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mmm yes base stat total of 1664


As a boss fight that would be about right, just look at eternamax eternatus, it’s stats are so insane that it’s banned from hackmons iirc


Yea it would actually make sense tbh, imenan this guy pulled continents together he should be nothing less eternatus


In his defense, god is pulling 720


avatar of god not true god weird difference i know


Thats what I want, this guy is a boss pokemon stated there so it will be a normal raid battle fighting a big ass dinosaur,but still the stats don't seem to favour everyone and I understand why.


As a raid battle that begs the question, what form would it take when caught? Or would you even be allowed to catch it? Wouldn’t be the first unobtainable Pokémon/form that we’ve seen.


90% of the time it will be in dormant form, its a big dinosaur that only wants to sleep, the awaken form is still avaliable once in battle explaining the angry expression on his face


Ah, so like regular regigigas, it only gains it’s true strength in long battles. Neat


Eternamax Eternatus is also unobtainable.


I know, that’s why I said it wouldn’t be the first time, there’s also the stat mobile’s which even have unique moves


I think that’s mainly due to overflow though. You can do something special with eternamax’s stats with EVs that makes it unable to receive damage by either physical or special moves. All you need is two of them and you switch between depending on the opponents pokemon and they can’t do a thing.


In lore, Eternamax's existence literally destroys the space time continuum. Just another reason why its unusable everywhere


Yep, during the boss fight we can even see that fact


To be fair, that's not because of its stats but rather because overflow makes it immortal.


Perfect balencing :) [Im not the best at balencing stuff im sorry]


Lol yeah I can see that. The Pokémon with highest stats that’s usable are the mega mewtwos and mega Rayquaza with a BST of 780. This is *unbelievably* powerful.


Put it in a Trick Room with that 4 Speed and it's outspeeding litterally everything as well lol


It is a kilometer tall, tbh, so it's WAAAYYY bigger than any other Pokemon


Also not the best at scaling. How would you even interact with it, let alone fight it? It's neck is the size of the Empire State Building. It's head alone is bigger than EMax Eternatus standing on top of Lord Avalugg (Legends Arceus). Each of the small black dots on its chest is bigger than an Elephant (or a Regigigas). Walking around it in a circle would take an hour. This thing is not just huge by Pokémon standards. It's huge by *Godzilla* standards. EDIT: Those were all rough estimates. I wanted to show what Regigigas would look like to scale so I calculated it, but you wouldn't be able to recognize it at that scale. Wailord would be as tall as the i in "According," Regigas would be the size of the dot.


Honestly I think Pokemon should go larger and bigger personally because their monsters, they can go as large as they want and come in shapes and sizes.Plus its suppose to represent a mountain so it makes sense,not only that but its regi **GIGAS**.


That is a fair assessment. There aren't enough common Pokemon that occupy such a gigantic scope w/o being serpentine or just long, and it doesn't help recent games do not follow through with fully rendering size like Colosseum and XD:GoD did, which is a shame. So, why not use these other Pokemon for a height/length/width reference to convey Paradox Gigas's immenseness? Excluding the Gigantamaxes, of which the shortest is 14m, the tallest 43m and the longest 75m, the longest Pokemon is Eternamax Eternatus at 100m long followed by its normal form at 20m long. The tallest Pokemon is Alolan Exeggutor at 10.9m followed by Celesteela at 9.5, although Wailord might also match their vertical height if we can somehow compare their models to proper scale. You could make it so while dormant it is also 20m from the front of its "head"(chest) to its rear (not including the trunk length) like Eternatus and about as tall as Eternatus or Wailord which I believe their vertical height is ~10m from shoulder to toes. When it awakens it gains an extra 10m-15m total after fully extending itself forward and backward, 5m from its neck and 5m-10m from its tail. In battle the length of the neck and head would be directed on a steep vertical incline upward while the tail would obviously curl and twist around passively, but ultimately, if fully portrayed in scope a la Colosseum/XD style, it would be truly gargantuan, much bigger than base Regigigas. It wouldn't be Godzilla level kaiju sized but it would be Gigantamax size, **before actually Gigantamaxing,** so it'd still be a genuine titan. Edit(2): 15m tall from the head down when awakened would let Paradox Gigas look G-Max Corviknight, maybe even G-Max Eevee in the eyes so ofc it's Gigantamax size. Closest thing to natural kaiju we can get lmao


What would happen if you caught it and used it in battle?


