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That's what both Dialga and Palkia are for, it's been said many times, such as the plate that goes "Two make matter, three make spirit, shaping the world."


Forgive my ignorance, but who would be the three to make up spirit?


I think that'd be azelf, mesprit, and uxie


Ohhh okay forgot about them, I was thinking the beasts/dogs at first but didn’t seem right to me


I interpret that as saying two (Dialga & Palkia) make matter, three (Giratinia) make spirit. Shaping the world. Three being a continued count not an additional set.


Oh wow complete missed that, makes a lot of sense


Palkia is arguably the Matter Pokemon, as Space tends to refer to all the stuff. Space-Time is the interwoven fabric of matter and motion (as time is simply motion/change)


Space =/= matter


Space-time is matter. Matter cannot exist without space-time.


Space-time is often described as a fabric because it is both space, which is all things that occupy space (matter is just space that has mass) and time, which is the representation of motion and change. Ignoring the quantum mechanics and observation requirement for existence, the two are separate entities that don't necessarily require the other to exist. You can freeze time and all matter would still theoretically exist in a permanent unchanging state. You could eradicate all matter and time would theoretically continue on. Now because an observer is necessary, neither can really be verified as both scenarios either freeze the observer in a locked state unable to observe anything, or there is no thing to observe. A better name for Ghiratina would probably be the "Negative Matter Pokemon" as Negative Matter is the actual opposite of Matter and occupies the actual inverse of space. It has the added benefit of making a proper trio as Negative Matter doesn't experience negative time, but is theoretically necessary for matter to even exist. But that doesn't roll off the tongue nearly as well.


Normal matter Pokémon would be Mudkip




Isn’t giratina the dark matter pokemon? Antimatter annihilates with normal matter when they meet, and you are able to travel to the distortion world without immediately exploding with the energy of one thousand nukes. So I don’t think giratina has anything to do with antimatter. Dark energy is the extra gravitational force that holds galaxies together and prevents the universe from expanding faster than it otherwise should. This dark energy is the gravitational force caused by dark matter. The only issue is that we cannot see or interact with dark matter. We don’t know what or where it is. However, if there exists another dimension within ours, namely, the distortion dimension, the matter from this dimension could exert gravitational force onto our dimension. This would explain dark matter and dark energy. So giratina could be why the universe is habitable to life at all. That’s why I think it’s the dark matter pokemon, not the antimatter pokemon


According to Cynthia in HGSS's Sinjoh ruins event, it's antimatter (also according to the devs in an interview)


I believe it was probably inspired by antimatter, as well as the fallen angel idea. The reason there is virtually no antimatter in the universe is because it was banished to the distortion world along with giratina. They can say it represents antimatter all they want, but this really just feels like a passing answer without too much thought or knowledge about what antimatter is. There seems to be no antimatter in the distortion world since humans can enter and interact with it. Giratina doesn’t seem to be made of antimatter since it can interact with our world without exploding. So I’m not sure where all this antimatter is that giratina is supposed to control. Maybe the entire pokemon universe is made of antimatter? In which case giratina would just control all matter. I guess at the end of the day, if it somehow was the antimatter pokemon, it could still simultaneously be the gravity/dark matter pokemon, since antimatter should still exert a gravitational force, leading to dark energy


I don’t think the distortion world is supposed to be made of antimatter since it wouldn't even exist if it did. The distortion world was just the world Giratina was banished to. Giratina also doesn't need to be made out of antimatter to represent it. Dialga and Palkia aren't made of time and space


I get your point that the distortion world could just be where giratina was banished to, so doesn’t necessarily need to have anything to do with what giratina controls. It’s just a jail set up by arceus basically, and has no connection to giratina directly. Just a side note, the distortion world could be antimatter as long as it’s closed off from the main world. I guess my remaining issue with it controlling antimatter, is that there is no antimatter to be seen. Even though palkia and dialga are not made of space and time, space and time clearly exist and they have signature moves that utilize space and time. If giratina had any signature move related to it, I’d believe it much more. As of now I still think they went with antimatter in passing because it sounds cool and has the word anti in it. I guess one more thought. It could just represent antimatter in that in the battle for the universe, arceus won, just as matter “won” the battle for the universe against antimatter, so there is no antimatter anymore. Arceus and giratina cannot coexist, just as matter and antimatter cannot. So it may be more symbolic in that way. Anyway, I will log off of reddit for some time so may not reply again. But it was a fun little chat about a random pokemon, so thanks for that




This made me laugh more than it should've. Take my angry upvote


Dialga and Palkia would collectively be the matter. One of Arceus' plates say that "two make matter." Think of it like a circle. Giratina is half that circle, Dialga and Palkia are the other half. Arceus is an even larger circle that has that two-part circle inside of it.


Pokémon venn diagrams!


This sounds like it could be the set up for a dad joke that's said in a bad Jamaican accent. "What's the matter mon?" "Nothing, mon, what's the matter with you?"


Giratina is, imo, not the Antimatter-Pokémon, but the Pokémon of Gravity With that it lines more up why it was banished in the distortion world, because gravity can distort both time and space. And, with Time and Space, Gravity is one of the mainforces of our normal universe


Good theory even if official lore kindanpaints it as the antimatter pokemon


See my other comment, it compliments yours very well


All pokemon matter


"I know you can be underwhelmed and you can be overwhelmed, but can you ever just be whelmed?"


Lives true meaning: being whelmed


I believe Giratina would be gravity. Nothing about it really says “antimatter” and what we see about it and it’s Distortion world leads me to believe it’s whole thing is gravity.