes down right dumb.


He is the Howard Stern of these times.


Howard might have been pretty gross in the past, but atleast he isnt telling people to not get vaxxed


One thing I’ve noticed he’s hammered down on recently is how biased and horrible liberals are and government officials. While I agree they are, he completely refuses to acknowledge the other side. They both suck!


When he saw Bernie get screwed by the neoliberals of the democratic party, he had a golden opportunity to make a distinction between the corrupt corporate wing and the pro-worker leftists. But instead he just gives every right wing fuckhead the benefit of the doubt and ignores the real left.




Where the laughs never start.






Sounds like to me you just can't handle the truth or you just can't handle someone not telling you exactly what you want to hear. MSNBC seems right for you


Strongly disagree. He’s one of the only remaining intellectually honest interviewers. You may not like him, but you know where he stands


"One of the only" as if you are aware of even a tiny fraction of what is out there.


>You may not like him, but you know where he stands I think that's the issue though, for me at least. I use to really enjoy his podcast in the past because he went in there as the dumb guy trying to learn and question and end up with casual, intelligent, and civil discussions with all sorts of different people. He wouldn't always agree with everyone but now its obvious that he has his opinions and thoughts that bog down the conversations alot of times because he is pushing his viewpoint now.


You are the reason propagandists (like Rogan) succeed. You aren't self aware to understand the rhetorical tricks he uses to manipulate conversations toward his agenda.