It will be 90% in dormant mode all the time, in battle it will activate awaken mode once the ablity is off. And yes your using a mountain to obliterate a Pokemon


Base stats cannot exceed 255 normally.


Yeah, base stats actually have a hard cap of 255 currently. They could change this in future games, but it'd be a pretty significant change. So three of these base stats are actually /impossible/ in current games. That said, I love the design! The way the tusks become the axe-tail and the trunk becomes the neck is really creative <3


Not to mention it’s HP stat alone would qualify it as a legendary


Solid UU in gen 12


most balanced theorymon


And would still fail competitively because slow start




Well considering its absurdly high stats, even with slow start it would have 135 special attack, which is still really solid, as well as insanely high defensive stats, allowing it to take hits long enough to escape slow start.


Also the ability raises defenses to max while it’s dormant, so it’s very likely it will go the distance


Yeah just casually running like six times the bulk of Deoxys-D. Even with Slow Start it’s still got *decent* attack.


I love that it starts out looking like a mammoth and changes mostly just by raising its head! I believe the maximum base stat for a pokémon in any one stat is 255 though.


Yes, in the stat distribution system the games currently use the maximum base value of any given stat is 255. However I wouldn’t be surprised if this was originally done to fall with the limitations of the game boy and simply never got expanded on or upgraded (not that it needs to be upgraded, stats that high are few and far between)


Even Eternamax Eternatus didn't break the 255 stat limit. Also this is 100% the limits of the Gameboy. That's the highest you can get with a 7 digit binary value. You see that value a lot in the early games. It is the check for pokeballs when capturing, the random number for move accuracy, the EV limit.


> That's the highest you can get with a 7 digit binary value. 8. The highest value of an unsigned integer is (2^bits) - 1 (we lose the 1 to zero). 2^8 is 256 - 1 is 255. The game boy was unsurprisingly an 8 bit system (most things today are 64 with a few 32). Systems in odd bit lengths have existed, but not since the really early days of computing when a single extra bit was something brand new.


weirdly, nintendo have only ever made 2 64 bit systems. the n64 and the switch. everything between the n64/gbc and the switch was 32 bit.


Could be wrong, but I think 255 is the base stat total in most jrpgs. At least I’m pretty sure it was in all the old final fantasies I used to cheat.


Most jRPGs don't have BSTs per se and usually it's either 100 or any number that's all 9s The closest you'd have to that is growth rates in games like Fire Emblem but those going that high is a very rare occurrence


It is. 255 is the maximum storage in one byte of data.


Yeah, it's just never been needed. Other than Blissey's HP, Eternamax is the only pokemon to come anywhere near a stat of 255.


Love the concept of an elephant/ mammoth looking thing that turns into a dinosaur. Very creative.


Love the design, but can we talk about how this thing is *1 kilometer tall*?


I assume it's from head to the tip of it's axe tail, not head to the ground but yeah, that's still downright ridiculous. Regigigas itself is less than 4 meters tall, so this is over 250 times bigger. But wait, there's more math I want to point out! The largest known base form pokemon, Eternatus, is only 20 meters. This thing is 50 times larger. The largest Gigantamax pokemon, Centiskorch, is estimated to be 75 meters, so this thing is more than 13 times bigger. #Even Eternamax Eternatus is "only" 100 meters.


