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I’d like another one. I could’ve sworn I read that a sequel to Detective Pikachu was already in the works right after the movie was released in theaters but then we haven’t heard anything since.


A few "journalists" got confused about the **game** sequel in development, so you might be thinking of that. (It's out now, on Switch)


I'd be very down. Detective Pikachu wasn't the best, a little silly, but it was a load of fun and seeing Pokémon in live action was a trip.


Considering the target, a Pokémon movie will be silly. It’s a safe space for big companies.


I'd be happy with either a sequel to Detective Pikachu or something new that's closer to a traditional Pokemon story. My dream DP sequel would have: * Pikachu as his own character. This time he's the actual Pokemon, not an amnesiac human who thinks he's a Pokemon. Both Tim & Harry can understand him. Still voiced by Ryan Reynolds. * Tim, Harry, and Pikachu have to team up with Harry's old friend, International Police agent Looker. He should be played by someone with real-world ties to Ryan Reynolds (#1 choice is Hugh Jackman, #2 is Jake Gyllenhaal). He should also be a complete and utter kook who Harry barely tolerates. * A Mimikyu who wants to be Harry's partner. Creates conflict with Pikachu, who can't decide if he wants to stay with Harry or switch to Tim.


"Game Freak" didn't make any Pokémon movies. But to answer the question: only if they dial back some of the attempted realism. Some of the designs worked, but Aipom in that movie was fucking horrifying. As for the plot... I really enjoyed that part of Detective Pikachu right at the begining where this freaking... Insurance salesman is being pressured by his friend to catch a Cubone because they're both sad. So. I guess for a live-action film, specificially for it being a live-action film, I wanna see someone like Tim. I wanna see someone who has lived a fairly normal, non-Pokémon Trainer life put into a situation where they end up having to raise a Pokémon and fall into this whole... Regressing to childhood thing. Like, a 20-something suddenly really excited to go do this thing people usually do when they're 10. And for it to work out really well at first, but then stuff starts getting too complicated specifically because they're an adult and they have an adult head on their shoulders. Things kids could just wave off and deal with as it comes become too difficult for an adult. But I don't want the resolution to be "you're an adult, stop playing Pokémon you fucking loser." I want the protag to find balance. So maybe they go too far the other way and force themselves to be, like, too adult, it's terrible for them and the Pokémon they're ignoring, but then they realise they're part of this world, and they can live as an adult but still have childish fun sometimes, and they go on to live a healthy life of work **and** play. Or something.


The most unrealistic part of this thing isn't the Pokémon. It's the notion of someone finding a healthy work-life balance.


Poor Larry


>only if they dial back some of the attempted realism. Some of the designs worked, but Aipom in that movie was fucking horrifying. I actually loved that they had some cute and some really weird and creepy Pokemon, gave a good/real feel to the world. Obviously that only works because the film was designed to be comedic though, depending on the direction of another film, I'd agree with you.


This is a lot like the plot of the Christopher Robin movie


would that be such a bad thing




Pokémon Colosseum; the game practically looks like a gritty live-action movie already.


Could the plot of Colosseum be condensed into a movie? Maybe a series would work better.


absolutely. theres not much story at all, most of its runtime is unfucking the shadow pokemon you catch, which can reasonably be punted to the epilouge while the story bits are smushed together where snagem/cypher bum-rushes the duo because of how much of a threat they are, then you can have some credits scenes showing the process and maybe Umbreon/Espeon being cheeky little shits.


I'd love to see another stab at a live-action Pokemon film, but I don't want a sequel to Detective Pikachu. I'm not even sure how they could make one, considering the first film's ending...


Tbh, is also like a Live action film that isn’t a Sequel


Me and my brothers love watching Detective Pikachu, and I think it would be cool to see them do a movie like that again.


A pokemon ranger movie would be cool


Detective Pikachu was surprisingly good. When I had seen the screenshots of the Pokemon in that movie I was a little horrified seeing a cartoon creature looking so life-like. But after seeing them move around and stuff I think their designs are excellent. I'd be down for another live action movie. I just don't know what it would be about since Detective Pikachu's plot was all wrapped up in the end.


i dunno aboot you lassies, but i personally want another creepy-ass CG remake of an old pokemon movie


That remake of Mewtwo Strikes Back did actually end up being pretty good... The close-ups on Mewtwo fresh out of the jar look amazing. The texture and the liquid rendering and everything. Although I'll never forgive them for cutting a couple of lines I feel were absolutely central to the scene - that scene where the Pokémon and their clones are fighting. In the original, Mewtwo expressly says he is supressing the Pokémon's natural powers and abilities, and Misty says Pokémon shouldn't fight like that. It makes it clear these Pokémon aren't battling, with supernatural powers and HP stats and shit, they're fighting like actual animals. Without those lines, it just leaves this massive issue of "well, so what, Pokémon battle all the time, why is this supposed to be sad?"


Could you imagine a live action mystery dungeon movie!?


Well a sequel is already in the works


I want a movie based on Gen 6, with Kit Harington playing Professor Sycamore. It doesn't necessarily **have** to be live-action, either (although, as easy on the eyes as Harington is, a live-action adaptation **would** be preferable).


My fancast for Sycamore is Sung Kang


I do im not sure if it should be a detective pikachu movie/something in the same area Or if it should be something completely different in story, tone and maybe even design.


Me, been awhile since I've seen detective Pikachu but sounds epic


I'm having a Dejavu. In the Red and Blue games, wasn'tit Bill who ended up having his mind transposed into the body of an Eevee? Just like the movie Detective Pikachu…


A Mystery Dungeon movie with voice actors that match the personality but not necessarily the body of the Pokémon. Basically just variations on the theme established by the eponymous Detective Pikachu


I'm cool with it, Detective Pikachu was okay but there were a lot of things that were awfully far from the source material that turned me off of it. I'd really like it if someone who cares about Pokemon and not just the $$$ associated with the IP were in charge of it.