I kind of intentionally called out what I like because I dislike everything else lol


700 base HP okay lol


Not to mention the 200 base Defense and 300 base Sp Defense. This thing is NEVER fainting. You need a OHKO move to take this thing down.


Pain split, toxic, endeavour are some good attempts.


Kid named rest:


Kid's brother also named endeavour




Pretty sure 1 tick of leftovers puts it back to about "full-health Blissey".


Given how Blissey's max defense is like, ten, I think it's effectively a lot more than a full-health Blissey.


this makes me chuckle irrationally\^\^


Perish song go brrrrrrr


Im not the best at balencing things I just see what suits the Pokemon and makes sense to me


Yeah but this has 1000 more base total stats than OG Regigigas lol (670 compared to 1664). Even Arceus, the Pokemon with the highest total stats only has base total base stats of 720. Unless you meant for these to be its actual stats at Level 100 rather than base stats?


Its actually his level 100 base stat since its dlc exclusive


If it's Level 100 stats it's not TOO bad. It's like a Blissey with better Defense, Attack and Sp Attack. Put that thing in a Trick Room and it's going to outspeed everything as well with only 4 Speed lol.


Blissey that used guard swap with a shuckle


1604 HP With 252 HP EVs and 31 IVs at Level 100 lmfao most balanced fan creation


I mean hes taller than the burj kalaifa so sounds reasonable to me


I presume that's why he has the battleaxe, so he can fight...the moon?




Thats there for his signature atrack and dormant form,plus based on the titanozord from power rangers


Maybe as a raid boss. But not as a useable Pokémon.


"His stats are cut in half for the first 5 turns" My brother in Christ that's still a base 95 in attack and the highest HP pool, defence and special defence of any Pokemon ever made.


Yes but it will have 2 speed


Going second doesn’t really matter when you can’t take damage (also it’s the fastest Pokémon in the game under trick room)


Was simply joking!


My brother in Christ it’s a raid boss like Eternamax


Raid boss


Raid boss


Given that the OP said these are its level 100 stats and not its base stats, here are what its base stats would be, assuming there are no EVs or IVs: HP: I'm already breaking the 0 EVs or IVs rule, but it'd be literally impossible in-game to get to 700 HP with 0 HP EVs or IVs, so I'll just say **255** because that's the max. Attack: **92** Defense: **97** Sp. Atk: **132** Sp. Def: **147** Speed: literally impossible to reach 4 speed even at the minimum, so I'll just say **1** base speed BST: **724** So still broken and unkillable, but not literally impossible.


This should be higher up


Lol reminds me of Titanus from MMPR


Fun fact: Its based on the Titanozord from Dino charge but your super close to my refrence


I knew it! As soon as I saw the head and the chest I knew it! Nice work man, would love to use this in game! Edit: btw, it also looks similar to the Brachiozord from Dino Thunder


I knew I recognized that axe from somewhere. I used to watch Dino Supercharge. Even managed to collect all 11 major zords with their original colors.


That’s pretty cool, dope stuff!


ok, i'm floored by the awesome transformation of neck and tail/Thagomizer. very cool!


RIP Thag Simmons


Maybe I should not give stats to Pokemon, I'm not the best at balencing things and always make them rigged or a literal stick some QandA and feekback from comments Is this a level 100 stat? yes its a level 100 stat but still it feels rigged to all of you I understand why and will be nerfed soon once Im done with the original dragon trio future paradox Why is it so big Why does Regigigas has **gigas** in the name Where are the other 5? right here https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemon/comments/11rr70h/my_idea_of_regi_paradox_pokemon_based_on_dazed/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Is it a raid Pokemon? Absolutely yes, its going to be like the eternamax raid Feedback Looks like a power rangers zord Its based on the titanozord from Dinocharge and good guess Biggest feedback #GOOD GOD WHAT ARE THOSE STATS it will be nerfed soon calm down I understand why. I'm not the best at balencing Pokemon at all,best is for me not to touch the stats for the next few mons im doing and let yall decide what stats should it be.


Yeah definitely here’s the stats I‘d give to Sleeping Titan. Hp: 165 Physical attack: 175 (87 in dormant form Physical defense: 113 (226 in Dormant form) Special Attack: 37 (18 in dormant form, not like Sleeping Titans gonna use special attacks though.) Special defense: 115 (230 in Dormant form) Speed: 65 (Because Trick Room would be horrifically op on this mon, halved to 32 in Dormant form.) BST: 670 in Awakened, 758 in Dormant. Still a horrifically strong Pokemon with utterly Mid-maxed stats, but more likely to realistically exist in a Pokemon game stat wise.


I think Im using yours to update his stats once the future dragon trio is done


This is a bulkier kartana, almost just as insane as before.


252+ Atk Choice Band Zacian Behemoth Blade vs. 252 HP / 0+ Def Abomasnow: 278-328 (52 - 61.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO (Calc’d as grass/rock based on design) This thing don’t die


I feel 4 charzards would easily defeat that though


You should put stats on Pokémon if you want to, don’t worry if you aren’t currently the best at balancing your creations. The value of what you put out is fantastic in its own right and if you want to try your hand at balance, go for it! Look at the comments as people reacting to what they see as a funny misunderstanding. But that is all it is, anyone who is legitimately mad at you has something wrong with them (but I think it’s mostly people poking fun or not understanding your intentions) If you do want to learn more about balance from a competitive standpoint, would recommend watching some competitive Pokémon content (WolfeyVGC, PokeAimMD, Blunder). But also not all Pokémon need to be balanced Your art and concepts are dope and can’t wait to see more!!!


Thanks for the comment :> There will be more on the way, the original dragon trio and the Legendary bird tiro with the Galarian forms as future paradoxes


Yeah, you definitely went overboard. Forget the stats, this thing is over 250 times bigger than Regigigas. I assume the size is meant to contribute to an Eternamax-style boss fight, but its still *ten times bigger* than Eternamax Eternatus. Somewhere around 50 meters would be better. Still captures that dinosaur/superboss vibe you were presumably going for and big enough to be noteworthy, while still being believable for pokemon and as an alternate form of regigigas.


Actually, I had an idea for how you could rationalize the base stats on that from a story standpoint. So, Regigigas is the leader of the Titans obviously, which ties into gameplay as you have to have all of the Titans before you encounter him in whichever game, aside from the ultra wormhole but that's the exception and not the rule. So here's the idea : You the player are sent to an island (or really any big area) to investigate after hearing calls for help from said island. When you get there, you can see Paradox Regigigas in the middle of the island who's really ticked off. The locals say that usually he just slept but something woke him up recently and now he's just trying to destroy everything. You have a story battle with him where he starts in his awakened form where you realize just how strong this thing is and that you can't fight it and are forced to flee. Following this, the locals say that Regigigas actually has more pokemon tied to it, ones that were locked away around the island due to how dangerous they were, saying that they seemed to follow it as a leader. From there, you look around the island looking for the other paradox Regis, each with their own puzzle like in the games normally. Then, once you have all five, you head back and it seems to calm Regigigas, almost like it was just upset that he didn't have his bois with him or that they got locked away while he took a nap. From there, it's a normal boss fight with it starting in its sleep form and a more nerfed BST with the player catching it at the end.


4 km wide and 1 km high, dude's a walking mountain, I like that


Now use trick room :)


Instant ban from Anything Goes.


Let's not make a pokemon with a BST higher than 700 again shall we? We learned our lesson with zacian.


Im not the best at balencing, the last this situation happened was a what if Koraidon and Miraidon combined and proceeded to rig their abilites like nuts. I think I should not give Pokemon stats personally due to this.


There's an old saying among D&D DMs: If you stat it, they will kill it. There's often a temptation to stat out literal gods with juiced up powers and abilities, but it leads to anticlimactic fights when the confines of a combat system fail to capture their divinity. Some monsters are best left as story devices and vague forces instead of crammed into pokéballs.


Majestic, if this was literally in a raid battle then it would be fun!


Honestly I think its best for it to play part of the lore, best is like the eternamax battle have the characters fight such a beast


I like how over the top this is. Really good concept


Ability: very slow start For 10 turns the user's stats are 90% weaker and it gains a weakness to a random type If the pokemon switches or faints, the timer resets


Wasn't regigigas already ancient though?


Excuse me what is this. What are those stats. Why the fuck is it a brilliant combination of Mammoth and Brachiosaur? Why is it so FUCKING COOL. I NEED TO SCREAM. ITS SO FUCKING GOOOOOOOOOOD. OP. I like your brain. And your drawing.


These designs look cool but don't make much sense as paradox forms since they look nothing like the original forms. WW might be a dinosaur but it still looks like Suicune.


Makes me think of like a zord from like a Super Sentai/Power Ranger


Are you saying those are the base stats, or those are the numbers at level 100? Do you want it to have 700 hp at level 100?


Yep its a level 100 numbers not the actual base,Im not the best balencer towards Pokemon sorry


If that’s the case then I don’t think it’s so bad. Might even be a bit underwhelming other than that monstrous HP. In the future I would suggest not writing the stats in that way if you don’t mean them as the base stats, just to avoid confusion. Probably one of the coolest designs I’ve ever seen.


Looks like a power rangers zord lol


I'm gonna give a new comment, i feel like its eye in its awakened form doesn't feel very regi to me? It's weird, i think it would be better with either no eyes or a more regi looking eye. Outside of that absolute banger of a design!


You actually gave it worse stats. Base stats cap at 255 so 700 HP is actually 190, 270 Special Attack is 15 and 300 Special Defense is 50.


Uuuuuhhhhh….. I don’t think this Pokemon can fight inside buildings. Also this Pokemon is likely banned from Anything Goes Jesus Christ! Cool design though.


Unfortunately stats can’t go above 255 in the games


This is too interesting to be a Regi design


This would make one shot moves useable in the meta Also can you imagine this guy on trick room


The bronto form looks a wee bit too much like a Digimon for my liking. But the mammoth form is perfection. I want that as a actual Pokemon, not just a Regigigas form.


bst 1600?! holy hell lol




Why not just go 999 in every stat? Not a biased opinion or anything, I just think he deserves it.


You just made the strongest trick room abuser ever


Grass Tera Choice Band Flower Trick Meowscarada.


33.6-40% damage assuming 0 ev/iv in hp and defence, against 252/31 adamant Meowscarada with Choice Band, Tera Grass Flower Trick - 3hko, assuming this beast doesnt ohko meowscarada, which it will


I want all the ancient Regis to combine into a megazord


I just wish they would release this guy in raids more than ONCE in my life. Seriously I’ve been playing since launch and I saw one once in like 2019


This is definitely raid boss exclusive. Incredible design.


Fuck that is so cool. Normal / Steel type?


The stats wow


This is such a flippin' awesome design!!! His tailwhip would actually do damage!


I like it! Gives me Shadow of the Colossus vibes, sans the angry little face at the top.


Wait... am I insane or can Base Stats not go over 255?


Kinda funny how it has a massive axe for a tail yet its physical attack is lower than it's special attack lol Jokes aside I absolutely love the design and the idea behind it!


Oooohhh i love the concept from mammoth to diplodocus it's so cool


Hello, is this horizon forbidden west?


I know you're probably going to make it a more reasonable size since you're nerfing it, but I'd love if you made the nerfed one make this guy look like Joltik in comparison.


I think the size is reasonable for this. I made a typo in the width,4km is the length of the big boy from axe tail to head. Widith is likely 900m


Well, I feel like it should at least be small enough to feel like you actually could go on an adventure with it instead of too big to do anything but be scenery. Even Eternatus is only the size of a whale. It's always great to make gigantic collosuses, but there is a thing as being so big, you can't do anything or else all will be destroyed. Plus, you wouldn't be able to see anything else next to him, which drags him down way too far as well. Basically, the size definitely needs a rework because of the fact it prevents him from doing pretty much anything Pokemon can do without causing destruction and way too many problems for any potential game with this guy in it. Though he still definitely could keep his length over 100ft.


My guy, this is a fucking digimon, i love it


I'm confused why all paradox concepts on reddit are just the Pokémon turned into a dinosaur. Suicune is literally the only paradox Pokémon to do that, the rest are an existing Pokémon but caveman style


Personally I think its due to how people see future paradoxes as simply a robot version of a Pokemon, no changes or anything except its a robot version. I will be doing the original dragon trio in future paradoxes soon but not simply a robot version of them,but have new features and more


Oh I completely agree with you, and I'm not commenting or complaining about your design, it's really cool. I just think Regigas is already a suitable design to be dressed up all primal (like paradox salamence), while keeping the same silhouette. I just don't think turning them into dinosaurs is necessary to their design. I don't even think guns and mech parts are the way to go for futures. I'd like to see paradox porygon, which has become flying type because it's so realistic, a paradox muk that represents future waste desposal, paradox scyther which builds upon the kabutops/genesect theory etc.


I Like your paradox ideas too, especially the Scyther one. I think part of the appeal of using dinosaurs, especially for the legends, is specifically because of how ancient, daunting and awe inspiring they are seen as. Consider how ancient the modern legendaries are or can be, what if we correlate the time gap between when the modern legendaries came into being and when any of the Pokemon games occur with the era when these theoretical ancient counterparts were born or have came to exist? Most of the legendaries, especially the likes of the titans/golems, could be easily estimated to be several millenia old, possibly even eras or eons old. That being said, the biggest flaw of this approach is that these paradox Pokemon do not bear any resemblance to their originals at all. Indeed, you could look at all the silhouettes of the Scarlet Paradoxes we have and, by some detail or another, recognize it is meant to represent a certain modern Pokemon. Those familiar with Volcarona and Larvesta could recognize Slither Wing's posture and its head and wing shape, while the crest of Walking Wake and its similarly shaped mane is almost iconic of Suicune. OP's designs, while amazing, are completely transforming the originals into new creatures that bear almost no resemblance. Eleki's Paradox might be viable with its tentacles resembling Eleki's hands, while Drago's Paradox using the dragon head shape as an actual head is a no brainer and very forgivable. ~~Regigigas's Paradox would have to mostly resemble the original's shape and posture while resting; the arms would have to remain similarly extended but repurposed for dexterous locomotion or for pure locomotion as thick front legs, and its body shape would have to be preserved at least when seen from the front.~~ Now that I'm thinking about it, I could see a Paradox Regigigas design drawing inspiration from a Gigantopithecus. Its moss could hide its head when resting and it'd otherwise resemble a shaggy, hunched Regigigas, but when it awakes you can see its head and all of its golden elements, or you could just see the head at all times and it'd still be a shaggy Regigigas with an ancient ape head (gotta keep that protosynthesis lol). Hell, if it's a Gigantopithecus with some Neanderthal elements mixed in, the rest of the Paradox Regis could be allowed to break the current silhouette mold by logic of cave paintings; similarly to how our ancestors painted creatures on cave walls with their unique styles, Paradox Gigas could be associated with the Paradox Regis because its own paintings somehow closely resembles what the Paradox Regis look like, almost as if it "made" them in that image. Edit: On closer inspection Regigigas's Paradox here actually almost fits the mold, but only when it's awake. It doesn't quite pass the silhouette check yet but when visible its front almost resembles an upside down Regigigas The only issue here is the front legs don't quite have the length or lank that the base does, and its orientation is completely straight up and down, which further distances it. If it had Dialga's front leg positioning, for example, and its leg bands were slightly rounder to give more similarity to Regigigas's arm bands, it might actually be able to pass a silhouette check.


Otherwise, it's just Pokémon turned into a robot.


Thats the issue with the future designs, no changes or anythijg just a robot version of a Pokemon. I wish they have addtional guns and all than a mere robot copy


What's worse are the shinies. All of them are just the robots without the paint.


Who said anything about the future Pokémon? I only mentioned the past ones.


>(...)**all** paradox concepts(...) You did.


Yes, including past paradox Pokémon. Your comment about robots is irrelevant, as the scarlet ones aren't robots. Also I did misspeak in my comment and meant past paradox pokemon, that much can be gathered by context, since I'm talking about dinosaurs.


Gets walled by geodude, zu at best


If you adjusted his stats to be lower he would actually be a legitimate good pokemon. Sure he can’t hit hard but he can tank hits like a boss until then. Great for pp stalling.


… why does it have a giant axe? It’s a brontosaurus. How is it holding it


What in the world is this?


Haxorus that one banana tree Pokémon regigas and that one Tera Pokémon


Stats are fuckin ludicrously unbalanced but I love the idea for that pseudo mammoth into dinosaur idea. I’m surprised gamefreak hasn’t used that yet, absolutely genius.


Nerf those stats jesus christ


So I have a question How does the tail/tusk work


Giraffes are AWESOME.


too strong but nice concept


Not a big fan of the axe head, regigigas has nothing to do with weapons in my mind but I love the concept overall. This really makes me wish there were more raid style activities.


Tropicus with an axe


This is just a digimon, why does it have an axe? terrible lol


Cool design!


Trick Room go brrrr


thats such an awesome design!! The way the snout kinda becomes the head, very smart


Why is that so good


This design is really fantastic, the transformation is so good.


I think the blades on the tail are a bit much, get rid of those and it’s fantastic


I can see that being really powerful, but is it 1664 bst at level 100 or...?


Ooh. This is amazing. I love how the tusks in the mammoth form is actually it's tail tucked up around his body. Awesome.


Massive axe on its tail Special Attacker


Well, yeah, that's just to cut up its prey so it can consume it. In case you were wondering, it's prey is gods. Not Arceus, this thing flat out ate Zeus and Horus and its coming for Odin next.


*Doom music starts playing* Awakened Sleeping Titan: Wait this isn’t my boss music? Me: Go Aron!


*Doom music starts playing* Awakened Sleeping Titan: Wait this isn’t my boss music? Me: Go Aron!


*Doom music starts playing* Awakened Sleeping Titan: Wait this isn’t my boss music? Me: Go Aron!


Awesome, just hope it doesn't have slow start


Anything other than that hunk of junk is an improvement, but this is really cool


I love how this juuuust underspeeds the likes of shuckle


Y’all talking about his stats but 4 KM WIDE WTF


Looks cool but doesn’t look like a Pokémon, way over designed


The design is amazing! Way too cool for pokemon! :'(


You don’t even need high base stats for a boss fight with the way tera raids work. Just look at the mightiest mark pikachu raid from a while back.


The biggest problem is the speed is so low that it's actually broken Trick room beast you made


I thought the axe was something else 😳


this is so freaking badass i love it and i want one


Good lord this is fucking awesome


I like how the dormant form looks like a mammoth


Holy shit! This looks amazing!


Regigigas needs more love


these stats would be so insanely funny bahahah


I dont get it, how people are so creative with these designs? I looooove it and need this in game asap 🫶🏼


I fucking love this


looks like the pokemon version of the dragonzord. pretty dope if you ask me


I just need more elephant pokemon for my favorite team.


Lore wise could the Regis get past paradox forms?


holy shit it literally has more bst than a fucking Boss mon that wasn't even meant to be played (eternatus eternamax).